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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
adjective /ɡʊd/
  1. 1
    of a high quality or standard 质量好的;水平高的

    We saw a really good film last night. 昨晚我们看了一部非常好的电影。

    They were all dressed in their best clothes. 他们都穿着最好的衣服。

    These dishes are too good to use every day. 这些盘子太好了,不适合天天用。

    How good is his English? 他的英语水平有多高?

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    able to do something well 有能力的;好的

    Francine was a very good cook. 弗兰辛是个非常好的厨师。

    good at :

    Bob is pretty good at fixing things. 鲍勃很会修理东西。

     Synonyms and related words
    Skilful and able: able, capable, professional...
    1. a.
      able to deal with someone or something well, or able to use something well 善于(处理…)的;善于(运用…)的
      good with :

      Gina has always been good with animals. 吉纳一向都很善于跟动物打交道。

      Jake is really good with his hands (=skilful at making or doing things using his hands). 杰克的手很巧。

       Synonyms and related words
      Skilful and able: able, capable, professional...
  3. 3
    having the necessary qualities 适用的;好的

    This rock will make a good paperweight. 这块石头能做成很好的镇纸。

    good for :

    Electric cars are good for driving around town. 电动汽车很适合在城里开。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      reasonable or sensible 合理的;明智的

      Dad gave me some really good advice. 爸爸给了我一些非常明智的建议。

      This is surely the best argument against the death penalty. 这是反对死刑的最佳论点。

      Give me one good reason why I should lend you money. 给我一个合理的理由,为什么我该借钱给你。

       Synonyms and related words
      Sensible and reasonable: practical, sensible, rational...
    2. b.
      suitable and likely to produce the results or conditions you want 适宜的;合适的

      Now would be a good time to ask for a pay rise. 现在是提出加薪的合适时机。

      What's the best way to get to the motorway from here? 从这里上高速公路的最佳路线怎么走?

       Synonyms and related words
      Suitable or convenient: suitable, convenient, proper...
    3. c.
      convenient 方便的

      What's a good time to call you? 什么时候给你打电话方便?

      good for :

      Thursday is good for me – can you make it then? 周四对我合适,你行吗?

       Synonyms and related words
      Suitable or convenient: suitable, convenient, proper...
  4. 4
    honest and morally correct 诚实的;道德的

    George had always tried to lead a good life. 乔治一直努力要好好过日子。

    It would be good if you gave the money back. 你若把钱拿回来是无可厚非的。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
    1. a.
      willing to obey and behave in a socially correct way 乖的;守规矩的

      Ruth's children are always so good. 鲁思的孩子们总是那么听话。

      as good as gold :

      He sat there as good as gold the whole time. 他一直乖乖地坐在那里。

      be a good boy/girl :

      Be a good boy and play quietly. 做个乖孩子,安安静静地玩儿。

       Synonyms and related words
      Obedient and cooperative: obedient, cooperative, law-abiding...
       Synonyms and related words
      Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
    2. b.
      willing to obey all the rules of a particular religion or organization 遵守教规的;虔诚的;忠心的

      a good Catholic 一个虔诚的天主教徒

       Synonyms and related words
      Words used to describe religious people: religious, spiritual, holy...
       Synonyms and related words
      Obedient and cooperative: obedient, cooperative, law-abiding...
    3. c.
      kind, generous, and willing to help 善良的;慷慨的;乐于助人的
      good to :

      Helen's parents were always good to us. 海伦的父母对我们总是很好。

      good about :

      Sheryl's brother has been good about helping out with the new baby. 谢里尔的兄弟一直乐于帮忙照顾那个新出生的婴儿。

      it is good of someone to do something :

      It was so good of you to come. 你来了真好。

       Synonyms and related words
      Generous: generous, hospitable, kind-hearted...
       Synonyms and related words
      Kind, gentle and sensitive: gentle, nice, sensitive...
       Synonyms and related words
      Helpful and willing to help: helpful, friendly, kind...
  5. 5
    giving you a happy or pleasant feeling 令人快乐的;令人愉快的

    We had such a good time in Madrid. 我们在马德里过得很愉快。

    A hot bath would be good now. 现在洗个热水澡会很舒服。

    One more piece of good news: Beth had a bouncing baby girl! 还有一个让人高兴的消息:贝思生了个健康活泼的女孩!

    it is/feels good to do something :

    It's good to finally meet you. 终于见到了你,真高兴。

     Synonyms and related words
    Pleasant, enjoyable and relaxing: pleasant, enjoyable, relaxing...
  6. 6
    attractive 迷人的;漂亮的

    Carol looks good with short hair, don't you think? 卡洛尔留短发很好看,你不这样认为吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe attractive people or things: lovely, delightful, appealing...
  7. 7
    feeling healthy 感到健康的

    I don't feel very good – I'm going to lie down. 我觉得不太舒服,我要躺下来。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      feeling happy 感到快乐的

      He's not in a very good mood. 他情绪不佳。

       Synonyms and related words
      Feeling happy: happy, glad, alive...
    2. b.
      making you healthy or happy 使人健康的;令人高兴的
      good for :

      Exercise is good for you. 锻炼会使你健康。

      it is good (for someone) to do something :

      It's not good to eat so much junk food. 吃这么多的“垃圾食品”不利于身体健康。

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      giving benefits to something 有利的
      good for :

      The recent tax cuts will be good for business. 最近的减税将会对商业有利。

       Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    fairly large in amount, size, range etc (数额、大小、范围等)相当大的,相当可观的

    He earns a good salary as a consultant. 他当顾问薪水很高。

    The library has a good selection of computer books. 图书馆里计算机类的书很多。

     Synonyms and related words
    Large in size: large, big, high...
     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
    1. a.
      a good many/few informal a large number of people or things 很多的

      They've known each other for a good many years. 他们相识已经很多年了。

  9. 9
    not damaged or spoiled in any way and still able to be used or eaten 仍可使用的;还可食用的;没有变质的

    Do you think the eggs are still good? 你觉得这些蛋还可以吃吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    In good condition and not damaged: undamaged, perfect, intact...
    1. a.
      able to be legally used or officially accepted 合法的;有效的
      good for :

      The tickets are good for three weeks. 这些票的有效期为3周。

       Synonyms and related words
      Legal and honest: legal, innocent, clean...
    2. b.
      still able to be used for a particular period of time or a particular distance 还能用(一段时间)的;还能用上(一段距离)的
      good for :

      I think these trousers are good for another few months. 我认为这些裤子还能再穿几个月。

       Synonyms and related words
      Useful and effective and working correctly: useful, efficient, effective...
    3. c.
      able to be used because of being real and not false 真的;非伪造的

      a good £20 note 一张20英镑的真币

       Synonyms and related words
      Real and seeming real: real, true, genuine...
  10. 10
    spoken used for saying that you are pleased with someone, or are pleased about something 太好了(用于表示对某人或某事满意)

    ‘They should be here in half an hour.' ‘Good.' “他们半小时后就会到这里。”“太好了。”

    Oh, good, you remembered to buy the milk. 啊,太好了,你记得买牛奶了。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      used when talking about what has been decided or agreed 就这样(用于表示已决定或同意)

      Good. Then we'll meet at midday in front of the theatre. 就这样,我们中午在剧院前见面。

       Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    having a high and respected position in society (社会地位)高贵的,上层的

    He comes from a very good family. 他来自一个上流社会家庭。

    Your accent doesn't make you better than me. 按你的口音判断,你的出身不会比我高贵。

    1. a.
      expensive, or used by people with a high position in society 昂贵的;高级的

      We moved to a smaller house in a good area. 我们搬到高级社区一幢较小的房子里。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
  12. 12
    reliable and likely to earn a lot of money for you 挣钱多的;高薪的

    Tony has a good job at the post office. 托尼在邮局有一份高薪的工作。

    They made some good investments. 他们进行了几次获利丰厚的投资。

     Synonyms and related words
    Reliable and trustworthy: reliable, trustworthy, consistent...
  13. 13
    giving you a lot of value for something you are buying or selling (买卖之物)物美价廉的,值得的,合算的

    Thirty pounds is a good price for jeans. 30英镑买牛仔裤真是合算。

    We got a good deal on our plane tickets. 我们买到了非常便宜的机票。

  14. 14
    thorough and complete 彻底的;完全的

    The witness said she got a good look at his face. 目击者说她把他的脸看得清清楚楚。

    What I need is a good night's sleep. 我需要的是睡一夜好觉。

     Synonyms and related words
    Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
  15. 15
    funny or interesting 滑稽的;有趣的

    a good joke/story 有趣的笑话/故事

     Synonyms and related words
    Funny, playful and humorous: funny, humorous, playful...
     Synonyms and related words
    Interesting: interesting, original, exciting...
  16. 16
    a ball that is good in a game such as tennis lands inside the area in which the game is played (比赛中打的球)好的,有效的,可以得分的
     Synonyms and related words
  17. 17
    informal more than a particular distance, amount, age etc 多于

    We've been waiting for a good half hour. 我们已等了半个多小时。

     Synonyms and related words
    Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
  18. 18
    if there is a good chance of something happening, it is likely to happen 可能的

    There's a good chance of showers tonight. 今晚可能有阵雨。

     Synonyms and related words
    Certain or likely to happen: certain, likely, probable...
  19. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    (as) good as gold very good 非常好的;很棒的

    The children were as good as gold.

    Submitted by Ismail from Russian Federation on 05/02/2018
  20. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    Have a good one! an informal expression of farewell

    The idea sounds great, Rebecca! We'll talk about it one of these days. Have a good one!

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 13/07/2017
  21. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    fine; well

    'How are you?' 'I'm good!'

    Submitted by Sara massa from Syrian Arab Republic on 20/07/2018
  22. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    have a good one! spoken goodbye and have a good day

    Customer: Thank you! Cashier: You are welcome! Have a good one!

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 12/11/2014
See also
noun [U] /ɡʊd/
  1. 1
    advantage, or benefit 优势;利益
    for the good of someone/something :

    Hartman should resign for the good of the party. 哈特曼应该为了政党的利益辞职。

    for someone's own good :

    I'm only punishing you for your own good. 我是为了你好才惩罚你的。

    do someone good :

    I think a trip to the beach would do us all a lot of good. 我认为到海滨旅行对我们每个人都很有好处。

    the common/general good (=benefit for everyone in society or in a group) 公众利益 :

    The country's natural resources should be used for the common good. 国家的自然资源应该用于造福大众。

     Synonyms and related words
    Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
  2. 2
    morally correct behaviour 善;善行

    The Internet can be a force for good by helping to spread knowledge. 因特网可以为善,成为帮助传播知识的重要力量。

    good and evil :

    the battle between good and evil 善与恶的较量

     Synonyms and related words
    Morally good or correct behaviour: virtue, goodness, purity...
    1. a.

      the good

      people who behave in a morally correct way 好人;高尚的人
       Synonyms and related words
      Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
  3. 3
    the pleasant part or aspects of something 好的方面;令人愉快的方面

    When you're bringing up kids, you have to take the good with the bad. 养育孩子时,你不得不接受好的和不好的方面。

     Synonyms and related words
    Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
See also
  • goods
adverb mainly American spoken /ɡʊd/
  1. 1
    a way of saying ‘well' that many people think is not correct

    He's doing pretty good at his new job. 他的新工作干得相当不错。

     Synonyms and related words
    Well and very well: well, ably, fantastically...
  2. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    good and proper completely 完全地;十足地

    The project failed good and proper.

    The table is broken good and proper.

    Submitted by Darshi from India on 17/10/2016

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