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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 917 COCA: 676
verb /faɪt/
present tense
present participlefighting
past tensefought
past participlefought
  1. 1
    [I/T] if people fight, they use guns or other weapons against each other (与…)作战;(与…)打仗

    These men had fought the Japanese in the Second World War. 这些人在第二次世界大战中曾和日本人交战过。

    fight against :

    The French had no desire to fight against the British. 法国人不想与英国人交战。

    fight for :

    We believed we were fighting for freedom and democracy. 我们相信我们在为自由和民主而战。

    fight to do something :

    Allied troops fought to liberate the city. 盟军为解放这座城市而战斗。

    fight a war/battle :

    The terrorists claim that they are fighting a just war. 恐怖分子声称他们在进行一场正义的战争。

    fight bravely/valiantly/hard :

    The young soldiers fought valiantly but were soon defeated. 这些年轻士兵虽然英勇奋战,但很快就被击败了。

     Synonyms and related words
    To use a gun: aim, at gunpoint, cock...
  2. 2
    [I/T] if people or animals fight, they hit, kick, or bite each other (与…)打架;(与…)搏斗
    fight with :

    Protesters fought with the police outside the Embassy building. 抗议者在使馆大楼外面与警察发生冲突。

    fight over :

    Children fought over scraps of food. 孩子们为了一点点食物打架。

    fight to the death :

    Male lions rarely fight to the death over females. 雄狮很少为争夺雌狮而死战。

     Synonyms and related words
    To fight physically: fight, wrestle, clash...
    1. a.
      to hit someone as part of a sport, especially boxing (尤指在拳击中)对阵,和…进行比赛
      fight someone for something :

      He hopes to fight the champion for the world title. 他希望与冠军进行比赛以争夺世界冠军头衔。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [I] to disagree or argue about something 争吵;争论
    fight over :

    Look, I don't want to fight over this. 听着,我不想为此争吵。

    fight about :

    What are you two fighting about now? 你俩现在在争论什么?

     Synonyms and related words
    To disagree with someone or something: disagree, oppose, reject...
     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I/T] to try very hard to prevent something from happening or getting worse 竭力阻止;遏制

    The government has restated its determination to fight terrorism. 政府重申了坚决打击恐怖主义的决心。

    fight against :

    All her life she fought against racism. 她毕生都在反对种族主义。

     Synonyms and related words
    To prevent something from happening: prevent, stop, avoid...
  5. 5
    [I/T] to try in a very determined way to achieve something 奋斗;斗争;争取

    The survivors have fought a ten-year battle for justice. 幸存者们已经为伸张正义进行了10年的斗争。

    fight to do something :

    Local campaigners are fighting to save the hospital from closure. 当地的活动家们正在为保住这家医院免于关闭而斗争。

    fight for :

    Many of the injured are still fighting for compensation. 许多受伤者仍在争取赔偿。

     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] to try very hard not to show a feeling or not to do something you want to do 努力抑制;克制
    fight the urge/impulse/desire :

    She fought the urge to run after him. 她努力克制想去追他的冲动。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [I/T] to compete in order to win something or get something 争取;争夺

    Our party is ready to fight an election at any time. 我们党已经准备好随时可以参与竞选。

    fight for :

    Four teams will be fighting for a place in the final. 4支队伍将争夺决赛的席位。

     Synonyms and related words
    To compete, or to try to win: compete, vie, contend...
noun /faɪt/
  1. 1
    [C] a situation in which people hit each other 打架;搏斗
    have a fight with :

    He had a fight with a man outside a pub in North London. 他在伦敦北部一家酒馆外面和人打了一架。

    fight between :

    Every week there are fights between rival fans. 每周在对立的球迷之间都会发生打斗。

    get into a fight :

    As a young man, he was always getting into fights. 他年轻时总是卷入打架事件中。

    pick/start a fight :

    The man seemed determined to pick a fight with (=start a fight with) someone. 那人似乎决心要找人打架。

     Synonyms and related words
    Physical fights: fight, battle, combat...
    1. a.
      an occasion when people fight as part of a sport, especially boxing 比赛;(尤指)拳击赛
      fight against :

      He knew it was going to be a hard fight against Lewis. 他知道和刘易斯之间的较量将会是一场硬仗。

      Don't miss the big fight! 不要错过这场大战!

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [C] a battle between soldiers or armies 战斗
     Synonyms and related words
    Wars, battles and military manoeuvres: drawdown, overwatch, war...
  3. 3
    [C] a situation in which people disagree or argue with each other 争吵;争论
    have a fight with :

    Most teenagers have fights with their parents. 大多数十几岁的青少年都会和父母吵架。

     Synonyms and related words
    Arguments: argument, disagreement, conflict...
  4. 4
    [C] a situation in which people compete in order to win or get something 争取;争夺
    fight for :

    The fight for control of the company lasted several weeks. 争夺公司控制权的斗争持续了数周。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for competitions: arms race, competition, contest...
  5. 5
    [C] a determined attempt to prevent something from happening or getting worse 反对;斗争
    fight against :

    This is an important step forward in the fight against terrorism. 这是反恐斗争向前迈进的重要一步。

    She died yesterday after a long fight against cancer. 她和癌症作了长期斗争后昨天去世了。

     Synonyms and related words
    An attempt to do something: attempt, effort, struggle...
    1. a.
      a determined attempt to achieve something 奋斗;争取
      fight for :

      Sarah finally won her long fight for compensation. 萨拉经过长期的斗争终于赢得了赔偿。

      a fight to do something :

      We will continue our fight to protect vulnerable children. 我们要继续奋斗,保护易受伤害的孩子们。

       Synonyms and related words
      An attempt to do something: attempt, effort, struggle...
  6. 6
    [U] energy and determination to continue trying to achieve something 斗志

    After her husband died there was very little fight left in her. 丈夫死后,她就没有多少斗志了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Determination and ambition: determination, ambition, will...
See also
BNC: 917 COCA: 676


1struggle using physical force打鬥ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT | FIGHT + VERB | FIGHT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig大打出手fierce激戰brutal, nasty, vicious野蠻的/惡意的/惡毒的打鬥real真打實鬥Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight.爭論突然演變成實實在在的打鬥。good精彩的搏鬥There's nothing he likes so much as a good fight.沒有什麼比精彩的搏鬥更讓他喜歡的了。clean, fair規矩的/公平的打鬥It was a fair fight and Stephen won.這是一場公平的打鬥,斯蒂芬贏了。close勢均力敵的打鬥running追擊戰He was killed during a series of running fights outside a disco.他在一家迪斯科舞廳外的一連串鬥毆中被殺。stand-up, straight面對面的硬拚;一對一的兩人競選In a straight fight the army usually won.在面對面的硬拼中,陸軍通常會贏。bar, pub, street(發生在)酒吧的/酒館的/街頭的打鬥gang幫派打鬥fist, knife, sword揮拳鬥毆;持刀打鬥;持劍打鬥food, pillow, snowball, water食物戰;枕頭戰;雪仗;水仗championship, title冠軍爭奪賽the world title fight between Tyson and Lewis泰森和劉易斯之間的世界拳王爭霸賽professional職業比賽heavyweight, etc.重量級的比賽等bull (usually bullfight) , cock, dog鬥牛;鬥雞;鬥狗
boss (in computer games計算機遊戲) 與大頭目戰鬥的遊戲VERB + FIGHTpick, start挑釁;引起打鬥He tried to pick a fight with me.他試圖向我挑釁。I don't know who started the fight.我不知道誰先動的手。be asking for, be looking for, be spoiling for, want尋釁滋事;想打架;按捺不住想打架Andy was drunk and spoiling for a fight.安迪喝醉了,尋釁打架。be in, get into, get involved in, have捲入打鬥;參與打鬥Don't get into any more fights!別再打架了!break up, stop結束/停止打鬥The fight was broken up by a teacher.鬥毆被老師制止了。win贏得打鬥lose輸掉打鬥see, watch觀看打鬥FIGHT + VERBtake place打鬥比賽進行The dog fights took place every Sunday morning.每個星期天早晨都有鬥狗。break out, erupt, start鬥毆爆發;打鬥開始ensue打鬥隨之發生A fight ensued which left one man dead.隨後發生了鬥毆,並致使一人死亡。FIGHT + NOUNscene, sequence鬥毆現場;打鬥比賽的順序club (especially NAmE) 打鬥比賽俱樂部fan迷戀打鬥比賽的人PREPOSITIONin a/the fight在打鬥中He killed a man in a fight.他在打鬥中打死了一個人。fight about, fight over因⋯而爭鬥They nearly had a fight over who should move first.在決定誰應該先挪開的問題上,他們差點兒打了起來。fight between⋯之間的爭鬥fights between hostile clans敵對家族之間的打鬥fight with跟⋯的爭鬥They got involved in a fight with some older boys.他們捲入了一場跟一些大男孩的鬥毆。


2trying to get/do sth爭取ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT | FIGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrave, good, strong勇敢的鬥爭;奮勇抗爭;頑強的鬥爭She died at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer.與癌症頑強抗爭一番之後,她在 43 歲時去世了。hard, long, real, tough, uphill (NAmE) 艱苦的/長期的/真正的/艱難的/艱巨的鬥爭a long fight to beat inflation為抑制通貨膨脹進行的長期鬥爭bitter, desperate激烈的/孤注一擲的鬥爭legal法律鬥爭custody (especially NAmE) 監護權的爭奪VERB + FIGHTput up進行鬥爭Coal workers are determined to put up a fight to save their jobs.煤炭工人為了保住他們的工作,決心進行鬥爭。lead, spearhead (especially BrE) 領導/帶領鬥爭lawyers leading the fight for compensation for the injured workers領導為受傷工人爭取賠償鬥爭的律師join, join in加入戰鬥Doctors have now joined in the fight to make this treatment available to all.現在,醫生已經加入到爭取使所有人都能使用這種療法的鬥爭中。face面臨鬥爭Now he is facing his toughest fight yet-back to fitness after a series of injuries.現在他還要面臨最困難的鬥爭 - 在接連幾次受傷之後恢復健康。be engaged in進行鬥爭He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old company.他仍在同他原來的公司進行激烈的鬥爭。carry on, continue, keep up進行鬥爭;繼續奮鬥;堅持鬥爭She said they would continue their fight to find a cure for AIDS.她說他們會為找到治瘉艾滋病的方法而繼續奮鬥。step up加大打擊力度The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime.政府誓要加大打擊犯罪的力度。take進行鬥爭She vowed to take her fight to the High Court.她發誓要告到高等法院。win打勝仗lose打敗仗Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs?我們要輸掉這場打擊毒品的鬥爭嗎?give up放棄鬥爭She just gave up her fight for life.她就這樣放棄了掙扎求生。FIGHT + VERBbe on鬥爭興起The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out.搞這場鬥爭是要廢除這種野蠻習俗。continue, go on鬥爭繼續下去The fight for justice goes on.為爭取正義而進行的鬥爭會一直進行下去。PREPOSITIONwithout a fight不經過戰鬥I'm not giving up without a fight!我不會不戰而降的!fight against, fight with (NAmE) 針對⋯/跟⋯的鬥爭a new weapon in the fight against car crime對付汽車犯罪的新武器his fight with cancer他與癌症的鬥爭fight for爭取⋯的鬥爭their fight for a fair deal他們爭取平等交易的鬥爭PHRASESa fight for life, a fight for survival為了生存而奮鬥the company's desperate fight for survival in a cut-throat market該公司為了在殘酷的市場競爭中生存所作的拼死一搏have a fight on your hands要進行一場戰鬥Union leaders know that they have a real fight on their hands.工會領導人知道他們要面對一場真正的戰鬥。


3competition競爭ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT | FIGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrave, good, great, strong, tremendous勇敢的競爭;激烈的競爭;強有力的競爭straight一對一的競爭VERB + FIGHTput up在競爭中有⋯表現The team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten.這個隊在比賽中表現很好,但最終還是輸了。FIGHT + VERBbe on競爭在進行中PREPOSITIONfight between⋯之間的競爭This will be a straight fight between the two parties.這將是這兩個政黨之間一對一的競爭。fight for為⋯的競爭The fight for supremacy in the sport is on.爭奪這項體育賽事霸主的競爭開始了。PHRASESa fight to the death (figurative) 你死我活的爭鬥By 1807 politics had become a fight to the death between the two factions.到 1807 年政治變成了兩個派別之間的殊死鬥爭。a fight to the finish直到最後才決出勝負的鬥爭If the polls are wrong and it's a fight to the finish, the result may not be known until all the votes have been counted.如果民調結果有誤,又是一場直到最後一刻才見分曉的角逐,那麼只有等到統計完所有選票才會知道結果。have a fight on your hands努力做好She now has a fight on her hands (= will have to play very well) to make it through to the next round.她現在得打好這場比賽才能進入下一輪。make a fight of it奮勇拚搏No doubt Ferguson wants his team to make a fight of it.毫無疑問,弗格森希望隊員能奮力打好比賽。


4 (especially NAmE) argument爭吵ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT ADJECTIVEbig, huge, terrible大吵;激烈的爭吵;可怕的爭吵petty, stupid為雞毛蒜皮的事發生的/愚蠢的爭吵little小吵VERB + FIGHThave發生爭吵cause引發爭吵get into, pick, provoke, start捲入/挑起/引起/開始爭吵


1in a war/battle戰鬥ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbravely, gallantly, valiantly勇敢/英勇/頑強作戰bitterly, fiercely, hard艱苦/勇猛/艱難作戰effectively有效作戰back, off還擊;擊退VERB + FIGHTbe prepared to, be ready to準備作戰He did not believe that the enemy was ready to fight.他相信敵人還沒有準備好進行戰鬥。continue to繼續作戰PREPOSITIONagainst抗擊They fought bravely against the enemy.他們英勇抗擊敵人。alongside並肩戰鬥He fought alongside his comrades.他和他的同志們並肩戰鬥。for為⋯而戰They fought for control of the island.他們為了該島的控制權而戰。over因⋯而戰They were fighting over disputed land.他們在為有爭議的土地而戰鬥。with用⋯戰鬥He taught me how to fight with a sword.他教我如何用劍作戰。PHRASESfight to the death戰鬥到死The soldiers were prepared to fight to the death if they had to.士兵們做好了在不得已的情況下戰鬥到死的準備。


2struggle against/hit sb擊打ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION ADVERBbitterly, hard奮力搏鬥dirty卑鄙地戰鬥back, off還擊;擊退He was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off.他在試圖擊退劫匪時被捅了一刀。VERB + FIGHTbe prepared to準備打鬥PREPOSITIONagainst抗爭⋯She fought hard against his strong grip.她奮力掙扎要擺脫他的控制。with與⋯搏鬥Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.防暴警察與示威支持造反的好戰分子對抗。


3in a contest競爭ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbitterly, hard激烈地競爭successfully競爭成功VERB + FIGHTbe determined to, be prepared to, be ready to決心競爭;準備競爭;樂意力爭We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds.我們需要一個願意爭取應得資金的好經理。continue to繼續爭取PREPOSITIONfor為⋯競爭Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.為爭取地方壟斷權發生了激烈的爭鬥。PHRASESfiercely fought激烈地爭鬥The second half was fiercely fought, but neither side managed to score.下半場比賽非常激烈,但雙方都沒有得分。


4try to stop/achieve sth設法阻止;爭取ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION ADVERBhard, like a tiger, tooth and nail (= in a very determined way) 拚命抗爭;竭盡全力爭取He fought hard to overcome his disability. 他努力克服自身的殘疾。She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children.她會像老虎一樣兇猛地保護自己的孩子。The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development.居民為阻止新的開發項目正奮力抗爭。doggedly, stubbornly, tenaciously不屈不撓地鬥爭;頑強鬥爭;堅決鬥爭desperately拚命奮鬥successfully鬥爭成功back反擊It is time to fight back against street crime.是打擊街頭犯罪的時候了。VERB + FIGHTbe determined to, be prepared to, be ready to, vow to決心抗爭;願意抗爭;發誓抗爭continue to繼續抗爭help (to)有助於抗爭PREPOSITIONagainst與⋯作鬥爭They are committed to fighting against racism.他們誓與種族歧視鬥爭到底。for為⋯而鬥爭We are fighting for equal rights.我們正為爭取平等權利而鬥爭。


5argue爭論ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbitterly激烈爭論constantly持續不斷地爭論PREPOSITIONabout為⋯爭吵It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about.這是小事,不值得為此爭吵。over為⋯爭論Children will fight even over small things.小孩子甚至會為一些雞毛蒜皮的事爭吵。with與⋯爭吵He's always fighting with his brother.他老是和弟弟吵架。PHRASESfight like cat and dog, fight like cats and dogs (NAmE) 吵得很兇
BNC: 917 COCA: 676
fight verb
fight1 (He fought in the war.) fight2 (My little brothers are always fighting.) argue (It's not worth fighting about.) campaign (Campaigners fought to save the hospital from closure.) compete (fight an election) oppose (fight poverty)
fight noun
fight (get into a fight) argument1 (a fight over money) campaign (the fight against crime) game1 (a world title fight)


fight ♦︎ clash ♦︎ brawl ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ scuffle ♦︎ tussleThese are all words for a situation in which people try to defeat each other using physical force. 这些词均表示搏斗、打斗、打架。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tussle with sba fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tussle between peoplea fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tussle over sthin a fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tusslea violent fight / clash / struggleto be in / get into / be involved in a fight / clash / brawl / scuffle / tussleto have a fight / brawl / scuffleto break up a fight / brawla fight / clash / brawl / scuffle breaks out fight [countable] a situation in which two or more people try to defeat each other using physical force 搏斗;打斗;打架He got into a fight with a man in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个男人打了一架。A fight broke out between rival groups of fans.双方的支持者打了起来。They got tickets to watch the world title fight (= fighting as a sport).他们弄到了观看世界拳王争霸赛的票。 clash [countable] (journalism 新闻) a short fight between two groups of people (两群人之间短暂的)打斗,打架,冲突Eight people were wounded in a clash with border guards.在与边防警卫的冲突中有八人受伤。 brawl [countable] a noisy and violent fight involving a group of people, usually in a public place (通常指一群人在公共场合的)喧闹,斗殴,闹事a street / pub / tavern / nightclub / bar-room brawl街头/酒吧/酒馆/夜总会/酒吧间的斗殴 struggle [countable] a fight between two people or groups of people, especially when one of them is trying to escape, or to get sth from the other 搏斗;扭打;(尤指)挣扎脱身,抢夺There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene.在凶案现场没有搏斗痕迹。 scuffle [countable] a short and not very violent fight or struggle (短暂而不太激烈的)肢体摩擦,冲突He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer.他和一名摄影记者发生了肢体冲撞。 tussle [countable] a short struggle, fight or argument, especially in order to get sth (尤指为争夺物品的短暂的)扭打,争斗,争执He was injured during a tussle for the ball.他在争球时受了伤。fight1


He fought in the war. 他打过仗。My little brothers are always fighting. 我的小弟弟们总在打架。fight ♦︎ wage ♦︎ engage ♦︎ skirmish ♦︎ take up armsThese words all mean to take part in a war or battle against an enemy. 这些词均表示打仗、战斗、作战。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fight / engage / skirmish with sb / sthto fight / take up arms against sb / sthto fight / wage (a) war / battle / campaignto fight / engage / take up arms against the enemy fight (fought, fought) [intransitive, transitive] to take part in a war or battle against an enemy 打仗;战斗;作战The soldiers were trained to fight in the jungle.这些士兵受过在丛林中作战的训练。The country fought several wars against its neighbours.该国同周边的邻国打过好几场仗。They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army.他们集结士兵对抗侵略军。 see also fighting war wage [transitive] to begin and continue a war, battle or campaign 展开,发动,继续(战争、战斗或战役)The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 1995.反叛者自1995年以来一直进行游击战。He alleged that a press campaign was being waged against him.他声称有人在对他发起新闻攻势。 engage ɪnˈgeɪdʒ [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to begin fighting a battle with sb 与(某人)交战;与(某人)开战He ordered his men to engage (with) the enemy.他命令他的士兵与敌人开战。 skirmish ˈskɜːmɪʃ; NAmE ˈskɜːrmɪʃ [intransitive] to take part in a short fight between small groups of soldiers, especially one that is not planned 发生小规模战斗(尤指遭遇战)The patrol skirmished with the enemy for several hours.巡逻队与敌人打了数小时的遭遇战。 see also skirmish war take up ˈarms


(took, taken) (rather formal) to prepare to fight a war 拿起武器;准备战斗He encouraged his supporters to take up arms against the state.他鼓动他的支持者武装起来对抗政府。


He fought in the war. 他打过仗。My little brothers are always fighting. 我的小弟弟们总在打架。fight ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ wrestle ♦︎ clash ♦︎ brawl ♦︎ grapple ♦︎ box ♦︎ scuffleThese are all words that can be used when two or more people use physical force against each other. 这些词均表示打斗、搏斗、打架。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fight / struggle / wrestle / clash / brawl / grapple / scuffle with sbto fight / struggle / box against sbto fight / struggle fiercely / furiouslyto struggle / clash violently fight (fought, fought) [intransitive, transitive] to use physical force to try to defeat another person; to take part in a boxing match 打斗;搏斗;打架;参加(拳击比赛)My little brothers are always fighting.我的小弟弟们总在打架。She fought her attacker, eventually forcing him to flee.她同攻击者搏斗,最终把他赶跑了。Doctors fear he may never fight again following his injury in last night's match.医生担心他在昨晚的比赛中受伤后可能再也无法重返拳坛了。 struggle [intransitive] to fight sb or try to get away from them 搏斗;扭打;挣扎脱身Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass.本和杰克在草地上扭打起来。I struggled and screamed for help.我挣扎着,高声呼救。How did she manage to struggle free?她是如何设法逃脱的? wrestle ˈresl [intransitive, transitive] to fight sb by holding them and trying to throw or force them to the ground, sometimes as a sport 摔跤;把⋯摔倒在地As a boy he had boxed and wrestled.他小时候练过拳击和摔跤。Armed guards wrestled with the intruder.武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。Shoppers wrestled the raider to the ground.购物的人把抢劫者摔倒在地上。 clash [intransitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to come together and fight or compete in a contest 打斗;冲突;比赛The two teams clash in tomorrow's final.这两个队将在明天的决赛中对决。Demonstrators clashed violently with police.示威者与警方发生了激烈的冲突。 brawl brɔːl [intransitive] to take part in a noisy and violent fight, usually in a public place (通常在公共场合)打斗,闹事They were arrested for brawling in the street.他们因在街头打斗而遭到拘捕。 grapple [intransitive, transitive] to take a firm hold of sb/sth and struggle with them 扭打;搏斗Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack.袭击之后,路人便与这名男子扭打起来。They managed to grapple him to the ground.他们终于把他摔倒在地。 box [intransitive, transitive] to fight sb in the sport of boxing, wearing very large thick gloves (拳击运动中)击打(某人)He boxed for Ireland in the Olympics.他在奥运会上代表爱尔兰出战拳击比赛。The newcomer boxed the champion for the full twelve rounds.这名新手同冠军拳手的比赛打满了十二个回合。 scuffle [intransitive](of two or more people) to fight or struggle with each other for a short time, in a way that is not very serious (两人或多人之间短暂而不太激烈地)发生肢体摩擦,冲突She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel.在离开下榻的旅馆时,她和几名摄影记者发生了小冲突。

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