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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
go on
phrasal verb
present tense
I/you/we/theygo on
he/she/itgoes on
present participlegoing on
past tensewent on
past participlegone on
  1. 1
    [I] to continue happening or doing something as before 继续;持续

    The meeting went on a lot longer than I expected. 会议持续的时间比我想象的要久。

    We can't go on like this any more. Things have got to change. 我们不想再这样下去了,应该有所改变。

    go on with :

    Burton smiled and went on with his work. 伯顿笑了笑继续他的工作。

    go on doing something :

    She can't go on pretending that everything is fine when it clearly isn't. 事情很明显不好,她不能再装作一切都好的样子。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I] to happen 发生

    I wonder what's going on next door – they're making a lot of noise. 我真纳闷隔壁在干什么,弄出这么大的噪声。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] [go on something] to start doing a particular activity or being in a particular state 开始做(某事);进入(某种状态)
    go on holiday/a cruise/trip/tour etc :

    We're going on holiday next week. 下周我们去度假。

    go on strike (=stop working as a protest) 罢工 :

    Workers voted by a large majority to go on strike. 大部分工人投票同意举行罢工。

    go on sale/display :

    It will go on sale this summer. 它将在今年夏天上市。

    go on a diet :

    I really must go on a diet! 我真的得节食了!

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [go on something] to start taking a particular medicine or drug 服用(药物)

      He needs to go on stronger medication. 他需要服用药效更强一点的药。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I] if something such as a light or an electricity supply goes on, it starts working or becomes available (灯等)开着

    I heard the TV go on in the next room. 我听到隔壁的电视开着。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [I] to talk so much that people become bored or annoyed 喋喋不休地说

    You do go on, don't you? 你喋喋不休让人烦,难道不是吗?

    go on about :

    She tends to go on about how clever her children are. 她总是喋喋不休地说她的孩子有多聪明。

    go on and on (about something) :

    He went on and on about (=talked for a long time) me being late for work again. 他就我工作又迟到的事喋喋不休地讲个没完。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to start talking again after a pause or interruption (停顿后)继续讲

      Please go on – I didn't mean to interrupt you. 请继续讲,我不是有意打断你。

      go on with :

      He encouraged her to go on with her story. 他鼓励她继续讲她的故事。

       Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [I] to do something after doing something else (做完某事后)继续做(另一件事)
    go on to :

    When you finish the first section of the test, go on to the next. 当你完成测验的第一部分后,继续做下一部分。

    go on to do something :

    They eventually went on to win the championship. 他们再接再厉,终于赢得了冠军。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to go to another place after going somewhere 继续(去某地)
      go on to :

      After Moscow, we went on to St Petersburg for a couple of days. 去莫斯科之后,我们接下来又去了圣彼得堡几天。

       Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [I] if time goes on, it passes (时间)流逝
     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [T] [go on something] to base an opinion or decision on something 以…为依据

    Since there were no witnesses, the police had little to go on. 由于没有目击者,警察无以为据。

     Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [I] to go to a place before someone else who you are with 先走

    Why don't you go on without me? 你干嘛不先走?不要等我。

     Synonyms and related words
  10. 10
    [I/T] to walk onto a stage to begin your part in a performance 上场(演出)

    I don't go on until the final act. 直到最后一幕我才上场。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] to walk onto a sports field in order to replace a member of your team (比赛中)被替换上场

      Owen went on in the 75th minute. 欧文在第75分钟的时候被替换上场。

       Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    go on spoken
    1. a.
      used for encouraging someone to do something 来呀,继续吧(用于鼓励某人做某事)

      Go on, try it – it's really good. 来,试一下嘛,这真的不错。

    2. b.
      British used for saying that you do not believe what someone is telling you 行了,得了(表示不信)

      Go on! She didn't really say that. 行了,她并没有那样讲。

      go on with you! old-fashioned :

      ‘Don't you look nice!' ‘Oh, go on with you!' “你看上去不是很好吗?”“得了吧。”

  12. 12
    go on (the) TV/radio to decide to appear on television/radio in order to say something 上电视/上广播(讲话)

    The President went on television to appeal for calm. 总统在电视上发表讲话号召人们保持平静。

  13. 13
    going on (for) something almost a particular age, time, or amount (年龄、时间或数量)接近

    Tina is six, going on seven. 蒂纳6岁,快7岁了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Almost and almost not: almost, nearly, hardly...
See also main entry: go
go onADVERBendlessly無休止地繼續PREPOSITIONabout喋喋不休He goes on endlessly about his health problems.他喋喋不休地說他的健康問題。at (especially BrE) 對⋯喋喋不休Stop going on at me about that money.不要老是喋喋不休地跟我提那筆錢的事。with繼續做⋯We'll go on with the presentations after lunch.午飯後我們繼續展示。PHRASESgo on and on無休無止地進行下去The flight just seemed to go on and on.飛行似乎永遠也不會結束。
go on phrasal verb
continue1 (We can't go on like this.) continue3 (She hesitated and then went on.) harass (go on at sb)

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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