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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 488 COCA: 766
verb /əkˈsept/
present tense
present participleaccepting
past tenseaccepted
past participleaccepted
  1. 1
    [T] to take something that someone gives you 收受;接受

    It gives me great pleasure to accept this award. 我很高興領這個獎。

    Saunders has been convicted for accepting bribes. 桑德斯被控犯有受賄罪。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I/T] to say yes to an invitation or offer 接受(邀請或提議)

      They offered her a job, and she accepted without hesitation. 他們提出給她一份工作,她毫不猶豫地接受了。

       Synonyms and related words
      To say yes: accede, accept, assent...
  2. 2
    [T] to agree to do what someone asks or suggests 同意;答應;認可

    Our clients will never accept this proposal. 我們的客戶絕不會同意這個提案。

    Most of the report's recommendations have been accepted by the government. 報告中的大部分建議已被政府采納了。

     Synonyms and related words
    To decide or agree to do something: agree, undertake, accept...
  3. 3
    [T] to recognize that something is true, fair, or right 相信

    Sam accepted her explanation without question. 薩姆毫不懷疑地相信了她的解釋。

    This argument is unlikely to be accepted by the court. 這一證據不大可能被法庭接受。

    accept that :

    Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to pollution. 大多數科學家都相信氣候變化與污染有關。

    generally/widely accepted (=believed by most people) 被普遍接受 :

    His views on genetics are not now widely accepted. 他關於遺傳學的觀點現在並未被廣泛接受。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to recognize that you are responsible for something 承擔(責任等);承認
      accept blame/responsibility/liability :

      We cannot accept liability for items stolen from your car. 我們不能承擔你那汽車上物品被盜的責任。

      The media must accept their share of the blame. 傳媒必須承擔部分過錯。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to recognize that a bad situation exists and cannot be avoided or changed 忍受;容忍

    I know it's not fair, but you'll just have to accept it. 我知道這不公平,但你只能認了。

    They found it hard to accept defeat. 他們發現很難接受失敗。

    accept that :

    For a long time, he simply could not accept that she was dead. 在很長一段時間裏,他就是無法接受她死了的事實。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to allow someone to join an organization 接納,吸收(成員)

    Under the new law, gay people will be accepted in the armed forces. 按照新法律,同性戀者可以被吸收入伍。

    accept someone as something :

    Mexico was accepted as a member of the OECD in 1994. 墨西哥在1994年被吸納爲經濟合作與發展組織的成員。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to allow someone to become part of a community or family, and make them feel welcome 接納(某人爲社區或家庭成員)

      The local people never really accepted us. 當地人從沒真正接納過我們。

      accept someone into something :

      She was desperate for the children to accept her into the family. 她非常渴望孩子們能把她當作家庭的一員。

       Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] to consider that something is suitable or good enough for a particular purpose 贊同;贊成

    A publisher in New York has accepted her novel for publication. 紐約的一家出版社答應出版她的小說。

     Synonyms and related words
    To express or give approval: approve, recommend, consent...
  7. 7
    [T] to take a particular form of payment 承兌;接受(某種付款方式)

    The payphones here accept either coins or phone cards. 這裏的付費電話可用硬幣也可用電話卡。

    We accept personal cheques with proper identification. 如果有適當的證明,我們可以承兌個人支票。

     Synonyms and related words
    To earn or to get money: monetize, earn, recover...
BNC: 488 COCA: 766


1take/receive接受;領受ADVERB | VERB + ACCEPT | PREPOSITION ADVERBeagerly, gladly, graciously, gratefully, willingly急切地/高興地/優雅地/充滿感激地/心甘情願地接受She graciously accepted my apology.她很有風度地接受了我的道歉。reluctantly不情願地接受VERB + ACCEPTbe glad to, be happy to很高興/樂於接受be reluctant to, be unwilling to勉強/不願意接受be unable to不能接受I am unfortunately unable to accept your kind invitation.很遺憾,我不能接受您的盛情邀請。PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯接受She accepted a bribe from an undercover policeman.她接受了一名秘密警察的賄賂。


2agree/admit同意;承認ADVERB | VERB + ACCEPT | PHRASES ADVERBhappily, readily樂於承認;欣然同意Some people readily accept that they may have to pay for medical treatment.一些人欣然同意自己承擔醫療費用。fully完全贊同blindly, uncritically, unquestioningly盲目贊同;不加批評地贊同;毫無異議地同意grudgingly勉強同意VERB + ACCEPTbe happy to, be prepared to, be ready to, be willing to樂於承認;欣然同意be reluctant to, be unwilling to勉強同意;不願意承認be unable to, refuse to不能贊同;拒絕承認can, will能同意;會贊同cannot, will not不能/不會同意The college cannot accept responsibility for items lost or stolen on its premises.對在校園內丟失或被盜的物品,學院概不負責。be forced to, have to被迫/不得不同意learn to學會同意PHRASESbe commonly accepted, be generally accepted, be universally accepted, be widely accepted普遍認為;為公眾所認可;得到廣泛贊同It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.人們普遍認為成功催人奮進。accept sth at face value認為某事物真如其顯示的那樣These figures should not be accepted at face value.不應該對這些數字信以為真。have no choice but to accept別無選擇,只能接受I had no choice but to accept the committee's decision.我別無選擇,只能接受委員會的決定。
BNC: 488 COCA: 766
accept verb
accept (accept the fact that…) agree2 (accept a decision) get2 (accept a cheque) greet (accept sb into your community) let sb in (accepted into the club) take5 (accept an offer) take7 (accept responsibility)


accept ♦︎ face ♦︎ come to terms with sth ♦︎ live with sth ♦︎ face up to sth ♦︎ make the best of sth ♦︎ resign yourself to sth ♦︎ reconcileThese words all mean to recognize that a difficult situation exists and cannot be changed, and that you must continue or deal with it. 這些詞均表示困境無法改變時只得將就、面對或容忍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to accept / face / come to terms with / live with / face up to / resign yourself to / reconcile yourself to the fact that...to accept / face / come to terms with / make the best of a situationto accept / face / come to terms with / face up to the truth / the reality of sthto accept / face / come to terms with / live with the consequencesto accept / face / face up to the facts / your responsibilitiesfinally accept / face / come to terms with / resign yourself to sth accept [transitive] to be willing to continue in a difficult situation without complaining, because you realize that it cannot be changed 接受;容忍,忍受(困境)They accept the risks as part of the job.他們甘冒風險,視之爲工作的一部分。He refused to accept that his father was no longer there.他拒不相信父親已經不在了。Most people had come to accept that war was inevitable.大部分人漸漸認識到這場戰爭已不可避免。 face [transitive] to accept that a difficult or unpleasant situation exists, although you would prefer not to 承認,正視(現實)She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever.她得正視現實,她的生活已經永遠改變了。Face facts-she isn't coming back.面對現實吧-她不會回來了。Let's face it, we're not going to win.必須承認,我們赢不了啦。 come to ˈterms with sth


(came, come)to accept sth unpleasant by learning to deal with it 遷就;適應She is still coming to terms with her son's death.她還沒有從兒子死去的陰影中走出來。
ˈlive with sth

phrasal verb

to accept sth unpleasant and continue without complaining 容忍;忍受You get used to jet lag in the sense that you learn to live with it.學會適應時差反應,也就習以爲常了。
ˌface ˈup to sth

phrasal verb

to accept and deal with sth difficult or unpleasant, especially after ignoring it 敢於面對,勇於正視(困難或不快之事)You have to face up to your responsibilities.你要敢於面對責任。
make the best of sth


(made, made) (rather informal) to accept a bad situation and do as well as you can 盡力而爲She was a pragmatic woman who always made the best of things.她很務實,總是盡力而爲。Conditions were harsh, but we made the best of it.條件很艱苦,但是我們盡了力。
reˈsign yourself to sth

phrasal verb

to accept sth unpleasant that cannot be changed or avoided 聽任;順從She resigned herself to her fate.她聽天由命。We have to resign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.我們只好接受銷售上的虧損。 see also resignation patience resigned


He was resigned to never seeing his birthplace again.他認命了,甘願永不再去他的出生地。
reconcile ˈrekənsaɪl [transitive] (rather formal) to make sb/yourself accept an unpleasant situation that cannot be changed 將就;妥協He could not reconcile himself to the prospect of losing her.一想到有可能失去她,他就覺得難以忍受。

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