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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Not definite or based on fact
adverb /əˈpærəntli/
based only on what you have heard, not on what you are certain is true 据说;听说

Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss. 听说她因为跟老板吵了一架而辞职了。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [only before noun] /səˈpəʊzd/ /səˈpəʊzɪd/
believed or said by some people to be true, although you may not agree with this 据说的;假定的;信以为真的;想象的

He explained the supposed economic benefits of lower taxes. 他解释了较低税收的假想经济效益。

the supposed threat from ‘rogue nations' 据说来自“无赖国家”的威胁

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [only before noun] /əˈledʒd/
claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved (未加证实而)声称的,所谓的

The alleged victim's evidence could not be relied upon. 所声称的受害者的证据可能并不可靠。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈdaʊtf(ə)l/
[not usually before noun] not certain or likely to happen or be true 不确定的;未定的

Already the whole project was looking doubtful. 整个项目的前景已显得难以预料。

it is doubtful (that)/whether/if/how :

It is doubtful whether he will survive. 还不能确定他能否生还。

 Synonyms and related words
Not likely to happen: unlikely, doubtful, remote...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adverb /ˈsiːmɪŋli/
in a way that appears to have a particular quality, even though this is probably not true 表面上;看上去

Heidi was seemingly calm when she left to take the test. 海迪离开去参加考试时看上去很平静。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
according to what you know or how something appears 从已知的情况看来;看样子

Seemingly, the cats had been living on their own for months. 看样子,这些猫几个月来都是自生自灭。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adverb /əˈledʒɪdli/
if someone allegedly does something, another person says that they have done it, even though this has not been proved 据说;据宣称

The second incident allegedly occurred in the spring of 1992. 据说第二次事件发生于1992年春。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈspekjʊlətɪv/
based on guesses or on a little information, not on facts 推测的;猜测性的
highly speculative :

Scientists dismiss suggestions that the substance is toxic as highly speculative. 科学家们认为这种物质有毒的说法纯粹是毫无根据的猜测。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈfaʊndɪd/
not supported with facts or evidence 无事实根据的;无证据的

These allegations are totally unfounded. 这些指控毫无事实根据。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌænɪkˈdəʊt(ə)l/
based on someone's personal experience or information rather than on facts that can be checked 轶事的;传闻的

There is now anecdotal evidence that these chemicals are harmful. 现在据说有证据表明这些化学物有害。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌʌnsəbˈstænʃɪˌeɪtɪd/
an unsubstantiated argument, claim etc is one for which you have no evidence 未经证实的;没有事实根据的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
More Synonyms
adjective /əˈpɒkrəf(ə)l/
probably not true, but believed by a lot of people to be true 不足凭信的;可疑的;杜撰的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ˈbeɪsləs/
not based on facts or evidence 无根据的;无证据的

baseless allegations 无根据的断言

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
betwixt and between
phrase informal
not definitely belonging to any of several possibilities 两可之间的;模棱两可的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
be without foundation
not based on fact and not possible to prove 没有根据

The allegations made in the article were completely without foundation.

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /dɪˈbeɪtəb(ə)l/
something that is debatable is not certain because it is possible for people to have different opinions about it 可争论的;有争议的;可争辩的

a debatable point/issue/assertion/claim 有争议的论点/问题/主张/要求

it is debatable whether :

It is debatable whether the plan would actually work. 该计划是否切实可行是有争议的。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /dɪˈnaɪəb(ə)l/
if something is deniable, you can prove that it is not true 可否定的;可证明是错误的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /dɪˈspjuːtəb(ə)l/
not accepted as true or correct by everyone 可争辩的;可商榷的;有争议的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /dɪˈspjuːtɪd/
a disputed fact, statement, or judgment is one that many people argue about (事实等)有争议的
hotly disputed (=argued about with strong feelings) 受到激烈争论的 :

The importance of Bower's contribution has been hotly disputed for years. 关于鲍尔贡献的重要性问题已经激烈争论了很多年。

 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe statements: arguable, avowed, bald...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ɪˈkwɪvək(ə)l/
not clearly showing the real situation or providing a definite result 不确凿的;不肯定的

Despite extensive research, the evidence remains equivocal. 尽管进行了广泛调查,证据还是不够确凿。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


/ɪˈkwɪvək(ə)li/ adverb
 Synonyms and related words
Not having a clear meaning: ambiguity, ambiguous, meaningless...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective very formal /fækˈtɪʃəs/
artificial 人工的;做作的;虚假的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /fəˈleɪʃəs/
based on false information or ideas 谬误的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /fɔːls/
not true 假的;不真实的

The report was dismissed as totally false. 报告因完全失实而被驳回。

a false statement 虚假的陈述

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
based on a mistake or on wrong information 谬误的;错误的
a false impression/belief/hope :

The media gave the world a false impression of life in the city. 关于这个城市的生活媒体给了世人一种错误印象。

 Synonyms and related words
Inexact and inaccurate: incorrect, inexact, wrong...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...



My brother was falsely accused of murder. 我哥哥被诬告犯有谋杀罪。

She smiled falsely. 她笑得很假。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌfɑː(r) ˈfetʃt/
difficult to believe because it is very unlikely 牵强的;不可信的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /fɪkˈtɪʃəs/
not real or true and used for tricking people 不真实的;捏造的;骗人的

He had registered at the hotel under a fictitious name. 他用假名在饭店登了记。

 Synonyms and related words
Imaginary and not real: imaginary, hypothetical, false...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ˈfɪktɪv/
imaginary or not true 想象的;虚构的
 Synonyms and related words
Imaginary and not real: imaginary, hypothetical, false...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈɡraʊn(d)ləs/
not based on evidence or good reasons 没有证据的;没有充分理由的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ˌɪl ˈfaʊndɪd/
not based on truth or facts 无根据的;无事实基础的;凭空的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɪˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/
not based on clear facts, reasons, or principles 不合逻辑的;不合原则的

an illogical argument 不合逻辑的论据

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


/ɪˈlɒdʒɪkli/ adverb
 Synonyms and related words
Not sensible or reasonable: unreasonable, wrong, extreme...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɪmˈplɔːzəb(ə)l/
difficult to accept as true 难以置信的;很难接受的

an implausible excuse/explanation 难以让人相信的借口/解释

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɪmˌpreʃəˈnɪstɪk/
based on reactions or opinions, rather than on specific facts or details 仅凭印象的;主观的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɪmˈprɒbəb(ə)l/
not likely to happen or to be true 不大可能的;未必确实的

a rather improbable story 不太可能是真实的故事

it is improbable (that) :

It's improbable that a lawyer would give such advice. 律师是不大可能给出这种建议的。

highly improbable :

It seemed highly improbable he would return to work. 他会回来工作这事看起来极不可能。

 Synonyms and related words
Not likely to happen: unlikely, doubtful, remote...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv/
not producing a definite result or complete proof of something 非决定性的;非结论性的;不能使人信服的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
in dispute
if facts are in dispute, people disagree about them 有争议的

The facts in this case are not in dispute. 这个案子的事实无可置疑。

It is not in dispute that Mr Turner has suffered serious injuries. 特纳先生受了重伤,这是无可争议的。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
in question
if something is in question, there are doubts about it 有疑问的

Are you saying that the validity of the test is in question? 你是说检验的有效性值得怀疑吗?

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɪnˈtjuːətɪv/
based on your feelings rather than on facts or evidence 凭直觉的

an intuitive guess/judgment/understanding 凭直觉的猜测/判断/理解

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɪnˈvælɪd/
not based on facts, evidence, or good judgment 无根据的;无证据的;无道理的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
it's a game of two halves
phrase informal
used for saying that a situation could end very differently from the way it seems to be developing now
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact:apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /leɪm/
[usually before noun] a lame excuse, explanation etc is difficult to believe because it seems so unlikely (借口、辩解等)站不住脚的,理由不充分的,无说服力的

It sounds a lame excuse, but I never seem to have time to visit. 这个借口听起来好像很牵强,但看起来我压根就没有时间去。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ˌmɪskənˈsiːvd/
not based on good reasons or correct understanding 不明智的;误解的

The new law was the most misconceived piece of legislation ever. 这项新法是所有的法律中最不明智的。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd/
a misguided idea or action is based on judgments or opinions that are wrong (想法或行为)错误的,搞错的

His loyalty to his employer is, shall we say, misguided. 我们可以说,他这种忠于雇主的做法是错误的。

a misguided attempt at diplomacy 错误的外交尝试

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /mɪsˈliːdɪŋ/
intended or likely to make someone believe something that is incorrect or not true 欺骗的;误导性的

Several aides made misleading statements to the committee. 几个助手向委员会做了误导性的陈述。

Statistics, as we know, can be very misleading. 据我们所知,统计数字可能非常具有误导性。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /nɒnˈsensɪk(ə)l/
not true, or not sensible 荒谬的;愚蠢的;无意义的

a nonsensical theory 荒谬的理论

 Synonyms and related words
Not sensible or reasonable: unreasonable, wrong, extreme...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
on someone's say-so
based on what someone says, but without any proof from them 根据某人未证实(或无根据)的话

The police won't investigate the claim on the say-so of a known criminal. 警方不根据一个出名的罪犯随便说出的话进行调查的。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
open to debate
if something is open to debate, it is not certain or not yet decided because people have different opinions about it 有待讨论的

It's open to debate whether anything can be done about this.

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
open to dispute
if something is open to dispute, people disagree about it 尚有争议的

The truth of his account is open to dispute.

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
open to doubt
not definite, and perhaps not even likely 不确定的

It is now open to doubt whether the concert will go ahead.

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ɒˈstensəb(ə)l/
appearing to be true, or stated by someone to be true, but possibly false 貌似真实的;表面上的;诡称的

The ostensible reason for the army's presence was to keep the peace. 派驻军队表面上是为了维持和平。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adverb /ˈaʊtwə(r)dli/
in appearance, or the way that something seems, but not always the way that it really is 外表上;表面上

He remained outwardly calm. 他表面上保持着镇静。

Outwardly, Sue seems happy enough. 从表面看,休显得十分高兴。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [usually before a noun] showing disapproval /ˌpəʊst ˈfækt/
relating to a society or situation in which feelings or instincts are more highly valued than facts, which are regarded as not being fixed or always true

The reality that we're living in a post-fact world has frightening implications.

In a post-fact era, you can be an elected official and have a remarkably flexible relationship with the truth.

This meaning is based on one submitted to the Open Dictionary from United Kingdom on 11/08/2017
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact:apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [usually before a noun] showing disapproval /ˌpəʊst ˈtru:θ/
relating to a situation or system in which the truth is neglected or ignored in favour of emotions and beliefs

The candidate has run a post-truth campaign from day one.

Would it be fair to say we live in a post-truth era?

This meaning is based on one submitted to the Open Dictionary from United Kingdom on 16/11/2016
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact:apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective very formal /prɪˈzʌmptɪv/
believed to be true because it seems reasonable or likely 推定的;推断的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
prima facie
adjective, adverb formal /ˌpraɪmə ˈfeɪʃi/
based on what seems to be true, before a situation has been examined in detail 乍看起来(的);未经调查(的);貌似真实(的)

There is strong prima facie evidence of a miscarriage of justice. 具有有利的表面证据证明司法不公。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [only before noun] formal /pə(r)ˈpɔː(r)tɪd/
said by some people to be real or true, but not proved to be real or true 传言的;据称的

The judges will now study this purported new evidence. 法官们现在要研究这个所谓的新证据。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...



a letter purportedly written by Jane Austen 一封据传是简·奥斯汀写的信

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ˈpjuːtətɪv/
believed to be something 认定的;公认的

his putative father 公认是他父亲的那个人

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈkwestʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/
possibly not true, accurate, or complete 有疑问的;不确定的;成问题的

The results of the test seem highly questionable. 化验的结果似乎很有问题。

 Synonyms and related words
Inexact and inaccurate: incorrect, inexact, wrong...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
Inexact and inaccurate: incorrect, inexact, wrong...
 Synonyms and related words
Not very good: poor, average, limited...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /rɪˈpjuːtɪd/
said or believed by many people, but not definitely known to be true 号称的;据说的;一般认为的

a reputed Mafia boss 据称是黑手党头目的人

be reputed to do/be something :

Conditions in the prison are reputed to be very harsh. 据说监狱的条件很糟糕。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈruːmə(r)d/
reported but not definitely true 谣传的;传闻的

It is rumoured that there will be changes in the team before next week's match. 谣传说下星期比赛前球队将会有变动。

The group is rumoured to be splitting up. 据传这个团体即将解散。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [only before noun] formal /ˈsiːmɪŋ/
appearing to be a particular thing or to have a particular quality, even though this is probably not true 貌似的;表面上的

the seeming contradiction of Freidan's arguments 弗里丹貌似矛盾的论点

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
someone/something is believed to be
used for saying that it is the general opinion of most people that something is true although it has not been proved 人们普遍认为某人/某事…

A third man is missing and is believed to have been taken into police custody. 第3个人失踪了,人们普遍认为他被警方拘留了。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈspiːʃəs/
seeming to be true but in fact wrong 似是而非的;貌似有理的

a specious argument 似是而非的论点

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective formal /ˈspjʊəriəs/
something such as a statement that is spurious is not reasonable or correct because it is not based on true facts or a sensible way of thinking 不正确的;不合理的;站不住脚的

a spurious claim/comparison 不合理的要求/对比

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /səbˈdʒektɪv/
based on your own feelings and ideas and not on facts. Something that is based on facts is objective 主观的

The assessment of a student's work is often subjective. 对学生作业的评判常带有主观色彩。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...



A patient's level of pain can really only be judged subjectively. 病人的疼痛程度只能由其个人主观判断。

 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe thoughts, beliefs and ideas: abstract, central, theoretical...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


/ˌsʌbdʒekˈtɪvəti/ noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe thoughts, beliefs and ideas: abstract, central, theoretical...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adverb /səˈpəʊzɪdli/
as some people believe or say, although you may not agree with this 据认为;据称

The house is supposedly haunted. 据说这房子闹鬼。

Supposedly the process causes no environmental damage. 据称这个过程不会对环境造成任何破坏。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈsɜː(r)fɪs/
a surface quality seems to exist in someone or something, but in fact it hides deeper or more real feelings or conditions 表面上的;外表上的;外观上的

A surface calm settled over the troubled city. 一种表面上的平静笼罩着这座混乱的城市。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈtentətɪv/
not definite, or not certain 不确定的;试探性的;暂时的

a tentative agreement/deal 临时协议/试探性交易

 Synonyms and related words
Uncertain about something: uncertain, unsure, doubtful...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌθɪəˈretɪk(ə)l/
based on ideas, and not real or important 理论上的;假设的

Britain's control of the territory remained largely theoretical. 在很大程度上,英国只是理论上占有该地域。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /trænsˈpærənt/
a transparent lie or excuse is obviously not true (谎言或借口)易识破的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌtrʌmpt ˈʌp/
deliberately made up in order to connect someone with a crime 捏造的

trumped-up charges/evidence 捏造的罪名/证据

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈklɪə(r)/
not obvious, definite, or easy to understand 不清楚的;不明确的;不易理解的

Police say the motive for the attack is still unclear. 警方说袭击的动机仍不清楚。

it is unclear what/why/who etc :

It is unclear who fired the first shot. 不清楚是谁先开的枪。

 Synonyms and related words
Complicated and difficult to understand: complicated, difficult, complex...
 Synonyms and related words
Not obvious: unclear, subtle, underlying...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌʌnkənˈfɜː(r)md/
with no official proof or evidence to show that something is true 未证实的

Unconfirmed reports indicate that three of the hostages have been released. 尚未证实的报道称有3名人质已被释放。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌʌnkəˈrɒbəˌreɪtɪd/
not supported by evidence 未证实的;无确证的

an uncorroborated confession 未经证实的招供

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈlaɪkli/
not likely to be true 未必真实的;不太可能是真的

an unlikely hypothesis 不太真实的假设

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈpruːv(ə)n/
not proved to be a fact or true 未经证实的

an unproven concept 未经证实的构想

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l/
unreliable information is not definitely true or accurate 不真实的;不准确的;不可靠的

Membership figures are unreliable. 会员人数不准确。

 Synonyms and related words
Not reliable or trustworthy: official, unreliable, suspect...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈseɪf/
legal British not based on reliable evidence 不可信的;靠不住的

The Court of Appeal ruled that the conviction was unsafe. 上诉法院判定该案证据不可采信。

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌʌnsaɪənˈtɪfɪk/
not considered, examined, or tested using methods that scientists think are necessary 非科学的;不按照科学方法做的

a purely unscientific conclusion 完全不符合科学原理的结论

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˌʌnsəˈpɔː(r)tɪd/
an unsupported argument, claim etc is one for which you have no evidence 未经证实的
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈtenəb(ə)l/
impossible to defend as fair, suitable, or true 站不住脚的;经不起抨击的

Their actions are untenable. 他们的行动是站不住脚的。

 Synonyms and related words
Not relevant or appropriate: irrelevant, inappropriate, unimportant...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈtruː/
not correct, or not based on fact 不真实的;没有事实根据的

That is simply untrue. 那根本不是真的。

It would be untrue to say that she left him. 说她离开了他,这不是事实。

 Synonyms and related words
Inexact and inaccurate: incorrect, inexact, wrong...
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ʌnˈtruːθf(ə)l/
not honest or true 不诚实的;不真实的
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective informal /ˈwɪʃi ˌwɒʃi/
not strong or definite 软弱无力的;不明确的
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...


 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...
adjective /ˈrumərd/
reported but not definitely true 谣传的;传闻的

It is rumored that there will be changes on the team.

The group is rumored to be splitting up.

 Synonyms and related words
Not definite or based on fact: apparently, supposed, alleged...

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