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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 367 COCA: 499
noun /ˈvæljuː/
  1. 1
    [C/U] the amount that something is worth, measured especially in money (尤指以金钱衡量的)价值

    You can't put a value on a human life. 人的生命是无价的。

    value of :

    The value of the painting is not known. 没人知道这幅画的价值。

    drop/rise/fall etc in value :

    The dollar dropped in value on the foreign exchange markets last week. 美元在上周的外汇市场上价值下跌了。

    Residential property in the city has doubled in value in the last three years. 该市的房价在过去的3年里已经翻了一番。

    of (great/real) value (=worth a lot of money) 很值钱的;贵重的 :

    Thieves had taken a radio and a Walkman, but nothing of great value. 窃贼偷走了一台收音机和一个随身听,但没有拿走什么贵重的东西。

    of little/no value :

    The ring was actually of very little value. 这个戒指实际上不值什么钱。

    hold its/their value (=worth the same amount of money over a long period) 保值 :

    Handwoven rugs hold their value extremely well. 手织地毯不易贬值。

     Synonyms and related words
    Prices and costs: price, cost, charge...
    1. a.
      [U] the amount that something is worth compared to the money that it costs 划算

      Thanks to the strength of the pound, these wines offer tremendous value just now. 多亏英镑坚挺,眼下买这些葡萄酒很上算。

      value for (your) money :

      Most customers are looking for value for their money rather than cutting-edge fashion. 大多数顾客追求的是花钱合算,而不是新潮时尚。

       Synonyms and related words
      Prices and costs: price, cost, charge...
    See also market value
  2. 2
    [U] the degree to which someone or something is important or useful 重要性;有用性

    educational/nutritional value 教育的重要性/营养价值

    value to :

    Discussion of the transport link focused on its value to the local community. 对开通交通线路的讨论集中在其对当地社区的重要性上。

    of (great) value :

    documents that will be of great value to future historians 对未来的史学家们十分重要的文件

    sentimental value (=the importance that something has for you for personal reasons) 情感价值 :

    That watch had belonged to his grandfather and had great sentimental value. 那块表曾是他祖父的,颇具纪念意义。

    of little/no value :

    These papers are of no value to a thief. 这些文件对小偷来说没什么用。

     Synonyms and related words
    Usefulness and efficiency: usefulness, efficiency, effectiveness...
     Synonyms and related words
    Importance: importance, emphasis, priority...
  3. 3
    [U] the particular interesting quality that something has (某种)特性
    shock/novelty/curiosity value :

    Some episodes are included purely for their shock value. 有些情节纯粹是由于其震憾性而加进去的。

     Synonyms and related words
    Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
  4. 4


    [plural] the principles and beliefs that influence the behaviour and way of life of a particular group or community 行为准则;价值观念

    Christian/Western/Islamic values 基督教/西方/伊斯兰教的价值观念

    To its opponents in the developing world, globalization is seen as an attack on traditional cultural values. 对发展中国家中的反对者来说,全球化被看成是对传统文化价值观念的攻击。

    the university's liberal values 这所大学开明的价值观

    set of values :

    They have a very different set of values from our own. 他们的价值观和我们的大不一样。

     Synonyms and related words
    Theories and sets of beliefs: theory, culture, philosophy...
  5. 5
    [C] maths a mathematical number or amount that is not known and is represented by a letter (数)值(由字母表示的数字或未知数)
     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [C] music the length of time that a musical note lasts for (音乐中的)时值(指音符的时间长度)
     Synonyms and related words
verb [T] [often passive] /ˈvæljuː/
present tense
present participlevaluing
past tensevalued
past participlevalued
  1. 1
    to consider someone or something to be important 重视;尊重

    a community in which people respected their elders and valued their knowledge and experience 尊重老年人并重视他们的知识和经验的社会

    a valued friend/colleague 看重的朋友/同事

    value something for something :

    vitamins and minerals that are valued for their protective and energy-giving qualities 因其保健和补充能量的特性而受重视的维生素和矿物质

     Synonyms and related words
    To value something or someone: value, respect, appreciate...
  2. 2
    to state how much something is worth 给…估价;给…定价

    I had the necklace valued then put in the auction. 我让人对项链进行了估价,然后交付拍卖。

    value something at something :

    The seized cocaine was valued at £500,000. 被查获的可卡因估计价值为50万英镑。

    The terms of the deal value the company at £2 million. 该交易的条款对这家公司的估价是200万英镑。

IELTS BNC: 367 COCA: 499


1amount of money that sth is worth價格ADJECTIVE | VERB + VALUE | VALUE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, low高價值;低價值the high value of the pound英鎊的高幣值full, total全部價值;總值real, true實際價值average平均價值estimated估價monetary貨幣價值nominal票面價值a share with a nominal value of $50面值為 50 美元的股票face面值At yesterday's auction an old coin sold for many times more than its face value.在昨天的拍賣會上,一枚古幣以高出面值許多倍的價格售出。residual殘值a residual value of 10% of its original cost相當於原價值 10% 的殘值resale轉售價值Regular servicing will add to the resale value of your car.定期維護能提高汽車的轉賣價格。rental租賃價market市場價值Use current market values to determine the worth of your assets.用當前的市場價值來確定你的資產的價值。land, property土地/房地產價格shareholder股東價值VERB + VALUEplace, put, set確定價值It's hard to put a value on a company with large assets and turnover but low profits.很難為一家擁有大量資產和高營業額但利潤偏低的公司評估價值。add給⋯增值boost, increase, inflate, raise提高價值;使增值;誇大價值;使升值They were accused of artificially inflating the value of the company's securities.他們被控虛報公司證券的價值。maximize使價值最大化double, triple, etc.使價值增加 1 倍、2 倍等Dramatic developments on the stock market tripled the value of his shares.股市的快速發展使他的股票價值增加了 2 倍。diminish, lower, reduce使貶值hold, keep, retain保值The piano has held its value.這架鋼琴保持了原有價值。calculate, determine, estimate, measure, work out計算/確定/估計/評估/算出價值overestimate, underestimate高估/低估價值VALUE + VERBdouble, triple, etc.價值翻一番、增加兩倍等appreciate, go up, increase, rise價值上漲/升高/增加/提升exceed sth價值超過⋯decline, decrease, depreciate, fall, go down價值下跌/減少/貶低/下滑/降低PREPOSITIONin value在價值方面The land has dropped in value.這片土地的價格已經下跌了。to the value of價值為⋯Paintings to the value of two million euros were stolen last night.價值達 200 萬歐元的油畫昨夜失竊。PHRASESan increase in value, a rise in value價值增加/上漲a drop in value, a fall in value, a reduction in value價值下跌/降低/減少


2how much sth is worth compared with its price划算程度ADJECTIVE | VERB + VALUE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexcellent, good, great, outstanding十分合算;物有所值;很划算poor很不合算VERB + VALUEdeliver, offer, provide划算Our products deliver value.我們的產品很划算。PHRASESvalue for money物有所值的程度Though a little more expensive, the larger model gives better value for money.儘管較大的一款稍微貴了點兒,但是更划算一些。


3importance重要性ADJECTIVE | VERB + VALUE | VALUE + VERB | VALUE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEenormous, great, high, immense, incalculable, inestimable, tremendous重大的意義;十分重要;巨大的價值;無法計算的價值;無法估量的價值added額外的作用It has an added value for native speakers of English.這對於以英語為母語的人具有額外的價值。doubtful, dubious, limited, low不一定有價值;有限的用途;價值不大His published account of his travels is of dubious value to other explorers.他發表的遊記對其他探險家不一定有用。lasting持久的意義main, real, true主要的/實際的/真實的用途intrinsic內在的意義practical, sentimental, symbolic實際用途;情感價值;象徵意義aesthetic, entertainment審美/娛樂價值nutritional, nutritive營養價值the nutritional value of eggs雞蛋的營養價值VERB + VALUEhave有價值The stolen necklace only had sentimental value for her.被偷的項鏈對她而言只有紀念意義。attach, place, put, set賦予⋯意義;看重He places a high value on marriage.他把婚姻看得很重。appreciate, realize, recognize, understand意識到/認識到/認可/理解⋯價值We began to recognize the value of advice from others.我們開始認識到他人的建議是多麼寶貴。demonstrate, prove, show表明/證明/展現⋯價值a program which demonstrates the value of education展示出教育價值的課程measure評估⋯價值question懷疑⋯價值Many people question the social value of talk shows.許多人質疑談話類節目的社會價值。overestimate, underestimate高估/低估⋯價值You can't underestimate the value of networking.你不能低估人際關係網的價值。diminish減少⋯價值enhance增加⋯價值This would greatly enhance the value of the book as a resource for scholars.這將大大增強這本書可資學者參考利用的價值。emphasize, underline, underscore (especially NAmE) 強調⋯價值VALUE + VERBbe, lie意義在於;價值在於The real value of the book lies in its wonderful characterization.這本書真正的價值在於精彩的人物塑造。VALUE + NOUNjudgement價值判斷Evolutionary psychology does not make a value judgement about the way we behave.進化心理學不對我們的行為方式進行價值判斷。PREPOSITIONof value有意義He didn't say anything of value.他沒講什麼有意義的話。value to對⋯的價值Pottery fragments are of great value to historians.陶瓷碎片對於歷史學家很有價值。


4values set of beliefs觀念ADJECTIVE | ... OF VALUES | VERB + VALUES | VALUE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdominant主流價值觀the dominant values of a society社會的主流價值觀conservative, conventional, traditional保守的/守舊的/傳統的價值觀common, shared, universal共同的/相同的/普遍的價值觀What shared values do you have with your friends?你和朋友間共有的價值觀是什麼?human人的價值觀aesthetic, cultural, educational, political, social美學/文化/教育/政治/社會觀念Christian, ethical, moral, religious, spiritual基督教信仰;倫理觀念;道德觀念;宗教信仰;精神觀念We need to be guided by our moral values.我們需要以道德觀念為指導。family家庭觀念The party's election campaign emphasized its belief in family values.該黨派在競選活動中強調家庭觀念。middle-class, Victorian, Western中產階級的/維多利亞時代的/西方的價值觀parental父母的價值觀the rejection of parental values by a child孩子對父母價值觀的排斥democratic, liberal民主的/開明的觀念... OF VALUESset一套價值觀a prevailing set of cultural values一套流行的文化價值觀VERB + VALUEShave, hold持有⋯價值觀They hold very middle-class values.他們秉持典型的中產階級價值觀。cherish, encourage, foster, promote秉持/鼓勵/培養/推行⋯價值觀Is it the role of schools to foster spiritual values?培養學生的精神觀念是學校的責任嗎?instil/instill灌輸⋯價值觀Families adhered to the values instilled by the church.家庭堅守教會灌輸的價值觀。embody體現⋯價值觀the principles and values embodied in the Constitution憲法所體現的原則和價值觀hold onto, preserve, uphold恪守/保留/維護價值觀念a society that has failed to preserve its traditional values一個未能保留傳統價值觀念的社會compromise在價值觀方面讓步I won't compromise my artistic values.我不會在藝術標準上讓步。share共享價值觀the cultural values shared by all the ethnic groups所有族群共有的文化觀念VALUE + NOUNsystem價值體系a common value system共同的價值體系PHRASESproduction values生產價值a movie with high production values一部高產值的電影


think sb/sth is very important看重ADVERB | VERB + VALUE | PREPOSITION ADVERBgreatly, highly, particularly十分看重;高度重視;特別重視increasingly越來越重視positively積極地看待equally同樣重視rightly理應重視the fear of losing the independence that they rightly value他們對喪失理應珍視的獨立的恐懼VERB + VALUEcome to, learn to開始/學會重視During my illness I learned to value the ordinary things in life.生病期間,我學會了珍視生活中的平凡事。PREPOSITIONas把⋯看成I value her very highly as a friend.我很看重她這個朋友。for因⋯重視Tulips are valued for their beauty.鬱金香因美麗而受到青睞。He hated to be valued for his looks alone.他討厭別人只看重他的相貌。
IELTS BNC: 367 COCA: 499
value verb
appreciate (I value him as a friend.) price (I got my violin valued.)
value noun
value1 (the value of regular exercise) value2 (good value for money) values (moral values) price (property values)


the value of regular exercise 经常锻炼的好处good value for money 划算value ♦︎ quality ♦︎ merit ♦︎ worth ♦︎ excellence ♦︎ distinction ♦︎ meaningThese are all words for the quality of being good or useful. 这些词均表示好处、价值、积极作用。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb / sth of value / quality / merit / worth / excellence / distinctionvalue / merit / excellence / distinction in sthwithout value / merit / worth / distinction / meaninggreat / real value / quality / merit / worth / distinction / meaningtrue value / quality / worth / excellence / meaningconsiderable value / quality / merit / distinctiondubious value / quality / merit / distinctionartistic value / quality / merit / worth / excellenceacademic merit / excellence / distinctionto have value / quality / merit / worth / distinction / meaningsb / sth proves their / its value / quality / merit / worth value [uncountable] the quality of being good, useful, or important 好处;积极作用;重要意义The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated.经常锻炼的好处不应低估。The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries.运河的出现对许多行业都具有重大意义。This ring has great sentimental value for me (= it is important because I associate it with people or places that are emotionally important to me).这枚戒指对我来说很有纪念意义。I suppose it has a certain novelty value (= it's interesting because it's new) but you'll soon get bored of it.我觉得这有一定的新意,不过你很快就会厌倦它。 see also value appreciate verb quality [uncountable] a high standard 上乘;优质;高标准We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices.我们的宗旨是质量上乘,价格合理。Get it right, even if it takes time; it's quality not quantity that matters.即使费时也要把它做好,重要的是质量而不是数量。 see also quality good adj. 1 merit ˈmerɪt [uncountable] (rather formal) the quality of being good and of deserving praise, reward or admiration 优点;美德;价值It's a work of outstanding artistic merit.这是一件极具艺术价值的作品。The plan is entirely without merit.这个计划毫无价值。I want to get the job on merit (= because I deserve it, not as a favour).我要凭实力得到这份工作。 see also merit deserve verb worth [uncountable] the practical or moral value of sb/sth 价值;意义;作用The children here quickly gain a sense of their own worth.这里的孩子很快便获得了自我价值感。A good job interview should help candidates prove their worth.好的面试可以让求职者证明自己的价值。Worth can also mean the financial value of sth. * worth还可表示某物的金钱价值。 see also worth price noun , worthless despicable excellence [uncountable] the quality of being of an extremely high standard 优秀;杰出;卓越The college has a reputation for academic excellence.这所学院具有很高的学术声誉。We want this hospital to be a centre of excellence.我们希望这家医院成为一所成就卓著的中心。 see also excellent excellent distinction [uncountable, singular] (rather formal) the quality of being excellent, important or special 优秀;杰出;卓越;不同凡响a writer of great distinction一位优秀作家She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic.她不同凡响,是第一位飞越大西洋的女子。 meaning [uncountable] the real importance of a feeling or experience; the quality or sense of purpose that makes you feel that your life is valuable (情感或经历的)真正重要性;(人生的)意义,价值,目标With Anna he learned the meaning of love.与安娜在一起让他明白了爱的真谛。Her life seemed to have lost all meaning.她的生活似乎已失去了意义。value2


the value of regular exercise 经常锻炼的好处good value for money 划算value ♦︎ bargain ♦︎ good buy ♦︎ giveaway ♦︎ a snip ♦︎ a stealThese are all words for sth that is worth more than you pay for it. 这些词均表示某物买得划算或物超所值。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be good value / a bargain / a good buy / a giveaway / a snip / a steal at a particular pricebargain / giveaway prices value [uncountable] (especially BrE) how much sth is worth compared with its price (与价格相比的)值,划算程度This restaurant is excellent value (= is worth the money it costs).在这家餐厅吃饭很合算。Charter flights give very good value for money.包机非常划算。 bargain [countable] a thing bought for less than the usual price 减价品;便宜货I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。The car was a bargain at that price.那辆汽车价格真便宜。 ˌgood ˈbuy [countable] a thing that is worth the money that you pay for it 合算的商品That jacket was a really good buy.那件夹克确实买得很合算。 OPP bad buy A bad buy is not worth the money that you pay for it. * bad buy指买得不合算的商品。 giveaway ˈgɪvəweɪ [countable] (informal) something that a company gives free, usually with sth else that is for sale (公司为推销产品而搭送的)随赠品Comic books were first published in the US in 1933, for use as advertising giveaways.1933年,连环画在美国首次面世,是作为广告的随赠品。 a snip [singular] (BrE, informal) a thing that is cheap and good value 价廉物美的东西;便宜好货It's a snip at only £25.这东西只卖25英镑,真划算。 a steal [singular] (especially NAmE, informal) a snip 价廉物美的东西;便宜好货This suit is a steal at $80.这套西服只卖80元,跟白给差不多了。

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