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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
adjective /ɡʊd/
  1. 1
    of a high quality or standard 质量好的;水平高的

    We saw a really good film last night. 昨晚我们看了一部非常好的电影。

    They were all dressed in their best clothes. 他们都穿着最好的衣服。

    These dishes are too good to use every day. 这些盘子太好了,不适合天天用。

    How good is his English? 他的英语水平有多高?

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    able to do something well 有能力的;好的

    Francine was a very good cook. 弗兰辛是个非常好的厨师。

    good at :

    Bob is pretty good at fixing things. 鲍勃很会修理东西。

     Synonyms and related words
    Skilful and able: able, capable, professional...
    1. a.
      able to deal with someone or something well, or able to use something well 善于(处理…)的;善于(运用…)的
      good with :

      Gina has always been good with animals. 吉纳一向都很善于跟动物打交道。

      Jake is really good with his hands (=skilful at making or doing things using his hands). 杰克的手很巧。

       Synonyms and related words
      Skilful and able: able, capable, professional...
  3. 3
    having the necessary qualities 适用的;好的

    This rock will make a good paperweight. 这块石头能做成很好的镇纸。

    good for :

    Electric cars are good for driving around town. 电动汽车很适合在城里开。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      reasonable or sensible 合理的;明智的

      Dad gave me some really good advice. 爸爸给了我一些非常明智的建议。

      This is surely the best argument against the death penalty. 这是反对死刑的最佳论点。

      Give me one good reason why I should lend you money. 给我一个合理的理由,为什么我该借钱给你。

       Synonyms and related words
      Sensible and reasonable: practical, sensible, rational...
    2. b.
      suitable and likely to produce the results or conditions you want 适宜的;合适的

      Now would be a good time to ask for a pay rise. 现在是提出加薪的合适时机。

      What's the best way to get to the motorway from here? 从这里上高速公路的最佳路线怎么走?

       Synonyms and related words
      Suitable or convenient: suitable, convenient, proper...
    3. c.
      convenient 方便的

      What's a good time to call you? 什么时候给你打电话方便?

      good for :

      Thursday is good for me – can you make it then? 周四对我合适,你行吗?

       Synonyms and related words
      Suitable or convenient: suitable, convenient, proper...
  4. 4
    honest and morally correct 诚实的;道德的

    George had always tried to lead a good life. 乔治一直努力要好好过日子。

    It would be good if you gave the money back. 你若把钱拿回来是无可厚非的。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
    1. a.
      willing to obey and behave in a socially correct way 乖的;守规矩的

      Ruth's children are always so good. 鲁思的孩子们总是那么听话。

      as good as gold :

      He sat there as good as gold the whole time. 他一直乖乖地坐在那里。

      be a good boy/girl :

      Be a good boy and play quietly. 做个乖孩子,安安静静地玩儿。

       Synonyms and related words
      Obedient and cooperative: obedient, cooperative, law-abiding...
       Synonyms and related words
      Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
    2. b.
      willing to obey all the rules of a particular religion or organization 遵守教规的;虔诚的;忠心的

      a good Catholic 一个虔诚的天主教徒

       Synonyms and related words
      Words used to describe religious people: religious, spiritual, holy...
       Synonyms and related words
      Obedient and cooperative: obedient, cooperative, law-abiding...
    3. c.
      kind, generous, and willing to help 善良的;慷慨的;乐于助人的
      good to :

      Helen's parents were always good to us. 海伦的父母对我们总是很好。

      good about :

      Sheryl's brother has been good about helping out with the new baby. 谢里尔的兄弟一直乐于帮忙照顾那个新出生的婴儿。

      it is good of someone to do something :

      It was so good of you to come. 你来了真好。

       Synonyms and related words
      Generous: generous, hospitable, kind-hearted...
       Synonyms and related words
      Kind, gentle and sensitive: gentle, nice, sensitive...
       Synonyms and related words
      Helpful and willing to help: helpful, friendly, kind...
  5. 5
    giving you a happy or pleasant feeling 令人快乐的;令人愉快的

    We had such a good time in Madrid. 我们在马德里过得很愉快。

    A hot bath would be good now. 现在洗个热水澡会很舒服。

    One more piece of good news: Beth had a bouncing baby girl! 还有一个让人高兴的消息:贝思生了个健康活泼的女孩!

    it is/feels good to do something :

    It's good to finally meet you. 终于见到了你,真高兴。

     Synonyms and related words
    Pleasant, enjoyable and relaxing: pleasant, enjoyable, relaxing...
  6. 6
    attractive 迷人的;漂亮的

    Carol looks good with short hair, don't you think? 卡洛尔留短发很好看,你不这样认为吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe attractive people or things: lovely, delightful, appealing...
  7. 7
    feeling healthy 感到健康的

    I don't feel very good – I'm going to lie down. 我觉得不太舒服,我要躺下来。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      feeling happy 感到快乐的

      He's not in a very good mood. 他情绪不佳。

       Synonyms and related words
      Feeling happy: happy, glad, alive...
    2. b.
      making you healthy or happy 使人健康的;令人高兴的
      good for :

      Exercise is good for you. 锻炼会使你健康。

      it is good (for someone) to do something :

      It's not good to eat so much junk food. 吃这么多的“垃圾食品”不利于身体健康。

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      giving benefits to something 有利的
      good for :

      The recent tax cuts will be good for business. 最近的减税将会对商业有利。

       Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    fairly large in amount, size, range etc (数额、大小、范围等)相当大的,相当可观的

    He earns a good salary as a consultant. 他当顾问薪水很高。

    The library has a good selection of computer books. 图书馆里计算机类的书很多。

     Synonyms and related words
    Large in size: large, big, high...
     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
    1. a.
      a good many/few informal a large number of people or things 很多的

      They've known each other for a good many years. 他们相识已经很多年了。

  9. 9
    not damaged or spoiled in any way and still able to be used or eaten 仍可使用的;还可食用的;没有变质的

    Do you think the eggs are still good? 你觉得这些蛋还可以吃吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    In good condition and not damaged: undamaged, perfect, intact...
    1. a.
      able to be legally used or officially accepted 合法的;有效的
      good for :

      The tickets are good for three weeks. 这些票的有效期为3周。

       Synonyms and related words
      Legal and honest: legal, innocent, clean...
    2. b.
      still able to be used for a particular period of time or a particular distance 还能用(一段时间)的;还能用上(一段距离)的
      good for :

      I think these trousers are good for another few months. 我认为这些裤子还能再穿几个月。

       Synonyms and related words
      Useful and effective and working correctly: useful, efficient, effective...
    3. c.
      able to be used because of being real and not false 真的;非伪造的

      a good £20 note 一张20英镑的真币

       Synonyms and related words
      Real and seeming real: real, true, genuine...
  10. 10
    spoken used for saying that you are pleased with someone, or are pleased about something 太好了(用于表示对某人或某事满意)

    ‘They should be here in half an hour.' ‘Good.' “他们半小时后就会到这里。”“太好了。”

    Oh, good, you remembered to buy the milk. 啊,太好了,你记得买牛奶了。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      used when talking about what has been decided or agreed 就这样(用于表示已决定或同意)

      Good. Then we'll meet at midday in front of the theatre. 就这样,我们中午在剧院前见面。

       Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    having a high and respected position in society (社会地位)高贵的,上层的

    He comes from a very good family. 他来自一个上流社会家庭。

    Your accent doesn't make you better than me. 按你的口音判断,你的出身不会比我高贵。

    1. a.
      expensive, or used by people with a high position in society 昂贵的;高级的

      We moved to a smaller house in a good area. 我们搬到高级社区一幢较小的房子里。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
  12. 12
    reliable and likely to earn a lot of money for you 挣钱多的;高薪的

    Tony has a good job at the post office. 托尼在邮局有一份高薪的工作。

    They made some good investments. 他们进行了几次获利丰厚的投资。

     Synonyms and related words
    Reliable and trustworthy: reliable, trustworthy, consistent...
  13. 13
    giving you a lot of value for something you are buying or selling (买卖之物)物美价廉的,值得的,合算的

    Thirty pounds is a good price for jeans. 30英镑买牛仔裤真是合算。

    We got a good deal on our plane tickets. 我们买到了非常便宜的机票。

  14. 14
    thorough and complete 彻底的;完全的

    The witness said she got a good look at his face. 目击者说她把他的脸看得清清楚楚。

    What I need is a good night's sleep. 我需要的是睡一夜好觉。

     Synonyms and related words
    Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
  15. 15
    funny or interesting 滑稽的;有趣的

    a good joke/story 有趣的笑话/故事

     Synonyms and related words
    Funny, playful and humorous: funny, humorous, playful...
     Synonyms and related words
    Interesting: interesting, original, exciting...
  16. 16
    a ball that is good in a game such as tennis lands inside the area in which the game is played (比赛中打的球)好的,有效的,可以得分的
     Synonyms and related words
  17. 17
    informal more than a particular distance, amount, age etc 多于

    We've been waiting for a good half hour. 我们已等了半个多小时。

     Synonyms and related words
    Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
  18. 18
    if there is a good chance of something happening, it is likely to happen 可能的

    There's a good chance of showers tonight. 今晚可能有阵雨。

     Synonyms and related words
    Certain or likely to happen: certain, likely, probable...
  19. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    (as) good as gold very good 非常好的;很棒的

    The children were as good as gold.

    Submitted by Ismail from Russian Federation on 05/02/2018
  20. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    Have a good one! an informal expression of farewell

    The idea sounds great, Rebecca! We'll talk about it one of these days. Have a good one!

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 13/07/2017
  21. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    fine; well

    'How are you?' 'I'm good!'

    Submitted by Sara massa from Syrian Arab Republic on 20/07/2018
  22. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    have a good one! spoken goodbye and have a good day

    Customer: Thank you! Cashier: You are welcome! Have a good one!

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 12/11/2014
See also
noun [U] /ɡʊd/
  1. 1
    advantage, or benefit 优势;利益
    for the good of someone/something :

    Hartman should resign for the good of the party. 哈特曼应该为了政党的利益辞职。

    for someone's own good :

    I'm only punishing you for your own good. 我是为了你好才惩罚你的。

    do someone good :

    I think a trip to the beach would do us all a lot of good. 我认为到海滨旅行对我们每个人都很有好处。

    the common/general good (=benefit for everyone in society or in a group) 公众利益 :

    The country's natural resources should be used for the common good. 国家的自然资源应该用于造福大众。

     Synonyms and related words
    Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
  2. 2
    morally correct behaviour 善;善行

    The Internet can be a force for good by helping to spread knowledge. 因特网可以为善,成为帮助传播知识的重要力量。

    good and evil :

    the battle between good and evil 善与恶的较量

     Synonyms and related words
    Morally good or correct behaviour: virtue, goodness, purity...
    1. a.

      the good

      people who behave in a morally correct way 好人;高尚的人
       Synonyms and related words
      Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
  3. 3
    the pleasant part or aspects of something 好的方面;令人愉快的方面

    When you're bringing up kids, you have to take the good with the bad. 养育孩子时,你不得不接受好的和不好的方面。

     Synonyms and related words
    Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
See also
  • goods
adverb mainly American spoken /ɡʊd/
  1. 1
    a way of saying ‘well' that many people think is not correct

    He's doing pretty good at his new job. 他的新工作干得相当不错。

     Synonyms and related words
    Well and very well: well, ably, fantastically...
  2. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    good and proper completely 完全地;十足地

    The project failed good and proper.

    The table is broken good and proper.

    Submitted by Darshi from India on 17/10/2016


ADJECTIVE | VERB + GOOD | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcommon公益The results of the research should be used for the common good.研究成果應該服務於社會公益。VERB + GOODdo (sb)(對某人)有用You can try talking to her, but I don't think it will do much good.你可以試着和她談談,不過我想不會有什麼幫助。It will do you good to get out of the house more often.常到戶外走走對你有好處。PREPOSITIONfor sb/sth's good為了對⋯有好處When his health problems continued, he resigned for the good of the party.由於健康狀況沒有好轉,他為了所屬政黨的利益而辭職。PHRASESa force for good改善狀況的力量In disadvantaged areas, schools can be a force for good.在貧困地區,學校可能會成為改善現狀的力量。for sb's (own) good為某人(自身)着想I know you don't want to go into the hospital, but it's for your own good.我知道你不想去醫院,可這是為了你好。for the good of sth, good and evil為了⋯的好處;善與惡the struggle between good and evil正義與邪惡的鬥爭a power of good好的影響That break has done me a power of good.那次休息對我的健康很有好處。


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste很好;感覺不錯;看起來令人滿意;似乎很出色;聞起來很不錯;聽起來正常;嚐起來味道不錯become, get好起來;有所改善She's getting very good at reading now.她現在的閱讀能力相當不錯。ADVERBdead, extremely, really, very好極了;非常好a really good movie確實不錯的電影especially, particularly特別好perfectly十全十美Why ruin a perfectly good story?為什麼要毀掉這麼一個完美的故事?fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably相當好;頗為出色;很不錯You've done a pretty good job.你的工作幹得很漂亮。surprisingly奇好The food was surprisingly good.飯菜奇好。PREPOSITIONat善於He's very good at music.他擅長音樂。for對⋯有益Vegetables are good for you.多吃蔬菜對你有好處。to待⋯好She was very good to me when my husband died.我丈夫去世後她對我很好。with⋯方面擅長She's good with figures.她擅長算術。
good noun
benefit1 (for your own good) morality (good and evil)
good adj.
good1 (in good condition) good2 (Now is a good time to…) good3 (a good idea/reason) good4 (a good actor) good5 (a good person/deed/life) good6 (a good impression) good7 (a good boy/girl/dog) healthy (Fruit is good for you.) kind (good of you to come) nice1 (good news) sunny (if the weather's good…) valuable2 (good advice) well (I don't feel too good.) in a good mood cheerful a good bet option noun have a good time play verb1


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗 See also the entries for better, excellent, great 1 and wonderful 另见better条、excellent条、great条第1义和wonderful条good ♦︎ fine ♦︎ quality ♦︎ high quality ♦︎ sterling ♦︎ prime ♦︎ superiorThese words all describe sth that is of a good quality. 这些词均表示优质的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(of) good / fine / sterling / prime / superior qualitya good / fine / quality / high quality / sterling / superior performance / servicea good / fine / quality / high quality / superior product good of a high quality or an acceptable standard 好的;优质的;符合标准的I think that make of car's pretty good.我认为那个牌子的汽车很好。The old piano was in good condition.这台旧钢琴状况良好。Your work is just not good enough.你的工作真是不够好。This is as good a place as any to spend the night.有这么个地方过夜就很好了。Good is used especially about everyday things and places and work that people do. * good尤用于修饰日常事物、地点及工作。OPP bad poor 2 fine [usually before noun] of a high quality 优质的;高质量的It's a particularly fine example of Saxon architecture.这是撒克逊式建筑尤为优秀的范例。They enjoy good food and fine wines.他们喜欢美酒佳肴。people who enjoy the finer things in life (= for example, art, good food etc.) 享受生活中美好事物的人It was his finest hour (= most successful period) as manager of the England team.那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。Fine is used especially about art, culture and food. * fine尤用于修饰艺术、文化和食物。OPP poor poor 2 quality [only before noun] (rather informal) of a high quality 优质的;高质量的We specialize in quality furniture.我们专营高档家具。We offer a quality service to all customers.我们为所有顾客提供优质服务。Quality is used especially in advertising and selling. * quality尤用于广告和销售语境中。 see also quality value noun 1 high quality [only before noun] of a good quality 优质的;高质量的We always use the highest quality ingredients.我们总是使用最优质的原料。High quality TV shows are getting rarer all the time.优质的电视节目总是越来越少。NOTE 辨析 Quality or high quality?These words have the same meaning but quality is more informal than high quality and is only used by people trying to advertise or sell sth. 这两个词意思相同,但quality没有high quality正式,仅用于广告或销售语境中。 sterling [usually before noun] (especially BrE, formal) of very good quality 优秀的;杰出的He's done some sterling work.他做了一些杰出的工作。Thanks to all your sterling efforts, we've raised over £12 000.由于你们的出色工作,我们已募集到超过12 000英镑。She has some sterling qualities.她有一些优秀品质。 prime [only before noun] of the best quality 最优质的;上乘的Use only prime cuts (= pieces) of beef.只使用上等的牛肉块。a prime location in the centre of town位于市中心的黄金地段 superior suːˈpɪəriə(r), sjuːˈpɪəriə(r); NAmE suːˈpɪriər [usually before noun] of a very good quality; better than other, similar things 上佳的;出类拔萃的;超群的The hotel offers superior accommodation and leisure facilities.这家旅馆提供上等的膳宿和休闲设施。Superior is used especially in advertisements. * superior尤用于广告文案中。 OPP inferior poor 2 good2


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗 See also the entries for adequate and fine 另见adequate条和fine条good ♦︎ appropriate ♦︎ suitable ♦︎ right ♦︎ convenient ♦︎ fitting ♦︎ apt ♦︎ cut out for/to be sth ♦︎ fitThese words all describe sb/sth that will work well for a particular purpose or situation. 这些词均表示合适的、适宜的、恰当的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配good / appropriate / suitable / right / convenient / fitting / apt / cut out / fit for sb / sthgood / appropriate / suitable as sb / sthgood / appropriate / suitable / right / convenient / fitting / apt / fit that...good / appropriate / suitable / right / convenient / fitting / fit to do stha good / an appropriate / a suitable / the right / a convenient time to do sth / place for stha good / an appropriate / a suitable / the right / a fitting thing to do / saya good / an appropriate / a suitable / the right person for sth good suitable or convenient for a particular purpose or person (对某意图或人)合适的,适宜的,恰当的Now is a good time to buy a house.现在买房子正是时候。Do you think she would be good for the job?你认为她干这个工作合适吗?Can we change the time of the meeting? Monday is no good for me.我们把开会时间改改吧-星期一我不方便。OPP bad wrong 3 appropriate acceptable or correct for a particular situation or person (对某种情况或人)合适的,恰当的Jeans are not appropriate for a formal interview.正式面试时穿牛仔裤不合适。Would it be appropriate to take him a small gift?给他带一件小礼物合适吗?We must make sure that appropriate action is taken.我们必须确保采取适当行动。OPP inappropriate wrong 3 appropriately


Make sure you dress appropriately for the meeting.请确保开会时着装得体。
suitable (BrE or formal, NAmE) acceptable or correct for a particular purpose, person or situation (对某意图、人或情况)合适的,适宜的,恰当的The exercise-with-answer-key format makes the book suitable for self-study.这本书有练习有答案,适合自学。I don't think he's a suitable partner for her.我认为他做她的伴侣不合适。Do you think he's suitable as a babysitter for such young kids?你认为他适合临时照看这么小的孩子吗?In American English suitable is only used in formal or official language; in everyday spoken or written American English use appropriate or right. 在美式英语中,suitable仅用于正式或官方语言,在日常口语或书面语中用appropriate或right。 OPP unsuitable wrong 3 suitably


suitably qualified candidates十分符合条件的人选
right correct for a particular situation, purpose, thing or person (对某情况、意图、东西或人)合适的,适宜的,恰当的He's definitely the right man for the job.他绝对是这份工作的合适人选。I don't think she was right for you (= for you to have a relationship with).我认为她不适合你。Next time we'll get it right.下次我们就不会错了。You're not holding it the right way up.你把它拿倒了。 (BrE) Are you sure that sweater's on the right way round?你肯定那件毛衣没有穿反吗? (NAmE) Are you sure that sweater's on the right way (around)?你肯定那件毛衣没有穿反吗?OPP wrong wrong 3 NOTE 辨析 Good, appropriate, suitable or right?How appropriate or suitable sb/sth is is a matter of judgement and it depends on what is acceptable to other people. How good sb/sth is depends more on what you like yourself or what is convenient. How right sb/sth is is more a matter of fact. * appropriate或suitable与否,须根据其是否为他人接受而作出判断;good与否,更多取决于个人喜好或是否方便;right与否,更多是一种客观事实Do you think she would be a / an good / appropriate / suitable person to ask?你认为问她合适吗?a right person to ask She's definitely the good/appropriate/suitable person to ask. She's definitely the right person to ask.这当然应该问她。 Good, suitable and right can all be used when sth is correct for a particular purpose, but appropriate is only used about people or situations. * good、suitable和right均可指某事适合特定目的,但appropriate仅用于形容人或情况。 convenient (especially about times and arrangements) not causing any problems (尤指时间和安排)方便的,便利的I can't see them now. It's not convenient.我现在不能见他们,不太方便。We'll arrange a mutually convenient meeting place.我们会安排一个对彼此都方便的会面地点。OPP inconvenient wrong 3 fitting (formal) suitable or right for an occasion (对某场合)适合的,恰当的The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work.她多年来兢兢业业,获此奖项乃实至名归。It was a fitting end to a glamorous career.这是精彩的职业生涯的恰当结尾。 apt suitable for a particular situation (对某种情况)适合的,恰当的That question seemed quite apt in the circumstances.那个问题在这种场合显得挺合适的。'Love at first sight' is an apt description of how I felt when I first saw her.用“一见钟情”来描述我第一次见她的感觉很恰当。 aptly


the aptly named Grand Hotel名副其实的“大饭店”
cut ˈout for sth cut ˈout to be sth


(rather informal) to have the qualities and abilities that are suitable for a particlular job or activity 具有适合(某项工作或活动)的素质和才能;是⋯的料He's not cut out for teaching.他不适合教书。He's not cut out to be a teacher.他不是当教师的料。
fit suitable; having the right qualities or skills for sth (素质或技能)适合的,恰当的,合格的The food was not fit for human consumption.这食物不适合人吃。It was a meal fit for a king (= of very good quality).那顿饭都赶上御膳了。 (BrE) He's in no fit state to see anyone.他状态不好,无法见人。In American English fit is not needed here. 在美式英语中,这一表达法省去fit (NAmE) He's in no state to see anyone.他状态不好,无法见人。 OPP unfit wrong 3


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗 See also the entry for rational 另见rational条good ♦︎ solid ♦︎ sound ♦︎ valid ♦︎ legitimate ♦︎ well foundedThese words all describe sth that has a sensible, logical basis and that there are good reasons for. 这些词均表示合情理的、有充分根据的、理由充足的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a good / solid / sound / valid / legitimate reason / basisgood / solid / sound / valid evidencegood / solid / sound advicea good / sound / valid / legitimate argumenta good / sound / valid conclusionto have good / sound judgementa good / valid / legitimate question / point / excuseperfectly good / sound / valid / legitimate good sensible, logical and very appropriate to what is being discussed or considered 合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的'They won't be able to find the way without a map.' 'Good point.'“没有地图他们找不到路的。”“说得对。”You'll have to think of a better excuse than that!你得想一个比那更好的借口!That's a really good idea.那真是个好主意。Students are not allowed to miss classes without good reason.学生无正当理由不许缺课。I have good reason to be suspicious.我的怀疑有充足的理由。Good is used especially about sb's ideas, statements, questions and reasons for doing sth. * good尤用于修饰某人的想法、陈述、问题和做某事的原因。OPP bad wrong 3 solid sensible and logical; having a strong basis in fact or reality 合情理的;有说服力的;坚实的Her advice is always solid and practical.她的建议总是有根有据,切合实际。There's solid evidence to show he wasn't there when the crime took place.有确凿证据表明案发时他不在现场。Their friendship provided a solid foundation for their future together.他们的友谊为他们共同的未来提供了坚实基础。 OPP flimsy A flimsy excuse or flimsy evidence is difficult to believe. * flimsy表示难以取信的、站不住脚的,一般与excuse或evidence搭配He keeps calling on the flimsiest of pretexts.他不停地说着完全站不住脚的借口。 solidly


Their argument was solidly based on fact.他们的辩论完全以事实为依据。
sound that you can rely on and that will probably give good results 明智的;合理的;可靠的He's a person of very sound judgement.他是一个很有判断力的人。The proposal makes sound commercial sense.这项提案从商业角度看完全合情合理。Their policies are environmentally sound.他们的政策对环境无害。OPP unsound A method that is unsound contains mistakes and cannot be relied on to give good results; an idea or practice that is unsound is not acceptable, especially for moral or political reasons. * unsound形容方法时表示有错误的、靠不住的,形容想法或做法时表示不能接受的,尤因道德或政治原因The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.使用一次性产品被认为对生态不利。 valid based on what is logical or true, in a way that supports the decision or claim being made 符合逻辑的;有根据的;确凿的The point you make is perfectly valid.你提的论点完全站得住脚。Accepting valid criticism is an important part of the learning process.接受合理的批评是学习过程的重要一环。OPP invalid An invalid point, criticism, argument, etc. is not based on all the facts, and therefore not correct. * invalid修饰观点、批评、论点等时,表示没有事实依据,因而是不正确的。 validity vəˈlɪdəti


[uncountable] Of course we recognize the validity of that argument.我们当然承认那个论证的合理性。
legitimate lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət (rather formal) based on a fair and acceptable reason 正当合理的;合情合理的All legitimate grievances should be raised with your line manager.所有合乎情理的不满都应该告诉你的顶头上司。The court ruled that celebrities' children were not a legitimate target for press intrusion.法院判定名人子女不应成为媒体侵扰的目标。 ˌwell ˈfounded (rather formal) having good reasons or evidence to cause or support it 理由充足的;有根据的;有事实依据的His fears proved to be well founded.他的恐惧后来证明是有道理的。


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗 See also the entry for impressive 另见impressive条good ♦︎ skilled ♦︎ great ♦︎ able ♦︎ competent ♦︎ talented ♦︎ capable ♦︎ gifted ♦︎ skilful ♦︎ proficient ♦︎ accomplished ♦︎ professionalThese words all describe sb who does sth with skill. 这些词均表示精通的、擅长的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配good / skilled / great / competent / gifted / skilful / proficient / accomplished at sthgood / skilled / great / competent / giftedwith sb / sthskilled / competent / gifted / proficient / professional in stha good / a skilled / a great / an able / a competent / a talented / a capable / a gifted / a skilful teachera good / a skilled / a great / a talented / a capable / a skilful / an accomplished performera good / a skilled / a great / a competent / a talented / a gifted / a skilful / an accomplished playera good / a great / a competent / a talented / a gifted / an accomplished actor / musician / singer / artist / painter / writera good / great / competent / capable managersb's competent / skilful / professional handling of sthvery good / skilled / able / competent / talented / capable / gifted / skilful / proficient / accomplished / professionalextremely good / skilled / able / competent / talented / capable / gifted / skilful / accomplished / professionalhighly skilled / able / competent / capable / gifted / skilful / proficient / accomplished / professionalperfectly able / competent / capablenaturally good at sth / talented / giftedtechnically skilled / able / competent / proficient / accomplished good able to do, use sth or deal with people well 精通的;擅长⋯的;灵巧的;精明的She's a really good actor.她是非常优秀的演员。I'm not really a very good cook.我做饭算不上特别好。Are you any good at languages?你语言能力好吗?Nick has always been good at finding cheap deals.尼克总能找到低价优惠。Jo's very good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.).乔的手很巧。OPP bad , poor incompetent skilled (of a person) having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be able to do a particular job or activity well; (of a job) needing special abilities or training (人)有技能的,熟练的;(工作)需要专门技术的We need more skilled engineers.我们需要更多熟练的工程师。Skilled workers can expect to earn pretty high wages after a few years.技术工人预计几年后会赚很高的工资。There's a shortage of skilled labour (= workers who are able to do jobs that need particular skills).缺乏技术工人。Furniture-making is very skilled work.做家具是技术性很强的活儿。OPP unskilled Unskilled people have no special skills; unskilled work needs no special skills. * unskilled可形容人没有专门技能,或形容工作不需要专门技能unskilled manual workers无专门技能的体力劳动者 see also skill skill 1 2 great (informal, especially spoken) extremely good at sth 擅长的;精通的;出色的She's great at chess.她国际象棋下得很好。You're a great cook-this is delicious!你的厨艺真棒-这个太好吃了!He's great with the kids.他对孩子很有一套。 OPP rotten incompetent able (rather formal) good at tasks and activities that require intelligence or academic ability 有才智的;有才能的;擅长的He was a very able man in business matters.他在做生意方面很有才干。We aim to help the less able in society to lead an independent life.我们的宗旨是帮助社会上能力较弱的人自食其力。 see also ability skill 1 ably


We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.我们得到义工队的大力协助。
competent ˈkɒmpɪtənt; NAmE ˈkɑːmpɪtənthaving enough skill or knowledge to do sth well or to the necessary standard 足以胜任的;有能力的;合格的Make sure the builders are competent to carry out the work.要确保承建商有能力完成这项工作。Competent can either mean that sb can do sth well, or that they can do it just well enough. * competent既可形容某人有能力做好某事,亦可形容其刚刚合格He's very competent in all his work.他非常胜任自己的所有工作。Ron was a competent player-more than that, he was good!罗恩是一个合格的选手-不仅如此,他还很棒!OPP incompetent incompetent see also competence skill 2 competently


You must be able to perform competently and efficiently the following task:...你必须能出色、高效地完成下列任务:⋯
talented ˈtæləntɪd having a natural ability to do sth well, especially sth connected with art, music, literature, drama or sport (尤指在文艺或运动方面)有才能的,天才的,有才干的We're looking for talented young designers to join our team.我们在寻找有才华的年轻设计师加入我们的团队。The kids at this school are all exceptionally talented in some way.这所学校的孩子都在某一方面有卓越才能。 see also talent skill 1 capable having the ability to manage things well 能力强的;足以胜任的She's an extremely capable teacher.她是教学能力很强的教师。I'll leave things in your capable hands (= leave you to deal with sth because I know you will deal with it well).我要把事情交给你这个能手去办。 gifted having a lot of natural ability or intelligence 有天才的;有天赋的;天资聪慧的She goes to a school for gifted children.她在一所英才儿童学校上学。He's an extremely gifted young player.他是极有天分的年轻运动员。She's especially gifted at art.她在艺术上极具天赋。 see also gift skill 1 NOTE 辨析 Talented or gifted?People who are talented are usually good at a particular thing such as music or sport. People who are gifted may be good at a particular thing or just very intelligent. You can be academically gifted but notacademically talented Gifted is often used about children or young people because you do not need to have a lot of experience in sth to be gifted at it. * talented一般指在某方面有专长,如音乐或体育等。gifted可指有专长,或仅仅是很聪明。可以说academically gifted,但不说academically talented。gifted常用于形容儿童或年轻人,因为他们的才能并非来自经验。 skilful (BrE) (NAmE skillful) (of a person) good at doing sth, especially sth that needs a particular ability or special training; (of an action) done with skill (人)技术好的,功夫深的,熟练的;(行动)处理巧妙的As Foreign Secretary he proved to be a skilful diplomat.事实证明,作为外交大臣,他对外交事务驾轻就熟。Everyone admired her skilful handling of the affair.她对这件事情处理巧妙,大家都很钦佩她。 see also skill skill 1 2 proficient prəˈfɪʃnt (rather formal) able to do sth well because of training and practice (因训练或实践)熟练的,精通的;训练有素的She's proficient in several languages.她精通好几种语言。With practice, you should become proficient within six months.通过训练,你会在六个月内达到熟练的程度。 see also proficiency skill 2 accomplished əˈkʌmplɪʃt; NAmE əˈkɑːmplɪʃt (rather formal) having become very good at a particular thing through training or experience; having learned a lot of skills (通过训练或经验)精通的;技艺高超的;熟练的He was an accomplished linguist, fluent in French and German.他是富有才华的语言学家,能说一口流利的法语和德语。She was an elegant and accomplished woman.她是一名优雅的才女。 professional showing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled 娴熟的;训练有素的;精通业务的He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.他处理这个问题的手法非常专业。In this meaning professional is often used with very or highly; it is not used with the names of jobs: a professional teacher/actor/singer, etc. is a person who teaches/acts/sings as a job. 表达此义时,professional常与very或highly连用,但不与职业名称连用。a professional teacher/actor/singer等指专职教师、演员或歌唱家等。 OPP amateurish An amateurish attempt at sth is not done well or with skill. * amateurish形容做事不够好、不熟练Detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'.侦探形容这起入室盗窃手法拙劣业余。


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗good ♦︎ ethical ♦︎ moral ♦︎ principled ♦︎ virtuous ♦︎ scrupulousThese words all describe behaviour, actions and ideas that are morally right, or a person whose behaviour is morally right. 这些词均表示符合道德的、正派的、高尚的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a good / moral / principled / virtuous / scrupulous persona good / principled / virtuous / scrupulous man / womana good / moral / virtuous lifegood / ethical / moral behaviour / practices / principlesan ethical / a moral / a principled stand / stance / positionvery good / ethical / moral / virtuous / scrupuloushighly moral / principled good morally right; behaving in a way that is morally right 符合道德的;正派的;高尚的Giving her that money was a good thing to do.把那笔钱给她是做了一件善事。He prayed that God would make him a better person.他祈求上帝让他成为一个更好的人。OPP bad , evil , wicked evil adj. see also good kind adj. , good , goodness morality noun ethical ˈeθɪkl morally right or acceptable 合乎道德的Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?There needs to be a greater emphasis on ethical investment (= investing money in businesses that are considered to be morally acceptable).需要更加重视合乎道德的投资。Ethical is not used to describe a person, but it can describe a person's behaviour. It is often used to talk about the actions and activities of businesses. * ethical不用于形容人,但可形容人的行为,常用于谈论商业活动或行为。OPP unethical wrong 4 see also ethical moral adj. , ethics principle 1 ethically


Most people find the commercial exploitation of children ethically unacceptable.大多数人认为从儿童身上榨取金钱从道德上不能接受。
moral following the standards of behaviour considered acceptable and right by most people 品行端正的;有道德的He led a very moral life.他这个人一向很正派。We try to teach our students to be conscientious, moral young people.我们努力将学生教育成为勤勉认真、品德高尚的新一代。 OPP immoral wrong 4 see also amoral corrupt adj. , moral moral adj. , morals , morality principle 1 morally


They try to live a life that is morally pure.他们试图过一种纯洁的道德生活。
principled ˈprɪnsəpld having strong beliefs about what is right and wrong; based on strong beliefs 是非观念强的;原则性强的;基于坚定信念的The new biography presents her as a deeply principled woman.新的传记把她描绘成一个极其坚持原则的人。We need to take a principled stand against the government's actions.我们需要坚守原则性立场,反对政府的行动。OPP unprincipled corrupt virtuous ˈvɜːtʃuəs; NAmE ˈvɜːrtʃuəs (rather formal) behaving in a very good and moral way 品行端正的;行为正派的;有道德的Unmarried women were expected to live modest, virtuous lives.人们期望未婚女性过端庄、有道德的生活。 see also virtue morality scrupulous ˈskruːpjələs very careful to be honest and to do what is morally right 诚实正直的;恪守道德规范的She has a reputation for scrupulous honesty.她诚信正直,名声在外。He is scrupulous in all his business dealings.他在所做的一切商业活动中都是清白的。OPP unscrupulous corrupt see also scruple doubt noun 2 scrupulously


All court proceedings need to be scrupulously fair to each side.所有诉讼程序必须对每一方都绝对公平。


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗good ♦︎ positive ♦︎ favourable ♦︎ glowing ♦︎ admiring ♦︎ complimentary ♦︎ appreciative ♦︎ flattering ♦︎ approvingThese words all describe sb/sth that shows approval of sb/sth. 这些词均表示赞同的、肯定的、支持的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配positive / complimentary about sb / sthfavourable / complimentary to sb / sthadmiring / appreciative / approving of sb / stha good / a positive / a favourable / a complimentary / an appreciative / a flattering / an approving commenta good / a positive / a complimentary / an appreciative / a flattering / an approving remarka good / positive / favourable responsea good / positive / favourable / glowing reporta good / positive / favourable opinion / impression / reaction / responseto show sb / sth in a good / positive / favourable lightvery good / positive / favourable / complimentary / appreciative / flattering / approvinghighly positive / favourable / complimentary good showing or getting approval or respect 赞同的;赢得赞许的;令人尊敬的The school has an extremely good reputation.那所学校声誉极好。Initial reactions to the proposal have been good so far.到目前为止,对这个提议的初步反应都不错。Her school report was much better this year.她今年的学业成绩好多了。 positive expressing agreement, approval or support for sb/sth 赞同的;赞许的;拥护的Most of his remarks were positive, but there were a few criticisms.他的评论大多是表示赞同的,但是也有一些批评意见。You should try to be a bit more positive about your students.你应该尽量给你的学生多些肯定。OPP negative negative positively


She was portrayed very positively in the movie.那部电影把她刻画得很正面。
favourable (BrE) (NAmE favorable) ˈfeɪvərəbl (rather formal) showing or getting approval of sb/sth 赞同的;肯定的;支持的The performance drew a lot of favourable comments from reviewers.那场演出获得评论家的许多好评。The report was very favourable to the existing government.那份报告对现任政府很是肯定。OPP unfavourable An unfavourable comment or attitude shows dispproval of sb/sth. * unfavourable指对某人或某事不赞同的、反对的The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.这部纪录片从十分负面的角度来描绘他。 favourably


He speaks very favourably of your work.他对你的工作赞赏有加。
NOTE 辨析 Good or favourable? Favourable is a more formal way of saying good. It is used with some structures and collocations where you cannot use good in this meaning: a favourable comment is a comment showing approval, but a good comment is a clever comment; if sth is favourable to sb it shows approval, but to be good to sb is to be kind to them. * favourable是good更正式的说法。表达此义时,有一些结构和搭配不能用good,只能用favourable:a favourable comment指好评,而a good comment指妙评;be favourable to sb指支持某人,而be good to sb指对某人好。
glowing ˈgləʊɪŋ; NAmE ˈgloʊɪŋ [usually before noun] giving enthusiastic praise 热烈赞扬的;热情洋溢的He described her performance in glowing terms.他对她的表演赞誉有加。OPP damning critical glowingly


Reviewers wrote glowingly about the young actor.
admiring showing strong approval and admiration of sb/sth 赞赏的;钦佩的She was used to receiving admiring glances from men.她习惯了男人投来的赞赏目光。Common collocates of this word are glance, look, gaze, smile and audience/crowd. 该词的常见搭配词有glance、look、gaze、smile、audience和crowd。 admiringly


'That's very clever,' he said admiringly.“那真是聪明极了。”他赞赏地说道。
see also admire respect verb , admiration admiration
complimentary ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri; NAmE ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentriexpressing admiration, praise or strong approval 钦佩的;赞美的;大力肯定的She was extremely complimentary about his work.她对他的工作给予了高度评价。 see also compliment praise verb , compliment tribute noun appreciative əˈpriːʃətɪv showing pleasure in or enjoyment of sb/sth 欣赏的;赏识的The audience was highly appreciative.那些观众都很懂得欣赏。She watched them with an appreciative smile.她望着他们,露出赞赏的微笑。 see also appreciate appreciate flattering saying nice things about sb/sth 奉承的;恭维的;讨好的He made several flattering remarks.他说了几句奉承话。 see also flatter flatter approving showing that you think sb/sth is good or acceptable 赞成的;同意的He gave me an approving nod.他向我点头表示同意。OPP disapproving critical approvingly


'Your work's very good,' she said approvingly.“你的工作干得很好。”她赞许道。


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗good ♦︎ obedient ♦︎ dutiful ♦︎ well behavedThese words all describe a person, especially a child, who behaves well. 这些词均表示人,尤其是儿童,表现良好的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a good / an obedient / a dutiful / a well-behaved childa good / an obedient / a dutiful daughter / son / wife / servanta good / an obedient / a well-behaved boy / girla good / an obedient dog good (especially of a child) behaving well by doing what they are told or expected to do (尤指儿童)听话的,乖的You can stay up late if you're good.你要是听话就可以晚一点睡觉。Get dressed now, there's a good boy.现在把衣服穿好,乖孩子。'That's a good dog,' I said, patting its head.“真是一条乖乖狗。”我拍着它的头说道。Good in this meaning usually describes children or dogs, but it can also be used to describe a loyal wife or servant, especially in societies where wives and servants are expected to do as they are told. A good husband is also loyal and takes care of his wife, but is not usually expected to obey her. 表达此义时,good常用来修饰孩童或狗,但也可用来修饰忠诚的妻子或仆人,尤其是在要求妻子或仆人顺从的社会中。good husband指忠诚的、呵护妻子的丈夫,但通常不要求他听命于妻子。 OPP bad , naughty naughty obedient əˈbiːdiənt (of a person or animal) doing what they are told to do (人或动物)顺从的,服从的He was always obedient to his father's wishes.他一向顺从父亲的意愿。Did he really expect her to trot right after him, like an obedient dog?他真的想让她紧随在后,像条顺从的狗一样吗? OPP disobedient naughty see also obey follow 3 obedience


[uncountable] blind / unquestioning obedience盲目的/无条件的服从He has acted in obedience to the law.他是依法行事的。 OPP disobedience naughty


He ate up his dinner obediently, like a child.他顺从地吃完饭,像个孩子一样。
dutiful ˈdjuːtɪfl; NAmE ˈduːtɪfl (rather formal, written) (especially of sb's son, daughter or wife) doing everything that they are expected to do; (of actions) showing how dutiful sb is (尤指儿女或妻子)尽职的,顺从的;(行为)尽责的It's about time she helped out like a dutiful daughter.该是她像个孝顺的女儿帮忙的时候了。He paid a dutiful visit to his grandmother.他孝顺地去探望了他的祖母。 ˌwell beˈhaved (especially of a child) behaving in a way that other people think is polite and correct (尤指孩童)表现得体的,有礼貌的All her children were cheerful and well behaved.她的几个孩子都快快乐乐、规规矩矩的。On the whole, the crowd was pretty well behaved.从总体上看,群众的表现相当不错。

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