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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
noun /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n/
  1. 1
    [U] the activities of companies that are trying to be more successful than others 竞争

    Competition has intensified in recent months. 最近几个月竞争加剧了。

    fierce/stiff competition :

    They were faced with fierce competition. 他们面临着激烈的竞争。

    competition between/among/amongst :

    intense competition between the financial institutions 金融机构之间的激烈竞争

    competition from :

    Competition from cheaper imports is making life tough for manufacturers. 来自廉价进口产品的竞争使制造商的日子很不好过。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the activities of people who are trying to get something that other people also want (人与人之间为争夺某物而进行的)竞争
      competition for :

      The competition for jobs is fiercer than ever. 对工作职位的竞争比以往更激烈了。

      competition between/among/amongst :

      It's normal for there to be competition between brothers and sisters. 兄弟姐妹之间互相竞争是很正常的事。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for competitions: arms race, competition, contest...
    2. b.
      the efforts of people who are trying to win prizes 比赛的争夺
      competition for :

      Competition for the title will be fierce. 冠军的角逐将会十分激烈。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for competitions: arms race, competition, contest...
  2. 2
    [C] an organized event in which people try to win prizes by being better than other people 比赛;竞赛
    enter a competition :

    He'd entered a competition in the local newspaper. 他参加了当地报纸举办的一场竞赛。

    win/lose a competition :

    They should have a good chance of winning the competition. 他们应该很有可能赢得比赛。

    competition to do something :

    a competition to find a name for the new project 为新项目征集名称的竞赛

  3. 3

    the competition

    the person, company, or thing that someone is competing with: can be followed by a singular or plural verb 竞争者,对手(后可接动词的单数或复数形式)

    Let's look at what the competition is doing and do it better. 我们看看竞争对手在做什么,然后比他们做得更好。



1event in which people try to win sth比賽ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMPETITION | COMPETITION + VERB | COMPETITION + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEinternational, national國際/全國比賽major, prestigious重大的/極負盛名的比賽wines that won medals at major wine competitions在葡萄酒大賽中獲獎的葡萄酒knockout淘汰賽sporting, sports (NAmE) 體育比賽bodybuilding, dancing, piano, etc.健美、舞蹈、鋼琴等比賽VERB + COMPETITIONwin贏得比賽She won an international dancing competition.她在一項國際舞蹈比賽中獲勝。lose輸掉比賽have, hold, launch, stage舉行比賽We're going to have a competition to see who can swim the fastest.我們打算比一比,看誰游得最快。organize組織比賽enter, take part in參加比賽withdraw from退出比賽dominate控制比賽The American women dominated the competition, winning all the events.美國女子選手在比賽中佔盡風頭,包攬了所有項目的金牌。judge評判比賽sponsor贊助比賽COMPETITION + VERBtake place比賽舉行be open to sb比賽允許某人參加The competition is open to all readers of the magazine.該雜誌的所有讀者都可以參加這次競賽。COMPETITION + NOUNwinner競賽獲勝者entry參賽者committee競賽委員會PREPOSITIONin a/the competition在比賽中I won the car in a competition.我在一次比賽中贏得了這輛汽車。competition between⋯之間的比賽a competition between the best teams in the country國內頂級隊伍之間的比賽competition for為⋯的比賽a competition for the best chef最佳廚師比賽


2trying to achieve the same thing/gain an advantage競爭ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMPETITION | COMPETITION + VERB | COMPETITION + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcut-throat, fierce, intense, keen, serious, severe, stiff, strong, tough殘酷無情的競爭;激烈的競爭;強有力的競爭intense competition for the contract為贏得這項合同而進行的激烈競爭growing, heightened, increased, increasing愈演愈烈的競爭;加劇的競爭direct直接競爭Public education is run in direct competition with the private sector.公立教育與私人教育直接競爭。head-to-head正面的競爭There is head-to-head competition in production and distribution.生產和經銷方面存在正面交鋒。fair, free, healthy, open公平競爭;自由競爭;正當的競爭;公開的角逐unfair不公平競爭friendly友好的競爭Their rivalry had been one of friendly competition.他們的對抗曾經是一種友好的競爭形式。domestic, local國內/地方競爭foreign, global, international, overseas國外/全球/國際/海外競爭economic經濟競爭VERB + COMPETITIONbe up against, face面對競爭go into展開競爭to go into competition with British Telecom與英國電信公司展開競爭beat off, fight off, see off (BrE) 擊退競爭to fight off competition from overseas companies擊退來自外國公司的競爭create, encourage, foster, introduce, promote, provide, stimulate引起/鼓勵/促成/引入/促進/提供/刺激競爭policies aimed at fostering greater competition in the industry旨在促成行業內更大競爭的政策increase, intensify增強/加劇競爭This intensified the competition for the same investors' funds.這加劇了爭取相同投資者資金的競爭。limit, minimize, prevent, reduce, stifle限制/最小化/防止/減少/遏制競爭eliminate消除競爭COMPETITION + VERBexist競爭存在Fierce competition exists between schools in the area.在該地區學校間存在激烈的競爭。heat up, intensify競爭升溫/加劇Competition is heating up and sales are shrinking.競爭在加劇,而銷售額在萎縮。COMPETITION + NOUNlaws競爭法PREPOSITIONagainst competition通過競爭They won the order against fierce international competition.他們在激烈的國際競爭中贏得了訂單。in competition with與⋯競爭We are in competition with some very large companies.我們在與一些非常大的公司競爭。in the face of competition面對競爭The gas companies are having to lay off staff in the face of stiff competition from oil.面對來自石油公司的激烈競爭,天然氣公司不得不進行裁員。competition among, competition between⋯之間的競爭There is a lot of competition between rival airlines.航空公司對手之間競爭激烈。competition for為⋯的競爭competition from來自⋯的競爭We face strong competition from other countries.我們面臨來自其他國家的強有力競爭。


3the people who are competing against someone競爭者VERB + COMPETITIONoutperform表現上勝過競爭對手This car consistently outperforms the competition.這輛車的性能始終未被超越過。blow away, crush, destroy打敗對手Bertram blew away the competition and won the race in record time.伯特倫擊敗對手,贏得了賽跑比賽,而且破了紀錄。
competition noun
competition1 (a drawing/dancing competition) competition2 (competition between businesses) enemy (She's gone to work for the competition.)


a drawing/dancing competition 绘画/舞蹈比赛competition between businesses 商业竞争enemyShe's gone to work for the competition. See also the entry for race 另见race条competition ♦︎ contest ♦︎ quizThese are all words for events in which people compete against each other to win a prize or to find out who is the best at sth. 这些词均表示比赛、竞赛。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a competition / contest between sba competition / contest for sthin a competition / contest / quiza / an international / national / sporting competition / contestto enter / take part in / win / have / hold a competition / contest / quiz competition [countable] an event in which people compete with each other to win a prize or to find out who is the best at sth 比赛;竞赛I won a car in a competition.我在一次比赛中赢了一辆汽车。We're going to have a competition to see who can swim the furthest.我们要比赛看谁游得最远。The competition is open to all readers of the magazine.这本杂志的所有读者都可参加这次比赛。 see also competitor participant contest [countable] a competition 比赛;竞赛They won the doubles contest against the Williams sisters.她们在双打比赛中赢了威廉姆斯姐妹。Jackson has injured his knee and is now out of the contest.杰克逊膝盖受伤,现已退出比赛。She's the favourite for this year's Eurovision Song Contest.她是本年度欧洲电视歌曲大赛的热门儿。a beauty / talent contest选美/才艺比赛If you say that sth is no contest you mean that one side in a competition is so much stronger or better than the other that it is sure to win easily. * be no contest指比赛中的一方占据明显优势,胜券在握。NOTE 辨析 Competition or contest?Both of these words can refer to events in which people compete in sports or games, or to show their talent or knowledge, for example in performing, art or writing. Competition is a slightly more general word and can involve teams, groups or individuals competing. A contest is more often between a small number of individuals who are competing against each other to win a prize. In British English, competition, but not contest can describe an event that a large number of people enter by post or telephone, including events in which sb wins more by luck than by talent or skill, for example by being the first person to have their name picked out of a hat. 这两个词均可指体育比赛,或展示才能或知识的竞赛,如表演、艺术或写作等。competition比contest含义略广,可指小组、团体或个人之间的竞赛。contest较常指为数不多的参赛者竞逐奖项的比赛。在英式英语中,指许多人寄信或打电话参加的抽奖或竞猜活动用competition,而不用contest。这些活动很多是靠运气而非才能或技巧获胜,如谁的名字第一个从帽子里抽出来就赢Competition: to win an Oxford Mini car, customers must guess how many copies of the Oxford Minidictionary will fit into the car.有奖竞猜:想赢得牛津迷你车,顾客必须猜出车里能放多少本牛津迷你词典。However, in American English, contest can also be used in this way. 但在美式英语中,contest也可这样用To enter the contest, simply send an email to this address...要参加比赛,只须发送电邮至以下地址⋯ see also contestant participant quiz (plural quizzes) [countable] a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge 知识竞赛;智力游戏I'm useless at general knowledge quizzes.我在常识问答竞赛方面很差劲。He's the host of a popular TV quiz show.他是一档颇受欢迎的电视问答游戏节目的主持人。The club has weekly quiz nights.这家俱乐部每周举行一次猜谜之夜的活动。competition2


a drawing/dancing competition 绘画/舞蹈比赛competition between businesses 商业竞争enemyShe's gone to work for the competition.competition ♦︎ race ♦︎ contest ♦︎ rivalry ♦︎ competitivenessThese are all words for a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for sth that not everyone can have. 这些词均表示竞争、角逐、较量。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配competition / a race / a contest / rivalry for sthcompetition / a race / a contest / rivalry / competitiveness between peoplein competition / a race / a contest / rivalry with sb / sthcompetition / a race to do sth(a) fierce competition / contest / rivalry / competitiveness(an) open competition / race / contestinternational competition / rivalry / competitivenessto enter / win / lose the race / contest competition [uncountable] a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for sth that not everyone can have 竞争;角逐There is now intense competition between schools to attract students.现在学校之间为了招录新生而展开激烈的竞争。We are in competition with four other companies.我们在和其他四家公司竞争。We face strong competition from other countries.我们面临来自其他国家的激烈竞争。They won the order against fierce international competition.在激烈的国际竞争下,他们赢得了这份订单。The company is having to lay off workers in the face of stiff competition.面对激烈的竞争,这家公司不得不裁员。 see also competitor participant race [singular] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a competition between a number of people, groups or organizations, especially for political power, economic advantage or to achieve sth first (尤指为获得政权、经济优势或率先达成目标的)竞争,角逐Polls give him the edge over his Democratic rival in the race for the presidency.他和民主党的竞争对手角逐总统,民意调查显示他略占优势。Two right-wing candidates lead the presidential race.两名右翼候选人在总统竞选中领先。The rival TV companies are in a race to bring out the first film drama of her life.几家相互竞争的电视公司抢着推出关于她生平的首部影视剧作品。The race is on (= has begun) to find a cure for this disease.人们开始争相寻找这种疾病的疗法。 contest [countable] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a competition between candidates for political power or between businesses for economic advantage (对政治权力或商业优势的)争夺,竞争During the election contest newspapers are not allowed to publish opinion polls.在选举期间,报纸不允许发表民意调查。The other bidders for the contract complained that it had not been a fair contest.其他合同投标人抱怨这不是公平竞争。NOTE 辨析 Race or contest?Both these words are used about political elections and in many cases you can use either word. However, contest usually refers to the election itself and sometimes the two or three weeks of campaigning just before it; race covers the whole period of campaigning for an election which can last months, especially in the case of US presidential elections. You can say that sb wins/loses a race/contest and that sb leads/is ahead in the race for sth but not usually that sb 'leads/is ahead in the contest for sth'. Race, but not contest can also be used to talk about the drive to achieve sth, especially before anyone else has achieved it. 这两个词均可用于政治选举,在许多情况下可以通用。不过,contest通常指选举本身,有时也指选举前两三周的竞选活动。race包括整个竞选期间,可以持续几个月,尤其是美国的总统选举。可以说某人win/lose a race/contest(在竞争中获胜/落败),以及lead/be ahead in the race for sth(在⋯的角逐中领先),但通常不说lead/be ahead in the contest for sth。race,而非contest,还可指为达到某一目的而进行的努力,尤其是赶在在其他人之前。 rivalry ˈraɪvlri [countable, uncountable] a situation in which two people, teams, groups or companies, are competing for the same thing 竞争;竞赛;较量Bitter ethnic rivalries within the region have grown.激烈的族群冲突在这一地区滋长。There is a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams.两队间有某种程度上的友好较量。Her parents had been very aware of the problems of sibling rivalry (= between brothers and sisters) before the younger child was born.在较小的孩子出生前她的父母就已经清楚地意识到手足相争的问题。NOTE 辨析 Competition or rivalry?In this meaning competition is used most often in the context of business; rivalry is used more in the contexts of politics, sport and personal relationships. 表达此义时,competition最常指商业竞争,而rivalry则多指政治、体育和人际关系上的竞争。 competitiveness kəmˈpetətɪvnəs [singular, uncountable] the feeling of being in competition with sb/sth for sb/sth; how well sb/sth competes 竞争意识;竞争力Jenny brings a fierce competitiveness to the team.珍妮将强烈的竞争意识带入团队。The move is an attempt to improve the competitiveness of British industry.此举试图提升英国工业的竞争力。 competitive


It's a fiercely competitive market.这是一个竞争激烈的市场。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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