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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /teɪk/
present tense
present participletaking
past tensetook
past participletaken
  1. 1
    [T] to move something or someone from one place to another 带,搬,拿,取(走)

    Don't forget to take an extra pair of shoes. 别忘了多带一双鞋。

    Remember to take a pen with you. 记得带支笔。

    take someone to/into/around something :

    What time do you take Amy to school? 你几点钟送埃米上学?

    We took the plants into the greenhouse. 我们把这些植物移入了温室。

    The cat had to be taken to the vet. 得带猫去看兽医。

    Our guide took us around the cathedral. 我们的导游带我们参观了大教堂。

    take someone/something along (=with you) 带上某人/某物 :

    On long journeys I always take my dog along. 我长途旅行时总是带上我的狗。

    take someone/something for something :

    We took my mother for a drive in the country. 我们开车带母亲到乡下去兜风。

    take someone/something to do something :

    We took him to catch his train. 我们带他去赶火车。

    take someone something :

    Take Debbie this cup of coffee, will you? 把这杯咖啡给戴比端过去,好吗?

    take something to someone :

    Let's take the presents to them tonight. 我们今晚把礼物带给他们吧。

    See also bring
  2. 2
    [T] to cause someone to move somewhere 使(某人)到;把(某人)带往
    take someone into/out of/up/through etc something :

    My old job took me into the city a lot. 过去由于工作原因我经常进城。

    The steps took us up to a cave in the cliff. 拾级而上,我们来到了悬崖上的一处洞穴。

    The journey will take you through some beautiful scenery. 该旅程将带你领略一些漂亮的风景。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to cause someone or something to be in a new position or condition 使…获得新地位;使…情况不同

      Her amazing energy has taken her to the top of her profession. 旺盛的精力使她成为同行中的佼佼者。

      acts that took the country into war 将国家卷入战争的行为

      take someone to court :

      They'll take us to court if we don't pay up soon. 要是我们不马上付清债款,他们就要控告我们。

      take someone hostage/prisoner :

      Bank robbers took the manager hostage overnight. 银行抢劫犯把经理作为人质扣了一夜。

       Synonyms and related words
      To take something somewhere: bring, deliver, take...
  3. 3
    [T] to perform a particular action or series of actions 做(某个或一系列的动作)

    Take a deep breath. 深呼吸。

    Tom took a sip of his drink. 汤姆呷了一口饮料。

    I took a quick look at the audience. 我迅速地看了观众一眼。

    Let's take a walk down to the river. 我们散步到河边吧。

    take action/steps/measures :

    The government must take action to stop this trade. 政府必须采取行动制止这种交易。

    take exercise :

    You need to take more exercise. 你需要更多的锻炼。

     Synonyms and related words
    To do something: do, perform, conduct...
  4. 4
    [T] to need something 需要

    Your odd behaviour is going to take a bit of explaining. 你需要解释一下你的怪异行为。

    take some doing (=be very difficult to do) 很难做 :

    It's going to take some doing to persuade them! 说服他们将会很费口舌!

     Synonyms and related words
    To need something: need, require, cry out for...
    1. a.
      to need a particular thing in order for something to happen (为使某事发生而)需要

      Admitting what she had done took a lot of courage. 承认她自己的所作所为需要很大的勇气。

      take something to do/be something :

      It takes talent and dedication to become a top dancer. 要有天分和奉献精神才能成为一流的舞蹈家。

      It doesn't take much to start her crying. 她很容易就会哭起来。

      have what it takes (=have the qualities that are necessary) 够格 :

      Do you have what it takes to be a teacher? 你当老师合格吗?

       Synonyms and related words
      To need something: need, require, cry out for...
    2. b.
      to need a particular amount of time to happen or to do something 需要花费(一定时间)

      It'll take a while to sort this out. 得需要一段时间才能把这问题处理完。

      Our meeting took much longer than I expected. 开会的时间比我原先预计的要长得多。

      take someone ten minutes/two hours etc :

      The journey should take us about three days. 这次旅程将花费我们大约3天时间。

       Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to accept something that someone offers you 接受;接纳

    I've decided not to take the job. 我已决定不接受那份工作。

    Sorry, we don't take credit cards. 对不起,我们不接受信用卡。

    take (someone's) advice :

    She won't take my advice. 她不会采纳我的建议。

    take it or leave it (=the offer will not change) 接不接受随你的便 :

    That's my final price, take it or leave it. 这是我的底价,要不要随你的便。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to accept an unpleasant situation or unpleasant treatment without complaining (无怨言地)忍受,容忍

      Please stop! I can't take it any more. 停下来!我再也受不了了。

      In this job you have to be able to take criticism. 做这个工作你要能忍受批评。

      take something lying down (=accept something without any protest) 心甘情愿地接受 :

      I'm not going to take defeat lying down. 我不会心甘情愿地接受失败。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      to accept an explanation or something that someone says without discussing it or arguing about it (未经讨论或争论就)接受(解释等)
      take someone's word for it (=believe what someone tells you) 相信某人说的话 :

      You don't have to take my word for it – ask anyone. 你可以不相信我的话,去问问其他任何人吧。

      take it from someone (=believe them) 相信某人 :

      That's the truth, take it from me. 事实就是如此,相信我吧。

       Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] to win a prize in a competition or a vote in an election 赢得(奖项或选票)

    Gladiator took the Oscar for best film. 《角斗士》获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖。

    Who took the silver medal? 谁得了银牌?

    The Labour Party took 45 per cent of the vote. 工党赢得了45%的选票。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [T] to reach out and get something, especially with your hand (尤指用手)拿,抓

    Take as many cakes as you like. 你爱拿多少蛋糕就拿多少。

    Let me take your coats. 让我帮你们拿外套吧。

    take someone by the arm/hand etc :

    Her mother took her gently by the shoulders. 她母亲轻轻地搂着她的肩膀。

    take someone in/into your arms :

    I'll take her in my arms and kiss her. 我会拥抱她,并且亲吻她。

    take something in your hands :

    I took the baby bird gently in my hands. 我把小鸟轻轻地捧在手里。

     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [T] to study a particular subject at school or college 学,上(某一课程)

    I took a course in computer programming. 我上了一门计算机编程课。

    Are you taking algebra this year? 今年你上代数课吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    To study, or to study hard: study, learn, train...
    1. a.
      to do an examination in a particular subject 参加(考试)

      I took my driving test three times before I passed. 我参加了3次驾驶考试才通过。

      She'll have to take the exam again. 她得重考。

       Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [T] to remove something 除去;移走;拿走
    take something away from someone/something :

    Take the knife away from her! 把她手里的刀拿走。

    These drugs should take the pain away. 这些药应该能止痛。

    take something out of something :

    Will you take the plates out of the cupboard? 把盘子从碗柜里拿出来好吗?

    Government officials came to take soil samples from the factory site. 政府官员来取工厂厂址的土壤样本。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to steal something, or borrow it without the owner's permission 偷走;(未经允许)拿走

      Who's taken my pencil? 谁拿走了我的铅笔?

      The burglars didn't seem to have taken much. 窃贼好像没偷走多少东西。

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      maths to remove one number or quantity from another number or quantity 减去
      take something (away) from something :

      What do you get if you take seven from twelve? 12减7等于多少?

       Synonyms and related words
      To calculate or count: calculate, count, estimate...
  10. 10
    [T] to get a picture or a measurement using a machine (用机器)测定,量取,拍摄

    The scientists will take more readings from the lava flow. 科学家们将从熔岩流中获取更多数据。

    They've taken several scans of her brain. 他们已对她的脑部进行过几次扫描。

    take someone's temperature :

    A nurse took his temperature every hour. 有位护士每个小时都给他量体温。

    take a picture/photograph/photo :

    May I take a picture of the two of you? 我可以给你们俩照张像片吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    To measure something: measure, weigh, pace out...
  11. 11
    [T] to get control of something from an opponent 夺取;攻取

    The town was finally taken after a six-week siege. 在被围困6个星期之后,这个城镇最终被攻克。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to get something from an opponent in a game or sports competition (游戏或体育竞赛中)吃掉(敌子)

      Our new bowler took six wickets in his first match. 我们的新投手在他的首场比赛中就把6名击球手杀出局。

      Her bishop took my queen (=in the game of chess). 她的象吃掉了我的后。

       Synonyms and related words
  12. 12
    [T] to get something from a book or collection of things 选取;摘录
    take something from something :

    The picture on page 5 is taken from their brochure. 第5页的图片摘自他们的小册子。

    They played a selection of songs taken from Broadway musicals. 他们演奏了百老汇音乐剧中的一些精选曲目。

     Synonyms and related words
  13. 13
    [T] to get money from selling something to people, either regularly or on a particular occasion (以卖东西)赚得,收入(金钱)

    The shop takes about £1,000 a week. 该店每星期营业额约为1,000英镑。

     Synonyms and related words
    To earn or to get money: monetize, earn, recover...
  14. 14
    [T] to use a particular type of transport 搭乘,乘坐(交通工具)
    take a bus/train/plane/taxi etc :

    I usually take the bus to work. 我通常乘公共汽车上班。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to use a particular path or road 沿着(某特定路径)走

      Take the A14 as far as Cambridge. 沿着A14公路走到剑桥。

      We took a trail through the forest. 我们沿着一条小道穿过森林。

       Synonyms and related words
  15. 15
    [T] if a piece of equipment takes something, it uses that thing in order to work (设备为正常运转而)需用,使用

    What size batteries does your torch take? 你的手电筒用几号电池?

    cars that take unleaded petrol 使用无铅汽油的汽车

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      if a piece of equipment takes something, it is able to accept the size or weight of that thing without breaking (设备)承受,容纳

      The tank takes about twenty gallons of water. 该水箱大约能装20加仑水。

      Careful – that shelf won't take all those books. 小心,那个书架承受不了所有那些书的重量。

       Synonyms and related words
  16. 16
    [T] used in particular phrases meaning to eat or drink something, especially regularly (尤指有规律地)吃,喝
    take milk/sugar/lemon :

    Do you take milk in your coffee? 你喝咖啡时加牛奶吗?

    take food (=eat) 进食 :

    They are refusing to take food. 他们拒绝进食。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words meaning to eat: eat, swallow, have...
     Synonyms and related words
    General words meaning to drink: drink, swallow, have...
    1. a.
      to put a drug or medicine into your body 服(药)

      Take two aspirins and go to bed. 吃两片阿司匹林,然后上床休息。

      No more than four pills should be taken in 24 hours. 24小时内最多只能服4片药。

       Synonyms and related words
  17. 17
    [T] used for talking about the size of clothes or shoes that someone wears 穿(某个尺寸的衣服或鞋子)

    What size shoes do you take? 你穿几号鞋?

  18. 18
    [T] to use a product regularly (固定地)使用

    Which newspaper do you take? 你一般读什么报纸?

  19. 19
    [T] to use something in a discussion (讨论中)谈论,使用

    Let's take that last point first. 我们先讨论最后一点吧。

    I never throw anything away. Take this car (=use it as an example) – it's very reliable. 我从不丢弃东西。就拿这辆车来说吧,它的性能非常可靠。

    take something as something :

    I'll take his behaviour as an example of what I mean. 我将以他的行为为例来说明我的意思。

     Synonyms and related words
  20. 20
    [T] to think about someone or something in a particular way 认为;把…视为;把…看作

    He tries hard, but I just can't take him seriously. 他很努力地尝试,但我就是没法把他当回事。

    take something as a compliment/an insult :

    She took his remarks as a compliment. 她把他的话当成是一种恭维。

    take something as an omen/a sign :

    They took the rainbow as a sign from their god. 他们把彩虹视为神迹。

    take something as proof/evidence of something :

    We can't take his silence as proof of his guilt. 我们不能把他的沉默看作是他有罪的证据。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to understand someone's words or actions in a particular way (以特定的方式)理解,领会

      He took her remark literally. 他照字面意思理解她的话。

      take someone to mean something :

      I took you to mean that you'd be there early. 我以为你会很早到那儿。

      take something the wrong way (=be offended) 误会 :

      Don't take this the wrong way – I'm just trying to help. 别误会,我只不过想帮忙。

       Synonyms and related words
  21. 21
    [T] to do or to have something 做;拥有
    take a seat (=sit down) :

    Please take a seat. 请坐。

    take power/office :

    The new president will take office in January. 新总统将于1月就职。

    take cover (=hide) 隐蔽 :

    They're shooting at us! Quick, take cover! 他们正向我们射击!快点,隐蔽!

    take a risk :

    Can you take the risk that you might lose your money? 你敢冒可能失去金钱的风险吗?

    take (the) credit :

    I did all the work, but Gill took all the credit. 我干了所有的活儿,但功劳却全是吉尔的。

    take control/command :

    The rebels are taking control of the city. 叛乱者正控制着这座城市。

    take responsibility :

    We must encourage fathers to take full responsibility for their children. 我们必须鼓励父亲们为孩子们负起全部的责任。

     Synonyms and related words
    To do something: do, perform, conduct...
     Synonyms and related words
  22. 22
    [T] to have or to show a feeling or opinion 感到;形成;表露(某种情感或意见)
    take offence :

    I'm afraid she took offence at my remarks. 恐怕我的话激怒了她。

    take (an) interest :

    He's never taken much interest in his kids. 他从没对自己的孩子产生过很大兴趣。

    take a view/attitude :

    I take the view that children should be told the truth. 我的观点是应该告诉孩子们真相。

     Synonyms and related words
    See also pity
  23. 23
    [I] if a process takes, it is successful 成功;奏效

    The dye didn't take properly. 染色不太成功。

    I don't think your cuttings will take in this soil. 我觉得你的插枝在这种土壤里活不了。

     Synonyms and related words
  24. 24
    [T] British to have responsibility for a group of students 负责;教

    Who takes the history class on Mondays? 谁教星期一的历史课?

    take someone for something :

    Mr Churchley will be taking you for English. 丘兹利先生将给你们上英语课。

     Synonyms and related words
    To teach someone something: upskill, teach, train...
  25. 25
    [T] literary if a man takes a woman, he has sex with her 和…发生性关系
     Synonyms and related words
    To have sex: sleep with, consummate, copulate...
  26. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    do whatever it takes to do everything that is necessary to achieve a particular goal

    President Obama vowed to do whatever it takes to thwart international terrorism.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 14/11/2015
  27. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    take something over something to prefer something to something

    My teenage son is very much into gaming, but I'll take that over him sexting girls.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 17/08/2016
noun [C] /teɪk/
  1. 1
    cinema a section of a film or television programme that is recorded without stopping (电影或电视节目)一次不间断地拍摄完成的镜头
     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [usually singular] informal the amount of money that a business earns in a particular period of time (企业某一段时间内的)营业额,收入额
     Synonyms and related words
    Wages and salaries: wage, salary, pay...


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBwell愉快接受badly難以接受She took the news of her father's death very badly.她難以接受父親去世的噩耗。seriously認真對待I wanted to be taken seriously as an artist.我希望別人真正視我為藝術家。philosophically達觀地看待Harry took his rejection philosophically.哈里達觀地看待自己被拒的事。PREPOSITIONas視為He took what I said as a criticism.他把我說的話當成批評了。PHRASEStake it like a man勇敢地接受;像男人般地接受Stop crying and take it like a man!別哭了,像個爺們兒!
take verb
take1 (take your things with you) take2 (take sb home) take3 (take your books off the table) take4 (I passed him the rope and he took it.) take5 (take a job/sb's advice) take6 (take an opportunity) take7 (take the blame) take8 (He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh.) take9 (take drugs) arrest (take sb prisoner) buy (I'll take the grey jacket.) consider (Take London, for example.) continue1 (It takes an hour.) cross (take a corner very fast) discount (take 5 from 12) get1 (take samples from the river) get5 (take the train) have3 (take a fall) invade (take a city) respond (take sb/sth seriously) stand2 (sb can't take criticism) steal (What did the burglars take?)
take noun
revenue (the North Sea oil take) give and take compromise


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒 See also the entry for get 3 另见get条第3义take ♦︎ bring ♦︎ deliver ♦︎ ship ♦︎ carry ♦︎ transport ♦︎ fly ♦︎ ferry ♦︎ leaveThese words all mean to move sth from one place to another. 这些词均表示将某物运走、运输、运送。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / bring / deliver / ship / carry / transport / fly / ferry sb / sth to / from sb / sthto take / bring / ship / carry / transport / fly / ferry sb / sth back / hometo take / bring sb / sth with youto take / bring / deliver / carry / transport / ferry sb / sth by car / rail / truck, etc.to take / bring / deliver / transport sb / sth by air / sea / land take (took, taken) [transitive] to move or carry sth with you from one place to another 携带;拿走;取走Take this to the bank for me, would you?请替我把这个送到银行去好吗?My things had already been taken to my room.我的东西已经拿到了我的房间。Think about what you need to take for the trip.想想你这次行程需要带的东西。All she had taken was her passport and driving licence.她只带了护照和驾照。Should I take him a gift?我是否应该给他带件礼物?You can also take a person somewhere. * take也可指将某人带到某处。 See also the entry for take 2 另见take条第2义 bring (brought, brought) [transitive] to have or carry sb/sth with you when you come to a place 将⋯带到某处;带来;取来Remember to bring your books with you.别忘了把书带来。The ferries brought tourists in their hundreds.渡轮载来数百名游客。I've brought something to show you.我带了件东西来给你看。Bring a present for Helen.给海伦带件礼物来。Bring Helen a present.给海伦带件礼物来。NOTE 辨析 Take or bring? Take is used from the point of view of the person who is going somewhere with sth; bring is used from the point of view of sb who is already in the place the person is going to. * take是从带着某物去某处的人的角度讲,bring是从已在目的地的人的角度讲。 deliver [transitive, intransitive] to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere 递送;传送;交付;运载Leaflets have been delivered to every household.传单已经发送到每家每户。to have groceries / flowers / packages delivered把杂货/鲜花/包裹送递出She delivered the kids on time at their father's house.她准时把孩子们送到他们的父亲家。We promise to deliver within 24 hours.我们承诺在24小时内送到。 see also delivery delivery ship (-pp-) [transitive] to send sb/sth by ship or by another means of transport 船运;运输;运送The company ships its goods all over the world.公司把货物运往世界各地。He was arrested and shipped back to the UK for trial.他被捕后被押解回英国受审。 see also shipment , shipping delivery , shipment lot carry [transitive] (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to take sb/sth from one place to another, especially in a vehicle (尤指用交通工具)运输,运送,输送The boat can carry up to five people.那条船最多可以载五人。The truck was carrying illegal drugs worth up to $2 million.那辆卡车上载有价值高达200万元的非法毒品。 transport [transitive, often passive] to take sb/sth from one place to another in a vehicle (用交通工具)运输,运送,输送Too many goods are currently being transported by road.现在经由陆路运输的货物太多了。The animals are transported in trucks, often without being fed or watered for days.那些动物用卡车运送,经常好几天都不给喂食和给水喝。 see also transport delivery noun NOTE 辨析 Carry or transport? Carry is used especially to talk about people; transport is used especially to talk about goods. When transport is used to talk about people or animals, it can suggest that they are being treated like goods. * carry尤指运送人,transport尤指运送货物。当transport用于谈论人或动物时,意味着人或动物被当成货物般对待。 fly (flew, flown) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to transport goods or passengers in a plane 空运(货物或乘客)The stranded tourists were finally flown home.受困的旅客终于由飞机送返家园。He had flowers specially flown in for the ceremony.他特地为这个典礼空运来鲜花。 ferry [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to take people or goods from one place to another in a boat or other vehicle, especially for a short distance or as a regular service (用船或其他交通工具)运送(人或货物);渡运,摆渡(尤指短途或作为常规服务)He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat.他提出我们可以坐他的船渡河。You really don't have to ferry us around while we're in town.我们在城里时,你真的不需要用车接我们到处逛。 leave (left, left) [transitive] to deliver sth and then go away 递送;递交;投递Someone left this note for you.有人给你送来这张便条。Someone left you this note.有人给你送来这张便条。Common collocates of leave in this meaning are letter, note, card, etc., parcel, package, etc. and present/gift. 表达此义时,leave的常见搭配词有letter、note、card、parcel、package、present和gift等。take2


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒 See also the entry for accompany 另见accompany条take ♦︎ lead ♦︎ escort ♦︎ drive ♦︎ show ♦︎ walk ♦︎ guide ♦︎ usher ♦︎ directThese words all mean to go with sb from one place to another. 这些词均表示带领、引领、领路。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / lead / escort / drive / show / walk / guide / usher / direct sb to / out of / into sthto take / lead / escort / drive / walk / guide / usher / direct sb there / somewhereto take / lead / escort / drive / show / walk / guide sb around / roundto take / lead / escort / drive / walk sb hometo take / lead / escort / show / guide / usher sb in / outto take / lead / escort / guide sb to safetyto lead / show the way take (took, taken) [transitive] to go with sb from one place to another, for example in order to show them sth or to show them the way to a place 带去;引领It's too far to walk-I'll take you by car.步行路太远,我开车送你去。The boy took us to our rooms.那个男孩带我们到各自的房间。I asked them if they'd take me with them.我问他们是否会带上我。I'm taking the kids swimming later.我待会儿带孩子们去游泳。 lead (led, led) [transitive, intransitive] to go with or go in front of sb in order to show them the way or to make them go in the right direction 带路;领路;引领She led the horse back into the stable.她把那匹马牵回了马厩。Firefighters led the survivors to safety.消防员将幸存者带到了安全的地方。If you lead, I'll follow.你领头,我会跟着。OPP follow follow 1 escort ɪˈskɔːt; NAmE ɪˈskɔːrt [transitive] to go with sb in order to protect or guard them or to show them the way 护卫;护送;引领The president arrived, escorted by twelve guards.总统在十二名卫兵护送下到达。The prisoners were escorted back to their cells.囚犯被押回牢房。 drive (drove, driven) [transitive] to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc. 驾车送(某人)My mother drove us to the airport.我妈妈开车送我们到了机场。 show (showed, shown) [transitive] to take sb to a particular place, in the right direction, or along the correct route 引领;带领They'll need someone to show them the way.他们需要有人带路。'There's a Mr Smith here to see you.' 'Show him in.'“这儿有一位史密斯先生想见你。”“带他进来。” see also show point verb walk [transitive] to go somewhere with sb on foot, especially in order to make sure that they get there safely; to take an animal, especially a dog, for a walk or make an animal walk somewhere 陪伴⋯走;护送⋯走;牵着(狗等动物)走;遛;赶着⋯走He always walked her home.他经常陪她走回家。She walks the dog every day at about two o'clock.她每天两点左右遛狗。He walked the pony up and down the yard.他牵着马在院子里来回走着。 guide [transitive] to show sb the way to a place, often by going with them; to show sb a place that you know well 给(某人)领路(或导览);指引She guided us through the busy streets.她带领我们穿过繁忙的街道。We were guided around the museums.我们被领着参观了几家博物馆。 usher ˈʌʃə(r) [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to politely take or show sb where they should go, especially within a building (尤指在建筑物内)把⋯引往,引导The secretary ushered me into her office.秘书把我领进她的办公室。She ushered her guests to their seats.她把客人带到他们的座位上。 direct [transitive] (rather formal) to tell or show sb how to get somewhere or where to go 给(某人)指路;为(某人)领路A young woman directed them to the station.一个年轻女子告诉了他们去车站怎么走。A police officer was directing the traffic.一名警察在引导交通。He was directed to a table beside the window.他被带到一张靠窗的桌子。 see also direction way 3 take3


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ remove ♦︎ stripThese words all mean to get sb/sth and move them away from a place or thing 这些词均表示拿开、取出、挪开。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / remove / strip sb / sth from sb / sthto simply / easily / quickly / carefully / forcibly / wrongfully / unlawfully / illegally take / remove sth take (took, taken) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to get sb/sth and move them away from a place 拿开;取出;挪开The sign must be taken down.这个指示牌一定要摘下来。He took some keys out of his pocket.他从口袋里取出几把钥匙。My name had been taken off the list.我的名字从名单上画掉了。 remove [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to take sb/sth away from a place 移开;拿开;开除He removed his hand from her shoulder.他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.非法停放的车辆将被拖走。Remove the pan from the heat and continue to stir the sauce.将锅从火上拿开,继续搅拌调味汁。 strip (-pp-) [transitive] to remove a layer from sth, especially so that it is completely bare 除去,剥去(一层);(尤指)剥光Strip off all the existing paint.把现有的油漆全部除掉。Deer had stripped the tree of its bark.鹿啃掉了树皮。After the guests had gone, I stripped all the beds (= removed all the sheets in order to wash them).客人走后,我把被罩床单全都撤了下来。take4


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ grab ♦︎ snatch ♦︎ catch ♦︎ seizeThese words all mean to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly. 这些词均表示用手抓住、捉住、夺取。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / grab / snatch / seize sth from sbto grab / snatch at sthto take / grab / catch / seize hold of sb / sthto take / grab / snatch / catch / seize sth suddenly / quicklyto take / grab / catch / seize sth immediately take (took, taken) [transitive] to put your hands or arms on or around sb/sth and hold them/it; to reach for sb/sth and hold them/it 拿;抱;握;取;接I passed him the rope and he took it.我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。Free newspapers: please take one.免费报纸,请取一份。Can you take (= hold) the baby for a moment?你能抱一会儿孩子吗?He took her hand / took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere).他拉着她的手。 grab (-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] to get your hands on and hold or pull sb/sth suddenly, firmly or roughly 抓住;攫取She grabbed the child's hand and ran.她抓住孩子的手就跑。He grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go.他抓住我不松手。Someone grabbed me from behind.有人从后面抓住我。Don't grab-there's plenty for everyone.别抢-多着呢,人人有份。She grabbed at (= tried to grab) the branch, missed and fell.她伸手抓树枝,但没抓住,跌倒了。 snatch [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to take sth, usually from sb else, quickly and often rudely or roughly (通常粗暴无礼地)一把抓起,一下夺过She managed to snatch the gun from his hand.她设法从他手里夺过了枪。He snatched at (= tried to take hold of) the steering wheel.他伸手去抓方向盘。NOTE 辨析 Grab or snatch? Snatch is most often used when sb takes sth directly from a person's hands; grab has a wider range of uses. * snatch最常指某人从另一人手中直接夺过某物,grab使用范围更广。 catch (caught, caught) [transitive] to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands; to take hold of sb/sth (尤指用手)接住,截住;抓住She managed to catch the keys as they fell.她接住了落下的钥匙。'Throw me over that towel, will you?' 'OK. Catch!'“请把那条毛巾扔给我好吗?”“好,接住!”The dog caught the stick in its mouth.狗衔住了木棍。He caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him.她试图从他身边挤过时,他一把抓住了她的胳膊。You can catch sth that is falling, or sth that has been thrown. Unlike with the other words in this group, you cannot 'catch sth from sb'. * catch的对象是坠物或抛掷物。不像本组其他词,不可以说catch sth from sbI threw the bag in the air and she caught it.我把包扔到空中,她接住了。She caught the bag from me and ran away. seize siːz [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to take sb/sth in your hand suddenly and using force 抓住;捉住;夺She tried to seize the gun from him.她试图夺他的枪。He seized her by the arm.他抓住她的胳膊。She seized hold of my hand.她抓住我的手。take5


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ accept ♦︎ take sb/sth on ♦︎ take sth upThese words all mean to say 'yes' to an offer, invitation or request. 这些词均表示接受提议、邀请或请求。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / accept / take on a job / post / position / role / responsibilityto take / accept / take on new clientsto take / accept / take up an offerto accept / take up a / an invitation / suggestionto accept / take on / take up a challengeto take / accept sth gratefully / reluctantlyto accept / take sth on gladly take (took, taken) [transitive] to say 'yes' to an offer or request; to agree to receive sth 接受(提议或请求);收到If they offer me the job, I'll take it.如果他们给我这份工作,我会接受。Does the hotel take credit cards?这家旅馆接受信用卡付款吗?I'll take the call in my office.我会在我的办公室里接这通电话。If you take my advice you'll have nothing more to do with him.你要是听我劝,就不要再和他来往。Will you take $10 for the book (= will you sell it for $10)?这本书10块钱你卖吗?The store took (= sold goods worth) $100 000 last week.这家店上星期营业额为10万元。In this meaning, take is often used in business contexts. 表达此义时,take常用于商务语境take a job接受一份工作take a cheque / credit card / £50 note接受支票/信用卡/50英镑钞票take a particular amount of money for sth为某物接受一定数额的钱 accept [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to say 'yes' to an offer, request or invitation; to take willingly sth that is offered 接受(提议、请求或邀请);收受He asked me to marry him and I accepted.他向我求婚,我答应了。Please accept our sincere apologies.请接受我们真诚的道歉。She's decided not to accept the job.她决定不接受这份工作。She said she'd accept $15 for it.她说她要15元才卖。OPP refuse , decline refuse acceptance əkˈseptəns


[uncountable, countable] Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.请书面确认你接受这个提议。So far we have had one refusal and three acceptances.迄今为止,我们收到一个回绝,三个接受。
ˌtake sb/sth ˈon

phrasal verb

(took, taken)to decide to do sth; to agree to be responsible for sb/sth 决定做;同意负责;承担(责任)I can't take on any extra work.我不能承担任何额外的工作。We're not taking on any new clients at present.目前我们不接收新客户。People typically take on work, chores, tasks or a particular job, position, role, responsibility or challenge. Companies may take on more staff or clients. * take on的宾语常为work、chore、task或具体的job、position、role、responsibility或challenge。公司雇用更多员工或接受更多客户可以用take on more staff/clients。
ˌtake sth ˈup ˌtake sb ˈup on sth

phrasal verb

(took, taken)to say 'yes' to an offer or invitation 接受(提议或邀请)He urged us to take up the challenge.他力劝我们接受挑战。She took him up on his offer of a drink.他想请她喝一杯,她同意了。Take sth up is most often used with invitation, offer or challenge. * take sth up最常与invitation、offer或challenge连用。 OPP turn sb/sth down refuse


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ seize ♦︎ seize on/upon sth ♦︎ grab ♦︎ jump at sthThese words all mean to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth. 这些词均表示把握机会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / seize / seize on / grab / jump at a / an chance / opportunityto take / seize / seize on / grab the initiativeto seize on / jump at an ideato take / seize on sth immediately / eagerlyto seize / grab sth with both hands take (took, taken) [transitive] to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth 把握(机会)Take the initiative and fill your life with exciting experiences.要有积极主动的心态,让自己有精彩的人生。England failed to take their chances and had to settle for a draw.英格兰队没有抓住机会,落得平局的赛果。 seize siːz [transitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth 抓住,把握(机会)The party seized the initiative with both hands (= quickly and with enthusiasm).该党迅速掌握主动权。NOTE 辨析 Take or seize?In this meaning both these words only collocate with opportunity, chance and initiative. Seize suggests greater eagerness than take. Take a chance has two possible meanings: it can mean 'take a risk' as well as 'take an opportunity'; seize a chance only means 'take an opportunity'. 表达此义时,这两个词均只与opportunity、chance和initiative搭配。seize比take显得更为热切。take a chance有两种意思,可指冒险,亦可指抓住机会。seize a chance仅指抓住机会。 ˈseize on sth ˈseize upon sth

phrasal verb

to suddenly show a lot of interest in sth, especially because you can use it to your advantage 突然大为关注;(尤指)抓住(可利用的事物)Peter seized on her last comment.彼得突然对她最后的评论非常关注。The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press.当地报界迫不及待地揪住这些传闻。People might seize on/upon anything that sb does or says if they want to criticize them or publish details of it. 可以用seize on/upon来表示对某人的言行加以批评或发布详情。
grab (-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal) to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth 抓住,把握(机会)This was my big chance and I grabbed it with both hands.这是我的大好机会,我紧紧抓住了。He'll grab at any excuse to avoid hard work.他会找各种借口来逃避苦差事。 ˈjump at sth

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to enthusiastically accept an opportunity or offer 迫不及待地接受,欣然接受(机会或提议)I jumped at the chance of a new job.我欣然接受了新的工作。


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ assume ♦︎ carry ♦︎ bear ♦︎ accept ♦︎ shoulderThese words all mean to begin to have responsibility for sth. 这些词均表示承担责任。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / assume / carry / bear / accept / shoulder sth for sb / sthto take / assume / carry / bear / accept / shoulder the responsibilityto take / carry / bear / accept / shoulder the blameto take / bear / accept the consequencesto assume / carry / bear / accept / shoulder the burdento carry / bear / accept / shoulder the costto take / assume / accept sth willingly / reluctantly take (took, taken) [transitive] to begin to have power or responsibility for sth; to suffer the results of sth, especially sth you have done wrong 承担(责任);就(职);承受(后果或过错)A military junta took control of the country.一个军人集团控制了那个国家。Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes?我为什么要代人受过呢?In this meaning take collocates with responsibility, control, blame, brunt and consequences. 表达此义时,take和responsibility、control、blame、brunt和consequences搭配。 assume əˈsjuːm; NAmE əˈsuːm [transitive] (formal) to take or begin to have power or responsibility 承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力)The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare.法庭承担了保障这个女孩福祉的责任。A military junta assumed power in 1988.1988年,一个军人集团掌了权。 carry [transitive] to take responsibility for sth; to suffer the results of sth bad, even when this is not your fault 承担(责任);承受(恶果,即便非己之过)He is carrying the whole department (= it is only working because of his efforts).他支撑着整个部门。Their group was targeted to carry the burden of job losses.他们那个小组被选为裁员的目标。 bear (bore, borne) [transitive] (rather formal, written) to take responsibility for getting sth done; to suffer the results of sth bad, even when this is not your fault 承担(完成某事的责任);承受(恶果,即便非己之过)Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees?父母是否应当负担全部学费?Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.政府削减开支,学校将首当其冲受到影响。To bear/take the brunt of sth means to receive the main force of sth unpleasant. * bear/take the brunt of sth指承受某事的主要破坏力,首当其冲。 accept [transitive] to admit that you are responsible or to blame for sth bad that has happened 承认,承担(责任或过失)The company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.公司不承担任何自然灾害导致的损失。 shoulder [transitive] to accept the responsibility for sth, especially for getting a job done or improving a bad situation 承担(责任,尤指完成工作或改进不好的状况)These women shoulder the double burden of childcare and full-time work.这些妇女既要照顾孩子又要做全职工作,承担着双重负担。take8


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ mistake sb/sth for sb/sth ♦︎ confuse ♦︎ mix sb/sth upThese words all mean to think that sb/sth is sb/sth else. 这些词均表示将某人或某物误认为、错当成。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / mistake sb / sth for sb / sthto confuse sb / sth / mix sb / sth up with sb / sthto be easily mistaken for / confused with sb / sth take (took, taken) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to consider sb/sth to be sb/sth, especially when you are wrong (尤指错误地)以为,把⋯看做;误认为Even the experts took the painting to be a genuine Van Gogh.连行家都误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。I mistakenly took her for the Senator's wife.我误以为她是那名参议员的妻子。He's not the fool you take him for.他不像你认为的那样愚蠢。 (spoken) Of course I didn't do it! What do you take me for (= what kind of person do you think I am)?那当然不是我干的!你把我当成什么人了? miˈstake sb/sth for sb/sth

phrasal verb

(mistook, mistaken)to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else 把⋯错当成I think you must be mistaking me for someone else.我看你准是把我当成别人了。She was annoyed when I mistook her for a waitress.我错把她当成女招待,她很恼火。
confuse [transitive] to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else 把⋯错当成People often confuse me and my twin sister.人们常把我和我的孪生妹妹搞错。Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality.注意不要把数量与质量混淆了。The Tasmanian wolf is not to be confused with the dingo.不要把袋狼和澳洲野犬搞混。 ˌmix sb/sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal, especially spoken) to confuse sb/sth with sb/sth else 误以为⋯是;弄错;搞混She always gets her left and right mixed up.她总是左右不分。


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ use ♦︎ doThese words all mean to put drugs or medicine into your body. 这些词均表示服药。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / use / do drugsto take / use heroin take (took, taken) [transitive] to put medicine or drugs in your body 服(药);吸(毒)The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough.医生已给我开了些药治咳嗽。He started taking drugs (= illegal drugs) at college.他上大学时开始吸毒。 use [transitive, intransitive] to take illegal drugs 吸(毒)Most of the inmates here have used drugs at some point in their lives.这里的大多数囚犯都在人生的某个阶段服用过毒品。 (slang) She's been using since she was 13.她13岁起就长期吸毒。 do (does, did, done) [transitive] (informal) to take illegal drugs 吸(毒)He doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs.他不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吸毒。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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