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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb [T] /ˈkʌvə(r)/
present tense
present participlecovering
past tensecovered
past participlecovered
  1. 1



    cover over


    cover up

    to put one thing over another, in order to protect or hide it 盖;盖上

    Cover the food until you are ready to eat it. 把食物盖好,等食用时再打开。

    cover someone/something with something :

    They covered her with a blanket. 他们给她盖上一床毛毯。

    be covered with/by something :

    The floor was covered with plastic sheeting. 地板上铺着塑料膜。

     Synonyms and related words
    To hide, or to hide something: hide, cover, obscure...
    1. a.
      to be on top of something 盖上

      A rug covered the hole in the carpet. 一块小毯子盖住了地毯上的破洞。

       Synonyms and related words
      To cover something: cover, wrap, coat...
    2. b.
      to put your hands over your eyes, ears, or mouth (用手)捂住

      Bob covered his eyes, unable to look at the body. 鲍勃捂住眼睛,不敢看尸体。

       Synonyms and related words
      To cover something: cover, wrap, coat...
  2. 2
    to be all over a surface or object 覆盖

    Bruises covered his entire body. 他浑身都是淤伤。

    be covered with/in something :

    His clothes were covered in mud. 他的衣服上都是泥。

    All the furniture was covered with dust. 所有家具都落满了灰尘。

     Synonyms and related words
    To cover something: cover, wrap, coat...
    1. a.
      to spread something all over a surface or object 在…上铺满

      They covered the path with rose petals. 他们在小道上撒满了玫瑰花瓣。

       Synonyms and related words
      To cover something: cover, wrap, coat...
    2. b.
      to spread or lie all over an area of land 覆盖

      Dense forest covers the lower slopes of the mountain. 浓密的森林覆盖着大山底部的山坡。

       Synonyms and related words
      To cover something: cover, wrap, coat...
  3. 3
    to include and deal with a particular situation, subject, period of history etc 包括;涉及;处理

    Section 5 covers holiday allowances for part-time workers. 第5部分涉及兼职工人的假期津贴问题。

    Her new book covers the period from 1870 to 1918. 她的新书涵盖了1870年到1918年这一段时间。

    The programme covers all aspects of health and safety at work. 该方案包括了工作期间健康及安全问题的各个方面。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      if a law, rule, or contract covers a particular situation, type of person etc, it includes or deals with that situation or person (法律、规则或合同)适用于

      The rights of unmarried fathers are not covered by this legislation. 这部法律并未规定未婚父亲的权利。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    to give a report or description of an event on television or radio, or in a newspaper (在电视、电台或报纸上)报道

    We will be covering the game live on Saturday afternoon. 我们将于星期六下午现场直播这场比赛。

    Clare Gray covered the Paris fashion shows for The Times. 克莱尔·格雷在《泰晤士报》上报道了巴黎的时装表演。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    to have enough money to pay for something 支付

    We need £1,000 a month to cover the rent. 我们每个月需要1,000英镑支付房租。

     Synonyms and related words
    To have just enough money: afford, eke out, subsist...
  6. 6
    if an insurance agreement covers a situation or person, it provides protection against loss for that situation or person 给…保险;承保

    The warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse of the product. 本保修单不承保因产品使用不当而引起的损坏。

    cover someone for something :

    His car insurance covers him for business use. 他的汽车险包括业务用车。

    cover someone to do something :

    Are you covered to drive a truck? 你开卡车上保险了吗?

    cover someone against something :

    You need to be covered against fire. 你需要投保火险。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    to travel a particular distance 走完,行过(一段路程)

    We had to cover the last three miles on foot. 我们只能步行走完最后3英里。

     Synonyms and related words
    To travel in a vehicle: go, ride, commute...
  8. 8
    music to perform or record a song that was first performed by someone else 翻唱,翻录(他人首唱的歌曲)

    Her new album covers some old Beatles classics. 她的新专辑翻唱了甲壳虫乐队的一些经典老歌。

     Synonyms and related words
    To sing: sing, sing along, croon...
  9. 9
    to protect someone from attack by pointing a gun at someone who might shoot them (用枪)掩护

    His partner covered him while he ran across the prison yard. 他跑过监狱院子的时候,他的同伴替他掩护。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    To use a gun: aim, at gunpoint, cock...
    1. a.
      to prevent someone from moving or escaping by pointing a gun towards them (用枪)看住,守住

      You go first while we cover the back door. 你先走,我们来守住后门。

       Synonyms and related words
      To use a gun: aim, at gunpoint, cock...
  10. 10
    in some sports, to stay very close to an opposing player in order to prevent them from scoring a goal or getting a point (体育运动中)盯防,防守
     Synonyms and related words

phrasal verbs

noun /ˈkʌvə(r)/
  1. 1
    [C] something that you put over something else in order to hide it, protect it, or close it 覆盖物;盖子;罩子;套子

    She put plastic covers on all the furniture. 她把所有家具都用塑料罩盖上。

    duvet/cushion covers 羽绒被套/坐垫套子

     Synonyms and related words
    Layers and coverings: surface, cover, layer...
  2. 2

    the covers

    [plural] sheets and blankets that you lie under in bed 被子;毯子

    He pulled the covers up and turned out the light. 他拉好被子并熄了灯。

     Synonyms and related words
    Bedclothes: afghan, bedclothes, bedding...
  3. 3
    [C] the outside page at the front or back of a book or magazine 封皮;封面;封底

    Her face was once on the cover of Vogue magazine. 她的脸孔曾经上过《时尚》杂志的封面。

    read something from cover to cover (=read it all) 从头读到尾 :

    On the train I read the newspaper from cover to cover. 在火车上,我把整份报纸从头读到了尾。

     Synonyms and related words
    Parts of books: acknowledgments, addendum, afterword...
    1. a.
      the paper or card on the front of a record or CD (唱片或CD的)封套
       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [U] British an agreement by an insurance company to pay money in a particular situation or for a particular event, person, or thing. The American word is coverage 保险协议
    cover for :

    The policy does not provide cover for belongings when they are outside the home. 财产不在房屋之内时,不在本保险单的承保范围内。

    cover against :

    You need to arrange cover against your traveller's cheques being stolen. 你得买份保险以防旅行支票失窃。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [U] places such as buildings or trees where people or animals can hide or shelter from the weather 掩蔽物;藏身处

    The troops had to run across open fields with no cover. 部队不得不在没有任何掩护的空地上跑过。

    run for cover/take cover :

    Everybody ran for cover as the hail started to fall. 下冰雹时,人人都跑去躲避。

     Synonyms and related words
    See also break
  6. 6
    [U] protection from attack, especially from someone with a gun (尤指他人用枪进行的)掩护
    give cover :

    Detective Philips entered the house while the other officers gave cover. 菲利普斯侦探进入房子的时候,其他警察进行掩护。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [C] a legal business that is used for hiding an illegal or secret activity (非法或秘密活动的)掩饰,幌子
    cover for :

    His import-export company was a cover for a drug-smuggling operation. 他的进出口公司只是贩毒活动的一个幌子。

     Synonyms and related words
    General types of business or company: account, acquisition, affiliate...
    1. a.
      a false story that is used for hiding who someone really is 借口;托词

      His cover was that he was an ordinary fan interested in joining the gang. 他的借口是他只是个喜欢加入帮派的普通球迷而已。

      She had to leave the country after her cover was blown. 她的老底被揭穿后不得不逃离这个国家。

       Synonyms and related words
      Lies: lie, invention, falsehood...
  8. 8
    [U] British an arrangement in which a person does the work of someone who is away from work 代替
    cover for :

    The supply teacher provides cover for teachers who are sick. 这位代课教师是为生病的老师代课的。

    emergency/holiday/maternity cover :

    an agency that provides emergency cover 提供应急措施的机构

     Synonyms and related words
    Types of job or work: baby, busywork, calling...
  9. 9



    cover version

    [C] music a song that is recorded by someone who is not the original performer 翻录的歌曲

    They did a brilliant cover of the old Abba song. 他们出色地翻录了阿巴乐队的那首老歌。

     Synonyms and related words
    Songs: anthem, aria, ballad...
  10. 10
    [C] a place for one person at a table in a restaurant (餐馆供一人用餐的)用餐处
     Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    [C/U] American a cover charge (饭店的)服务费,附加费
     Synonyms and related words


1sth put on/over sth遮蓋物ADJECTIVE | VERB + COVER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEprotective保護套removable, reversible可去掉的/正反都可用的遮蓋物leather, plastic皮革蓋;塑料蓋dust防塵罩We spread dust covers over the furniture while the builders were working.建築工人工作時,我們用防塵罩把傢具蓋上。cushion, duvet, mattress, pillow, seat靠墊套;羽絨被套;牀墊套;枕套;座套loose (BrE) 活罩a sofa with a loose cover有活套的沙發album, CD, DVD專輯/激光唱盤/數字影碟的封面manhole人孔蓋VERB + COVERput on, replace蓋上蓋子;重新蓋上蓋子lift, open, remove, take off抬起/打開/移除/拿掉蓋子He held his nose as he lifted the cover of the bin.他在打開垃圾桶蓋的時候捂住了鼻子。PREPOSITIONcover for遮⋯的蓋子a cover for the swimming pool游泳池的頂棚


2sth that is over sth覆蓋物ADJECTIVEdense, thick厚厚的覆蓋物a thick cover of snow厚厚的一層積雪cloud, ice, snow雲層;冰蓋;積雪We descended into JFK through thick cloud cover.我們穿過厚厚的雲層降落到肯尼迪機場。canopy, forest, ground, tree, vegetation, vegetative (technical術語, especially NAmE) 樹冠覆蓋;森林覆蓋;地面覆蓋;植被plants that provide good ground cover給地面提供良好覆蓋的植物


3outside of a book/magazine書或雜誌的外層ADJECTIVE | VERB + COVER | COVER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEback, front封底;封面hard, soft硬封面;軟封面glossy有光紙封皮book, magazine圖書/雜誌封面VERB + COVERadorn, grace裝飾封面Her image has graced the covers of many glossy magazines.她的形象登上過許多有光紙印刷的通俗雜誌的封面。design設計封面COVER + NOUNillustration, image, photo, photograph, picture封面圖片;封面形象art, artwork, design封面藝術/藝術作品/設計article, feature, story封面文章/特寫/故事page封面shoot (= the activity of taking a photograph for a magazine cover) 封面照拍攝boy (NAmE) , girl, model (NAmE) 封面小生/女郎/模特price (= the price that a book or magazine is sold for) 標價The author only gets 1% of the cover price.作者只得到標價的 1%。PREPOSITIONon a/the cover在封面上a picture of the author on the back cover封底上作者的照片


4the covers blankets, sheets, etc.鋪蓋ADJECTIVE | VERB + THE COVERS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbed牀上用品thick, warm厚厚的/溫暖的鋪蓋thin薄薄的鋪蓋VERB + THE COVERSget under躺到毯子下pull up拉上被子fling off, pull back, push back, throw back掀掉被子;拉回被子;把被子推回原處;扔回被子She threw back the covers and got out of bed.她掀開被子下了牀。pull off, rip off, yank off (especially NAmE) 扯掉/掀開/猛地掀掉被子'Get up!' she said, yanking off the covers.“起牀!”她說着猛然掀掉被子。tuck around sb給某人掖好被子PREPOSITIONunder the cover在被子裏PHRASESpull the covers over your head用被子蒙住頭He pulled the covers over his head and tried to get back to sleep.他用被子蒙住頭,試圖接着睡。


5 (BrE) insurance against sth保險 see also coverage ADJECTIVE | VERB + COVER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcomprehensive, full綜合保險;全險wide覆蓋範圍大的保險This company provides wider cover.該公司提供的保險覆蓋面更廣。standard標準險additional附加保險insurance保險範圍fire, health, indemnity, life, medical火險;健康險;賠償保險;人壽保險;醫療保險VERB + COVERhave有保險give sb, provide (sb with)給某人保險;(給某人)提供保險PREPOSITIONcover against⋯的保險cover against accidental damage意外損害險cover for⋯的保險cover for contents內容物保險


6shelter/protection from the weather, damage, etc.遮蓋物;保護ADJECTIVE | VERB + COVER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEair空中掩護The planes provided air cover for the attack.這些飛機為攻擊提供空中掩護。VERB + COVERdive for, run for, take衝向隱蔽處;跑向隱蔽處;隱蔽起來We ran for cover as it started to rain.開始下雨時,我們跑着找地方避雨。seek尋找隱蔽處find發現隱蔽處give sb, provide (sb with)給某人保護;(給某人)提供保護break (= leave) 從隱蔽處出來The deer broke cover as the hunters approached.獵人接近時,鹿從躲藏的地方跑了出來。PREPOSITIONunder cover蓋着All the seats are under cover.所有的席位都蓋了起來。under cover of在⋯的掩護下We attacked at night, under cover of darkness.夜裏我們在夜幕的掩護下發動進攻。cover from躲避⋯的地方They sought cover from the wind.他們尋找避風的地方。


7sth that hides the real nature of sth掩蓋;掩飾ADJECTIVE | VERB + COVER | COVER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEperfect完美的掩飾diplomatic, official, political外交身分/官員身分/政治身分掩護spies operating under diplomatic cover以外交身分為掩護進行活動的間諜VERB + COVERblow (= reveal) 揭穿偽裝He realized his cover had been blown.他意識到自己的身分已經暴露了。COVER + NOUNstory編造的說辭The guard believed her cover story.衞兵相信了她的假話。PREPOSITIONcover for對⋯的掩護The club is a cover for various criminal activities.該俱樂部為各種犯罪活動提供掩護。


1put sth over sth to hide or protect it隱藏;保護ADVERB | VERB + COVER | PREPOSITION ADVERBcompletely, entirely全部/完全遮蓋loosely鬆鬆地蓋住partially, partly部份遮蓋Her hair partially covered her face.她的頭髮把臉遮住了一部份。barely勉強蓋住Her dress barely covered her chest.她的裙子幾乎遮不住她的胸部。up完全蓋住She used dried leaves and twigs to cover up the hole.她用乾樹葉和小樹枝蓋住洞口。VERB + COVERtry to試圖蓋住;試圖掩飾She tried to cover her face with her hands.她試圖用雙手遮住臉。He tried to cover his embarrassment by starting to rub his hands together.他開始搓着雙手,試圖掩飾自己的尷尬。use sth to用⋯掩蓋PREPOSITIONwith用⋯掩蓋He covered the body with a cloth.他用一塊布蓋住那具屍體。


2form a layer on sth形成覆蓋層ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBcompletely全部蓋着PREPOSITIONin埋在⋯裏The cars were all covered in snow.汽車全都埋在雪裏了。with覆蓋着⋯The children were completely covered with mud.孩子們滿身是泥。


3include; pay for包括;支付ADVERB | VERB + COVER ADVERBbarely, hardly幾乎不能支付;幾乎不能涵蓋The payments he gets barely cover his expenses.他賺的錢幾乎不夠他花的。We've hardly covered a quarter of the course.這門課程我們連四分之一都沒完成。VERB + COVERhelp (to)幫助支付be intended to旨在支付be extended to擴大到包括The tax may be extended to cover books.該稅可能要擴大範圍,把圖書也包括在內。


4insurance保險PREPOSITIONagainst投保⋯險This policy should cover you against accidental injury.這份保險單保意外傷害險。for保⋯險a policy that covers you for fire and theft承保火險和盜竊險的保險單
cover noun
cover (a waterproof cover) pretence (a cover for illegal activities) replacement (cover for absent staff) security (air cover) shelter (run for cover)
cover verb
cover (covered in mud) describe (cover a story) go2 (cover many miles) hide1 (cover your face) include1 (cover a subject)


cover ♦︎ wrapper ♦︎ casing ♦︎ wrapping ♦︎ sheath ♦︎ tarpaulin ♦︎ tarp ♦︎ covering ♦︎ wrapThese are all words for sth that covers or is wrapped around an object. 这些词均表示覆盖物、包裹物、套子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配under a cover / tarpaulin / tarp / coveringa protective cover / wrapper / casing / wrapping / sheath / covering(a) plastic cover / wrapper / casing / wrapping / sheath / tarpaulin / tarp / covering / wrap(a) paper cover / wrapper / wrapping / coveringto take off / remove the cover / wrapper / wrapping / covering / wrapto take sth out of its wrapper / casing / wrapping / sheath cover [countable] a thing that is put over or around another thing, usually to protect it or make it look attractive (起保护或装饰作用的)覆盖物,掩盖物,套子,罩子The buggy had a plastic waterproof cover.那辆童车有一个塑料防水篷。The plants provide a protective cover for the soil.植被为土壤提供了一个保护罩。It's a good idea to put a dust cover over your computer at night (= to protect it from dust).在晚上为计算机盖上防尘罩是个好主意。Brighten up your room with some colourful cushion covers.用一些色彩鲜艳的靠垫套使你的房间更添亮丽。 see also cover hide verb 1 wrapper [countable] a piece of paper, plastic, etc. that is wrapped around sth in order to protect it. Food that you buy will often have a wrapper on it in order to protect it and keep it clean. (食品等的)包装材料,包装纸,包装膜Each meal is packed in a sealed wrapper.每份餐都密封包装。He eagerly tore the wrapper off.他迫不及待地撕开了包装。 (BrE) The floor was covered with sweet wrappers.地板上都是糖纸。 (NAmE) candy wrappers糖纸 casing ˈkeɪsɪŋ [countable] a cover that protects sth, especially one made of a hard substance such as wood or hard plastic (尤指木板或硬塑料等硬物制成的)箱,盒,盖The printer has an attractive black casing.这台打印机有一个好看的黑壳。 wrapping [uncountable] ( wrappings [plural]) paper, plastic, etc. that is used for wrapping sth in, in order to protect it 包装材料;包装纸;包装塑料She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box.她把包装盒子的玻璃纸撕了下来。The dress still hung in its plastic wrappings.那条连衣裙还套着塑料包装挂着呢。I bought several rolls of wrapping paper.我买了几卷包装纸。 sheath ʃiːθ (plural sheaths ʃiːðz ) [countable] a cover that fits closely around sth to protect it, especially sth such as a knife or other weapon or tool 护层;(刀、剑等的)鞘;(工具的)套He put the dagger back in its sheath.他把短剑插回鞘中。The cable is protected by a strong plastic sheath.电缆外层有结实的塑料护皮保护着。 tarpaulin tɑːˈpɔːlɪn; NAmE tɑːrˈpɔːlɪn [countable] a large sheet made of a heavy waterproof material, used to cover things to keep rain or water off 柏油帆布;(防水)油布The car was covered with a black tarpaulin.那辆车用黑色的油布盖着。 tarp [countable] (NAmE, informal) a tarpaulin 柏油帆布;(防水)油布The men huddled under the tarp.那些人在防水油布下挤作一团。 covering [uncountable, countable] a material that is used to cover sth, especially sth such as floors or walls in order to protect them or make them look attractive (尤指用来保护或装饰地板或墙壁等的)覆盖物The cell had bare walls and no floor covering.那小房间的墙光秃秃的,地板上也没有覆盖物。 wrap [uncountable] (usually in compounds 通常用于构成复合词) paper, plastic, etc. that is used for wrapping sth in, in order to protect it or make it look attractive 包裹(或包装)材料We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap.我们备有式样繁多的贺卡和礼品包装材料。Use bubble wrap (= a sheet of plastic full of small bubbles of air) to pack things which might get broken.用气泡膜把易碎物品包起来。 (NAmE) Just cover the plate of sandwiches with plastic wrap (= a thin transparent plastic material that sticks to a surface and to itself).把那一碟三明治用保鲜膜盖上。The British English word for plastic wrap is cling film. 英式英语中用cling film来指保鲜膜。 cover


cover ♦︎ coat ♦︎ spread ♦︎ rub ♦︎ smear ♦︎ daub ♦︎ cakeThese words all mean to put a liquid or a soft substance onto sth. 这些词均表示将液体或稀软之物涂抹、覆盖到某物上。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to cover / coat / spread / rub / smear / daub / cake sth with sthto cover / coat / cake sth in sthto spread / rub / smear / daub sth on sthto spread / smear sth over sthto cover sth with / coat sth with / spread a layer of sthto rub / smear oil into / onto sthto be covered / coated / caked in / with dustto be covered / caked in / with dirtto be covered / smeared / caked in / with mudto be covered / coated / smeared in / with grease / oilto be covered / coated / smeared / daubed with paintto be covered / smeared / daubed / caked in / with bloodto be covered / coated / spread with chocolateliberally covered / coated / spread / smearedthickly / thinly covered / coated / spread cover [transitive, often passive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to put a layer of sth, especially sth liquid, soft or dirty, on sb/sth 覆上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、稀软或脏的东西)The players were soon covered in mud.那些运动员很快就满身泥浆。The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.风从沙漠那边吹来,把一切都蒙上了一层沙。 coat [transitive, often passive] to cover sth with a layer of a substance 给⋯涂上一层;(用⋯)覆盖The cookies were thickly coated with chocolate.曲奇上涂了厚厚一层巧克力。A film of dust coated the table.桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。NOTE 辨析 Cover or coat? Cover is a more general word than coat. Coat is used especially when sth is deliberately covered with a fixed layer for decoration or protection. * cover比coat含义广。coat尤指出于装饰或保护目的,有意在某物上面牢固地覆盖上一层The flakes are coated with sugar (= the sugar is fixed onto them).薄片上涂了一层糖。The flakes are covered with sugar (= the sugar is not fixed onto them).薄片上沾了一层糖。When sth gets coated in dust or grease, it suggests that the dust or grease may be quite thick and hard to remove. 分词coated指某物覆盖着灰尘或油脂时,暗示灰尘或油脂可能很厚,难以去除More than 400 birds were coated with oil when 50 tonnes of crude oil spilled into the sea.50吨原油泄漏到海里后,400多只鸟身上裹了一层油污。 spread (spread, spread) [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to deliberately put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface 涂;敷;抹She spread butter on a piece of toast.她往烤面包片上抹黄油。Spread the cake with cream and then sprinkle flakes of chocolate on top.把奶油抹到蛋糕上,然后在上面撒些巧克力碎片。If the paint is too thick, it will not spread easily.油漆如果太稠就不容易涂抹。Spread is used about substances that you spread deliberately; it is not used about dirt or grease that gets onto sth by accident. * spread指有意涂抹,不用来指灰尘或油脂意外沾染到某物上。 rub (-bb-) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to spread a liquid or other substance over a surface while pressing firmly 涂;抹;搽She rubbed moisturizer into her skin.她把乳液揉抹进皮肤里。Rub some salt on the fish before cooking.烹制前在鱼身上抹些盐。 smear smɪə(r); NAmE smɪr [transitive] to spread a soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way (用稀软物质)胡乱涂抹The children had smeared mud on the walls.那些孩子往墙上乱涂泥巴。His face was smeared with blood.他满脸血污。 see also smear mark noun daub dɔːb [transitive, often passive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to spread a substance such as paint or mud onto sth thickly and/or carelessly (用颜料、灰泥等)涂抹,乱涂,乱画The walls of the building were daubed with red paint.这座楼的几面墙上随意涂了一层红漆。NOTE 辨析 Smear or daub? Daub is often passive; smear is often active or passive. Daub always needs an adverb or preposition; smear can be used without. * daub常用被动形式,smear主动或被动形式均很常用。daub总是与副词或介词连用,smear可不跟副词或介词She had smeared her make-up.她胡乱化了妆。She had daubed her make-up. Daub is often used when talking about words which are written on sth; smear is not usually used in this way. 在某物上涂写字句常用daub,smear一般不这样用They found a message daubed onto the wall of the cell.他们在小房间墙上发现了一条涂写的信息。They found a message smeared onto the wall of the cell. cake [transitive, usually passive] to cover sth with a thick layer of sth soft that becomes hard when it dries (用干后变硬的稀软物质)覆盖(厚厚一层)Her shoes were caked with mud.她的鞋上沾满泥巴。

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