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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To end a friendship or relationship
verb [T] /ˌdiˈfrend/
to deliberately remove someone from your list of friends on a social networking website

I had to defriend Pete as he just kept cluttering up my wall.

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ʌnˈfrend/
to deliberately remove someone from your list of friends on a social networking website
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
break off
phrasal verb
[T] to end a relationship or a discussion 断绝(关系);中断(讨论)
break off an engagement (=end an agreement to get married) 终止婚约 :

Did you know they've broken off their engagement? 你知道他们终止了婚约吗?

break it off (=to end a romantic relationship) 结束恋爱关系 :

I've decided to break it off with her. 我已经决定与她分手。

break off relations/contact :

The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations. 这两个国家断绝了外交关系。

 Synonyms and related words
break up
phrasal verb
[I/T] if a relationship breaks up, it ends (使)(关系)破裂

The marriage broke up just a few years later. 仅仅几年后这桩婚姻就破裂了。

There were suggestions that her involvement had broken up the partnership. 有迹象表明她的介入使合作关系破裂。

 Synonyms and related words
[I/T] if two people break up, they end their relationship 断绝(关系)
break up with :

He's just broken up with his girlfriend. 他刚刚与女朋友分手。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /liːv/
to leave a person permanently because a relationship has ended (由于关系结束)永远离开(某人)

The kids were devastated when Ben left. 本离去后这些孩子遭罪了。

His wife has threatened to leave him. 他的妻子威胁说要离开他。

 Synonyms and related words
split up
phrasal verb
[I] to end a marriage or a sexual or romantic relationship 离婚;分手;断绝关系

Her parents split up a few months ago. 她的父母几个月前离婚了。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Divorce and separation: access, accrual, alimony...
cut off
phrasal verb [T]
[cut someone off] to stop having a close or friendly relationship with someone 中断,断绝(密切关系或友谊)

Why did all his friends suddenly cut him off? 为什么他所有的朋友都突然和他绝了交?

 Synonyms and related words
fall out
phrasal verb [I]
informal to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them 失和;闹翻

Have you two fallen out? 你俩闹翻了吗?

fall out with :

I'd fallen out with my parents. 我和父母闹翻了。

 Synonyms and related words
finish with
phrasal verb [T]
[finish with someone] informal to end a relationship with someone so that they are no longer your boyfriend or girlfriend 与…分手;与…终止恋爱关系
 Synonyms and related words
verb /drɒp/
[T] informal to end a relationship with someone, especially suddenly (尤指突然)结束(关系)
 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
verb /beɪl/
[I] informal to leave something such as a project, situation, or relationship 从…中摆脱出来
bail on :

Many people would have bailed on Renee but he stood by her. 许多人会抛弃蕾妮,但他支持她。

I had a travel partner but he bailed and then I didn't want to go any more. 我有一个旅行伙伴,但他放弃了,然后我就不想再去了。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
bail out
phrasal verb
[I] to leave a project, situation, or relationship, especially when it becomes difficult (尤指出现困难时)离开
bail out of :

Investors bailed out of high-tech stocks as prices plunged. 随着股价暴跌,投资者纷纷撤出高科技股。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
bale out
phrasal verb [I] British
to bail out of a difficult situation (尤指出现困难时)离开
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
be through (with someone)
to have ended a relationship (与某人)断绝关系

I've told Larry I'm through with him, but he keeps bothering me. 我和拉里说过我和他已经吹了,但他老是骚扰我。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /breɪk/
to end your connection or relationship with someone 断绝,中断(关系)

The party is looking to break its ties with the far right. 该党想要与极右派断绝关系。

 Synonyms and related words
break down
phrasal verb
[I] if a relationship or discussion breaks down, it stops being successful (关系或讨论)破裂,失败

At one point, the talks broke down completely. 谈判一度彻底破裂。

 Synonyms and related words
To fail, or to stop being successful: fail, founder, languish...
 Synonyms and related words
break with
phrasal verb [T]
[break with someone/something] to leave a group of people, usually because of a disagreement 与…绝交;与…决裂;离开

That was the year he broke with the Labour Party. 那是他离开工党的一年。

 Synonyms and related words
bust up
phrasal verb informal
[I] British to have an argument and end a relationship (关系)破裂

We bust up six months ago. 我们6个月前分手了。

 Synonyms and related words
cast aside
phrasal verb [T]
to get rid of someone or something because it is no longer interesting or valuable to you 抛弃;丢掉
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
cast off
phrasal verb
[T] to get rid of someone or something 摆脱;丢掉

It took many years for Chicago to cast off its reputation as the home of violent gangsters. 芝加哥花了很多年才摆脱掉“暴徒之家”的名声。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
verb /tʃɪl/
[I/T] if a situation or relationship chills, or if something chills it, it becomes less friendly (使)沮丧;(使)扫兴;(使)消沉

The border dispute between the two countries chilled their relations for decades. 两国之间的边界争端使他们几十年来的关系都很冷淡。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] informal /tʃʌk/
British to end a relationship with someone 和…断绝关系;抛弃(某人)

After two years she chucked her boyfriend. 两年以后,她抛弃了男友。

 Synonyms and related words
cut the cord
to end your connection with someone, or to stop depending on their support 切断联系;断绝关系;独立
 Synonyms and related words
detach yourself (from)
to stop being involved in a close or emotional way with someone or something 不再参与;脱离

Edward, who appeared to have detached himself from the proceedings, stared out of the window. 爱德华看来走神了,凝视着窗外。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /dɪsˈəʊn/
to say that you no longer want to be connected with someone or something, for example because you are ashamed of them (因感到羞耻等而)与…脱离关系

I think my parents would disown me if I ever got a tattoo. 我觉得如果我文身我的父母就会与我断绝关系。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /dɪtʃ/
[T] informal to get rid of someone or something because you no longer like or need them 抛弃;丢弃

The series was ditched after the star of the show quit. 在明星演员退场后观众就对这部系列片失去了兴趣。

He ditched the gun in a bin as he ran away. 他逃跑的时候把枪丢进了垃圾箱。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
informal to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone in a sudden and unkind way 抛弃;甩掉

She ditched Ryan for a younger man. 她甩掉瑞安找了个年轻一点的男人。

 Synonyms and related words
drift apart
phrasal verb [I]
if two or more people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends 逐渐疏远
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /dʌmp/
to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need 处理掉;开除;扔掉

Nolan was angry at being dumped from the team. 诺兰对自己被球队开除愤愤不平。

Over 150,000 tonnes of waste are dumped annually along the coastline. 每年有150000多吨的垃圾被倒在海岸线上。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
informal to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone 结束与…的关系;抛弃;甩掉

Brady's really upset – his girlfriend's just dumped him. 布拉迪心烦得很,他的女友刚刚抛弃了他。

 Synonyms and related words
fall apart
phrasal verb [I]
if something such as an organization, agreement, or relationship falls apart, it no longer continues (组织)解体;(协议、关系)破裂

The NATO alliance was in danger of falling apart.

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
fall to bits/pieces
if a theory, system, or relationship falls to pieces, it no longer works (理论、制度或关系)崩溃,破裂
 Synonyms and related words
To fail, or to stop being successful: fail, founder, languish...
 Synonyms and related words
get/be shot of
phrase British informal
to get rid of someone or something 摆脱;解决;处理掉

In the end, we were glad to be shot of the car. 最后,我们很高兴把车子处理掉了。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
    1. 1
      to throw away, give away, or sell a possession that you no longer want or need 丢弃;扔掉;处理掉

      We're moving, so we have to get rid of a lot of our furniture. 我们要搬家了,所以我们得扔掉许多家具。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. 2
      to take action that stops something annoying, unpleasant, or not wanted from affecting you 摆脱;除去;去掉

      a fast effective way to get rid of weeds 快速高效清除杂草的方法

      I wish I could get rid of this cold. 我希望这次感冒能很快就好。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. 3
      to make someone go away because they are annoying, unpleasant, or not wanted 摆脱,甩掉(某人)

      I'm sure he knew we were trying to get rid of him! 我敢肯定他知道我们想甩掉他。

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
give someone/get the push
phrase British informal
if someone gives you the push, or if you get the push, the person you are having a sexual relationship with tells you they want to end the relationship 甩掉某人/被甩(结束恋爱关系)

I finally gave him the push last night. 昨天晚上我终于把他甩掉了。

 Synonyms and related words
give someone the elbow
phrase British informal
to end your relationship with someone 与某人断绝来往
 Synonyms and related words
go your separate ways
to end a relationship with a partner and decide to live or work apart 各走各的路;分道扬镳

The members of the band have decided to go their separate ways. 乐队成员已决定分道扬镳。

 Synonyms and related words
grow apart
phrasal verb [I]
if people grow apart, their relationship gradually changes and they become less close 变得有隔阂
 Synonyms and related words
grow away from
phrasal verb [T]
[grow away from someone] if you grow away from someone, your relationship gradually changes and you become less close to them 疏远(某人)
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] informal /dʒɪlt/
to tell someone that you want to end your romantic relationship with them 结束与…的恋爱关系;和…分手
 Synonyms and related words
love them and leave them
phrase informal
if someone loves them and leaves them, they have a lot of sexual relationships that they end after a short time without caring about the feelings of the other person 爱某人但又很快抛弃某人
 Synonyms and related words
pack in
phrasal verb [T]
British informal to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone (和某人)结束恋爱关系;甩掉(某人)

I'm thinking of packing him in. 我正想把他甩掉。

 Synonyms and related words
pack your bags
phrase informal
to get ready to leave a person or place permanently, especially after a disagreement (尤指因与别人发生分歧而)准备(永远)离开

She told him to pack his bags. 她叫他收拾东西走人。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
verb /pɑː(r)t/
[I] if two people part, or if one person parts from another, they go away from each other 分别;分手

They parted at the train station. 他们在火车站告别。

 Synonyms and related words
[I] if two people part, or if one person parts from another, their relationship is ended 分手;断绝关系

In the end, we parted amicably. 最后,我们友好地分手了。

 Synonyms and related words
part company
to end a relationship, for example a marriage 终止(婚姻等)关系
 Synonyms and related words
to stop travelling or spending time together and go to different places 分手;分别
 Synonyms and related words
put some distance between
to deliberately make a relationship less close or friendly 在…之间保持一定距离

My instincts warned me to put some distance between us. 我的直觉告诫我要保持我们之间的距离。

 Synonyms and related words
run out on
phrasal verb [T]
[run out on someone] to suddenly leave your wife, husband, or partner 突然离开,抛弃,遗弃(妻子、丈夫或伙伴)

Jane's husband ran out on her when their children were still young. 简的丈夫在他们的孩子还很小的时候就抛弃了她。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈsevə(r)/
[T] to end something such as a friendship or a connection completely and permanently 断绝,中断(友谊或关系等)

The rebels have severed all contact with the government. 叛乱者已经中断了与政府的一切联系。

 Synonyms and related words
throw over
phrasal verb [T] old-fashioned
[throw someone over] to end a romantic or sexual relationship with someone 结束与…的关系;抛弃;甩掉
 Synonyms and related words
verb /ʌnˈləʊd/
[T] informal to get rid of someone or something that is your responsibility 摆脱;推卸

She's always unloading the kids on us. 她总把孩子推给我们。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
walk out
phrasal verb [I]
to suddenly leave a person who needs you or a situation that depends on you 突然离开;退场;退席

Her husband had walked out on her a year before. 她的丈夫前一年离开了她。

I was afraid you'd walk out of my life again. 我怕你会再次离开我。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] American informal /ˌeɪtiˈsɪks/
to quickly get rid of someone or something that is not wanted 迅速摆脱(某人);迅速除掉(不想要的东西)
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
fall to pieces
if a theory, system, or relationship falls to pieces, it no longer works (理论、制度或关系)崩溃,破裂
 Synonyms and related words
To fail, or to stop being successful: fail, founder, languish...
 Synonyms and related words

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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