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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
adjective /kliːn/
  1. 1
    not dirty 清洁的;干净的

    Go and put on a clean shirt. 去换上一件干净衬衣。

    nice clean towels 优质的干净毛巾

    clean and tidy :

    I like to keep the place clean and tidy. 我喜欢使这个地方保持干净整洁。

    spotlessly clean :

    Everything in the house was spotlessly clean (=extremely clean). 屋里的一切都一尘不染。

    brush/scrub/sweep/wash/wipe etc something clean :

    Tom had scrubbed the floor clean. 汤姆已经把地板擦干净了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Clean: clean, sterile, immaculate...
    1. a.
      clean people and animals keep themselves and the places where they live clean 爱干净的;爱清洁的

      Pigs are actually very clean animals. 猪实际上是很爱干净的动物。

       Synonyms and related words
      Clean and tidy in appearance: clean, tidy, fastidious...
    2. b.
      clean air or water has no dirty or dangerous substances in it (空气)清新的;(水)洁净的

      Many refugees are living in appalling conditions, without clean water and proper sanitation. 许多难民生活在条件很差的地方,没有洁净的水和应有的卫生设施。

      the clean country air 乡村的新鲜空气

       Synonyms and related words
      Clean: clean, sterile, immaculate...
    3. c.
      clean machines and processes do not create a lot of pollution 无污染的;清洁的

      clean technologies 无污染技术

      We already have the cleanest diesel fuel in the world. 我们已经拥有世界上最清洁的柴油。

       Synonyms and related words
      Environmental issues: anthropogenic, biodegradable, biohazard...
       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    not guilty of anything illegal or wrong 清白的;正当的;合法的

    an attempt by the government to project a clean image 政府为树立清廉形象所作的努力

    Why couldn't the president send somebody with a totally clean record? 总裁为什么不派一个完全清白的人来?

    I've got a clean driving licence (=I have not committed any driving offences). 我的驾照上没有违章记录。

     Synonyms and related words
    Legal and honest: legal, innocent, clean...
    1. a.
      clean language or humour does not offend people, especially because it does not involve sex (语言或幽默)正经的,不猥亵的

      It was all good clean fun. 这是个很正经的玩笑。

      keep it clean (=not say anything offensive) 放正经些 :

      Keep it clean – there are children listening. 正经点,孩子们在听着呢。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      fair and done according to the rules 公正的;遵守规则的

      It was a good clean fight. 这是一场公正的比赛。

       Synonyms and related words
      Fair and reasonable: fair, reasonable, natural...
    3. c.
      informal not carrying anything illegal 未携带非法物品的

      The police stopped him, but he was clean. 警察截住了他,但他没有携带任何非法物品。

       Synonyms and related words
      Legal and honest: legal, innocent, clean...
    4. d.
      informal no longer using illegal drugs 不再吸毒的

      Carter's been clean for six months. 卡特已经戒毒6个月了。

       Synonyms and related words
      Relating to using illegal drugs: abuse, addiction, addictive...
  3. 3
    clean shapes, lines, or movements are smooth, regular, or tidy (形状、线条或动作)平滑的,流畅的,平整的

    the clean lines of a good design 精美设计图中的流畅线条

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    clean smells, tastes, and colours are light and fresh (气味、味道、颜色)清新的

    The wine is clean and fresh, though with a robust flavour. 这种酒尽管味道浓烈,但感觉很清爽。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    a clean piece of paper does not have anything written on it (纸张)空白的
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      a clean copy of a document has had all the mistakes in it corrected (文件)无错误的
       Synonyms and related words
      Exact and accurate: exact, accurate, perfect...
  6. 6
    clean food or clean eating involves eating only foods that are believed to be good for you, especially raw foods and wholefoods

    Feed yourself good clean food, not too much, and be active every single day.

    For clean eating it's best to use oils from nuts and plants.

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  7. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    (as) clean as a (new) pin/as a hound's tooth spotlessly clean 干净得一尘不染的

    ... the galley, which he kept as clean as a new pin...

    Submitted by Samuel Chung from Mexico on 22/08/2018
verb /kliːn/
present tense
present participlecleaning
past tensecleaned
past participlecleaned
  1. 1
    [T] to remove the dirt from something 打扫;除去…的灰尘

    Paul is cleaning his car. 保罗正在洗车。

    Do you want the windows cleaned? 你想把窗户擦干净吗?

    You should clean your teeth twice a day. 你应该一天刷两次牙。

    clean something off something :

    I cleaned the mud off my boots. 我把靴子上的泥擦掉。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I/T] to remove the dirt and dust in a house or other building 打扫(房屋等)

    We've cleaned the house from top to bottom. 我们把房子彻底打扫了一遍。

    I spent the morning cleaning. 我早上进行了扫除。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I/T] to clean houses or buildings as a job 清扫;做清洁工

      His mother supported the family by cleaning offices. 他母亲靠在办公室做清洁工来养家。

      clean for :

      The woman who cleans for me has got flu. 我家的清洁女工得了流感。

       Synonyms and related words
      To do housework: clean, do for, char...
  3. 3
    [T] to remove the inside parts of an animal, bird, or fish before cooking it 清除(动物、家禽、鱼等的内脏)
     Synonyms and related words
adverb /kliːn/
  1. 1
    informal used for emphasizing that something happens completely 彻底地;完全地
    clean forgot :

    I was so worried about you, I clean forgot to feel sorry for myself. 我那么担心你,完全忘了可怜我自己。

    clean through/off/out etc :

    The bullet passed clean through his chest. 子弹完全穿透了他的胸膛。

    The blast blew the windows clean out of the building. 狂风把这座楼的窗户全都刮走了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Ways of emphasizing completeness or extremeness: complete, completely, entire...
  2. 2
    eating only foods that are believed to be good for you, especially raw foods and wholefoods

    To lower the body fat percentage you have to eat clean.

     Synonyms and related words
noun [singular] British /kliːn/
  1. an occasion when you clean something 打扫(工作);清扫(工作)
    give something a (good) clean :

    Hilary decided to give the cottage a good clean. 希拉里决定对小屋进行大扫除。

     Synonyms and related words


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBeffectively, well有效地清洗;清潔得很乾淨This product cleans baths very effectively.本產品清洗浴缸效果很好。easily容易清洗Ceramic tiles can be easily cleaned.瓷磚容易清潔。properly, thoroughly清洗得當;徹底清潔I clean the house thoroughly once a week.我每週把家裏徹底打掃一次。carefully, gently仔細/輕輕清洗He gently cleaned the wound and dressed it.他輕輕清洗了傷口,然後包紮好。out, up徹底清洗I cleaned out all the cupboards.我把所有的櫥櫃都清洗了個遍。PREPOSITIONaway清除掉She wiped her foot to clean away the blood.她把腳上的血擦掉。from, off從⋯清除掉I cleaned the mud off the kitchen floor.我把廚房地面上的泥擦掉了。with用⋯清潔Clean the glass with a soft cloth.用軟布擦玻璃。PHRASESfreshly cleaned剛剛清潔過的The freshly cleaned windows sparkled.剛擦過的窗戶明晃晃的。need cleaning需要清潔Your shoes need cleaning!你的鞋該擦了!


VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, look, seem, smell乾淨;看上去乾淨;好像乾淨;聞起來潔淨The room smelled clean and fresh.房間聞起來潔淨清新。stay保持乾淨The bathroom doesn't stay clean for long.衞生間乾淨不了多久。brush sth, get sth, scrape sth, scrub sth, wash, wipe sth把⋯刷/弄/刮/擦/洗/抹乾淨I scrubbed the floor to get it clean.我把地板擦洗乾淨。She wiped all the surfaces clean.她把所有的表面都抹乾淨了。leave sth使⋯保持清潔Please leave the kitchen clean.請保持廚房清潔。keep sth保持⋯清潔You're supposed to keep your room clean.你應該讓你的房間保持清潔。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常清潔completely, perfectly, totally十分清潔;一塵不染reasonably, relatively比較/相對乾淨immaculately, spotlessly一塵不染The whole house was spotlessly clean.整座房子一塵不染。almost, nearly基本/差不多乾淨It's almost clean. I just have to wipe the table.基本乾淨了。我就剩下擦桌子了。PHRASESclean and tidy, neat and clean (NAmE) 乾淨整潔His room is always clean and tidy / neat and clean.他的房間總是乾淨利落。lovely and clean, nice and clean潔淨可人The water was lovely and clean.水清澈可人。
clean noun


 See also the entry for brush 另见brush条clean ♦︎ wash ♦︎ rinse ♦︎ cleanse ♦︎ hose ♦︎ shampoo ♦︎ dry-clean ♦︎ batheThese words all mean to remove dirt from sth, especially by using water and/or soap. 这些词均表示清洁、清洗。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to clean / wash / rinse / cleanse / bathe sth in / with sthto clean / wash / rinse sth from sthto clean / wash / rinse sth outto clean / wash / hose sth downto clean / wash / cleanse / bathe a woundto clean / wash / rinse the glassesto clean / wash / hose (down) the carto clean / wash the windows / floorto wash / rinse / shampoo your hairto have sth cleaned / washed / shampooed / dry-cleaned clean [transitive, intransitive] to remove dirt or dust from sth, especially by using water or chemicals; to become clean (尤指用水或化学品)清洁,除尘;变干净The villa is cleaned twice a week.这栋别墅每周打扫两次。This product cleans baths very effectively.这种产品清洁浴缸非常有效。Have you cleaned your teeth?你刷牙了吗?This coat is filthy. I'll have it cleaned (= dry-cleaned).这件外衣脏了,我得送去干洗。I must clean the fish tank out.我必须把鱼缸彻底清洗干净。I spent all day cooking and cleaning.我一整天都在做饭和打扫卫生。This oven cleans easily (= is easy to clean).这烤箱容易擦洗。 see also clean (sth) up tidy , clean , cleaning bath wash [transitive, intransitive] to remove dirt from sth using water and usually soap; (of clothes or fabric) to be able to be washed without losing colour or being damaged 洗;洗涤;(衣服或织物)耐洗He quickly washed his hands and face.他很快地洗了手和脸。Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.把水果彻底洗净后再吃。These jeans need washing.这条牛仔裤该洗了。She washed the blood from his face.她把他脸上的血洗掉。The beach had been washed clean by the tide.海滩让潮水冲刷得干干净净。Wash down the walls before painting them.刷漆之前先把墙冲洗干净。This sweater washes well.这件套衫很耐洗。 see also wash bath noun , wash , wash up wash verb rinse [transitive] to remove dirt from sth using clean water only, not soap; to remove the soap from sth with clean water after washing it (仅用清水)冲洗,洗涮;漂洗;冲洗Rinse the dishes in warm water.用温水漂洗餐具。Rinse the cup out before use.使用前将杯子冲洗一下。Make sure you rinse all the soap out.一定要把皂液冲洗干净。I wanted to rinse the taste out of my mouth.我想漱漱口,去掉嘴里的味道。 see also rinse bath cleanse klenz [transitive] to clean your skin or a wound 清洁(皮肤);清洗(伤口)a lotion to cleanse the face / skin洁面乳;洁肤液This is a treatment to cleanse the body of toxins.这是清洗身体毒素的一种疗法。 hose həʊz; NAmE hoʊz [transitive] to wash or pour water on sth using a hose (= a long rubber tube) 用水管冲洗I'll just hose down the car.我来冲洗一下轿车。Firemen hosed the burning car.消防员用水龙带向燃烧的汽车喷水。 shampoo ʃæmˈpuː [transitive] to wash or clean hair, carpets or furniture covers with shampoo (= a type of liquid soap) 用洗发剂洗(头发);用清洁剂洗(地毯或家具罩)She showered and shampooed her hair.她冲了个澡,用洗发剂洗了头发。If you can afford it, have the carpet shampooed professionally.如果你负担得起,可以把地毯送去专业清洗。 ˌdry-ˈclean [transitive, often passive] to clean clothes using chemicals instead of water 干洗I took the coat in to be dry-cleaned.我把外衣也送去干洗了。 bathe beɪð [transitive] to wash sth with water, especially a wound or a part of the body 用水清洗(尤指伤口或身体部位)Bathe the wound and apply a clean dressing.清洗伤口,再用洁净敷料包扎。 clean


clean ♦︎ pure ♦︎ sterile ♦︎ hygienic ♦︎ spotlessThese words all describe sth which is not dirty. 这些词均表示干净的、卫生的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配clean / pure / sterile (drinking) waterclean / pure airclean / sterile / hygienic conditions(a) clean / sterile equipment / dressing / needleto keep sth clean / pure / sterile / spotlessvery clean / pure / hygieniccompletely clean / sterile clean not dirty; having an appearance and surroundings that are not dirty; free from harmful or unpleasant substances 洁净的;爱干净的;无污染的;无有害物质的Are your hands clean?你的手干净吗?He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread.他用一片面包把自己的盘子擦干净。 (BrE) It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy.保持房间整洁是你的职责。 (NAmE) Keep your room neat and clean.保持房间整洁。I can't find a clean shirt (= one that I haven't worn since it was washed).我找不到一件干净的衬衫。Cats are very clean animals.猫是非常爱干净的动物。Thousands were left without food or clean drinking water.数千人没有食物和干净的饮用水。OPP dirty dirty pure (especially of air or water) clean and not containing any harmful substances (尤指空气或水)干净的,不含有害物质的Much of the population still does not have access to pure drinking water.那里许多人仍然喝不上纯净的饮用水。The mountain air was sweet and pure.山里的空气清新纯净。 sterile ˈsteraɪl; NAmE ˈsterəlcompletely clean and free from bacteria and therefore unable to spread disease 无菌的;消过毒的All the equipment used is new and sterile.所有使用的设备都是新的并消过毒的。 hygienic haɪˈdʒiːnɪk, NAmE usually haɪˈdʒenɪkclean and free from bacteria and therefore unlikely to spread disease 卫生的Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions.食物必须在卫生的环境中制作。The kitchen didn't look very hygienic.厨房看上去不是很卫生。 OPP unhygienic unhealthy hygienically


Medical supplies are disposed of hygienically.医疗用品经卫生的方法处理掉。
spotless perfectly clean 非常洁净的;一尘不染的She keeps the house absolutely spotless.她把屋子收拾得一尘不染。He wore a smart jacket and a spotless white shirt.他穿着时髦的夹克和洁白的衬衣。 spotlessly


The room was poorly furnished but spotlessly clean.房间里家具简陋,但是一尘不染。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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