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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2623 COCA: 2446
verb /ˈwɪspə(r)/
present tense
present participlewhispering
past tensewhispered
past participlewhispered
  1. 1
    [I/T] to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear you 低声说出;低语;耳语

    Stop whispering, you two! 你们俩别交头接耳了!

    ‘When can I see you again?' he whispered softly. “我什么时候能再见到你?”他低声问道。

    ‘Over here!' she whispered urgently. “在这儿呢!”她急切地低声喊道。

    whisper (something) to someone :

    Dad whispered a warning to us to keep quiet. 爸爸低声警告我们要保持安静。

    whisper (something) in someone's ear :

    ‘That's Tim,' she whispered in my ear. “那个人是蒂姆,”她对我耳语道。

     Synonyms and related words
    To talk quietly or weakly: whisper, murmur, mutter...
  2. 2
    [I/T] to tell other people a piece of news or information that may or may not be true 私下传说

    Senior managers have been whispering about more job losses. 高级经理们一直在私下谈论着还要裁员。

    whisper that :

    Some people have whispered that he offered her a job in return for her silence. 有人传说他给了她一份工作封她的口。

     Synonyms and related words
    To give information to many people: announce, disclose, broadcast...
  3. 3
    [I] literary to make a quiet gentle sound 发沙沙声;发飒飒声
     Synonyms and related words
    To make a quiet or low sound: babble, cluck, drone...
noun [C] /ˈwɪspə(r)/
  1. 1
    a very quiet way of saying something so that other people cannot hear you 低语;耳语

    His voice was little more than a whisper. 他的声音和耳语差不了多少。

    Elizabeth's voice dropped to a low whisper. 伊丽莎白的声音越来越小,成了低声耳语。

    in a whisper/in whispers :

    The two men began talking in whispers. 那两个男人开始低声说话。

     Synonyms and related words
    Types of talk or writing: burble, murmur, patter...
  2. 2
    mainly literary something that someone says that may or may not be true 谣言;传闻

    Whispers of a marriage break-up soon started to circulate. 关于婚姻破裂的谣言很快传开了。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [singular] literary a quiet gentle sound 沙沙声;飒飒声
    whisper of :

    the whisper of wind in the trees 树林里的飒飒风声

     Synonyms and related words
    Pleasant, soft and gentle sounds: babble, burble, fizzle...
BNC: 2623 COCA: 2446


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WHISPER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbarely audible, the barest, faint, gentle, hushed, low, mere, quiet, slight, soft幾乎聽不見的耳語;極低聲的耳語;微弱的耳語;輕柔的悄悄話;壓低聲音的悄悄話A barely audible whisper came from the closet.貯物間傳來極微弱的耳語聲。Jake got excited at the merest whisper of his lover.情人稍微耳語了幾句,傑克就激動起來。fierce, harsh惡狠狠的低語;嚴厲的耳語audible, loud, stage聽得見的悄悄話;出聲的耳語;故意讓人聽見的悄悄話'I knew this would happen,' he said in a stage whisper (= one that he wanted everyone to hear).“我早知道會出這樣的事。”他輕聲說給所有人聽。choked, hoarse, husky哽咽的低語;嘶啞的耳語;沙啞的低語excited, urgent激動的悄悄話;急切的低語conspiratorial鬼鬼祟祟的低語VERB + WHISPERhear聽見耳語PREPOSITIONabove a whisper略微聽得見Their voices were very quiet, hardly above a whisper.他們的聲音很低,幾乎聽不見。in a whisper低聲耳語They spoke in whispers.他們低聲說話。


ADVERB | VERB + WHISPER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBgently, quietly, softly柔聲地耳語;小聲地耳語loudly大聲地耳語hoarsely, huskily沙啞地耳語fiercely, harshly, urgently惡狠狠地低聲說;嚴厲地低聲說;急切地小聲說'Come on,' he whispered urgently.“來吧。”他急切地小聲說道。brokenly, shakily結結巴巴地小聲說;顫抖地低聲說angrily, bitterly, furiously憤怒地小聲說;惡狠狠地低語conspiratorially鬼鬼祟祟地耳語excitedly激動地低聲說almost, half近乎耳語地說barely (especially NAmE) 極低聲地說back低聲回答'Yes,' I whispered back.“是的。”我小聲回答。VERB + WHISPERcan only只能低聲私語He could only whisper in reply.他只能低聲回答。hear sb聽到某人低聲說話She heard him whisper her name.她聽到他低聲呼喚自己的名字。PREPOSITIONabout低聲談論I felt that everyone was whispering about me.我感到每個人都在低聲議論我。against對着⋯耳語'Hush!' he whispered against her hair.“噓!”他在她耳邊低聲說。through通過⋯發出低聲'No!' he whispered through gritted teeth.“不行!”他咬緊牙關低聲說。to對⋯低語'Let's go,' she whispered to Anne.“我們走吧!”她對安妮耳語道。PHRASESwhisper sth in sb's ear, whisper sth into sb's ear在某人耳邊低聲說⋯
BNC: 2623 COCA: 2446


whisper ♦︎ murmur ♦︎ mutter ♦︎ sigh ♦︎ mumble ♦︎ groan ♦︎ mouth ♦︎ moanThese words all mean to say sth in a quiet voice. 这些词均表示低语、小声说。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to whisper / murmur / mutter / mumble / groan / mouth / moan (sth) to sbto whisper / murmur / mutter / mumble about sthto groan / moan with pain / pleasure etc.to whisper / murmur / mutter / mumble that...to whisper / murmur / mutter / mumble / mouth something / an apologyto whisper / murmur / mutter / sigh / groan / moan softlyto whisper / mutter / sigh / groan / moan loudlyto whisper / murmur / mutter thickly / incoherently whisper ˈwɪspə(r) [intransitive, transitive] to say sth quietly, using your breath, rather than your voice 耳语;低语;小声说Don't you know it's rude to whisper?难道你不知道窃窃私语不礼貌吗?What are you two whispering about?你们两个在咕叽什么?'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered.“你今晚能和我见面吗?”他小声问。She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.她探过身去在他耳边说了些什么。OPP shout shout whisper


[countable] They spoke in barely audible whispers.他们咬耳朵,声音几乎听不见。Her voice dropped to a whisper.她压低了声音小声说话。
murmur ˈmɜːmə(r); NAmE ˈmɜːrmər [intransitive, transitive] to say sth in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear 耳语;喃喃地说She was murmuring in his ear.她在他耳边悄声说话。She murmured her agreement.她低声表示同意。 murmur


[countable] He took the mug of coffee with a murmur of thanks.他接过那一大杯咖啡,轻声说了句谢谢。
mutter [intransitive, transitive] to say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth (尤指因生气)嘀咕;咕哝She just sat there muttering to herself.她就坐在那儿一个人嘟嘟囔囔的。I muttered something about needing to get back to work.我嘀咕着说得回去干活了。 mutter


[countable] She gave a low mutter of apology.她嘟嘟囔囔地道了声歉。
sigh [transitive] to say sth with a long deep breath that can be heard, especially because you are disappointed, sad or tired (尤指因失望、难过或疲劳)叹道,叹息'Oh well, better luck next time,' she sighed.“唉,好吧,但愿下次运气好些。”她叹道。 sigh


[countable] We all breathed / heaved a great sigh of relief when it was over.事情过后,大家都如释重负,舒了一口长气。'I'll wait,' he said with a sigh.“我等呗。”他叹了口气说道。
mumble [intransitive, transitive] to say sth in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear, especially because you are shy, embarrassed or mad (尤指因羞怯、尴尬或气愤)咕哝,口齿不清地说I could hear him mumbling to himself.我听见他在喃喃自语。'Sorry,' she mumbled.“对不起。”她含含糊糊地说。She mumbled an apology and left.她咕咕哝哝地道了歉就走了。 mumble


[countable, usually singular] He spoke in a low mumble, as if to himself.他咕哝着什么,像是在自言自语。
groan [intransitive] to make a long deep sound because you are disappointed, upset or in pain, or when you feel physical pleasure (因失望、不安、痛苦或快感)呻吟,叹息,哼唧He lay on the floor groaning.他躺在地板上呻吟。We all groaned at his terrible jokes.他讲的笑话糟糕透了,我们都不满地哼哼起来。 see also groan creak groan


[countable] She let out a groan of dismay.她惊诧地叹了一声。
mouth maʊð [transitive] to move your lips as if you were saying sth, but without making a sound (动嘴唇)不出声地说He mouthed a few obscenities at us and then moved off.他只动嘴唇不出声地朝我们骂了几句脏话就走了。 moan [intransitive] to make a long deep sound because you are unhappy or in pain, or when you feel physical pleasure (因不快、痛苦或快感)呻吟,哼唧He moaned with sheer pleasure.他因强烈的快感哼哼起来。Most of the patients were moaning in pain.大部分病人在痛苦地呻吟着。 see also moan complain moan


[countable] A low moan of despair escaped her.她不由得发出一声绝望的低吟。
NOTE 辨析 Groan or moan?If you moan you may express a stronger feeling than if you groan: deep unhappiness or despair, not just disappointment, as well as stronger feelings of pain or pleasure. * moan所表达的情感较groan强烈,不仅是失望,而是深切的悲伤与绝望,以及更加强烈的痛苦或愉悦。

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