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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 919 COCA: 833
verb /mɪs/
present tense
present participlemissing
past tensemissed
past participlemissed
  1. 1
    [I/T] to fail to hit or reach something that you aim at 未击中;未达到

    The plane missed the runway in the rain. 飞机在雨中偏离了跑道。

    He aimed a kick at it and missed. 他对准它踢了一脚却没踢到。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] to fail to catch something that is being thrown or given to you 未接住;未抓住

      I tried to catch the ball but missed. 我试图接球但没接住。

       Synonyms and related words
      To fail, or to stop being successful: fail, founder, languish...
  2. 2
    [T] to fail to be present for something, or to not be in a place when someone else is there 未出席;未出现;错过与…的约会

    We were late and missed the first part of the concert. 我们由于迟到错过了音乐会的第一部分。

    I had to miss a week of school. 我不得不缺课1周。

    We must have missed each other by about an hour. 我们前后肯定差了大概一个小时。

    not miss something for the world (=not want to miss something you enjoy) 不想错过某物 :

    I wouldn't miss the annual Christmas party for the world. 我可不想错过一年一度的圣诞聚会。

     Synonyms and related words
    To not act, or to not do something: bother, abstain, neglect...
  3. 3
    [T] to be too late for a train, bus etc 未赶上(火车、公交车等)

    I've got a meeting and I don't want to miss the train. 我有一个会,而且不想赶不上火车。

    If you don't go now you'll miss the post. 如果你现在不走,你会赶不上邮寄。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to fail to notice or understand something 未注意;未领会

    I missed most of what she said. 她大部分的话我都没听懂。

    He caught most of the mistakes but missed a few. 他发现了大部分的错误,但还是漏掉了一些。

    miss the point (=not understand what someone means) 未领会要点 :

    Sue had missed the point entirely. 休完全没有领会要点。

    you can't miss it (=it is very easy to notice) 你不会注意不到 :

    The house is next to the station – you can't miss it. 房子在车站旁边,你很容易看到的。

     Synonyms and related words
    To not understand, or to misunderstand: misunderstand, mistake, misinterpret...
  5. 5
    [T] to fail to take advantage of an opportunity 错过(机会)
    miss a chance/opportunity to do something :

    She realized she had missed an opportunity to speak to Brian. 她意识到自己错过了一次和布莱恩谈话的机会。

    He seemed unaware of the great chance that he had missed. 他好像并未意识到自己错过了一次重大的机会。

     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] to escape something that is unpleasant or uncomfortable 逃脱;避开

    If I leave at eight, I miss the traffic. 如果我8点走,就能避开交通高峰。

    The accused man narrowly missed a prison sentence. 那个受指控的男子险些遭受牢狱之灾。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [T] to feel sad about someone because they are not with you any more 惦念;怀念;想念

    He was a tower of strength, and we miss him enormously. 他是个危难时可依靠的人,我们非常想念他。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to wish you still had something or could still do something 希望还能有(或做);留恋

      I'm missing our lunchtime drinks on Friday. 我非常留恋我们的星期五午餐酒会。

      miss doing something :

      We miss watching her ride her horse. 我们希望还能看她骑马。

       Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [T] to notice that you do not have something any more 发觉遗失

    She only missed the purse when she got home. 她到家才发现丢了钱包。

     Synonyms and related words
    To notice or recognize something or someone: notice, recognize, observe...
  9. 9
    [I] if an engine misses, it fails to burn the fuel and loses power (引擎)不发火,不发动
     Synonyms and related words
    See also misfire
  10. 10
    [T] if a woman misses her monthly period, it does not happen (妇女)停(月经)
     Synonyms and related words

phrasal verbs

noun /mɪs/
  1. 1


    a title used in front of the last name or whole name of a girl or woman who is not married 小姐(用在未婚女子或女士的姓或全名前的称呼)

    Miss Jane Smith 简·史密斯小姐

    There is a Miss Stevens waiting to see you. 有一位斯蒂文斯小姐等着见您。

     Synonyms and related words
    Titles: baas, babu, dame...
    1. a.
      formal used for talking politely to a girl or young woman whose name you do not know 小姐(用于礼貌地和不知其名的女孩或年轻女子交谈)

      Excuse me, miss, are you looking for something? 对不起,小姐,您在找东西吗?

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      British a title used by children when talking to a woman teacher 老师(用于儿童称呼女教师)
       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      used in the title of a woman who has won a beauty competition 小姐(用于对赢得选美比赛女子的称谓)

      Miss America 美国小姐

       Synonyms and related words
      Titles: baas, babu, dame...
    4. d.
      [C] informal old-fashioned a girl or young woman, especially one who is rude or badly behaved 女孩,姑娘;(尤指)冒失女孩

      What a sly little miss she is. 她是一个多么机灵的小女孩啊。

       Synonyms and related words
    See also Mrs , Ms
  2. 2
    [C] a failure to hit or catch something, or to score in a game 未击中;未抓住;未得分
     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [C] a failure, especially of a CD or a film (尤指唱片或电影的)失败
     Synonyms and related words
    Failure: fail, fiasco, debacle...
  4. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    a miss is as good as a mile a failure remains a failure, even if somebody missed their goal only by a small amount

    I just missed the plane by five minutes! Indeed, a miss is as good as a mile.

    Submitted by Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 05/12/2018
BNC: 919 COCA: 833


1not hit/catch/reach sth未擊中;未抓住;未達到ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBcompletely完全錯過barely, just, narrowly, nearly以毫釐之差錯過The plane crashed, narrowly missing a hotel.飛機墜毀了,險些撞上一家旅館。somehow不知怎的錯過The bullet somehow missed his heart.不知為何子彈沒有打中他的心臟。badly偏差很大地錯過She attempted to hit the ball but missed badly.她試圖擊球但根本就沒碰到球。PREPOSITIONby以⋯之差錯過The bullet missed his head by only a few inches.子彈飛過時離他的頭部只有幾英寸。


2not hear/see/understand沒聽到;沒看到;沒理解ADVERB | VERB + MISS ADVERBcompletely完全沒理解He completely missed the point of what I was saying.他完全沒有領會我話裏的意思。easily多半不懂VERB + MISScannot不會錯過The station is just down this road on the left. You can't miss it.沿這條路往前走,車站就在左邊,你不會看不到。


3feel sad because sb is not with you思念ADVERB | PHRASES ADVERBbadly, dearly, desperately, dreadfully (especially BrE) , a lot, really, terribly, truly, very much想念得厲害;特別想念;非常想念;十分惦念Your father misses you terribly.你父親非常惦念你。I still miss her a lot.我仍然很想她。We really miss you!我們真是想你!PHRASESbe greatly missed, be sadly missed, be sorely missed為人所感念不忘;被深切懷念;被萬分想念Anne will be sadly missed by all who knew her.所有認識安妮的人都會非常懷念她的。
BNC: 919 COCA: 833
miss verb
miss1 (miss classes/meals) miss2 (miss sb's name) lose out (miss your chance)


miss classes/meals 没去上课/吃饭miss sb's name/the point 没听清某人的名字;没听懂miss ♦︎ skip ♦︎ shirk ♦︎ skive ♦︎ goof offThese words all mean to fail to be or go somewhere, or to fail to do sth. 这些词均表示错过、未做。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to skive / goof offto miss / skip a class / mealto miss / skip sth altogether miss [transitive] to fail to be or go somewhere; to fail to do sth that you usually do or should do 错过;未做(常做或应做之事)She hasn't missed a game all year.她全年一场比赛都没错过。You missed a good party last night (= because you did not go).你昨晚错过了一场很好的聚会。You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training.你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。You have to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game).你得错过一轮比赛。You'd better hurry-you don't want to miss the bus.你最好抓紧时间,你不想赶不上公车吧?OPP catch get 5 Catch is the opposite of miss only when you are talking about getting or not getting a bus, train, plane, etc. 只有表示赶上或赶不上公共汽车、火车、飞机等时,catch才是miss的反义词to catch a game/a party/the school play/meals/your turn skip (-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal) to fail to do sth that you usually do or should do; to leave out sth that would normally be the next thing that you would do, read, etc. 未做(常做或应做之事);跳过(正常的步骤等);略过I often skip breakfast altogether.我常常干脆不吃早饭。She decided to skip the afternoon's class.她决定下午的课不去上了。I skipped over the last part of the book.那本书的最后一部分我略过没读。I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。Skip is most often used to talk about deliberately missing meals (especially breakfast and lunch), school, a meeting, or part of a book such as a paragraph or chapter. * skip最常表示故意不做、略过,常见的搭配词有breakfast、lunch、school、meeting、paragraph和chapter。 shirk ʃɜːk; NAmE ʃɜːrk [intransitive, transitive] to avoid doing sth that you should do, especially because you are too lazy 逃避(工作);偷懒Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked.该公司纪律严明,无人偷懒。She never shirked her responsibilities.她从不逃避自己的职责。 see also get out of sth evade skive [intransitive, transitive] (BrE, informal) to avoid work or school by staying away or leaving early 躲避(工作);逃(学)'Where's Tom?' 'Skiving as usual.'“汤姆去哪儿了?”“和往常一样,溜了。”I always skived off school when I could.我总是一有机会就逃学。 ˌgoof ˈoff

phrasal verb

(NAmE, informal) to spend time doing nothing, especially when you should be working 闲荡;混日子;偷懒He spends most of his time at the office goofing off.他上班的大部分时间都在瞎混。


miss classes/meals 没去上课/吃饭miss sb's name/the point 没听清某人的名字;没听懂miss ♦︎ overlookThese words both mean to fail to see or notice sth. 这两个词均表示未见到、未注意到。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to miss / overlook a / an point / fact / detail / featureto be easy / hard / impossible to miss / overlook sthto completely / largely / often / frequently miss / overlook sthto be easily missed / overlooked miss [transitive] to fail to see, hear, notice or understand sth 未见到;未听到;未觉察;不理解The hotel is the only white building on the road-you can't miss it.那家酒店是路边唯一的白色建筑,你不会看不见的。Don't miss next week's issue!别错过下周那一期!Your mother will know who's moved in-she doesn't miss much.你妈会知道谁搬进来了,很少有她注意不到的。When you painted your bedroom you missed a bit (= of the wall) under the window.你油漆卧室时漏掉了窗户下面的一小块墙壁。You're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part) of what I'm saying.你没明白我的意思。 overlook ˌəʊvəˈlʊk; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈlʊk [transitive] (rather formal) to fail to see, notice or consider sth 忽略;未注意到;未考虑到He seems to have overlooked one important fact.他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。That's a point which should not be overlooked.那一点不容忽视。Overlook is used especially to talk about people failing to consider a point, fact, possibility or idea, or particular details or features of sth. * overlook尤表示未考虑到或忽略某因素,常见的搭配词有point、fact、possibility、idea、detail和feature。

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