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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 19115 COCA: 11376
verb [T] informal /wæk/
present tense
present participlewhacking
past tensewhacked
past participlewhacked
  1. 1
    to hit someone or something with a lot of force 重击;猛打

    I whacked my knee getting out of the car. 我从车里出来时重重地撞了一下膝盖。

    Some kids were whacking the tree with sticks. 一些孩子正在用棍子猛打那棵树。

    He whacked his little sister on the head with a spoon. 他用一把勺子猛打他小妹妹的头。

     Synonyms and related words
    To hit a person: hit, smack, bludgeon...
     Synonyms and related words
    To hit an object: punch, thump, knock...
  2. 2
    British to put something somewhere quickly or carelessly 迅速放上;随意放好

    Just whack the fish under the grill for ten minutes. 快把鱼放在烤架下烤10分钟。

     Synonyms and related words

phrasal verbs

noun [C] informal /wæk/
  1. 1
    the act of hitting someone or something with a lot of force, or the sound that it makes 重击;猛打;重击声

    Give the ball a good whack. 重重地击一下球。

    Whack! A branch hit me in the face. 啪!一根树枝狠狠地打在我的脸上。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    British very informal a share of something, especially work 一份;(尤指)一份工作

    You haven't done your whack! 你还没有完成你的那份工作呢!

     Synonyms and related words
    A share of something: moiety, share, proportion...
    1. a.
      very informal an amount of something, usually money 一批;(尤指)一笔钱

      The agent takes a 15% whack. 代理人得了15%的钱。

      the full whack :

      Even members of his family have to pay the full whack. 甚至他的家庭成员也得付全额费用。

      top whack (=a lot of money) 很多钱 :

      The case runs for several weeks with every lawyer on top whack. 这个案子要花好几个星期的时间,付给每个律师很多钱。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for numbers, amounts and quantities: accumulation, allocation, allowance...
  3. 3
    American an act of publicly criticizing someone 公开批评
     Synonyms and related words
    Criticisms and accusations: criticism, attack, reproach...


adjective very informal
  1. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    very displeasing

    I was in the Club last night but the DJ was really whack.

    Submitted by MoneyBoy from Afghanistan on 10/05/2016

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