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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


1method/style方法;方式ADJECTIVE | ... OF WAYS | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconvenient, easy, effective, efficient, good, ideal, practical, quick, simple, useful便利的方式;容易的方法;有效方式;高效方式;好辦法;理想方法;實用的方法;快捷的方式;簡單的方法;有用的方法The best way to open it is with pliers.這個最好用鉗子來開。appropriate, proper, right合適的方法;妥善的方法;正確辦法wrong錯誤方法normal正常辦法traditional傳統方式obvious明顯的方式sure-fire必定成功的方法a sure-fire way to get him to do whatever I want必定讓他完全按我的意願做事的方法important重要方法The most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education.預防溺水事故的最好辦法是加強安全教育。subtle含蓄的方法There is no subtle way to tell someone that you no longer want them.沒有什麼委婉含蓄的方法可以告訴別人你不再需要他們。clever, ingenious巧妙的方法I would think of some clever way to get myself out of this situation.我會想出妙計以擺脫這種局面。possible可能的方法They've explored every possible way of dealing with the problem.他們探索過各種可能用來處理這個問題的方法。alternative, different備選的辦法;不同的方法myriad, several, various無數/幾種/各種方法Students develop those skills in myriad ways.學生們用各種方法來培養那些技能。same, similar相同的方法;類似的辦法unique獨特的方法a unique way of settling disputes解決爭端的獨特方法new新方法old舊方法old-fashioned過時的方法We did it the old-fashioned way.我們做這件事用的是老辦法。funny, mysterious, odd, strange有趣的方式;神秘方法;怪辦法;奇怪的方法God works in mysterious ways.主的行事方式神秘莫測。meaningful有意義的方式They have never contributed in any meaningful way to our civilization.他們從來沒有給我們的文明作過任何有益的貢獻。hard痛苦的方式He learned about the dangers of drugs the hard way.他吃了一番苦頭後才懂得了毒品的危險。friendly友善的方式winning (often figurative) 取勝之道The team got back to their winning ways with a 2-1 victory.球隊以 2 比 1 贏得比賽,重新踏上了勝利征程。She isn't known for her winning ways (= for being likeable).她的出名並不是因為可愛。creative, innovative創造性的/創新性的方法We are searching for innovative and creative ways to solve the many problems facing us.我們正在尋求新穎、有創意的方法來解決我們所面臨的許多問題。cost-effective有成本效益的方法a cost-effective way to boost performance提高性能的划算方法... OF WAYSnumber幾種方法There are a number of ways to overcome this problem.解決這個問題有許多途徑。VERB + WAYhave有辦法Fate has a way of changing the best of plans.命運可以改變最完美的計劃。explore, look at, seek探尋方法;尋找方法to look at ways of improving language teaching尋找改進語言教學的途徑develop, devise, discover, figure out, find, identify形成方法;設計方案;找到辦法;發現方法They believe he'll figure out a way to make it work.他們相信他會想出辦法讓它發揮作用。create, invent創造方法Artists began to invent new ways of painting.藝術家開始創造新的畫法。change, mend改變方式;糾正方法Your father is unlikely to change his ways now.你父親現在不大可能改變他的作風。choose選擇方式I chose a different way of collecting data.我選擇了一種不同的收集數據的方法。react以⋯方式作出反應We expect computers to react a certain way, in certain situations.我們預料到電腦在某些情況下會作出某種反應。be set in方法一成不變Grandma is so set in her ways.奶奶的行事方式就是這樣一成不變。PREPOSITIONin a/the way在某方面Can I help you in any way?我能幫你什麼忙嗎?PHRASESin a certain way在某種程度上In a certain way, all of that is true.那一切在某種程度上都是對的。in a big way大量地He then started spending money in a big way.他那時開始大把地花錢。in every way在各方面They're different in every way.無論從哪方面看,他們都不一樣。in more ways than one不止一個方面They're alike in more ways than one.他們在很多方面很相像。in its/your own way以⋯特有的方式He was attractive in his own way.他有他的迷人之處。in some ways在某種程度上It's more interesting, in some ways, to watch what's going on behind the scenes here.在某種程度上,在這裏看後台發生的一切更有趣。a... kind of way, a... sort of way有些⋯He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是個英俊男子,透着點兒邪氣。one way or another無論如何;不管怎樣One way or another, I'm going to make it.不管怎樣,我將會成功的。in one way or another在某方面Most people are creative in one way or another.大多數人都具有某方面的創造力。that's one way of putting it那只是一種說法'She has a slightly abrasive manner.' 'Well, that's one way of putting it!'“她的態度有點兒粗魯。”“噢,那只是你的說法!”put another way換個說法Do you remember? Or, put another way, do you know?你記得嗎?或者說,你知道嗎?the way things are, the way things are going現狀;從事態發展來看She is content with the way things are.她對現狀感到滿意。The way things are going, I think that's achievable.根據目前的情況,我覺得那個目標能夠實現。a way of life生活方式the beliefs and practices of the Hindu way of life印度教生活方式的信仰與實踐ways and means方法;手段Newspapers have ways and means of getting hold of secret information.報紙總有辦法搞到秘密消息。


2route/road路線ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbest, quickest, right, shortest最佳途徑;最快捷的途徑;正確道路;最短路線wrong錯誤的道路own, separate (figurative) 自己的路;不同的路He's always gone his own way when it comes to design.在設計方面,他總是走他自己的路。roundabout迂迴的方式This is a roundabout way of saying that nothing has been accomplished.這是委婉之詞,事情其實一無所成。VERB + WAYgo走⋯路I'm going your way, so we can walk together.我走你那條路,這樣咱們可以一起走。When we finished school, we all went our separate ways. (figurative) 畢業之後,我們就都各奔東西。part分開We parted ways once we went off to college.上大學後我們就分開了。go out of (figurative) 特地She went out of her way to help them.她不辭勞苦地幫助他們。keep out of, stay out of (both figurative) 躲開Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我們不要打擾她。bar, block, get in, stand in擋路;堵塞道路;礙事A fallen tree blocked the way.一棵倒下的樹堵塞了道路。He wanted to go to college and would let nothing stand in his way. (figurative) 他想上大學,不會讓任何事情阻礙他的。clear, pave, prepare, smooth (all figurative) 開闢道路;鋪平道路;排除障礙The withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.撤軍將為和平解決爭端開闢道路。give, make (= allow sb/sth to go first or take your place) 讓路;讓位Give way to traffic already on the roundabout. (BrE) 給已經駛上環島的車輛讓路。The storm gave way to bright sunshine. (figurative) 暴風雨過後陽光燦爛。Make way for the guests!給客人讓路!Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.為了開闢草場,熱帶雨林給砍伐掉了。edge, feel, grope, inch, make, push, thread, weave, wend, wind, work擠身過去;摸索着前進;緩慢地移動;前進;推搡着擠開一條路;穿行;迂迴前行;蜿蜒前行;艱難地前進He edged his way along the wall.他貼着牆側身前行。The river wound its way through the valley.河水蜿蜒流過山谷。claw, cut, elbow, fight, force, hack, pick, shoulder, shove抓住東西費力前行;披荊斬棘前進;用肘推搡着前進;奮力前進;擠過去;小心翼翼地走;側身擠過去;擠出一條路She fought her way up to the top of the company. (figurative) 她一路奮鬥到了公司的最高層。We picked our way carefully over the jagged rocks.我們在犬牙交錯的岩石中小心翼翼地前行。bluff, talk, trick (figurative) 蒙混過關;憑說話擺脫困境;靠耍手腕過關She bluffed her way through the exam.她考試蒙混過關了。weasel, worm耍滑頭過關;慢慢行進He had somehow wormed his way into her affections.他還是設法慢慢地博得了她的歡心。snake蜿蜒行進The procession snaked its way through the town.遊行隊伍蜿蜒穿過小鎮。lose迷路;忘記意圖She lost her way in the fog.她在大霧中迷了路。This project seems to have lost its way. (figurative) 這個項目似乎背離了原來的意圖。find找尋出路He couldn't find a way through the bracken.他在蕨叢中找不到出路。We will eventually find a way out of the crisis. (figurative) 我們最終會找到擺脫危機的方法。manoeuvre/maneuver, navigate巧妙前行;確定行車路線He had to navigate his way through the city's one-way streets.他不得不開着車在該市的單行道上穿行。ask (sb)(向某人)問路She asked him the way to the station.她向他詢問去車站的路。tell sb給某人指路know認識路Do you know the way?你認識路嗎?come (figurative) 被⋯遇到Have any interesting articles come your way recently?你最近讀到什麼有意思的文章了嗎?PREPOSITIONalong the way沿路We saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我們看到了一起可怕的事故。in the/your way擋路There were several rocks in the way.有幾塊岩石擋住了路。out of the/your way不擋路Could you please get those boxes out of my way?勞駕您把這些箱子搬開,不要攔住我的路好嗎?on the/your way在途中We stopped for a snack on the way here.我們來這兒的途中停下來吃了點兒東西。out of the/your way不擋路;不在⋯要走的路上The library is slightly out of my way.我去圖書館不太順路。way across穿過⋯的路The way across the fields is longer but pleasanter.穿過田間的路遠一些,但走起來更愜意。way from從⋯開始的路the quickest way from my Edinburgh to Glasgow從我所在的愛丁堡到格拉斯哥最快的路way out of離開⋯的路Can you tell me the way out of here?你能告訴我出去的路嗎?way through通過⋯的路The way through the woods is quicker.穿過樹林走更快些。way to到⋯的路the easiest way from my house to yours從我家到你家最好走的路線PHRASEStake the easy way out以最簡單的方法解決難題He took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.他只求方便,乾脆雇人代筆寫文章。the way back, the way forward回去的路;向前的路On the way back, he invited me to his home for drinks.回去的路上,他邀請我去他家喝一杯。the way down, the way up下去的路;上去的路the way here, the way over, the way there來這兒的路;過去的路;到那兒的路the way home回家的路We stopped for a drink on the way home.在回家途中我們停下來喝了點兒東西。the way in, the way out進來的路;出去的路the way north, south, etc.向北、向南等的路We didn't stop on the way north.在向北走的路上我們沒有停下來。on your merry way一意孤行Then he went off on his merry way.然後他執意離開了。


3direction/position方向;位置ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PHRASES ADJECTIVEboth兩個方向Look both ways before crossing the road.過馬路前要左右看看。opposite反方向I went the opposite way.我朝反方向走。right正確的方向wrong錯誤的方向They've gone the wrong way.他們走錯路了。VERB + WAYgo走⋯方向Which way did she go?她朝哪個方向走了?lead, point, show帶路;指路He showed us the way.他給我們指了路。head朝⋯走There's a huge storm heading this way.有一場強風暴正朝這邊襲來。walk走⋯方向Walk this way, please.請這邊走。look朝⋯方向看He looked my way, but didn't seem to recognize me.他朝我這邊看,但好像沒認出我來。PHRASESthe... way around, the... way round (especially BrE) 把⋯面轉過來Try it the other way around.倒過來試試。the... way up把⋯面朝上Which way up does this box go?這個箱子哪邊朝上?way to go! (used to express approval表示稱讚) (informal, especially NAmE) 做得好!Way to go! I wish I could do that!太棒了!真希望我也能做到!


4distance in space/time空間或時間的距離ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong遠距離little, short短距離;近距離VERB + WAYcome, go走⋯的距離;取得⋯進展We had to go a long way before we found a place to eat.我們不得不走很長一段路才找到吃飯的地方。The study of genes has come a long way in recent years. (figurative) 最近幾年的基因研究取得了很大進展。PREPOSITIONway from, way to離⋯的/到⋯的距離It's quite a way from my house to the station.從我家到車站頗有一段距離。PHRASESall the way全程This bus doesn't go all the way so you'll have to change.這趟公交車是區間車,所以你必須換乘。the whole way (NAmE) 一路上the whole way to Arizona去亞利桑那州的一路上the whole way through從頭至尾I watched the movie the whole way through.我從頭至尾看了這部電影。quite a way, some way頗有一段距離It's quite a way to walk to the station.走到車站頗有一段距離。a... way ahead, a... way away, a... way off有⋯時間Your birthday is still a long way off.距離你的生日還有很長時間。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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