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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 4078 COCA: 5592
verb [T] /tempt/
present tense
present participletempting
past tensetempted
past participletempted
  1. 1
    [often passive] to make you want to do or to have something, especially something that is not good for you 引诱;吸引

    The shop windows were lit invitingly, tempting the late shoppers. 商店橱窗灯光迷人,吸引着迟归的购物者。

    ‘Do you want another drink?' ‘I'm tempted.' “想再来一杯吗?”“真是美味难挡。”

    be tempted to do something :

    Don't be tempted to spend too much. 别抵制不了诱惑花太多的钱。

    tempt someone into (doing) something :

    You try to tempt the defender into making a tackle. 你想法诱使防守队员来阻截。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      used about something that is wrong or dangerous 诱使(去做错事或危险的事)

      I was sorely (=strongly) tempted to hit him. 我很想揍他。

      Unemployment undoubtedly increases the number of those tempted into crime. 失业问题毫无疑问使犯罪人数增加。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      used about something that is good or attractive 吸引(去做好的或有吸引力的事情)

      The programmes are designed to tempt young people into engineering. 这些课程旨在吸引年轻人学习工程学。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    to try to persuade someone to do something wrong by offering them a reward if they do it 引诱,诱惑(去做坏事)

    Jesus was tempted by the Devil. 耶稣曾受到魔鬼诱惑。

     Synonyms and related words
    To encourage someone to do or to not do something: encourage, persuade, convince...
TOEFL BNC: 4078 COCA: 5592


VERB + TEMPT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + TEMPTcould, may, might能夠引誘;可以吸引try to試圖吸引PREPOSITIONinto誘使做⋯Charlotte was tempted into parting with $50 for the painting.夏洛特受到誘惑,花 50 美元買下了那幅畫。with用⋯誘惑restaurants tempting us with delicious cakes供應美味誘人的蛋糕的餐館PHRASESbe almost tempted, be half tempted差一點兒/幾乎受誘惑I was almost tempted to strip off and plunge straight into the pool.我幾乎禁不住要脫掉衣服直接跳進游泳池裏。be tempted, feel tempted被誘惑;感到誘惑Did you ever feel tempted to cheat?你是否動過心想要作弊?be seriously tempted, be severely tempted, be sorely tempted, be strongly tempted, be very tempted受到強烈誘惑;非常想She was sorely tempted to throw the wine in his face.她差點兒忍不住想把酒潑到他臉上。
TOEFL BNC: 4078 COCA: 5592


tempt ♦︎ lure ♦︎ entice ♦︎ seduceThese words all mean to make sb do sth or want to do sth, even if they know it is wrong. 这些词均表示引诱、诱惑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to tempt / lure / entice / seduce sb into sthto be tempted / lured / enticed / seduced by sthto tempt / entice sb to do sthto be easily tempted / lured / enticed / seduced tempt [transitive] to attract sb or make sb want to do or have sth, even if they know it is wrong 引诱;诱惑I was tempted by the dessert menu.甜点菜单让我嘴馋。Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.别把贵重物品放在显眼处招贼。I was tempted to take the day off.我动了心,想在那天休假。 see also temptation desire noun , attract interest verb tempting


It was a tempting offer.这个出价很令人心动。That cake looks very tempting.那个蛋糕看上去很诱人。
lure lʊə(r), ljʊə(r); NAmE lʊr [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (usually disapproving) to persuade or trick sb into going somewhere or doing sth by promising them a reward or making it seem very attractive 劝诱;引诱;诱惑The child was lured into a car but managed to escape.那个小孩被诱骗上了车,但后来设法逃脱了。Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money.年轻人希望打工赚钱,从而被诱惑到城市。 lure


[countable, usually singular] Few can resist the lure of adventure.很少有人能抵御历险的诱惑力。
entice ɪnˈtaɪs [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to persuade sb to go somewhere or do sth, usually by offering them sth 诱使;引诱The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores.低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。Try to entice the child to eat by offering small portions of his or her favourite food.给孩子少量他们爱吃的食物,设法诱使他们吃饭。NOTE 辨析 Lure or entice? Lure is usually more disapproving than entice, and can involve tricking sb into a dangerous situation; if you entice sb you try to persuade them, often to do sth that is good for them. However, lure can also be used in a more informal, slightly humorous way, about a situation that is really not dangerous at all. * lure通常比entice贬义重,可能涉及骗某人陷入险境;entice指试图说服某人,常让他们做对自己有益的事。不过,lure亦可用于较轻松随意、略带幽默的场合,真实情况一点儿也不危险By careful management Jack had been lured away while the party preparations were made.通过精心安排,在准备聚会时,杰克已经被骗走了。 seduce sɪˈdjuːs; NAmE sɪˈduːs [transitive] (written) to persuade sb to do sth that they would not usually agree to do by making it seem very attractive 诱骗;唆使The promise of huge profits seduced him into parting with his money.高额利润的许诺诱使他把钱交了出来。 seduction sɪˈdʌkʃn


[countable, usually plural, uncountable] Who could resist the seductions of a tropical island?谁能抵挡热带海岛的吸引力呢?the seduction of fame成名的诱惑
NOTE 辨析 Lure or seduce?You can lure sb into a place or seduce sb into doing sth but not the other way round. 可以说lure sb into a place或seduce sb into doing sth,但反过来说不行The child was seduced into a car. He was lured into parting with his money. Both of these words are frequently used in the passive in business journalism. 在商业新闻中,这两个词均常用被动形式Operators are lured / seduced by the price of cheap oil.经营者被低廉的油价所吸引。

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