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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 162 COCA: 181
noun [C] /pleɪs/
  1. 1
    an area, or a position 地方;场所;位置

    I don't like crowded places. 我不喜欢拥挤的地方。

    Let's find a quiet place where we can talk. 我们找个安静的地方谈谈吧。

    Keep your credit cards in a safe place. 把信用卡放在安全的地方。

    Will had broken his jaw in three places. 威尔的下巴有3处都碰破了。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for location and place: place, location, setting...
    1. a.
      the position where someone or something is, or where it should be 位置;所在地

      She put the book back in its place. 她把书放回了原处。

      Cara walked back to her place and sat down. 卡拉走回到她的位置,坐了下来。

      into place (=into the correct position) 进入正确的位置 :

      She shut the door and slid the bolt into place. 她关上门,插上了门栓。

      The mechanism locked into place. 机械装置已锁好。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for location and place: place, location, setting...
  2. 2
    a particular town, country, building, shop etc 地方(指某个城镇、国家、建筑物、商店等)

    They live in a small place called Clovelly. 他们住在一个叫做克洛韦利的小地方。

    With a bit of work this place could look lovely. 只要下点工夫,这地方看起来会很漂亮的。

    This is the only place that sells this type of bike. 这是唯一一个销售这款自行车的地方。

    The trip includes a visit to York and other places of interest. 旅程包括参观约克以及其他景点。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for location and place: place, location, setting...
    1. a.
      an area, building, or space that is used for or suitable for a particular purpose (有特定用途的)场所,地方,建筑物,空间

      a popular eating place 受人欢迎的就餐场所

      place for :

      Cyprus is a great place for a holiday. 塞浦路斯是个度假的好去处。

      place to do something :

      Is this a safe place to swim? 在这个地方游泳安全吗?

      I always think Italy would be a great place to live. 我总觉得意大利是个居住生活的好地方。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words for location and place: place, location, setting...
    2. b.
      a house, flat etc for living in 房屋;套房;公寓

      They've bought a lovely little place in the countryside. 他们在乡下买了一所可爱的小房子。

      your/my/her etc place :

      Let's have the party at my place. 咱们在我家聚会吧。

  3. 3
    an opportunity to be a member of a sports team or to take part in a game or competition (运动队里或比赛的)席位,位置
    win/secure/earn/clinch a place :

    Lewis has earned a place in the Olympic team. 刘易斯在奥林匹克参赛队中获得了一席之位。

    Arsenal clinched a place in the semi-finals with a 2–0 win at Liverpool. 阿森纳队2比0战胜利物浦队,从而取得了一个半决赛席位。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      British an opportunity to join a school, college, course etc (入学、参加课程等的)机会,名额

      Nursery places for children are scarce in some parts of the country. 在该国的部分地区,儿童很少有机会上托儿所。

      I must remember to book a place on the French course. 我必须记着去报名上法语课。

      Course organizers are hoping that all the places will be filled. 课程组织者们希望所有的名额都能报满。

      get/secure/win/gain a place :

      Steven has secured a place at Manchester University. 史蒂文获得了上曼彻斯特大学的机会。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      an opportunity to be part of an organization or business 机会;位置;职位
      place on :

      She was offered a place on the committee. 她获得了一个在委员会任职机会。

      They're looking for someone to fill Jackson's place on the management team. 他们正在找人取代杰克逊在管理队伍中的位置。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    a seat on a train or bus, in a theatre etc, or a position in a queue 座位;位子;站位

    There's no place to sit. 没有位子坐了。

    lose your place :

    I had to go to the toilet and lost my place in the queue. 我只好去上厕所,排队时站的位子也保不住了。

    save/keep someone's place :

    Would you mind saving my place for a minute?

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    the position that you achieve in a race or competition (赛跑或竞赛中的)名次,排名

    After a good performance at Wimbledon, she jumped six places in the world rankings. 由于在温布尔登网球赛中的良好发挥,她的世界排名跃升了6位。

    first/second etc place :

    Sevilla finished in fifth place in the Champions' League. 塞维利亚队在冠军联赛中最终排名第5。

    Rafferty completed his round in 69, to take third place at the halfway stage. 拉弗蒂用时69秒赛完一圈,在前半程位居第3。

     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    the right occasion, or the right time for something 合适的场合(或时机)

    This isn't the place to talk about the subject.

    neither the time nor the place :

    This is neither the time nor the place to discuss our relationship. 这个时间和场合都不适合讨论我们之间的关系。

     Synonyms and related words
    Moments and short periods of time: moment, second, instant...
  7. 7
    the point that you have reached in a book, speech etc (阅读、演讲等到的)地方

    He marked his place with a piece of paper. 他用一张纸条在阅读中止的地方做了个记号。

    lose your place :

    I lost my place (=forgot what I was saying) when he interrupted me. 他打断了我,使我忘了自己讲到哪里了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Achievements: feat, accomplishment, achievement...
  8. 8
    [usually singular] the importance that someone or something has in people's lives or in their minds (某人或某物在人们生活或心目中的)位置,地位

    The house will always have a place in our hearts.

    a discussion about the place of soap operas in popular culture 关于肥皂剧在通俗文化中所占地位的讨论

    someone's place in history :

    De Klerk secured his place in history by releasing Mandela and starting the process of change. 德克勒克释放了曼德拉,开启变革之路,从而名垂青史。

     Synonyms and related words
    Importance: importance, emphasis, priority...
  9. 9
    the set of dishes, knives, forks, and spoons arranged on a table for one person to use 一套餐具

    a table set with three places 摆放了3套餐具的桌子

     Synonyms and related words
  10. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    the place to start the first thing to be done in order to achieve a goal

    If you are set to live a long life, eating tofu and squid is the place to start.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 19/11/2015
  11. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    go places to be successful 开始成功的

    I always believed he would go places. He's been a whizz-kid since he was a child.

    Submitted by Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 10/04/2018
  12. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    put in place to set up, organize, or establish

    Public buildings have put in place checkpoints at their entrances in the wake of a number of horrifying terror attacks.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 07/08/2016
verb [T] /pleɪs/
present tense
present participleplacing
past tenseplaced
past participleplaced
  1. 1
    to put something somewhere, especially in a careful or deliberate way (尤指小心翼翼地)放置
    place something on/under/into etc something :

    Ella placed the dish on the table. 埃拉小心地把碟子放在桌上。

    ‘Don't worry,' said Judy, placing a hand on his shoulder. “不用担心,”朱迪说道,一只手搭在他的肩上。

    Place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, and gradually add water. 把所有成分放在一个用于搅拌的碗里,然后慢慢加水。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    to put someone in a particular situation or state, especially a difficult or unpleasant one 使(某人)处于…的境地;使(某人)处于…的状态
    place someone in/at/under something :

    Her decision places me in an awkward situation. 她的决定使我陷入尴尬的境地。

    The high level of the pound is placing exporters at a serious disadvantage. 英镑居高不下的汇率水平使出口商们处境非常不利。

    place someone/something under strain/pressure :

    The company is severely understaffed, which places employees under great pressure. 公司人员严重短缺,使雇员们压力很大。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to put a person or place under someone else's control or protection 将…置于…的控制之下
      place someone/something under something :

      At the end of the war, the island was placed under French control. 战争结束时,该岛被划归法国管辖。

      We place each trainee under the care and supervision of an experienced member of staff. 我们为每一位受训者都安排了一位有经验的员工来关照和监督他们。

      Monga had his passport withdrawn, and was placed under house arrest. 蒙加被吊销了护照,软禁了起来。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    if you place limits, responsibilities, pressures etc on someone, you make them experience them 施加,设置,使承受(限制、规定、压力等)
    place limits/restrictions on :

    Parents should place limits on the amount of time their children spend on the Internet. 家长应该对孩子上网的时间加以限制。

    place burdens/strain/pressure on :

    The large influx of refugees was placing a great burden on Pakistan's resources. 难民的大量涌入给巴基斯坦带来了巨大的物资供应负担。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    to have a particular attitude towards someone or something 对(某人或某物)持…态度
    place blame/faith/hope/reliance etc on :

    She placed the blame squarely on George. 她干脆把罪责都推到了乔治身上。

    He placed great faith in her abilities. 他非常相信她的能力。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    to decide how good or important something is in comparison with other things (通过比较)确定…的重要性
    place something above something :

    The company was accused of placing profits above safety. 该公司被指责只顾赚钱不重视安全。

    place emphasis/importance/value on something :

    The school places great emphasis on the welfare of its students. 这所学校非常重视学生的福利。

    Customers were placing more importance on quality than simply on cost. 顾客越来越重视质量,而不仅仅是看重价格了。

     Synonyms and related words
    To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
  6. 6
    to arrange for someone to work or live somewhere 安置;安顿

    He had to place his mother in a nursing home. 他只好把他妈妈安置在一所养老院里。

    The employment agency placed me with a local law firm. 职业介绍所安排我到当地的一家律师事务所工作。

     Synonyms and related words
    To send someone somewhere: send, ship, relocate...
  7. 7
    [always passive] British to finish second or third in a race, especially in a horse race (尤指在赛马中)排名…,位居…
     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] mainly American to finish a competition in a particular position 获名次;排名
      place first/third etc :

      The 23-year-old from Idaho placed first in the downhill race. 来自爱达荷州23岁的选手在滑降比赛中获得第一名。

       Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [usually in negatives] to recognize someone or something and remember their name 认出;记起…的名字

    He looks familiar, but I can't place him. 他看起来眼熟,但我记不得他的名字。

    I could hear music in the background, but the tune was difficult to place. 我能听见背景音乐,却想不起是哪首曲子。

     Synonyms and related words
    To remember: remember, recall, think back...
     Synonyms and related words
    To notice or recognize something or someone: notice, recognize, observe...
  9. 9
    if you place an advertisement, you arrange for it to be in a newspaper or magazine 打,投放(广告)
     Synonyms and related words
  10. 10
    if you place a bet, you give money to someone saying that you think a person, team, animal etc will win a competition 下(赌注)
     Synonyms and related words
    To gamble money: gamble, bet, stake...
  11. 11
    if you place an order, you ask a company to sell you something and send it to you 下(订单)

    Orders may be placed by telephone or on the Internet. 可以通过电话或因特网下订单。

     Synonyms and related words
    To buy something: buy, get, purchase...
IELTS BNC: 162 COCA: 181


1particular position/area場所ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLACE | PLACE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconvenient, good, great, ideal, perfect便利的/不錯的/非常好的/理想的/十全十美的地方horrible, terrible糟糕的地方It was a terrible place to live.那是一個糟糕的住處。dangerous, safe危險的/安全的場所Keep your purse in a safe place.把你的錢包放在安全的地方。appropriate, right, suitable合適的場所I happened to be in the right place at the right time.我碰巧在合適的時間出現在了合適的地方。wrong錯誤的地點beautiful, nice漂亮的地方It's a nice place you've got here.你這兒真漂亮。interesting有趣的地方busy, crowded繁忙的場所;擁擠的地方peaceful, quiet寧靜的/安靜的地方strange陌生的地方faraway, godforsaken, out-of-the-way, remote遙遠的地方;偏僻的所在;偏遠的地方trips to faraway places前往遠方的旅程public公共場所gathering, hiding, meeting, resting集合點;藏身處;會場;休息處VERB + PLACEmark標明地方I forgot to mark my place (= in a book).我忘了標明讀到什麼地方了。lose忘記上次讀到的地方I've lost my place in the script.我不記得上次讀到劇本的什麼地方了。PLACE + NOUNname地名PREPOSITIONat a/the place, in a/the place在⋯地方We had dinner at a crowded place in Chelsea.我們在切爾西一個擁擠的地方吃了飯。in place在適當的位置上;在⋯地方It was held in place with tape.它被膠帶固定住了。There will be rain in places.局部地區有雨。into place在適當的地方She tapped the lid into place.她輕敲蓋子,把它蓋好。out of place不在合適的地方Some of these files seem to be out of place.這些文件中有一些似乎放錯了位置。PHRASESall over the place (= everywhere) 到處no place, not the place不是地方This is not the place for an argument.這不是爭論的地方。sb's place of birth某人的出生之地Please state your date and place of birth.請註明您的出生日期和地點。sb's place of business, sb's place of work某人的營業/工作地點a place of learning, a place of worship做學問的地方;拜神的場所


2seat/position for sb/sth座位;位置VERB + PLACE | PLACE + NOUN | PHRASES VERB + PLACEsit (down) in, take就座We took our places around the table.我們圍坐在餐桌旁。go back to, return to回到座位上去The boy returned to his place.男孩回到了自己的座位上。keep (sb), save (sb)(為某人)佔座位;(為某人)留座位lose丟掉位置I lost my place in the queue. (BrE) 我找不到自己在隊列中的位置了。I lost my place in line. (NAmE) 我找不到自己在隊列中的位置了。give up放棄座位change, swap, switch (especially NAmE) 改變位置;交換位置He changed places with me.他跟我換了位置。He swapped places with me.他跟我換了位置。show sb to引領某人入座She showed them to their places.她領他們入座。lay, set擺放/設置座位I've set four places for dinner.我擺放了 4 個就餐的座位。I've laid four places for dinner.我擺放了 4 個就餐的座位。PLACE + NOUNcard, mat, setting(宴席上的)座位卡;餐具墊;餐位餐具PHRASESthe place of honour/honor貴賓席He took the place of honour / honor on his hostess's right.他在女主人右首的貴賓座就座。


3role/position/function角色;地位;職責ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLACE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcentral, important, prominent中心地位;重要角色special特殊地位He holds a special place in her affections.他在她的感情中佔有特殊的位置。proper, rightful適當的地方;合法的身分VERB + PLACEhave, hold, occupy擁有地位;佔據地位Housing occupied a prominent place in the discussions.住房問題在討論中佔據了突出的地位。secure確保地位His victory secured him a place in history.他的勝利確保了他在歷史上的地位。know知道身分She knows her place.她知道自己的身分。forget忘記身分I'm sorry-I was forgetting my place.對不起,我忘了自己的身分。restore sb to恢復某人的地位He has been restored to his rightful place in the community.他在社會上應有的地位得到了恢復。put sb in挫某人的氣焰At first she tried to take charge of the meeting but I soon put her in her place.起先她試圖控制會議,但是我很快就讓她規規矩矩的了。PREPOSITIONplace in在⋯中的地位Dance has a central place in their culture.在他們的文化中,舞蹈處於中心地位。PHRASESit's not sb's place to某人沒有資格⋯It's not your place to correct her.你沒有資格糾正她。a place in history歷史上的地位a statesman who is assured a place in history在歷史上佔有一席的政治家


4opportunity to play for a team, etc.為團隊效力的機會或資格VERB + PLACE | PREPOSITION VERB + PLACEget獲得機會offer sb向某人提供機會lose失去機會/資格PREPOSITIONplace on在⋯的機會He lost his place on the team. (especially NAmE) 他失去了在該隊的位置。He lost his place in the team. (especially BrE) 他失去了在該隊的位置。


5 (BrE) opportunity to study at a college, etc.學習機會ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLACE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcollege, nursery, school, university學院學籍;幼兒園入園名額;學校入學名額;大學入學名額VERB + PLACEget, win獲得/贏得機會award sb, offer sb授予某人資格;向某人提供入學名額PREPOSITIONplace at, place in在⋯的資格He was awarded a place at Leeds University.他被利茲大學錄取了。place on在⋯的機會She got a place on the French course.她拿到了修法語課程的名額。


6sb's position at the end of a race, competition, etc.比賽名次VERB + PLACE | PLACE + VERB VERB + PLACEfinish in, get, take獲得名次She took third place.她獲得了第三名。PLACE + VERBgo to sb名次歸於某人Second place went to the Moroccan athlete.摩洛哥運動員獲得了第二名。


(often be placed) ADVERB | VERB + PLACE | PREPOSITION ADVERBcarefully, neatly小心地/整齊地放置randomly隨意放置The books were placed randomly on the shelf.書籍被隨意放在書架上。firmly穩妥地放置She produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips.她拿出一個長長的銀哨子,穩穩地銜在嘴裏。delicately, gently, gingerly, lightly小心謹慎地/輕輕地/小心翼翼地/輕手輕腳地放置centrally, prominently放在中央/顯眼的位置The table was placed centrally.桌子放在正中央。directly, squarely直接/明確地放置The blame was placed squarely on the doctor.責任明確地落在醫生身上。conveniently, ideally, perfectly, uniquely, well位於合宜的/理想的/完美的/獨特的/良好的位置The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.這家酒店位置適中,適宜經營餐館、酒吧和俱樂部。The company is perfectly placed to win the contract.這家公司境況很好,肯定能贏得合同。highly置於高位highly placed officials in the government身居高位的政府官員strategically放在最佳位置There are candles strategically placed-in case we have another blackout.我們的蠟燭放在合適的地方,以防再停電。side by side並排放置The boots were neatly placed side by side.長筒靴整齊地並排放着。VERB + PLACEattempt to, try to試圖使處於⋯境地PREPOSITIONbetween, in, inside, on, over, under, etc.放在⋯中間、裏面、上面、上方、下面等He placed the letter in a drawer.他把信放在了抽屜裏。an attempt to place the question firmly back on the political agenda試圖將問題堅決重新提上政治議程的努力
IELTS BNC: 162 COCA: 181
place noun
place1 (I love this place!) place2 (save sb a place) home1 (a place of my own) role (sb's place in history) be going places do well verb take place happen verb a place to stay housing all over the place, out of place untidy adj.
place verb
place (place emphasis on sth) identify (place sb's accent) put1 (place a hand on sb's shoulder) put2 (place sb under arrest) rank (place sb among the top five players) send2 (The children were placed with foster parents.)


a good place for a picnic/I hate this place! 野餐的好地方;我不喜欢这个地方!Come and sit here-I've saved you a place. 到这儿来坐吧-我给你留了个座位。place ♦︎ site ♦︎ area ♦︎ position ♦︎ point ♦︎ location ♦︎ scene ♦︎ spot ♦︎ venue ♦︎ whereaboutsThese are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where sth is situated or happens. 这些词均表示场所、地方。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a (good, etc.) place / site / position / location / spot / venue for sthat a place / site / position / point / location / scene / spot / venuein a place / an area / a position / a location / a venuethe place / site / point / location / spot / venue where...a / an good / ideal / suitable place / site / position / location / spot / venuea / an interesting / beautiful / convenient / remote place / site / position / location / spotthe right place / site / position / location / spot / venuea central site / position / location / venuea prime site / position / locationthe / sb / sth's exact / precise place / site / position / point / location / spot / whereaboutsthe / sb / sth's current / present site / position / location / whereabouts place [countable] a particular point, area, town, building, etc., especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens 位置;地点;场所;地方Is this the place where it happened?这就是事发现场吗?This would be a good place for a picnic.这可是个野餐的好地方。I can't be in two places at once.我不可能同时身处两地。The police searched the place.警察搜查了那个地方。These streets are no place for a child to be out alone at night.晚上小孩子可不能一个人到这几条街上来。We're looking for a place to eat.我们想找个地方吃饭。There was no hiding place.没有藏身之地。Please write your full name, date and place of birth.请写下你的全名、出生日期和出生地。 site [countable] the place where sth, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where sth happened or that is used for a particular purpose (建筑物的)位置;建筑工地;(事件发生的)现场;场所We visited the site of a 16th century abbey.我们参观了一座16世纪大教堂的旧址。All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately.所有材料都已运抵工地,可以立即开工。 (BrE) a building site建筑工地 (NAmE, BrE) a construction site建筑工地This was the site of a great battle.这里曾打过一场大战。They say it's an ancient burial site.他们说那里古时候是个坟场。a camp / camping / caravan site营地;野营地;旅行拖车停车点The kids used to play on an old bomb site (= a place that had been bombed in the past).孩子们过去经常在轰炸后的废墟上玩耍。 see also site base verb area [countable] a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose; a particular place on an object (房间、建筑物、处所等中作特别用途的)场地,区;(物体上的)处,部位the hotel reception area酒店接待处a play / parking / dining area游戏场地;停车场;用餐处Move the cursor to a blank area on the screen.把光标移至电脑屏幕的空白区。The tumour had not spread to other areas of the body.肿瘤没有扩散到身体其他部位。 see also area area 1 position [countable, uncountable] the place where a person or thing is situated; the place where sb/sth is meant to be 位置;地方;正确位置From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbour.他在山顶那位置,可以看到海港。Radars determine the aircraft's position.雷达确定飞机位置。Is everybody in position?大家都就位了吗?The dancers all got into position.舞者都到位了。She took up her position by the door.她到门边就位。The position of sb/sth is often temporary: the place where sb/sth is at a particular time. * position常常是暂时性的,即某人或某物在某段时间所在的位置。 see also position position noun , position put verb 1 point [countable] a particular place within an area, where sth happens or is supposed to happen (事情发生或应该发生的)地方,地点I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在抵港大厅的集合点等你。the point at which the river divides河流分叉点No parking beyond this point.请勿越此界停车。 location ləʊˈkeɪʃn; NAmE loʊˈkeɪʃn [countable] a place where sth happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or is not known (尤指未提及或未知的)地点,位置,地方Please tell us your exact location.请告知你的确切方位。The company is moving to a new location.公司准备迁移新址。They got married at a secret location in Scotland.他们在苏格兰某个秘密地方成婚了。A location is also a place outside a film studio where scenes of a film are made. * location还指电影的外景拍摄地A mountain in the Rockies became the location for a film about Everest.落基山脉的一座山成了一部有关珠穆朗玛峰的电影的外景拍摄地。The movie was shot entirely on location in Italy.这部影片的外景完全是在意大利拍摄的。 see also locate base , locate find 4 scene [countable, usually singular] a place where sth happens, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不愉快的事情发生的)现场,地点Several onlookers gathered at the scene of the accident.几个旁观者围在事故现场。The scene of the crime is being investigated by the police.警方正在勘察犯罪现场。Firefighters were on the scene immediately.消防员立即赶到现场。 spot [countable] a particular point or area, especially one that has a particular character or where sth particular happens (尤指具有某种特点或某类事件发生的)地点,场所,处所She stood rooted to the spot (= unable to move) with fear.她吓得呆若木鸡地站在那儿。The lake is one of the local beauty spots.该湖是当地的风景名胜之一。He has reported from several of the world's major trouble spots (= places where trouble often happens, especially violence and war).他去过世界几大动荡地区做过报道。 venue ˈvenjuː [countable] the place where people meet for an organized event such as a performance or sports event 聚集地点(如演出或体育比赛场馆)The band will be playing at several different venues in the UK.这个乐队将在英国几个不同地方演出。Please note the change of venue for this event.请注意,这次比赛改了地点。 whereabouts ˈweərəbaʊts; NAmE ˈwerəbaʊts [uncountable + singular or plural verb] the place where sb/sth is (人或物)所在的地方;下落;行踪Her whereabouts is / are still unknown.她仍下落不明。They were forced to reveal the whereabouts of the ship.他们被迫说出了船的下落。Whereabouts is often used to talk or ask about sb/sth when you do not know where that person or thing is. * whereabouts常用于表示人或物的行踪不明。place2


a good place for a picnic/I hate this place! 野餐的好地方;我不喜欢这个地方!Come and sit here-I've saved you a place. 到这儿来坐吧-我给你留了个座位。place ♦︎ seatThese words both mean an empty space or position where sb can sit. 这两个词均表示空座、空位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / an good / empty place / seatto take / book / reserve a place / seatto save sb a place / seatto return to your place / seat place [countable] a position, seat or empty space, especially one that is available for or being used by a person or vehicle (尤指空着的)座位,位置,泊位Come and sit here-I've saved you a place.到这儿来坐吧-我给你留了个座位。I don't want to lose my place in the line.我可不想丢了排队的位置。Would you like to change places with me so you can see better?你想跟我换个位子看得清楚些吗?I've set a place for you at the table.我在餐桌上给你安排好了座位。I couldn't find a parking place anywhere.我怎么也找不到停车位。You can also say parking space. 也可以说parking space。 seat [countable] a place where you pay to sit, for example in a plane, on a train or at the theatre (飞机、火车或剧场的)座位I reserved seats for a performance of 'King Lear' at the New Theatre.我预订了几张新剧院上演的《李尔王》的票。There are no seats left on that flight.那一航班没空位了。Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat?您想要靠走道还是靠窗的座位? place


place ♦︎ put ♦︎ attach ♦︎ layThese words are all used to emphasize that sb/sth is important or responsible for sth. 这些词均用于强调重要性或责任。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to place / put / lay sth on sthto place / put / attach / lay (the) blameto place / put / lay responsibility / emphasisto place / attach importance place [transitive] to give a particular level of sth such as importance, trust or value to sth 给予(重视、信任、价值等)Great importance is placed on education.教育受到高度重视。They place a high value on punctuality.他们非常看重守时。 put (putting, put, put) [transitive] to give a particular level of sth such as emphasis, trust or value to sth 给予(重视、信任、价值等)Our company puts the emphasis on quality.我们公司重视质量。He put a limit on the amount we could spend.他规定了我们可开销的数额。NOTE 辨析 Place or put?These words are very close in meaning and range. Put does not collocate with importance and is not usually used in the passive in this meaning. 这两个词的含义和使用范围相近。put不与importance搭配,表达此义时通常不用于被动语态Great importance is put on education. see also place , put rank attach [transitive] to give a particular level of importance to sth 给予(重视)I attach great importance to this research.我认为这项研究十分重要。I wouldn't attach too much weight to these findings (= take them too seriously).我觉得这些发现没有太多分量。In this meaning attach collocates especially with importance, significance, value and weight. 表达此义时,attach尤与importance、significance、value和weight搭配。 lay (laid, laid) [transitive] to express sth such as a claim in a serious or official way (严肃或正式地)提出(声明等)She laid the blame for the crisis at the Prime Minister's door (= she blamed the Prime Minister).她指责首相应为这场危机负责。 Lay is used with a noun to form a phrase that has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun. * lay与名词连用构成短语,意义相当于这个名词的动词形式He laid stress on the importance of cooperation (= He stressed the importance of cooperation).他强调合作的重要性。

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