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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 720 COCA: 587
noun /step/
  1. 1
    [C] a short movement made by putting one foot in front of the other 脚步;步
    take/move a step :

    I am too tired to take another step. 我太累了,一步都走不动了。

    He moved a step nearer the two men. 他向那两个人走近了一步。

    retrace your steps (=go back the same way you came) 沿原路返回 :

    We were lost and decided to retrace our steps. 我们迷路了,决定沿原路返回。

     Synonyms and related words
    Ways of walking: gait, limp, pace...
    1. a.
      the sound that your feet make while you are walking 脚步声

      I could hear the steps coming closer. 我能听到脚步声越来越近。

       Synonyms and related words
      Sounds made by people: babble, babel, footfall...
    2. b.
      the short distance that your feet move while you are walking 一步之距

      The postbox is just a few steps from my front door. 邮箱离我的前门只有几步远。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [C] a particular movement or set of movements performed with your feet when you are dancing 舞步
    dance step :

    Juan was practising his new dance steps for the competition. 胡安正在为比赛练习新的舞步。

     Synonyms and related words
    Dance movements and choreography: call, choreograph, choreographer...
  3. 3
    [singular] the particular way that someone walks, that sometimes shows how they are feeling 步态
    a spring in your step (=a quick and cheerful attitude in the way you walk) 走起路来兴高采烈 :

    John felt fantastic and there was a new spring in his step. 约翰感觉很好,走起路来兴高采烈的。

     Synonyms and related words
    Ways of walking: gait, limp, pace...
  4. 4
    [C] one of a series of actions that you do in order to achieve a particular aim 步骤;措施
    step in :

    This new law is the first step in making our city safer. 这项新法规是为使我们的城市更加安全所采取的第一步措施。

    step towards :

    This agreement is an important step towards our goal. 这项协议是我们达到目的非常重要的一步。

    a step along the way/road :

    For Jack, this job was a mere step along the road to power. 对杰克来说,这份工作只是通向权力之路上的一步。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for actions and activities: action, measure, doings...
    See also right
  5. 5
    [C] a flat piece of wood or stone, usually one in a series, that you walk up or down in order to move to a different level 台阶

    I met him on the front steps of the bank. 我在银行门前的台阶上遇到了他。

    The woman took them down some steps leading to the beach. 那个妇人带他们走下通向海滩的一些台阶。

    a flight of steps (=a long set of steps) 一段楼梯 :

    I climbed a flight of steep narrow steps. 我爬上一段窄窄的楼梯。

    the foot of the steps :

    waiting at the foot of the cellar steps 在地下室台阶下面等候

     Synonyms and related words
    Stairways, ladders and lifts: banister, banisters, bannister...
  6. 6
    [C] one of the stages in a process, or one of the levels on a scale 阶段

    steps in your learning process 你学习过程中的一个阶段

    a step up :

    Her new job is a big step up for her. 新工作对她来讲是上了很大的一个台阶。

    a step up on the pay scale 工资上升一级

    be a/one step ahead of someone :

    She was congratulating herself on her cleverness, but he was one step ahead of her. 她正在为自己的小聪明沾沾自喜,而他已经领先她一步了。

    repeat a step :

    When you finish the exercise, repeat steps five to ten. 做完练习以后,把第5到第10步重复一遍。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [C/U] a type of exercise that you do by quickly moving onto and off a low piece of equipment 踏板运动;踏板操

    She teaches a step class. 她在一个踏板运动班当教练。

     Synonyms and related words
    Physical exercise and exercises: aerobic, aerobics, aquarobics...
  8. 8
    [C] music American a tone in music 音级;度
     Synonyms and related words
    Instructions and annotations in music: adagio, allegro, andante...
  9. 9


    [plural] British a stepladder 折梯;活动梯子
     Synonyms and related words
    Stairways, ladders and lifts: banister, banisters, bannister...
verb [I] /step/
present tense
present participlestepping
past tensestepped
past participlestepped
  1. 1
    to move by putting one foot down in front of or behind the other 走;迈步
    step back/down/into etc :

    Step back or you'll get hit by the ball. 向后退一步,不然球就打到你了。

    I stepped onto the platform and started to speak. 我迈上讲台,开始讲话。

    Another soldier was injured when he stepped on a landmine. 另一个士兵踩上地雷受伤了。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    to move or walk a short distance (短距离)移动,行走
    step into/away from/up to/over etc :

    Sally stepped gingerly into the icy water. 萨莉小心翼翼地走进冰冷刺骨的水中。

    We stepped aside to let them pass. 我们向旁边挪了一下让他们过去。

    He stepped from his car and helped her out. 他从汽车里出来帮了她的忙。

    step inside/outside :

    Please step inside and wait for a moment. 请进来稍等片刻。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    step it/things up to start to do something more intensely or more seriously

    I decided to step it up a bit and over the course of a month create a whole new outfit from my wardrobe without buying anything new.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 13/08/2014
BNC: 720 COCA: 587


1in walking, running, etc.步行;跑步ADJECTIVE | VERB + STEP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge, small大步;小步heavy, light沉重的/輕輕的腳步quick, slow快步;慢步hesitant遲疑的腳步involuntary不由自主的腳步I gasped and took an involuntary step back.我倒吸一口冷氣,不由自主地後退了一步。careful謹慎的腳步shaky, unsteady搖搖晃晃的/踉蹌的腳步VERB + STEPgo, take邁步;跨步He'd only gone a few steps when he realized he'd left his keys behind.他剛走了幾步,就意識到自己把鑰匙落下了。retrace原路折回You might find your ticket if you retrace your steps back to the car.如果你原路折回到車子那兒,就有可能找到你的票。PREPOSITIONstep (away) from離⋯一步之遙She was only a step away from the cliff edge.她離懸崖邊只有一步之遙。step towards/toward朝⋯的一步He took a hesitant step towards / toward her.他猶豫着向她走近了一步。PHRASESa spring in your step腳步輕快I had a spring in my step when I walked into that office for the last time.我最後一次走進那間辦公室時,步子邁得特別輕快。a step ahead, a step behind (both often figurative) 領先/落後一步He lagged a few steps behind.他落後了幾步。She's always one step ahead of the competition.她總是在競爭中領先一步。a step back, a step backwards/backward退後/向後一步a step forward向前一步a step sideways向旁邊一步a step closer更進一步We've moved a step closer to independence.我們又朝獨立邁進了一步。with each step, with every step每走一步He grew fainter with every step.他每走一步,虛弱無力就會更甚一分。


2in dancing舞步ADJECTIVE | VERB + STEP | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdance舞步jive, tango, etc.搖擺舞、探戈等舞步VERB + STEPexecute, perform跳舞步;表演舞步He executed some dance steps for the judges.他為評委們跳了幾個舞步。learn學習舞步keep in保持舞步She had trouble keeping in step with the others.她跟不上其他人的舞步。PREPOSITIONin step, out of step (with)跟上/跟不上舞步He was out of step with the music.他跟不上音樂的節奏。


3action taken in order to achieve sth為達目的採取的行動ADJECTIVE | ... OF STEPS | VERB + STEP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, giant, huge, massive (especially BrE) 一大步;相當大的進步;重大進展small一小步critical, crucial, decisive, essential, great, historic, important, key, major, significant, vital不可或缺的/至關重要的/決定性的/根本性的/重大的/歷史性的/重要的/關鍵的/首要的/意義重大的/必不可少的一步first, initial, preliminary第一步;最初的步驟;初步措施final, last最終/最後步驟additional, extra, further, next追加的步驟;進一步的措施;下一步What's the next step?下一步做什麼?logical, necessary, reasonable符合邏輯的/必要的/合理的步驟We shall take all necessary steps to prevent public disorder.我們將採取一切必要的措施防止公共秩序出現混亂。active積極的措施forward, positive前進的/建設性的一步backward, retrograde (especially BrE) 後退的/倒退的一步The new law is seen by many as a backward step.很多人認為這項新法律是一種倒退。bold, brave大膽的/勇敢的一步dramatic, drastic, extraordinary, rare, unprecedented, unusual不同凡響的/嚴厲的/不一般的/罕見的/空前的/不尋常的措施irreversible, irrevocable不可逆轉的/不可撤銷的一步It suddenly struck her that having a baby was an irrevocable step.她突然意識到生孩子是不可逆轉的一步。careful, precautionary謹慎的/預防措施faltering, tentative遲疑的/試探性的一步They have taken their first tentative steps towards / toward democracy.他們已經向民主邁出了試探性的第一步。practical可行的措施welcome受歡迎的措施immediate, urgent即時/緊急措施I shall take immediate steps to have this matter put right.我會立刻採取措施糾正此事。false錯誤的一步One false step could mean disaster.一步走錯就可能釀成災難。... OF STEPSnumber, series一系列措施VERB + STEPgo, make, take走出一步;採取措施;實施步驟follow遵循步驟If you follow all the steps, nothing will go wrong.如果你遵循所有的步驟,就不會出什麼差錯。PREPOSITIONstep in⋯的步驟The move was a first step in establishing a union.這一行動是建立聯盟的第一步。step towards/toward朝⋯的一步The talks mark a step towards / toward peace.會談標誌着向和平邁出了一步。PHRASESa step closer (to sth)(向⋯)邁進的一步Greece moved a step closer to the final with last night's win.昨晚贏了這一場,希臘隊離決賽又近了一步。a short step from sth to sth⋯距⋯僅一步之遙It's only a short step from disorder to complete chaos.騷亂距全面動亂只有一步之遙。a step back, a step backwards/backward退後的/倒退的一步This can only be seen as a step backward.這只能被視為一種倒退。a step forward向前的一步;進展The offer constitutes a considerable step forward.這項提議是一個重大進展。We seemed to be taking three steps forward and one step back.我們似乎進三步就要退一步。step by step逐步地a step-by-step guide to setting up an aquarium養魚缸的安裝步驟說明a step further更進一步If he goes one step further with this crazy idea, I'll resign.要是他把這個瘋狂的想法再推進一步,我就辭職。a step in the right direction朝正確方向邁出的一步The new speed limit does not solve the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.新的限速規定雖然解決不了問題,但畢竟朝正確的方向邁出了一步。a step on the road to sth, a step on the way to sth往⋯路上的一步


4on stairs, a ladder, etc.梯級ADJECTIVE | VERB + STEP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbottom, top最下面/最上面一級台階door (usually doorstep) 門階VERB + STEPmind (especially BrE) 小心台階Mind the step!小心台階!PREPOSITIONon a/the step在台階上She paused on the top step.她在最上一級台階上停了下來。PHRASESa step down, a step up向下/向上一個台階There are three steps down to the kitchen.去廚房要下 3 個台階。


5steps set of steps一組台階或梯級ADJECTIVE | ... OF STEPS | VERB + STEPS | STEPS + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfront前樓梯back後樓梯porch (especially NAmE) 門廊樓梯concrete, marble, wooden, etc.混凝土、大理石、木製等樓梯... OF STEPSflight一段台階/樓梯You have to go up four flights of steps to get up to the roof.得往上走 4 段樓梯才能到屋頂。VERB + STEPSgo up, run up, walk up走上/跑上/爬上樓梯She went up the steps to the side entrance.她爬上一段樓梯,來到側門。ascend, climb, mount走上/爬上/登上樓梯descend下樓梯go down, run down, walk down走下樓梯;跑下樓梯sit on坐在台階上STEPS + VERBlead to sth樓梯通向⋯The front steps lead to an enormous terrace.前樓梯通向一片寬闊的露台。PREPOSITIONstep to通往⋯的樓梯the steps to the roof通向屋頂的樓梯step down to, step up to向下/向上通往⋯的台階the steps down to the pool向下通往游泳池的台階PHRASESthe bottom of the steps, the foot of the steps, the top of the steps樓梯底部;台階頂部


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBbriskly, quickly輕快地走;快步地走hastily, smartly (especially BrE) 步履匆匆地走;步伐敏捷地走He stepped back hastily from the edge.他急忙從邊上退了回來。slowly慢慢地走quietly, silently悄悄地走;默不作聲地走delicately, lightly靈巧地/輕盈地邁步carefully, cautiously, gingerly謹慎地/小心地/輕手輕腳地邁步He stepped gingerly over the cat.他小心翼翼地邁過了那隻貓。boldly大膽邁步aside, away, back, backwards/backward, close, down, forth, forward, inside, out, outside, up邁步讓開/走開/回來/後退/走近/走下/向前/往前/走進/走出/到外面/向上Would you like to step inside for a few minutes?請你進來一會兒好嗎?PREPOSITIONacross, from, in, in front of, into, on, onto, out of, over, towards/toward邁步走過;從⋯邁步;邁步走進⋯;走到⋯前;踩進⋯;踩上⋯;踩到⋯上面;邁步走出⋯;邁步越過⋯;邁步走向⋯Don't step in the puddle.別踩到水坑裏。
BNC: 720 COCA: 587
step verb
step noun
step (take a step forward) action (a first step towards a united Europe) stage1 (explain sth step by step) walk (quicken your step) take steps act verb


step ♦︎ footstep ♦︎ pace ♦︎ strideThese are all words for the act of lifting your foot and putting it down again in order to walk or move somewhere. 这些词均表示迈步、步伐。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take a (few) step(s) / pace(s) / stride(s) back / forward / to / towards (sth)to take a step / pace backwardsquick steps / footsteps / strideslight / heavy steps / footstepsto take a step / paceto hear (sb's) steps / footsteps step [countable] the movement you make when you lift your foot and put it down in order to walk or move somewhere; the distance that you cover when you do this 迈步;一步(的距离)the baby's first steps婴儿学步He took a step towards the door.他朝门口迈了一步。I could hear his steps coming closer.我听到他的脚步声近了。He turned and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had walked).他转过身顺原路往回走。 (BrE) The hotel is only a short step (= a short way to walk) from the beach.那旅馆离海滩只有几步路。 (NAmE) The hotel is only steps away from the beach.那旅馆离海滩只有几步路。 see also step walk noun , step walk verb 1 footstep ˈfʊtstep [countable, usually plural] the sound your foot makes when you take a step, either walking or running (走路或跑步的)脚步声I could hear her footsteps echoing in the hall.我听到她的脚步声在大厅里回荡。 pace [countable] one step that you take when walking or running; the distance that you cover when you do this (走或跑时)迈出的一步;一步(的距离);步幅She took two paces forward.她向前迈了两步。Jean followed a few paces behind.琼在后面几步远的地方跟着。 see also pace walk verb 1 stride [countable] one long step; the distance covered by one long step 大步;一大步(的距离)He crossed the room in two strides.他两大步跨到屋子另一头。She lengthened her stride to try and keep up with him.她加大步伐想要赶上他。 see also stride walk noun , stride walk verb 1

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