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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 102 COCA: 118
adjective, adverb, preposition /daʊn/
Down can be used in the following ways: down有以下用法:
as a preposition (followed by a noun): 用作介词(后接名词): She was walking down the street. 她沿着大街向前走。
as an adverb (without a following noun): 用作副词(后不接名词): She lay down and fell asleep. 她躺下睡着了。
after the verb ‘to be': 用于动词to be 后: Oil prices are down. 油价下降了。
as an adjective: 用作形容词: I've been feeling rather down lately. 我最近情绪特别低落。
  1. 1
    to or towards a lower place
    1. a.
      moving towards a lower place or position 向下;往下

      Someone pushed him and he fell down the stairs. 有人推了他一下,他便从楼梯上摔了下来。

      Snowflakes floated down through the cold night air. 寒冷的夜空飘落着雪花。

      Tears were rolling down his cheeks. 眼泪顺着他的脸颊滚下来。

      We watched the sun go down. 我们看着夕阳西下。

       Synonyms and related words
      Describing movement up or down: upward, downward, ascending...
    2. b.
      looking, pointing, or leading to a lower place 向低处(看或指);(通)向低处

      We paused for a moment, gazing down into the valley below. 我们停了一会儿,低头凝视下面的山谷。

      steps leading down to the beach 通往下面沙滩的台阶

      the down escalator 下行的自动扶梯

    3. c.
      from a higher place to the ground (从高处)向地面

      Their plane came down in a field beside the motorway. 他们的飞机降落在高速公路旁的田地里。

      Get down off that roof – it's dangerous. 从那屋顶上下来,很危险。

       Synonyms and related words
      Describing movement up or down: upward, downward, ascending...
    4. d.
      used for saying that you put something you are carrying onto a lower surface 向较低处(放东西)

      Put the box down on the table. 把盒子放在桌子上吧。

  2. 2
    in a lower place or at a lower level 在低处;在下面

    It was dark and cold down in the cellar. 下面的地窖又暗又冷。

    Your name's further down the list. 找你的名字要再往名单下面看。

    down below :

    We could hear noises coming from down below. 我们能听到下面传来的喧闹声。

     Synonyms and related words
    At a low position or level: low, down, bottom...
  3. 3
    into or in a sitting or lying position
    1. a.
      moving your body into a sitting, bending, or lying position (坐)下;(弯)下;(躺)下

      Why don't you sit down and rest your legs? 你干嘛不坐下来歇歇腿呢?

      I crouched down behind some bushes. 我蹲伏在一片灌木丛里。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      remaining in a sitting, lying, or bending position (坐)着;(躺)着;(弯)着

      The headache was so bad she spent the rest of the day lying down. 因为头痛得很厉害,那天的剩余时间里她一直躺着。

      The video has exercises you can do while you are sitting down. 录像里有坐着就可以做的健身操。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    in a direction away from you
    1. a.
      moving or looking along a road, track, path etc 沿(马路、小道、小径等走或看)

      I was walking down the street with a couple of friends. 我和几个朋友沿着大街向前走。

      James looked back down the drive to see if anyone was following him. 詹姆斯顺着车道向后望去,想看看是否有人在跟踪他。

       Synonyms and related words
      Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
    2. b.
      moving or looking along a river in the same direction as the current 顺流

      We sailed down the Yellow River towards the open sea. 我们沿着黄河向广阔的海洋顺流航行。

       Synonyms and related words
      Movements of water: course, current, down...
    3. c.
      at a point somewhere on a road, path etc in a direction away from you 在(马路、小径等的)较远端

      They live somewhere down Park Avenue. 他们住在帕克大道的另一头。

      100 yards/2 miles etc down something :

      The nearest hotel is five or six miles down the main road. 最近的旅馆离大路有五六英里。

       Synonyms and related words
    4. d.
      at a point further along a river in the direction of the current 在下游

      There's another bridge further down the river. 河的下游还有一座桥。

       Synonyms and related words
      Movements of water: course, current, down...
  5. 5
    spoken at or to a place that is near you 在附近;到附近

    Sandra's just gone down to the shops. 桑德拉刚刚离开到附近的商店去了。

    I saw him down at the station this morning. 我今天上午在车站附近看见过他。

     Synonyms and related words
    Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
  6. 6
    1. a.
      going towards the south 向南方

      Thousands of Scottish fans will be travelling down to London for the big match. 成千上万的苏格兰球迷南下到伦敦观看这场重大比赛。

       Synonyms and related words
      Describing movement in a specific direction: ahead, anticlockwise, around...
    2. b.
      in a place that is to the south of where you are 在南方

      Newhaven is down on the south coast. 纽黑文位于南部沿海地带。

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
  7. 7
    when something is reduced
    1. a.
      at or to a smaller amount, lower level etc than before (数量)减少;(水平)降低,下降

      The government is determined to bring down unemployment. 政府决心减少失业。

      down to :

      House prices have come down to a more reasonable level. 房价已经降到一个更加合理的水平。

      down by :

      Overall demand for heating energy last winter was down by about 10%. 去年冬天对供热的整体需求下降了大约10%。

      down on (=less than) 比…少 :

      Profits are 15% down on last year. 利润比去年减少了 15% 。

    2. b.
      used for saying that something becomes less strong, less violent, or less loud 弱下来;小下来

      The storm had died down by evening. 暴风雨到晚上就变小了。

      Turn down the radio. 把收音机的音量关小。

  8. 8
    used for saying that something is damaged or destroyed and falls to the ground (某物因被损坏或摧毁而)倒下来

    The opera house was burnt down in 1990. 那座歌剧院在1990年被烧毁了。

    It's more than ten years since the Berlin Wall came down. 柏林墙被推倒已经10多年了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Broken, torn or damaged: broken, battered, faulty...
  9. 9
    used for saying that you write something on a piece of paper or in a book (写)下

    I copied down his address and phone number. 我抄下了他的地址和电话号码。

    Let me write that down before I forget it. 让我把它写下来,免得忘记。

  10. 10
    used for saying that something is fastened or stuck to a surface (扣)住;(盖)住;(粘)住

    The lid of the box was screwed down tight. 箱子盖被紧紧钉牢了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
  11. 11
    used for saying that the whole of a large object is cleaned from top to bottom (清洗)彻底地

    We need to wash down the walls before we can start painting. 我们需要把墙壁彻底清洗一下才能开始画画。

  12. 12
    when food or drink goes down, it goes from your mouth to your stomach (吃)下;喝(下)

    He gulped down his tea and got up from the table. 他把茶一饮而尽,然后起身离席而去。

    Lunch consisted of pizza washed down with a glass of milk. 午餐包括比萨饼配搭一杯牛奶。

     Synonyms and related words
    To process food in the body: digest, assimilate, go down...
  13. 13
    used for saying that someone has an illness 病倒
    be/go/come down with something :

    Poor Susan went down with flu just before Christmas. 可怜的苏珊就在圣诞节前患感冒病倒了。

     Synonyms and related words
  14. 14
    used for saying that something is given to the next generation (=people who are alive after you die) 传给(下一代)
    hand/pass down :

    The ancient Gaelic songs have been handed down from generation to generation. 古代盖尔人的歌曲一代代流传下来。

     Synonyms and related words
  15. 15
    informal unhappy or sad 不高兴的;沮丧的
    be/feel down :

    He's been feeling very down since his wife went away. 他的妻子离开后他一直闷闷不乐。

    get someone down :

    All these problems are getting her down. 这些问题弄得她很不开心。

     Synonyms and related words
    Feeling sad or unhappy: sad, unhappy, gloomy...
  16. 16
    if you are down for a particular job, it has been arranged that you will do it 已被选定的;已被安排的
    down for :

    I think I'm down for babysitting on Monday night. 我想我已被安排在星期一晚上代人照看小孩。

  17. 17
    if a player or team is a certain number of points down, that is the number of points they need in order to reach their opponent's score (比分)落后于对方的

    At half-time our team were two goals down. 在比赛进行到一半的时候我们队落后两球。

     Synonyms and related words
  18. 18
    if a computer system is down, it is not working (计算机系统)关闭的,不运转的
     Synonyms and related words
    Relating to computer software, systems and equipment: adaptive, antivirus, asynchronous...
  19. 19
    used for saying how many things you have dealt with and how many more still need to be dealt with 已完成的
    one/two etc down and one/two etc to go :

    Well, that's another exam over. Two down and four to go. 好啦,又一门考试结束了。考完了两门,还剩四门。

     Synonyms and related words
    Finished and completed: finished, completed, exhausted...
  20. 20
    used for saying that you pay an amount of money immediately when you buy something and will pay the rest later 初付;首付

    Own a brand new Fiat Bravo for only £99 cash down and £31.68 a week. 只要首付99英镑现金,以后每星期付31.68英镑,就可以拥有一辆崭新的菲亚特布拉沃汽车。

     Synonyms and related words
noun /daʊn/
  1. 1
    [U] the small soft feathers of a bird (鸟的)绒羽
     Synonyms and related words
    Parts of birds: beak, bill, breast...
    1. a.
      soft short hairs 绒毛;软毛;汗毛

      the soft down of her cheek 她脸颊上的汗毛

       Synonyms and related words
      The skin, bones and fur of animals: armor, armour, beard...
  2. 2


    [plural] areas of low hills covered with grass, especially in southern England (尤指英格兰南部的)有草的丘陵地区
     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Mountains, hills and cliffs: ascent, ben, berg...
verb [T] /daʊn/
present tense
present participledowning
past tensedowned
past participledowned
  1. 1
    to drink or eat all of something quickly 喝下;吃下

    He downed his beer and left. 他喝下啤酒后离开了。

     Synonyms and related words
    To eat in a particular way: bite, bolt, cannibalize...
     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    mainly journalism to make an aircraft crash to the ground by attacking it while it is flying 击落(飞机)

    The jet was downed by a surface-to-air missile. 那架喷气式飞机是被一枚地对空导弹击落的。

     Synonyms and related words
    To operate an aircraft: airlift, bank, buzz...
    1. a.
      to make someone or something fall to the ground 使摔倒;使落下

      Lewis downed his opponent with a punch to the jaw. 刘易斯一拳打在对手的下巴上,将其击倒在地。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    mainly journalism to defeat a player or team 击败(选手或运动队)
     Synonyms and related words
See also
  1. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    down with someone informal on the same wavelength as someone

    He likes to think he's down with the kids.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 08/03/2017
TOEFL BNC: 102 COCA: 118
TOEFL BNC: 102 COCA: 118
down adj.

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