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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 5721 COCA: 4975


1always having the same standard, opinions, etc.一致(性)ADJECTIVE | ... OF CONSISTENCY | VERB + CONSISTENCY | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEabsolute, complete完全一致good, great, remarkable良好的/極好的/驚人的穩定性He needs to have better consistency throwing downfield.他的前場投擲需要保持更好的穩定性。internal內部一致性overall總體上的一致The songs on the album have an overall consistency of approach.這張專輯的歌曲處理方法總體一致。intellectual, logical思維上的/邏輯上的連貫性Intellectual consistency is the hallmark of a fine legal mind.思維連貫縝密是優秀法律人才的標誌性特徵。stylistic, thematic風格上的/主題上的連貫性How do you give a sense of thematic consistency to a body of work?你如何使整部作品保持主題上的連貫?... OF CONSISTENCYdegree, level一致程度VERB + CONSISTENCYdemonstrate, show表現出/顯示出穩定性He has shown remarkable consistency in his exam results.他的考試成績一貫優異。achieve, ensure, find, maintain, provide取得一致;保證一致;達到穩定;保持穩定;產生一致性The team must find consistency in its game.球隊必須在比賽中發揮出穩定狀態。an electoral system that provides no consistency in how votes are counted計票方式不一的選舉制度lack前後不一致improve提高穩定性Romero needs to improve his consistency by throwing more first-pitch strikes.羅梅羅需要多擲幾個一投好球來提高穩定性。PREPOSITIONconsistency in, consistency of在⋯方面的一致a consistency of approach方法上的一致consistency with與⋯的一致to maintain consistency with past practice與過去的做法保持一致


2thickness/firmness of a liquid substance黏稠度;密實度ADJECTIVE | VERB + CONSISTENCY ADJECTIVEthick, thin濃稠的/稀薄的黏度soft柔滑的黏度creamy, smooth乳脂狀的/細膩的黏稠度rubbery堅韌的硬度runny稀軟的濃度a fudgy concoction with a rather runny consistency稀軟的乳脂調製品rock-like岩石般的硬度The soil is baked to a rock-like consistency.土壤被烘烤得像岩石一樣堅硬。desired, right理想的硬度/濃度;合適的硬度/濃度Knead the dough to the right consistency.把麪團揉到合適的硬度。Add enough water to achieve the desired consistency and blend until smooth.加入足夠的水至需要的濃度,攪拌均勻。VERB + CONSISTENCYhave有⋯的黏稠度The mixture should have the consistency of thick cream.混合液應該像稠奶油那樣黏。give產生⋯的黏稠度

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