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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 780 COCA: 702
noun /saʊnd/
  1. 1
    [C] something that you can hear 声音;响声

    My car is making strange clicking sounds. 我的车发出奇怪的咔嗒声。

    sound of :

    the sound of voices/laughter/footsteps 讲话声/笑声/脚步声

    not make a sound (=be very quiet) 不出声 :

    Laura didn't make a sound as she left the room. 劳拉悄无声息地离开了房间。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [U] energy that travels through air or water and that a human ear can hear

      The aircraft could travel faster than the speed of sound. 飞机可以超音速飞行。

       Synonyms and related words
      Relating to sound: above, acoustic, acoustics...
  2. 2
    [U] the music, talking, and other noises that come from a radio, television, film etc (广播、电视、电影等的)声音,播音

    Something was interfering with the sound during the broadcast. 节目播出期间声音受到了干扰。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [U] the loudness of a radio, television etc (广播、电视等的)音量

      Turn the sound up a bit – I can't hear. 把音量调大一点儿,我听不清。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [C] the particular musical style of a person, band, or place (人的)声调,音调;(乐队、地方的)音乐风格

    He plays an original jazz-gospel sound. 他演奏了一曲原创的黑人福音爵士音乐。

     Synonyms and related words
    Musical sounds: chord, crescendo, discord...
  4. 4


    [plural] British informal recorded music 唱片;录制的音乐
     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [C] a long narrow area of water that connects two larger areas of water 海峡

    Long Island Sound 长岛海峡

     Synonyms and related words
verb /saʊnd/
present tense
present participlesounding
past tensesounded
past participlesounded
  1. 1
    [linking verb] to seem good, bad, interesting, exciting etc according to what you have heard, read, or know 听起来;令人觉得;似乎

    A cup of tea sounds perfect. 来杯茶似乎好极了。

    sound like :

    Malta sounds like a great place for a relaxing holiday. 马耳他听起来像是一个放松度假的好地方。

    it sounds as if/as though :

    It sounds as if he's never home. 听起来他似乎没在家呆过。

     Synonyms and related words
    Linking verbs: appear, be, become...
  2. 2
    to show a particular emotion or quality in your voice (从嗓音中)听起来

    He always sounds too busy to talk. 他听起来总是很忙,没时间说话。

    sound like :

    I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but this plan is unfair. 我不想让人觉得我在抱怨,不过这计划不公平。

    sound as if/as though :

    It sounds as if you're getting a cold. 听起来你似乎感冒了。

     Synonyms and related words
    To show or express emotions: show, display, manifest...
  3. 3
    [I] to produce a sound 发出声音

    The sirens sounded, warning of a tornado. 警报响了起来,警告飓风要来了。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] to make something produce a sound 使发声

      Trains are required to sound their whistles as they approach a crossing. 按规定火车驶近交叉路口时要鸣笛。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to pronounce a particular letter in a word 发出;读出

    He has trouble sounding the letter ‘r'. 他很难发出字母r 的音。

     Synonyms and related words
    Pronunciation and pronouncing words: pronunciation, pronounce, articulation...
  5. 5
    to express a particular reaction to a situation, idea, or event 作出…反应;表示
    sound a positive/hopeful/confident note :

    Officials sounded a hopeful note about finding the funding for the new school. 官员们对找到建立新学校的资金表示充满希望。

    sound a note of caution/warning :

    A recovery in sales has been reported but most retailers have sounded a note of caution. 销售据称已经有所好转,但大多数零售商的反应仍很谨慎。

    sound a warning/alarm (=inform people of a danger) 发出警告/警报 :

    The scheme hopes to sound an early warning to teenagers about the dangers of smoking. 该方案希望能够尽阜提醒十几岁的青少年注意吸烟的危害。

     Synonyms and related words
    To react to something: react, stand up, respond...
  6. 6
    [T] to measure the depth of an area of water such as a lake or the sea using special equipment 测量(水体)的深度
     Synonyms and related words
    To measure something: measure, weigh, pace out...

phrasal verbs

adjective /saʊnd/
  1. 1
    involving the use of good judgment, and therefore likely to be effective 明智的;合理的;有判断力的

    Administrators should make sure the programmes are legally sound. 行政官员应确保计划是合法的。

    a sound decision 明智的决定

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      reliable and sensible 稳固的;可靠的

      a sound business/company 可靠的企业/公司

      Firms wishing to take part in the programme must be able to show that they are financially sound. 希望加入该计划的公司必须能证明自己的财务没有问题。

       Synonyms and related words
      Sensible and reasonable: practical, sensible, rational...
       Synonyms and related words
      Reliable and trustworthy: reliable, trustworthy, consistent...
  2. 2
    thorough 完全的;彻底的

    a sound understanding of basic teaching skills 对基本的教学技巧的彻底了解

     Synonyms and related words
    Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
  3. 3
    healthy 健康的;无恙的

    a sound heart 健康的心脏

    be of sound body/mind :

    The jury found that Holman was of sound mind when he committed the murder. 陪审团发现霍尔曼在进行谋杀时神智很清醒。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    safe, or in good condition 安全的;状况良好的

    a sound building 完好的大楼

    Investigators found the plane to be structurally sound. 调查人员发现飞机的结构完好无损。

     Synonyms and related words
    Safe and harmless: safe, harmless, secure...
  5. 5
    sound sleep is one that is difficult to wake you from (睡眠)香甜的;酣睡的
     Synonyms and related words
    Sleepers and describing sleep: broken, deep, dreamless...
  6. 6
    a sound punishment is severe (惩罚)严厉的
     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe punishments: carry, commutable, disciplinary...
  7. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    very good, excellent

    You guys are sound.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 01/04/2019

derived word


noun [U]
adverb /saʊnd/


  • sound asleep

    sleeping very well 酣睡的

    The children were all sound asleep by 8 o'clock.

     Synonyms and related words
    Asleep and unconscious: asleep, unconscious, comatose...
IELTS BNC: 780 COCA: 702


1sth you hear聽到的ADJECTIVE | VERB + SOUND | SOUND + VERB | SOUND + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, deafening, loud, powerful很大的聲音;震耳欲聾的聲音;響亮的聲音We need a big powerful sound from the trumpets in the final passage.我們在最後一段中需要一個嘹亮的小號聲。audible聽得見的聲音faint, little, soft微弱聲音;很小的聲音;輕聲high, high-pitched尖聲deep, low低沉的聲音;低聲clean, clear, sharp清亮的/清晰的/尖厲的聲音He produces a good clean sound on his flute.他用長笛奏出優美清晰的樂音。piercing刺耳的聲音muffled聽不清楚的聲音amazing, beautiful, good, lovely, pleasing, sweet令人驚豔的聲音;美妙的聲音;悅耳的聲音;甜美的聲音His film opens with the sweet sound of birdsong.他的影片一開始是悅耳的鳥鳴。awful, horrible, sickening可怕的/恐怖的/令人厭惡的聲音There was a sickening sound as his head made contact with the concrete.他的頭撞到水泥地上時,發出一聲令人毛骨悚然的聲響。familiar熟悉的聲音different, strange不同的/奇怪的聲音We experimented with different sounds.我們嘗試了不同的聲音。distinctive獨特的聲音haunting揮之不去的聲音beeping, booming, buzzing, clanking, clicking, etc.嘟嘟聲、隆隆聲、嗡嗡聲、叮噹聲、咔嗒聲等metallic金屬撞擊聲electronic電子設備的聲音hollow空洞的聲音distorted失真的聲音distant遙遠的聲音the distant sound of church bells遠處教堂的鐘聲musical音樂聲guitar, piano, etc.吉他聲、鋼琴聲等She tried to describe what made a good guitar sound.她試圖描述美妙的吉他聲是什麼樣的。speech, vowel語音;元音natural自然的聲音the mixing of recorded and natural sound錄製的聲音和自然聲音的混合ambient環境(噪)聲There's a lot of ambient sound in this film.這部影片中有許多環境聲效。VERB + SOUNDhear, listen for, listen to聽到/留心聽/傾聽聲音He listened for sounds of movement.他留心聽有沒有人走動的聲響。emit, make, produce, pronounce, transmit, utter發出聲音;弄出聲響;傳聲What's making that awful creaking sound?什麼聲音?嘎吱嘎吱的,真可怕。Three bones transmit sounds to the inner ear.聲音通過 3 塊骨頭傳送到內耳。He didn't utter a single sound throughout the meeting.會上從頭到尾他一言不發。use用聲音She uses all the sounds available to a 21st-century composer.她利用了 21 世紀作曲家所有能用得上的聲音。be filled with充滿聲音The room was filled with the sound of laughter.屋子裏笑聲一片。awake to, be woken by, wake to, wake up to醒來聽到聲音;被聲音喚醒;察覺到聲音I awoke to the sound of rain.我醒來聽到下雨了。be interrupted by被聲音打斷jump at聽到聲音嚇一跳He jumped at the sound of my voice.聽到我說話他嚇了一跳。SOUND + VERBcarry, travel聲音傳播Sound carries well over calm water.聲音在平靜的水面易於傳播。come聲音傳來A strange sound came from the box.箱子裏傳來奇怪的聲音。My mouth moved but no sound came out.我的嘴動了動,但是沒說出話來。echo, fill, ring out聲音回響/響徹/鳴響A hollow sound echoed through the room.屋子裏有空蕩的回聲。die away, fade, fade away聲音消逝grow louder聲音變大SOUND + NOUNwave聲波effect音效bite(尤指廣播或電視中某政治家的)演說錄音片段As a politician he is a master of the 30-second sound bite.作為政治家,他很會利用 30 秒鐘的簡短剪輯。PREPOSITIONat the sound of聽到⋯聲音He turned around at the sound of footsteps behind him.聽到身後傳來腳步聲,他轉過身來。without a sound毫無聲響地The door opened without a sound.門悄無聲息地開了。sound of⋯的聲音the sound of breaking glass打碎玻璃的聲音sound from從⋯傳來的聲音There was a strange sound from downstairs.樓下傳來一聲奇怪的聲響。PHRASESbreak the sound barrier突破音障the speed of sound聲速


2the sound from TV, radio, etc.電視;收音機ADJECTIVE | VERB + SOUND | SOUND + NOUN ADJECTIVEmono, stereo, surround單聲道聲音;立體聲;環繞立體聲recorded錄製的聲音great極佳的音質a game with good graphics and great sound畫面精美、音質極佳的遊戲VERB + SOUNDturn down, turn off, turn up關小/關掉/開大音量Can you turn the sound up?您能把音量開大一些嗎?get聽到聲音SOUND + NOUNlevel, quality聲級;音質system音響系統a stereo sound system立體聲系統recording聲音錄製engineer錄音工程師card聲卡


3of musicians音樂家ADJECTIVE | VERB + SOUND ADJECTIVElive現場音樂風格The band developed a formidable live sound.這個樂隊逐漸形成了令人驚歎的現場演唱風格。different, new, unique不同的/新穎的/獨特的音樂風格beautiful, great美妙的/絕佳的音樂風格Franz Ferdinand have a great sound that's their own.法蘭茲・費迪南樂隊有絕佳的屬於他們自己的風格。signature標誌性音樂the band's signature sound該樂隊的標誌性音樂VERB + SOUNDcreate, develop創造/形成音樂風格The Moog synthesizer created a whole new sound.穆格電子音響合成器創造出一種全新的音樂風格。


1in good condition狀況良好VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, look, seem完好;看上去完好;好像完好ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常完好reasonably尚算完好The roof is in reasonably sound condition.屋頂還算堅固。structurally結構上堅固Is the building structurally sound?這座建築結構上是否堅固?PHRASESsafe and sound (= not hurt) 安然無恙We finally arrived home safe and sound.我們終於安然無恙地回到家。


2sensible合情理VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, seem合理;好像合理ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常合理That seems like fairly sound advice.那個建議似乎很合理。perfectly十分合理She had a perfectly sound reason for acting as she did.她那麼做有一個完全正當的理由。basically, fundamentally基本上/根本上合理ecologically, environmentally, financially, ideologically, scientifically, technically, theoretically生態上/環境上/經濟上/意識形態上/科學上/技術上/理論上合理It was a financially sound investment.這項投資財務穩健。

See also: Sounds

IELTS BNC: 780 COCA: 702
sound noun
sound1 (a buzzing sound) sound2 (turn the sound down) note (a sound unlike any other guitarist)
sound adj.
decent (a sound performance) good3 (sound advice)
sound verb
blow3 (sound your horn) ring (an alarm sounds) seem (sound reasonable)


a buzzing sound 嗡嗡声turn the sound down 把音量调小sound ♦︎ noiseThese are both words for sth that you can hear. 这两个词均表示声音、响声。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a big / deafening / loud / high-pitched / low sound / noiseto hear / listen to / make / produce a sound / noisea sound / noise comes from sth / a placea sound / noise becomes / gets louder, closer, etc. sound [countable] something that you can hear 声音;响声A scratching sound came from the front door.前门传来一阵嚓嚓的响声。I sat listening to the soft sound of rustling leaves.我坐下来倾听树叶那柔和的沙沙声。He crept into the house trying not to make a sound.他蹑手蹑脚地溜进房子里,尽量不弄出一点声响。 Sound [uncountable] is vibrations (= continuous rapid movements) that travel through air or water and can be heard when they reach a person's or an animal's ear. * sound是一种通过空气或水传播的震动波,传到人或动物的耳朵时就可以听见Sound travels at about 340 metres per second.声的传播速度大约为每秒340米。 noise [countable, uncountable] a sound, especially when it is loud, unpleasant or disturbing 声音;响声;噪音;吵闹声There was a rattling noise coming from the back of the car.汽车尾部传来咔嗒咔嗒的声音。What's that noise?那是什么响声?Don't make so much noise.别这么吵闹。We had to shout above the noise of the traffic.车辆的噪声太大,我们不得不扯着嗓子说话。NOTE 辨析 Sound or noise? Sound is anything you hear. A noise is usually loud and unpleasant. * sound指听见的任何声音,noise则通常响亮而且烦人the soft noise of rustling leaves Noise [uncountable] is continuous noises. Sound [uncountable] is slightly more technical, used in scientific contexts. It is not used with words for amounts like much and a lot of. * noise是持续性的。sound则稍具专业性,用于科技语境,不与表示数量的词如much和a lot of连用Don't make so much sound. sound2


a buzzing sound 嗡嗡声turn the sound down 把音量调小sound ♦︎ volumeThese are both words for talking about what you can hear in terms of how loud or soft it is. 这两个词均表示音量、音响。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the sound / volume on sthto turn up / turn down / increase / reduce the sound / volume sound [uncountable] what you listen to when you use electronic equipment such as radios and televisions, see a film or go to a concert (收音机、电视、电影或音乐会的)声音,音响Could you turn the sound down?你能把音量调小一些吗?The sound quality of the tapes was excellent.这些磁带音质极佳。 volume [uncountable] the amount of sound that is produced by sth, especially electronic equipment such as radios and televisions (尤指收音机和电视等电器的)音量,响度She turned down the volume on the car stereo.她调低了汽车音响的音量。Make sure the volume control is in the middle between the 'low' and 'high' settings.确保音量调节器设定在“高”、“低”档的中间。

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