a roll of thunder (=a series of noises) 陣陣雷聲
a clap of thunder (=a single very loud noise) 一聲響雷
the thunder of hooves on the dry earth 陸地上響亮的馬蹄聲
present tense | |
I/you/we/they | thunder |
he/she/it | thunders |
present participle | thundering |
past tense | thundered |
past participle | thundered |
An express train thundered through the station. 快速列車呼嘯着穿過車站。
‘Come here, boy!' he thundered. “過來,小鬼!”他大聲吼道。
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net