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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 181 COCA: 220
adjective /lɑː(r)dʒ/
  1. bigger than usual in size (尺寸)大的,巨大的

    The house had an exceptionally large garden. 這幢房子有一個非常大的花園。

    A large man with a long ginger beard stood in the doorway. 門口站着一位身材魁梧、蓄着姜黃色長須的男子。

     Synonyms and related words
    Large in size: large, big, high...
    1. a.
      used in clothing sizes (服裝號碼)大號的

      ‘What size do you take?' ‘Large.' “你穿什麽號碼的?”“大號。”

       Synonyms and related words
      Clothing sizes: L, large, medium...
    2. b.
      bigger than usual in number or amount (數目或數量)大的,巨大的

      The range of possibilities is quite large. 各種可能性都存在。

      Samples were drawn from a large number of different occupations. 從許多種不同的行業中抽取樣例。

      They had lent large sums of money to two companies in Northern Ireland. 他們把大筆大筆的錢借給了北愛爾蘭的兩家公司。

       Synonyms and related words
      Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
    3. c.
      a large company or organization is one that employs a lot of people in many places and has many activities (公司或組織)規模大的,從事大規模經營的

      If you are dealing with a large firm, make sure you see the local manager. 如果你和大公司打交道,要確保你能見到區域經理。

       Synonyms and related words
See also
  1. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    live large to live in luxury

    They have a comfortable existence but certainly do not appear to be living large.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 28/05/2016
BNC: 181 COCA: 220


VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbeappear, feel, look, seem顯得大;感覺大;看起來大;似乎大Some of the clothes looked very large.有些衣服看起來很大。become, get, grow變大;增大By this time his debt had become extremely large.此時他已債台高築。The plant had grown quite large.這棵植物已經長得非常高大了。remain依然大loom赫然聳現The issue looms large in political campaigns nationwide.這個問題在全國的政治活動中顯得很突出。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常巨大Isn't that sweater rather large?那件毛衫不是很大嗎?especially, exceedingly, exceptionally, incredibly, particularly尤其大;過大;格外大;大得離譜;特別大comparatively, moderately, reasonably, relatively比較大;相當大;有些大;相對大enough, sufficiently足夠大Are you sure the hall will be large enough?你確定那個廳夠大嗎?correspondingly, equally, similarly一樣大;同樣大;差不多大a huge chair behind an equally large desk一把巨大的椅子在一張同等大小的辦公桌後面increasingly越來越大the increasingly large numbers of senior citizens越來越大的老年人人數infinitely無限大The universe is infinitely large.宇宙是無限大的。abnormally, disproportionately, impossibly, overly, ridiculously, surprisingly, unexpectedly, unusually異常大;大得比例失調;不可思議地大;過分大;大得荒唐;大得驚人;大得出人意料;不同尋常地大His eyes were abnormally large.他的眼睛異常大。Our house was not overly large.我們的房子不算過大。
BNC: 181 COCA: 220
large adj.
large (a large number/family) at large free adj.1


 See also the entries for huge and maximum 另見huge條和maximum條large ♦︎ big ♦︎ great ♦︎ substantial ♦︎ considerable ♦︎ extensive ♦︎ hefty ♦︎ sizeable ♦︎ bumper ♦︎ handsomeThese words all describe things that are much more than average in size, degree or amount. 這些詞均表示尺寸大的、程度深的或數量多的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a large / a big / a great / a substantial / a considerable / an extensive / a sizeable / a handsome amounta large / big / great / substantial / considerable / hefty / sizeable / handsome sum / profita large / a big / a great / a substantial / a considerable / an extensive / a sizeable areaa large / big / great / substantial / considerable / sizeable / handsome majoritya large / big / great / substantial / considerable / hefty / sizeable increasea large / a big / a great / a substantial / a considerable / an extensive / a bumper / a handsome collectiona large / big / great / substantial / sizeable crowd / armya large / big / substantial meal / breakfasta large / big / bumper crop / harvesta large / great / substantial / considerable sizea big / a great / a substantial / a considerable / an extensive change / improvement / gain / loss / influencevery large / big / great / substantial / considerable / extensive / hefty / sizeablereally large / big / substantial / extensive / heftyquite / fairly large / big / substantial / considerable / extensive / hefty / sizeablerather large / big / substantial / extensive / hefty large more than average in size, degree or amount 大的;巨大的;超過一般的Some of the clothes looked very large.這些衣服有的看起來很大。I grew up in a large family.我成長於一個大家庭。There were some very large sums of money involved.其中涉及幾筆巨款。Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee.巴西是世界上最大的咖啡生産國。Who is the rather large (= fat) lady in the hat?那位體態頗豐滿的戴帽子女士是誰? Large ( abbreviation L) is also used to describe one size in a range of sizes of clothes, food, products used in the house, etc. * large(縮略式爲L)還可指服裝、食品、家居用品等的規格型號中的大號Would you like small, medium or large?你要小號、中號,還是大號的? OPP small , little small big large in size, degree or amount 大的;巨大的This house is too big for us now.這所房子現在對我們來說太大了。This shirt isn't big enough.這件襯衣不夠大。He was a big man-tall and broad-shouldered.他個頭高,肩膀寬,是個人高馬大的男子。There's been a big increase in prices.價格已大幅度增長。It's the world's biggest computer company.它是全球最大的計算機公司。 (informal) He had this great big grin on his face.他的臉上樂開了花。They were earning big money.他們在賺大錢。 OPP little , small small great [usually before noun] much larger or more than average in size, amount or degree 巨大的;衆多的;非常的A great crowd had gathered.一大群人聚集在了一起。He must have fallen from a great height.他肯定是從很高的地方摔下來的。She lived to a great age.她活了很大歲數。The concert had been a great success.這次音樂會非常成功。Her death was a great shock to us all.她的死使我們所有人都感到非常震驚。It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today.今天能在這裏歡迎您是我極大的榮幸。Take great care of it.對此要多加小心。You've been a great help.你幫了大忙。In informal English great can be used to emphasize another adjective of size or amount. 在非正式英語中,great可用於強調另一個表示體積或數量的形容詞There was a great big pile of books on the table.桌子上有很大一摞書。 NOTE 辨析 Large, big or great?These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns. 這些形容詞常與下列名詞連用a big man / house / car / boy / dog / smile / problem / surprise / question / difference高大的男子;大房子;大汽車;大男孩;大狗;燦爛的笑容;重大問題;非常意外;大難題;顯著差别(a) large numbers / part / area / room / company / eyes / family / volume / population / problem許多;大部分;大面積;大房間;大公司;大眼睛;大家庭;大容量;衆多人口;重大問題(a) great success / majority / interest / importance / difficulty / problem / pleasure / beauty / surprise巨大成功;絕大多數;濃厚興趣;非常重要;十分困難;重大問題;極大樂趣;大美人;非常意外 Large is more formal than big and should normally be used in writing unless the writing is in an informal style. It is not usually used to describe people, except to avoid saying 'fat'. Great often suggests quality and not just size; however, it does not usually describe the physical size of objects or people. * large比big正式,通常用於書面語,但非正式語體除外。該詞通常不用來修飾人,除非是爲了避免使用fat(肥胖)一詞。great不僅指體積大,還常含不同凡響之義,但通常不指物體或人的實際形態大小a great house/boy/dog A great man means a good, wise man that you admire, not a tall or large man. Note also the phrases * great man指偉人,而非個子高或塊頭大的人。此外,還應注意下列短語的用法a large amount of sth大量某物a large number of sth許多某物a large quantity of sth大量某物a great deal of sth大量某物in great detail非常詳細a person of great age高齡長者 substantial səbˈstænʃl (rather formal) large in amount, size or importance 大量的;巨大的;重大的There were substantial sums of money involved.其中涉及多筆大額款項。We were able to see a substantial improvement.我們能看到重大的改進。He ate a substantial breakfast.他吃了頓豐盛的早餐。Their share of the software market is substantial.他們在軟件市場上所佔的份額巨大。 considerable (rather formal) large in amount, degree or importance 相當多的;相當嚴重的;相當重要的The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money.那項工程耗費了相當多的時間和資金。Damage to the building was considerable.對這座建築物的破壞相當嚴重。Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease.在尋找這種疾病的療法上取得了重大進展。Caring for elderly relatives requires considerable moral courage.照顧年長的親屬需要相當的道德勇氣。NOTE 辨析 Substantial or considerable? Considerable is not used to talk about solid things such as meals or buildings. Substantial is not used to talk about emotions or personal qualities, such as anger, concern, courage or efficiency. * considerable不用來修飾固體的東西,如飯食或建築物;substantial不用來修飾情感或個人特質,如怒氣、關切、勇氣或效率等。 extensive covering a large area; great in amount 廣闊的;廣大的;大量的The house has extensive grounds.這棟房子有寬敞的庭院。The fire caused extensive damage.火災造成了巨大的損失。Extensive repair work is being carried out.大規模的修繕工程正在進行。They have an extensive range of wines.他們有各種各樣的葡萄酒。 hefty (of an amount of money) large or larger than usual or expected (款額)很大的,超出一般的,可觀的They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.他們毫不費力地賣掉了它,得到一筆可觀的利潤。Interest rates have gone up to a hefty 12%.利率已上升至12%之高。 sizeable ( sizable) ˈsaɪzəbl (rather formal) fairly large 相當大的The town has a sizeable Sikh population.城裏有爲數衆多的錫克教教徒。Income from tourism accounts for a sizeable proportion of the area's total income.旅遊業收入在這個地區的總收入中佔了很大比重。 bumper [only before noun] (approving) unusually large; producing an unusually large amount 異常大的;(産出)豐盛的Don't miss next month's bumper Christmas issue (= of a magazine, etc.).不要錯過本刊下個月的聖誕節特刊。Farmers have been celebrating bumper crops this year.農民已在慶祝今年的大豐收。 handsome ˈhænsəm [only before noun] (approving) (of an amount of sth, especially money) large (尤指錢)數額大的They sold the house two years later at a handsome profit.兩年後他們賣了那所房子,獲得一大筆利潤。I enjoyed the job, and was paid a handsome salary too.我喜歡那份工作,而且薪水也很高。 handsomely


to be paid / rewarded handsomely得到可觀的工資/報酬

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