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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 289 COCA: 168
verb /tɔːk/
present tense
present participletalking
past tensetalked
past participletalked
  1. 1
    [I] to use words to communicate 說話;交談

    Can their baby talk yet? 他們的寶寶會說話了嗎?

    Am I talking too much? 我說得太多了嗎?

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to have a conversation with other people 交談

      They were all talking and laughing together. 他們在一起全都有說有笑的。

      talk to :

      I need to talk to you. 我需要和你談談。

      talk with :

      Everyone was busily talking with their friends. 大家都忙着和朋友說話。

      talk about :

      We were talking about you just last night. 昨晚我們還說起你呢。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      if a bird talks, it produces sounds like words (鳥)說話

      I've taught my parrot to talk. 我已教會我的鹦鹉說話。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I] to discuss a problem, especially to avoid arguments or fighting (尤指爲避免爭吵或打鬥而)商討,商量

    You and I need to talk. 你我需要談談。

    My wife and I aren't talking at the moment. 我和妻子目前還沒商量。

    talk to :

    You kids never talk to me (=discuss anything important with me). 你們這些孩子從來就不跟我商量。

    keep talking :

    Officials agreed on Monday to keep talking despite the latest crisis. 盡管最近發生了危機,官員們星期一還是同意繼續商談。

     Synonyms and related words
    To discuss something: discuss, consider, talk...
    1. a.
      [T] to discuss a subject 談論(某個話題)
      talk politics/sports/religion etc :

      He spoilt the evening by talking politics all the time. 他沒完沒了地談論政治,使整個晚上興味索然。

      talking of something (=used after a subject has been mentioned in a conversation to introduce a discussion of it) 說起某事(在交談中用於承接剛剛提及的話題) :

      Oh yes, talking of Harry, have you seen him recently? 哦,對了,說起哈裏,你最近見過他嗎?

       Synonyms and related words
      To discuss something: discuss, consider, talk...
    2. b.
      [I] to discuss other people's private lives 說閒話

      You can't stay here – the neighbours would talk. 你不能呆在這兒,鄰居們會說閒話的。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [I] to give a lecture on a subject 演講
    talk on/about :

    In the hall a woman was talking on diet and health. 一名婦女正在大廳裏就飲食與健康這個話題發表演講。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I] to give information that someone thinks should be secret 告密;洩密

    Do you think the prisoners will talk? 你覺得囚犯們會洩密嗎?

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to achieve something by talking 說服;說動
     Synonyms and related words
    To discuss something: discuss, consider, talk...
  6. 6
    [I] if a machine talks to another machine, it sends information to that machine (機器之間相互)傳遞信息

    The software enables the two computers to talk. 該軟件使得這兩台電腦之間能相互傳遞信息。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [I] informal to have the power to persuade people 有說服力

    Money talks! 金錢萬能!

     Synonyms and related words
  8. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey to talk a lot

    Our driver was a rolypoly, chirpy chap who could talk the hind legs off a donkey.

    Submitted by Samuel Chung from Mexico on 12/08/2018
  9. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    talk a good game to say things that make people believe that one can do something or that something is true about oneself even though it is not true

    She talks a good game about protecting the environment, but she doesn't even recycle.

    Submitted by simplicissimus from Romania on 27/11/2016
  10. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    talk big to brag; to make grandiose statements

    She talks big but can't produce anything.

    I don't believe he's ever shot even a duck, but he sure talks big about hunting.

    Submitted by simplicissimus from Romania on 27/11/2016
  11. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    talk bobbins informal to speak a lot of nonsense

    Yes Tracy and you always tell me I'm talking bobbins.

    Submitted by James Strangward from United Kingdom on 21/04/2014
See also
noun /tɔːk/
  1. 1
    [C] a conversation with someone 交談;談話
    have a talk (with someone) :

    We had a nice talk yesterday. 我們昨天談得很愉快。

     Synonyms and related words
    Discussions and debates: discussion, debate, argument...
    1. a.


      [plural] discussions between important people from opposing sides designed to help them agree about an issue (重要人物間的)會談,商談,談判
      talk with :

      He visited Egypt in March for talks with the president. 他於3月訪問了埃及,並與埃及總統舉行了會談。

      talk between :

      the outcome of talks between the government and the rebels 政府與反叛分子的談判結果

      talk on :

      preliminary talks on the future of the steel industry 關於鋼鐵工業前景的預備會議

      have/hold talks :

      The management will be holding informal talks with union officials. 資方將和工會領導舉行非正式談判。

      a round/session of talks :

      the need for a fresh round of peace talks 進行新一輪和談的必要性

      talks break down/collapse :

      Talks broke down last week over the issue of overtime pay. 上星期就加班費問題的談判告吹。

      talks resume/reopen :

      The trade talks will resume next month. 貿易談判將於下個月重新開始。

       Synonyms and related words
      Discussions and debates: discussion, debate, argument...
  2. 2
    [C] an informal lecture about a subject (非正式的)演講
    give/deliver a talk (on something) :

    Williams gave a talk on his travels in Nepal. 威廉姆斯就他的尼泊爾之行作了一次演講。

     Synonyms and related words
    Speeches and parts of speeches: speech, talk, address...
  3. 3
    [U] ordinary conversations between people (一般的)交談,談話

    I sat there listening to the sailors' talk. 我坐在那兒,聽着海員們聊天。

    talk of :

    Talk of housework bored her. 關於家務的談話使她厭煩。

    the talk turns to something (=the conversation begins to be about something) 話題轉向某事 :

    Then the talk turned to the upcoming exam. 接着話題轉到將要進行的考試上。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      conversations and discussions about what may happen (就可能發生的事情的)談論,議論
      talk of :

      There was no talk of any cuts in wages. 沒人說要降工資。

      talk about :

      There is a lot of talk about welfare reform. 關於福利改革的議論很多。

      hear talk :

      We hear talk nowadays about being good Europeans. 我們如今聽人議論要做歐洲好公民的事。

       Synonyms and related words
      Discussions and debates: discussion, debate, argument...
    2. b.
      the activity of talking, especially when you think it does not achieve anything 空話;廢話

      Most radio stations need less talk and more music. 大多數電台需要少一些廢話,多一些音樂。

      be all/just talk :

      She appears to be an expert on men, but it's all talk! 她好像對男人很了解,但那全是空話。

      despite/for all someone's talk :

      For all the government's talk, it does nothing to improve housing conditions. 政府說了很多空話,但卻沒有采取任何措施改善住房條件。

       Synonyms and related words
      Discussions and debates: discussion, debate, argument...
    3. c.
      discussion of other people's private lives 閒話;流言蜚語

      At first there was a lot of talk, but people soon lost interest. 剛開始時流言蜚語很多,但很快人們就失去了興趣。

       Synonyms and related words
    4. d.
      a style of talking used by a particular group of people (特定人群的)說話方式

      girl/boy talk 女孩/男孩話

      youngsters using up-to-the-minute street talk (=a fashionable way of talking) 講街頭流行語的年輕人

       Synonyms and related words
BNC: 289 COCA: 168


1a conversation交談ADJECTIVE | VERB + TALK | TALK + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrief, little (often ironic) , short簡短的/片刻的/短暫的談話
I will have to have a little talk with that young lady (= tell her that I disapprove of sth).我得和那位年輕女士談談了。good, long, serious愉快的交談;長談;嚴肅的談話heart-to-heart推心置腹的交談VERB + TALKhave談話TALK + NOUNshow (especially NAmE) 談話節目;脫口秀radio (especially NAmE) 廣播電台脫口秀PREPOSITIONtalk about關於⋯的談話I enjoyed our talk about the old days.我們關於往昔的交談讓我喜歡。talk with與⋯的談話I need to have a heart-to-heart talk with her.我需要和她推心置腹地談一談。


2talking談話ADJECTIVE | VERB + TALK | TALK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexcited激動的話There was excited talk of emigrating to America.有人激動地談論移民美國的事。crazy, wild瘋話;胡話There is wild talk of her breaking the world record soon.有人信口胡說她不久就會打破世界紀錄。careless, idle, loose無心快語;閒扯;信口之詞fighting, tough挑戰性言辭;狠話war戰爭言論The US authorities have increased the war talk.美國當局的戰爭言論增加了。straight直言She likes straight talk and hates hypocrites.她喜歡直話直說,厭惡虛偽。double模稜兩可的話The president's true agenda was hidden in political double talk.總統的真正用意隱藏在模稜兩可的政治辭令中。open公開談話There is open talk of a leadership challenge.有挑戰領導人地位的公開談話。public對公眾的演說There has been much public talk about bilingual education.已經有許多有關雙語教育的公開演講。dirty髒話the crusade against dirty talk on TV對電視上髒話的討伐trash (= a way of talking intended to insult sb and make them feel less confident) (NAmE, informal) 垃圾話(侮辱人並使之不自信的一種說話方式)sweet (= trying to persuade sb to do sth by praising them and telling them things they like to hear) 甜言蜜語cheap, empty, mere不值錢的話;空話;說說而已The chairman's boasts about future profits were just cheap talk.董事長吹噓將來的利潤,那只是說說而已。big, fancy, fine (ironic) 大話;漂亮話;好話What all the fine talk came down to was hard cash.那些漂亮話說到底就是為了錢。baby兒語I never used baby talk to my little girl.我從來不用兒語跟我小女兒說話。girl女孩悄悄話We can have some girl talk until Joe gets here.在喬來之前我們可以談些女孩之間的悄悄話。pillow枕邊話語the pillow talk of lovers情人的枕邊私語shop行內的話Don't you get enough shop talk at work?你上班的時候對工作還沒有談夠嗎?VERB + TALKhear聽到談話You often hear talk of the north-south divide.你經常聽到關於南北差距的言論。TALK + VERBturn to sth話題轉向⋯Talk turned to money and tempers began to fray.話題一轉向錢,火氣就上來了。PREPOSITIONtalk about/of關於⋯的談話All this talk of the boss resigning is nonsense!所有關於頭兒辭職的話都是一派胡言!PHRASESbe all talk只是空談He's all talk. He's too scared to do anything.他光會動嘴皮子,膽小得什麼都不敢做。be just talk只是說說而已'You think it's just talk?' 'No, I think it's true.'“你認為那只是說說而已嗎?”“不,我覺得那是真的。”for all the talk of sth儘管張口閉口⋯For all their talk of equality, the boys ended up not doing any cooking.男孩們張口閉口平等,但是他們最終還是沒做飯。(to exchange/make) small talk (= to talk politely about unimportant things) 寒暄;聊家常He was never very good at making small talk with her parents.他向來不善於和她父母寒暄。


3 ( talks) discussions between official groups會談ADJECTIVE | ... OF TALKS | VERB + TALK | TALK + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElengthy (especially BrE) 冗長的會談high-level, top-level高層/最高級會談informal非正式會談formal, official正式/官方會談private, secret私人/秘密商談direct, face-to-face直接/面對面會談wide-ranging廣泛商談all-party (BrE) , etc.各方等共同參加的會談all-party talks in Northern Ireland在北愛爾蘭各方共同參加的會談bilateral, multilateral, round-table (especially BrE) 雙邊/多邊/圓桌會談global (especially NAmE) 全球會談fresh, further新一輪/進一步會談crisis, emergency, urgent (all especially BrE) 緊急會談exploratory, preliminary試探性/預備性會談political政治談判arms, peace軍備/和平談判merger, pay, trade合並/工資/貿易談判... OF TALKSround一輪會談A further round of talks is expected in March.新一輪會談預計在 3 月份舉行。VERB + TALKconduct, have, hold舉行會談The two governments held secret talks on the nuclear threat.兩國政府就核威脅問題舉行了秘密會談。broker, host安排/主持會談attend, enter參加會談begin, initiate, open, start開始會談;發起會談;啟動會談continue繼續會談break off, pull out of, walk out of中斷會談;退出會談The union has broken off talks with the management.工會已經終止了與資方的談判。cancel, end, suspend取消/結束/暫停會談reopen, restart, resume重開/重啟/恢復會談TALK + VERBbe scheduled會談定於⋯舉行Talks were scheduled for Rome the following month.會談定於隨後的一個月在羅馬舉行。take place會談舉行The peace talks will take place in Cairo.和談將在開羅舉行。begin, open, start會談開始end會談結束continue, go on會談繼續resume會談重新開始be aimed at sth, be designed to (especially BrE) 會談旨在⋯the latest round of talks aimed at ending the civil war旨在結束內戰的最近一輪會談centre/center on sth, concentrate on sth, cover sth, deal with sth, focus on sth會談圍繞着⋯/集中討論⋯/包括⋯/涉及⋯/着力於⋯The talks centred on bilateral trade.會談的中心是雙邊貿易。produce sth會談產生⋯Talks produced agreement on an end to the occupation.會談就結束佔領達成一致。be deadlocked, break down, collapse, fail, founder, stall (especially BrE) 會談陷入僵局/中斷/破裂/失敗/擱淺/陷入停滯The talks remain deadlocked over spending plans.會談在開支方案上陷入僵局。The talks foundered on the issue of compensation.會談擱淺在賠償問題上。PREPOSITIONduring talk會談期間The agreement was concluded during talks in Beijing.北京會談期間訂立了這項協議。in talk在會談中He is currently in talks with two football clubs.他目前正在與兩家足球俱樂部接洽。talk about, talk on, talk over關於⋯的會談Talks are being held over the political future of the province.就該省的政治前景正在舉行會談。talk between⋯之間的會談the failure of talks between the two communities兩個團體之間會談的失敗talk with與⋯的會談The delegation arrived for talks with their government.與政府會談的代表團已抵達。


4lecture演講ADJECTIVE | VERB + TALK | TALK + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEentertaining, informative, interesting饒有興味的/內容豐富的/妙趣橫生的演講introductory (especially BrE) 基礎講座brief, short簡短的/短暫的講話chalk, motivational, pep, team (especially BrE) 使用粉筆在黑板上做圖解的/激勵性/動員/對團隊的講話radio, television, TV電台講話;電視講話illustrated (BrE) 配圖解的講話She gave an illustrated talk on Roman architecture.她就羅馬式建築作了配圖講解。VERB + TALKdeliver, give, present作演講;發表講話begin開始演講end結束演講Let me end my talk with a prediction.我來用一個預測結束我的講話。attend, go to出席/去聽演講TALK + VERBbe entitled sth, be titled sth (especially NAmE) 演講的題目是⋯She gave a very entertaining talk entitled 'My life and hard times'.她作了一個饒有興味的演講,題目是《我的人生與艱難歲月》。PREPOSITIONtalk about, talk on關於⋯的演講Did you go to the talk on Peru?你去聽關於秘魯的講座了嗎?


ADVERB | VERB + TALK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBloudly大聲講話quietly, softly輕聲說話;柔聲細語at length詳談constantly, continuously, endlessly, incessantly, non-stop不停地說;沒完沒了地說;喋喋不休地說;口若懸河地說briefly簡短地說candidly, freely, openly坦誠講話;暢所欲言;公開講話She talked quite freely about her work.她頗為坦率地談起自己的工作。privately, publicly私下/公開談話exclusively(對某新聞媒體等)獨家談話Bruce Springsteen has agreed to talk exclusively to our reporter about his life.布魯斯・斯普林斯廷已同意向本報記者獨家講述他的人生經歷。directly直接交談I think you'd better talk directly to my manager.我覺得你最好直接與我的經理談。animatedly, enthusiastically, excitedly熱烈地/熱情地/激動地談論specifically具體談論vaguely含糊地談論He had talked vaguely of going to work in Japan.他含糊其詞地說了到日本工作的事。casually隨意談論politely禮貌地交談earnestly, seriously熱切地/嚴肅地談論a group of students talking earnestly一組正在熱切討論的學生sensibly理智地談論Let's talk sensibly about this.我們來理智地討論這件事。wildly輕率地談論VERB + TALKbe able to, can能說I can't talk about it just now.現在我不能談那件事。need to, want to需要/想要談話I need to talk to you.我需要和你談一談。begin to開始談話be easy to容易交談He was so easy to talk to.和他交談很容易。be difficult to, be hard to難說話;不好說話hear sb, listen to sb, overhear sb聽到/聽/無意中聽到某人講話I loved to hear him talk about the old days.我喜歡聽他講述往事。make sb使某人開口The police questioned him for four hours, trying to make him talk.警方審問了他 4 個小時,想撬開他的嘴。let sb讓某人說話Just shut up and let me talk for a minute.你閉嘴,讓我說幾句。PREPOSITIONabout談論⋯All they talk about is clothes.他們談的全是衣服。of (formal) 談論⋯;談到⋯We often talked of the war.我們經常談論這場戰爭。Talking of Joe, I met his new boyfriend last week. (BrE) 說到喬,我上週還遇到過他的新男友。to和⋯談話I'll talk to Mario this afternoon.今天下午我要和馬裏奧談談。with與⋯談I've talked with him on the telephone.我已經同他在電話上談了。PHRASESstart talking, stop talking開始/停止談論talk a good game (NAmE) 說好聽的(話)The senior managers talk a good game about customer relations (= they say the right things), but really they don't care about the customer.高級管理人員說起客戶關係頭頭是道,但實際上他們不在乎客戶。talk the talk (especially NAmE) 動嘴皮子You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk (= can you do what you say)?你說得挺好,但是你能做到嗎?
BNC: 289 COCA: 168
talk verb
talk (Who were you talking to?) say1 (The baby can't talk yet.) say2 (Stop talking!)
talk noun
discussion (have a long talk) report4 (There was talk of sending in troops.) speech (sales talk) hold talks negotiate


 See also the entry for chat 另見chat條talk ♦︎ discuss ♦︎ speak ♦︎ communicate ♦︎ debate ♦︎ consult ♦︎ conferThese words all mean to share news, information, ideas or feelings with another person or other people, especially by talking with them. 這些詞均表示與人談話、商討、交流。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to talk / discuss sth / speak / communicate / debate / consult / confer with sbto talk / speak to sbto talk / speak to sb / consult sb / confer about sthto consult sb / confer on sthto talk / speak of sthto discuss / debate what / how / whether / when / who...to talk / discuss sth / speak / communicate / debate sth openlyto talk / discuss sth / speak / debate sth at lengthto talk / discuss sth / speak / confer briefly talk [intransitive] to speak in order to give information, express feelings or share ideas 說話;講話;談話We talked on the phone for over an hour.我們在電話裏談了一個多小時。Who were you talking to just now?你剛才在跟誰說話?When they get together, all they talk about is football.他們在一起時談的都是足球。Mary is talking of looking for another job.瑪麗說起要另找一份工作。When talk is used meaning 'to share ideas' about sth, this is often sth serious or important. * talk指“交流想法”時,所談的事情往往比較嚴肅或重要This situation can't go on. We need to talk.這種情況不能繼續下去了。我們需要談談。Talk to your doctor if you're still worried.如果你還是擔心,和你的醫生談談吧。In this meaning it can also be used with an object. 表達此義時,talk還可帶賓語 [transitive] They spent the whole evening talking business (= talking about business).他們整個晚上都在談公事。 see also talk discussion , talk say 1 2 discuss [transitive] (rather formal) to talk and share ideas on a subject or problem with other people, especially in order to decide sth 討論,談論,商量(尤指爲決定某事)Have you discussed the problem with anyone?你有跟誰討論過這個問題嗎?I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone.我不想在電話裏討論這件事。They briefly discussed buying a new car.他們草草商量過買新車的事。You cannot say 'discuss about sth'. 不可以說discuss about sthI'm not prepared to discuss about this on the phone. see also discussion discussion speak (spoke, spoken) [intransitive] to talk to sb about sth; to have a conversation with sb 談;談話;交談We spoke briefly on the phone.我們在電話裏短短談了幾句。I've spoken to the manager about it.我已經和經理談過此事。 (especially NAmE) Can I speak with you for a minute?我能跟你談一會兒嗎?'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.'(= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) “請讓蘇珊接電話好嗎?”“我就是。” see also speak say 1 NOTE 辨析 Talk or speak? Speak can suggest a more formal level of communication than talk. You talk to sb in order to be friendly or to ask their advice. You speak to sb about sth to try to achieve a particular goal or to tell them to do sth. * speak意味着比talk更正式的溝通。talk表示和某人交談是爲了表示友好或征詢建議。speak表示和某人的談話有具體目的或告訴對方做某事'What were you two talking about?' 'Oh, this and that.'“你們倆在談論什麽?”“哦,什麽都聊。”Have you talked to your parents about the problems you're having?你和父母討論過你的問題嗎?I've spoken to Ed about it and he's promised not to let it happen again.我和埃德談過這個問題了,他保證這種事不會再發生。 communicate [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to exchange information or ideas with sb 交流(信息或想法)We only communicate by email.我們只通過電子郵件交流。Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.海豚用聲音互相溝通。 (formal) Nobody had communicated the information to us.沒有人把這個信息告訴我們。Communicate is often used when the speaker wants to draw attention to the means of communication used. Communicate sth to sb is a formal way of saying tell sb sth. * communicate常用於說話者想讓人注意到所用的溝通方式。communicate sth to sb是tell sb sth的正式說法。 see also communication communication , communication letter debate [transitive] to discuss sth, especially formally, before making a decision or finding a solution (尤指正式)討論,辯論Politicians will be debating the bill later this week.政界將在本周晚些時候討論此議案。The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated (= strongly argued about) by scientists.關於宇宙起源問題,科學界仍在激辯。 see also debate discussion noun consult [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to discuss sth with sb in order to get their permission for sth, or to help you make a decision (與某人)商議,商量(以得到許可或幫助做決策)You shouldn't have done it without consulting me.你不該不和我商量就做這事。I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.我需要和我的同事商討這些建議。When you consult sb, you ask their permission for sth. Consult with sb is a more formal way of saying discuss sth with sb. * consult sb指請求某人批準。consult with sb是discuss sth with sb更正式的說法。 see also consultation discussion noun confer kənˈfɜː(r) (-rr-) [intransitive] (rather formal) to discuss sth with sb, especially in order to exchange opinions or get advice 商議,協商(尤指爲交換意見或獲得建議)He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.他想先與同事商議一下再作決定。

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