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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /ˈwɒndə(r)/
present tense
present participlewandering
past tensewandered
past participlewandered
Related words
  1. 1
    [I/T] to travel from place to place, especially on foot, without a particular direction or purpose 漫游;闲逛;游荡;流浪

    He wandered the countryside, looking for his son. 他在乡下转来转去,寻找自己的儿子。

    wander into/around/through :

    My sister likes wandering around the city at night. 我姐姐喜欢晚上在城里闲逛。

    wander through/into/around :

    Jim wandered into the kitchen to make breakfast. 吉姆信步走进厨房做早餐。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2



    wander off

    [I] to move away from a place where you are usually, or where people expect you to be 离开(通常应呆的地方)

    It's a safe place where kids can wander off on their own. 这是一个安全的地方,孩子们可以随便走动。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [I] if your mind or thoughts wander, you stop concentrating and start thinking about other things, especially because you are bored or worried (尤指因无聊或担忧而)走神,开小差;神志恍惚

    As soon as I try to work my mind starts wandering. 我一想要工作,思想就开小差。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I] if your eyes or your gaze wanders, you stop looking at one thing and start looking at another (目光)游移;往别处看

    His eyes kept wandering to the TV. 他的目光老是转向电视。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [I] to talk about something that is not connected with the subject that you were talking about before 离题

    Keep your answers short and don't wander off the point. 把你的答案说简单点,别离开正题。

     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [I] if something such as a path or river wanders, it curves (小路或河流等)蜿蜒

    A narrow path wanders between the trees. 一条小径在树林里蜿蜒。

     Synonyms and related words
    To move in circles or twists: spin, revolve, whirl...

derived word


noun [C]

She's a wanderer – always likes to be on the move. 她是一个游荡者,总喜欢四处走动。

 Synonyms and related words
Walkers and walking for pleasure: walker, pedestrian, rambler...
noun [singular] /ˈwɒndə(r)/
  1. a short relaxed walk without a particular direction or purpose 漫游;闲逛;游荡
    go for/take/have a wander :

    Let's go for a wander round the market. 我们去市场逛逛吧。

     Synonyms and related words
    Walks: walk, trek, stroll...


1move slowly around a place/go from place to place遊蕩;徘徊ADVERB | VERB + WANDER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBslowly慢慢地閒逛aimlessly漫無目的地閒逛disconsolately, restlessly鬱鬱寡歡地遊蕩;焦躁不安地徘徊happily幸福地漫步at will, freely隨意地閒逛;自由地遊蕩The cattle are allowed to wander freely.牛群可以自由地四處走動。just, simply閒蕩而已;只是閒逛Simply wandering is a pleasure in itself.閒逛本身就是一種享受。far, farther, further, further afield (especially BrE) 漫遊到遠方;遊蕩到更遠的地方One day she wandered further afield.有一天她遊蕩到更遠的地方。about, across, along, around, away, back, in, off, out, over, round (especially BrE) 到處遊蕩;遛達到另一邊;向前閒逛;四處徘徊;走開;遛達回來;遛達進來;遛達離開;遛達出去;遛達過去He just wandered in one day and asked for a job.有一天,他轉悠到這兒來要找一份工作。VERB + WANDERbe free to自由地遊蕩Visitors are free to wander through the gardens and woods.遊客可以自由自在地在花園和樹林中遊玩。allow sb/sth to, let sb/sth允許⋯閒逛;讓⋯遊蕩How could you let him wander off like that?你怎麼能讓他這樣走散了?PREPOSITIONacross, all over, along, among, around, down, in, into, out of, round, through, towards/toward逛到⋯另一邊;在⋯到處閒逛;沿着⋯閒蕩;在⋯中漫步;在⋯周圍徘徊;遛達進⋯;從⋯遛達出來;圍繞⋯閒逛;遛達着穿過⋯;向⋯遛達Don't go wandering all over the house!不要在房子裏到處轉悠!He wandered into a bar and ordered a drink.他轉悠進了一家酒吧,要了一杯酒。PHRASESfind sb wandering發現某人閒逛They found him wandering around aimlessly.他們發現他漫無目的地四處閒逛。


2stop concentrating走神ADVERB | VERB + WANDER | PREPOSITION ADVERBa little有點兒走神VERB + WANDERbegin to開始走神His attention was beginning to wander.他的注意力開始分散。allow sth to, let sth允許⋯離題;走神Lisa let her mind wander a little.莉薩走了一會兒神。PREPOSITIONfrom, to注意力從⋯轉移/轉移到⋯My thoughts wandered from the exam questions to my interview the next day.我的心思從試題轉到了第二天的面試上。


wander ♦︎ roam ♦︎ drift ♦︎ amble ♦︎ saunterThese words all mean to walk slowly around or to a place, often without having a clear purpose or direction. 这些词均表示漫游、闲逛。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to wander / roam / drift / saunter around / about (sth)to wander / drift / amble / saunter slowlyto wander / roam / drift aimlesslyto wander / roam freelyto wander / roam the streets wander ˈwɒndə(r); NAmE ˈwɑːndər [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to walk slowly around or to a place, often without having any clear aim or direction 漫游;闲逛;徘徊The boy just wandered in one day and asked for a job.一天那男孩径直遛达进来要找份活干。Visitors are free to wander throughout the grounds.来访者可以随意在花园各处走走。During the day I would wander the streets, asking passers-by for a few cents.白天我就在大街上游荡,向路人讨点零钱。 wander


[singular] I went for a wander down by the river.我沿着小河信步前行。
roam rəʊm; NAmE roʊm [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to walk or travel around an area without having any clear aim or direction, perhaps hoping to find sth 徘徊;闲逛;漫步Animals roam freely around the village.动物在村子四处自由地活动。Gangs of barefoot children roam the city streets, begging for scraps.一群群赤脚的孩子在大街上游逛,讨要残羹剩饭。NOTE 辨析 Wander or roam?Both wander and roam can suggest that sb (or an animal) is free to go wherever they want. Wander emphasizes that sb has no clear purpose. Roam can suggest that sb is searching for sth, often without knowing exactly what it is or where to find it. * wander和roam都指自由地走动。wander强调漫无目标,roam可意味着寻找某物,但常指不清楚要找的东西具体是什么或到哪里能找到。 drift [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move or go somewhere slowly or without having any clear aim 缓缓移动;漂泊The crowd slowly drifted away from the scene.人群渐渐从现场散去。I spent the next decade drifting aimlessly from place to place.在随后的十年中,我漫无目的地从一个地方漂泊到另一个地方。 amble [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to walk in a slow relaxed way, taking your time to get somewhere 悠闲地走;漫步;闲逛We ambled down to the beach.我们漫步向海滩走去。 saunter ˈsɔːntə(r) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to walk in a slow relaxed way 悠闲地走;漫步Rod sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.罗德悠闲地走过,仿佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。NOTE 辨析 Amble or saunter? Amble suggests that sb is enjoying taking their time walking somewhere, perhaps stopping from time to time, and not hurrying. Saunter can suggest that sb is walking in a casual way because they are feeling cheerful or confident, perhaps in a way that other people find annoying. * amble意为惬意地在某处漫步,不慌不忙,也许时走时停。saunter可指兴致十足、悠然自得地闲逛,其样子也许会使他人感到恼火。 see also stroll walk verb 1

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