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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 105 COCA: 108
adverb /bæk/
  1. 1
    in the direction that is behind you 在后;向后

    Don't look back, but there's a man following us. 别向后看,有个男人在跟踪我们。

    He asked us to move back a few yards. 他叫我们向后退几码。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      in a position where your back is leaning backwards 后靠着
      lean/sit/lie back :

      She leant back in her chair. 她后靠着坐在椅子上。

      I'm going to sit back and read the paper for a while. 我要向后靠着看一会儿报纸。

       Synonyms and related words
      Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
  2. 2
    away from someone or something, especially because they are dangerous (尤因危险而)离开

    Get back – he's got a gun! 闪开,他有枪!

    Everybody stand back while I light the fire. 我点火时每个人都站开了。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      away from an original position or place 离开原位(或原地)

      Peel this label back to see if you have won a prize. 撕开这张标签看看你有没有中奖。

      The band started playing as the curtain slowly went back. 当帷幕慢慢拉开时乐队开始演奏。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      away from your face (与脸部)分开

      Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. 她的头发扎成马尾辫束在脑后。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    returning to a place or position 回到;返回

    I'm never going back home. 我永远不回家。

    Put those CDs back where you found them. 把那些激光唱片放回原处。

     Synonyms and related words
    Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
    1. a.
      returning to an earlier state or condition 恢复(原状)

      We're hoping things will be back to normal again soon. 我们希望事情不久会恢复正常。

      I couldn't get back to sleep. 我无法再入睡。

       Synonyms and related words
      Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
    2. b.
      returning to a previous point in a discussion 回到(讨论过的话题)

      Can we go back to what we were talking about earlier? 我们能回到先前谈论的话题吗?

       Synonyms and related words
      Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
  4. 4
    as a reply to someone 回答;回复

    Jane phoned, and I said you'd phone her back later. 简来过电话,我说你过后会给她回电话。

    ‘Have you any idea where we are?' ‘No', Dan shouted back. “你知道我们在哪里吗?”“不知道。”丹喊着回答道。

     Synonyms and related words
    Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
    1. a.
      doing the same thing to someone as they have done to you 同样地;回;还;回敬

      He punched me, so I punched him back. 他打了我一拳,所以我也回了他一拳。

      look/stare/smile etc back :

      Geoff was staring back at me in disbelief. 杰夫怀疑地回盯着我。

       Synonyms and related words
      Wanting and taking revenge: vengeful, retaliatory, back...
  5. 5
    used for talking about a period of time in the past 过去;以前

    Back in the '70s, disco music was very popular. 以前在70年代迪斯科音乐非常流行。

    She had a minor operation a few years back. 几年前她做了个小手术。

    Things were different back then. 那时情况很不一样。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to a period of time in the past 回到过去

      Think back: don't you remember anything? 回想一下:你什么都记不起来了吗?

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      to an earlier time on a clock or watch 往回(拨钟或手表)
      set/put the clock back :

      Don't forget to set the clocks back an hour tonight. 别忘了今晚把钟往回拨一个小时。

       Synonyms and related words
      Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
  6. 6
    in a place that you have mentioned before, but that is different from the one you have just been talking about 回到(先前谈论的地方,但此处已有所不同)

    Back at the hospital, the baby had just been born. 回过头来再说说那家医院,那时婴儿刚刚出生。

     Synonyms and related words
    Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
    1. a.
      used for talking about a place where you live or work or used to live or work when you are in a different place 在(工作或生活的地方,或曾经工作或生活的地方)

      I have no idea what's going on back home. 我不知道家里出了什么事。

      Back in Spain, we used to spend summer in the mountains. 过去在西班牙,我们常常在山里过夏天。

       Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    towards the beginning of something such as a journey or a book 往回;向(旅程或书等的)开头

    You should have got off three stops back. 你本来应该在3站前就下车。

    Go back a couple of pages. 往回翻几页。

     Synonyms and related words
    Miscellaneous multi-sense adverbs: back, evenly, just...
adjective [only before noun] /bæk/
  1. 1
    furthest from the front 最后面的;末尾的;后部的

    There's a map on the back page. 在最后面一页上有一张地图。

    the back garden 后花园

    the back bedroom 后面的卧室

     Synonyms and related words
    See also back door
  2. 2
    used for describing money that is owed from an earlier date and has not been paid yet (钱)拖欠的

    back wages/taxes/rent 拖欠的工资/税款/租金

     Synonyms and related words
    In debt: back, bailiff, debtor...
noun [C] /bæk/
  1. 1
    the part of your body between your neck and your bottom, on the opposite side to your chest and stomach. The row of bones inside the back is called the backbone or spine 背;背部

    Will you scratch my back for me? 你能帮我挠挠背吗?

    He's broken his back, but he's still alive. 他的脊柱断了,但还活着。

    (flat) on your back :

    She was lying flat on her back on the bed. 她仰面躺在床上。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    the part of something that is furthest from the front 后面;后部
    back of :

    Get in the back of the car. 上车坐到车子的后面。

    The sun burnt the back of my neck. 太阳晒黑了我的后脖子。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the part of a chair that you lean on when you are sitting on it 椅背;靠背

      What's that mark on the back of the sofa? 沙发靠背上的那块污迹是什么?

       Synonyms and related words
      Chairs and parts of chairs: arm, armchair, armrest...
  3. 3
    an outside area behind a house or other building (房子或建筑物的)后面;屋后
    out/round the back :

    The kids are playing out the back. 孩子们在屋后玩。

     Synonyms and related words
    Areas around buildings: alley, alleyway, arcade...
  4. 4
    the side of a page, card, picture etc that is not the main side (书页、卡片、照片等的)背面,反面
    on the back :

    a concert programme with Madonna's autograph on the back 背面有麦当娜亲笔签名的音乐会节目单

    back of :

    I'll put my name on the back of the envelope. 我会在信封背面写上我的名字。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the last part of a book, newspaper etc (书、报等的)末尾,最后部分
      back of :

      A page had been torn out of the back of the book. 这本书的末尾被撕去了一页。

      in/at the back :

      a dictionary with a list of irregular verbs at the back 末尾附有不规则动词表的词典

       Synonyms and related words
      Parts of books: acknowledgments, addendum, afterword...
  5. 5
    a player in a football or hockey team whose job is to defend (=stop the other team from scoring goals) (足球队或曲棍球队的)后卫(球员)
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      one of the positions on a team where a back plays, behind the front line of players 后卫(指球员的位置)
       Synonyms and related words
See also
verb /bæk/
present tense
present participlebacking
past tensebacked
past participlebacked
  1. 1
    [T] to give support to a person, organization, or plan, making them more likely to succeed 支持(人、组织或计划)

    Both main parties are backing these proposals. 两个主要政党都支持这些提案。

    back someone on something :

    We'll back you all the way on this one! 这件事我们会一直支持你!

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [usually passive] to make an order or request more effective by threatening to do something if people do not do what you want 支持;以…作后盾

      Schools need to have clear rules on bullying, backed by a system of punishments. 学校对欺侮他人的行为必须作出明确规定,并通过一套系统的处罚制度予以支持。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I/T] to move backwards, or to make someone move backwards (使)后退;(使)倒退
    back into/onto/out of etc :

    She backed out of the room carrying a tray. 她端着盘子倒退着走出房间。

    He backed me into a corner at the party. 在聚会上他逼得我窘迫不堪。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to make a car move backwards 倒(车)

      Could you just back onto the driveway? 你能把车倒到车道上吗?

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] to bet (=risk money) that a particular person or animal will win a race or competition 下赌注于

    I'm backing France to win the championship. 我赌法国队会获得冠军。

     Synonyms and related words
    To gamble money: gamble, bet, stake...
  4. 4
    [T] [always passive] if a place is backed by something, it has something at the back of it or directly behind it 在…的后面

    a large garden backed by trees 后面有树的大花园

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] [often passive] music to play or sing the music that goes with the main singer or musician's performance 为…伴奏;为…伴唱

    Manilow was backed by a full orchestra. 有整支交响乐队为马尼洛伴奏。

     Synonyms and related words
    Playing, performing and arranging music: accompany, arrange, articulation...
See also
IELTS BNC: 105 COCA: 108


1part of the body身體部位ADJECTIVE | VERB + BACK | BACK + VERB | BACK + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbroad寬闊的後背slender苗條的腰身muscular, strong肌肉發達的/強健的背部bent彎曲的背部straight挺直的脊背lower, upper後腰;上背部bare光膀子The sun beat down on their bare backs.太陽火辣辣地照射在他們赤裸的背上。aching, bad, sore, stiff疼痛的/受傷的/痠痛的/僵直的後背He's in bed with a bad back.他後背疼痛卧病在牀。broken骨折的背部He spent six months recovering from a broken back.他背部骨折 6 個月才康復。VERB + BACKbend, hunch (especially NAmE) 彎腰;弓背He hunches his back when he walks.他走路時背弓着。straighten挺直腰板stretch伸展腰背He yawned and stretched his back as he got out of bed.他起牀時打着哈欠伸着懶腰。break, hurt, injure弄斷背;弄傷背部arch弓背The cat arched its back and hissed at the dog.貓弓起身子,衝着狗噝噝地叫。lean背靠He leaned his back against the bar.他背靠着吧台。support支起背部caress, massage, pat, rub, stroke (especially BrE) 輕撫/按摩/輕拍/搓揉/撫摩背部scratch撓背BACK + VERBarch背拱起stiffen, straighten身板挺直His back stiffened as he saw the photographers waiting.看到攝影師等着,他挺直了身板。ache, hurt背疼BACK + NOUNinjury, pain, trouble背傷;背疼;背部不適muscles背部肌肉support靠背a seat with good back support靠背舒適的座位massage, rub背部按摩Would you give me a back rub?你能給我按摩一下後背嗎?PREPOSITIONbehind sb's back在背後;背地裏;私下They tied his hands behind his back.他們把他的手反綁在背後。People say bad things about him behind his back, but never to his face. (figurative) 人們在背後說他的壞話,但從不當面說。flat on your back因病卧牀I was flat on my back for six weeks when I broke my leg.我摔斷腿後在牀上躺了 6 週。on your back在背上;仰着He was carrying a small child on his back.他背着一個小孩。She was lying on her back on the sofa.她仰卧在沙發上。in the/your back在背部I have a nagging pain in my lower back.我後腰老是疼。back to背對着He was standing with his back to the fire.他背對着爐火站着。PHRASESsb's back is turned某人轉身離開The boss was certain that the staff would stop working as soon as his back was turned. (figurative) 老闆確信只要他一走開,員工就會停止工作。back to back背對背The children sat back to back.孩子們背對背坐着。a pat on the back, a slap on the back拍一下背部;讚揚;鼓勵He smiled and gave me a hearty slap on the back.他笑了笑,親切地拍了一下我的背。She deserves a pat on the back for her efforts. (figurative) 她的努力值得鼓勵。the small of your back腰部She felt a sharp pain in the small of her back.她感到腰部一陣劇痛。turn your back (on sb/sth)轉身背對;離開Actors should never turn their backs on the audience.演員切忌背對觀眾。She decided to turn her back on Paris and return home. (figurative) 她決定離開巴黎回家去。watch your back (= be careful because people may want to harm you) 當心背後(有人使壞)I warned her she should watch her back.我警告她要提防有人暗中使壞。


2part furthest from the front最後部PREPOSITION | PHRASES PREPOSITIONaround back, around the back, round the back (BrE) (= to the area behind the house, etc.) 繞到後面Come around back and I'll show you the pool.繞到後面,我帶你看看泳池。If you'd like to come round the back, I'll show you the garden.你可以繞到房後,我帶你看看花園。at the back在後面We could only get seats at the back.我們只能坐後面的座位。down the back沿着後部My money's all fallen down the back of the cushion.我的錢都從墊子後面掉下去了。in back (NAmE) 在後部There's room for three people in back.後排能坐三個人。in the back (BrE) 在後部Two passengers sat in the back of the car.兩名乘客坐在轎車的後排。to the back到後部去The cup had been pushed to the back of the cupboard.杯子給推到櫥櫃後部去了。towards/toward the back接近後部The arts page is usually towards / toward the back of the newspaper.藝術版通常在報紙的後幾版。PHRASESback to front (BrE) 前後顛倒I had my pullover on back to front.我的套頭衫前後穿反了。


1move back後移ADVERB | VERB + BACK | PREPOSITION ADVERBhastily, hurriedly, immediately, quickly急匆匆地/匆忙/立即/迅速後退She backed away hurriedly.她匆忙後退。slowly慢慢後退He backed slowly out of the room.他慢慢退出房間。instinctively本能地後退They instinctively backed away from the intense heat.熱浪前他們本能地倒退。cautiously, nervously謹慎地/緊張地退後He took a step forward and she nervously backed away.他上前一步,她緊張地後退。away, in, off, up退離;退入;退開;倒退Try backing the car in-it's easier that way.試着倒車進去 - 這樣容易些。Back off! There's no need to yell at me.走開點兒!不用對我大吼大叫!Can you back your car up so that I can get through?你能不能把車倒一下讓我過去?VERB + BACKtry to試圖後移He tried to back away.他試圖退後躲避。PREPOSITIONacross倒退着穿過She backed across the room.她倒退到房間的另一端。away from退避開⋯The children backed away from him in fear.孩子們嚇得倒退着躲開了他。into倒進She backed into the garage.她把車倒進了車庫。out of倒出He backed out of the drive.他把車倒着開出了車道。


2support sb/sth支持ADVERBstrongly強烈支持Teachers are strongly backing the new educational policies.老師們強烈支持新的教育政策。fully完全支持overwhelmingly壓倒性地支持unanimously一致支持openly, publicly公開支持;當眾支持financially經濟上支持His election bid was financially backed by a soft drinks company.他的競選得到了一家軟飲料公司的資助。up支持;證明I'll back you up if they don't believe you.如果他們不相信你,我來為你作證。


back downVERB + BACK DOWNwill (not)(不)會放棄He will never back down.他絕不會讓步。refuse to拒絕放棄be forced to, have to被迫/不得不放棄PREPOSITIONfrom放棄⋯The government was forced to back down from implementing these proposals.政府被迫放棄實施這些計劃。over就⋯作出讓步The committee finally backed down over the issue of spending cuts.委員會最終在削減開支這件事上作出了讓步。
IELTS BNC: 105 COCA: 108
back verb
back noun
turn your back on sb leave5 verb a pat on the back praise stab sb in the back tell verb2

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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