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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /straɪk/
present tense
present participlestriking
past tensestruck
past participlestruck
  1. 1
    [I/T] formal to hit against, or to crash into, someone or something 打;击;撞

    One of the bullets struck her forearm. 一颗子弹打中了她的前臂。

    The boat struck the bottom. 这条船碰到了水底。

    strike someone/something on the something :

    The ball struck her hard on the left shoulder. 球狠狠地打在她的左肩上。

    be struck by something :

    She's in hospital with head injuries after being struck by a car. 她被一辆汽车撞伤了头部,住进了医院。

     Synonyms and related words
    To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
    1. a.
      [T] formal to hurt a part of your body by accidentally knocking it against an object 意外撞伤(身体的某一部位)
      strike on :

      Gordon fell from his bike and struck his head on the ground. 戈登从他的自行车上摔下来,头撞到了地上。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [I/T] if lightning strikes something such as a tree or a building, it hits it and damages or destroys it (闪电)击中,击毁

      Can lightning ever strike twice in the same place? 闪电会不会两次击中同一个地方?

      Judy's house was struck by lightning during the storm. 朱迪的房子在暴风雨中被闪电击中了。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [T] formal to hit someone or something with your hand, a tool, or a weapon 用(手、工具或武器)打中(某人或某物)
    strike someone/something on the something :

    He fled empty-handed after striking a security guard on the head. 他打中一名保安的头部后扔掉凶器逃跑了。

    strike something with something :

    ‘Idiot!' cried Simmons, striking his forehead with the palm of his hand. 西蒙斯用手掌拍打着额头,叫了声“白痴!”

    strike (someone) a blow (on something) :

    She had been struck a blow on the back of the head. 她后脑被人打了一下。

     Synonyms and related words
    To hit a person: hit, smack, bludgeon...
     Synonyms and related words
    To hit an object: punch, thump, knock...
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] formal to hit or kick something such as a ball with your hand, foot, or a piece of sports equipment 打,击,踢(球)

      She's really striking the ball well and has her confidence back. 现在她球打得很不错,而且恢复了信心。

      He struck a superb shot into the back of the net. 他以一记漂亮的射门将球踢入网窝。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [I] to make a sudden violent or illegal attack on someone or something 猛然攻击;袭击

    Police say they fear the man could strike again. 警察说他们担心该男子可能会再次作案。

    The thief struck sometime between 8.30 am and 6 pm. 那个窃贼选择在早上8:30到下午6时之间的某个时候作案。

    strike against :

    We will use these air bases to strike against the northern territories. 我们将利用这些空军基地来攻打北部各地区。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I/T] to make a successful attack in a competition, especially by scoring a goal or point 攻球得分

      Anderson struck twice in three minutes in the first half. 上半场3分钟内安德森两次进球。

      Henry struck the winning goal seconds before the end of the match. 在比赛结束前的数秒钟内亨利攻进了致胜一球。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I] to refuse to work for a period of time as a protest about your pay or conditions of work 罢工

    striking factory workers 正在罢工的工厂工人们

    The right to strike was then established in the constitution. 罢工的权利后来获得了宪法确认。

    strike for :

    Pilots were striking for a 6% salary increase. 飞行员们为增加6%的薪水而在罢工。

    strike over :

    Car workers were threatening to strike over the job losses. 汽车工人们威胁说要为减少的就业岗位进行罢工。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [I/T] if something unpleasant or dangerous strikes, or if it strikes someone or something, it happens suddenly and unexpectedly and causes harm or damage to them (灾难等)突然侵袭,发生

    Accidents can strike at any time. 事故随时会发生。

    Three earthquakes struck Peru on April 5th and 6th. 4月5日和6日,秘鲁发生了3次地震。

    tragedy strikes (someone/something) :

    That same year, tragedy struck the family again. 同一年,这个家庭再次遭受不幸。

    disaster strikes (someone/something) :

    Disaster struck within minutes of take-off. 灾难在起飞后的几分钟内降临了。

     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] [never progressive] if a thought or idea strikes you, it enters your mind suddenly or unexpectedly 突然想到(主意);突然产生(想法)

    It was then that the thought struck her. 就是在那时,她突然产生了这个念头。

    He stopped speaking, struck by a sudden thought. 他突然产生了一个想法,便停止了讲话。

    The first thing that struck me about Alex was his amazing self-confidence. 关于亚历克斯,我首先想到的是他惊人的自信。

    it strikes someone that :

    It struck her that this was not perhaps the best time to bring up the subject. 她突然想到这也许并不是提出这个话题的最佳时机。

    it strikes someone how :

    It struck us how ill he was looking these days. 我们突然想到他这些日子看起来多么憔悴。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [T] to press a key or to hit a musical instrument with a finger or a hand in order to produce a note or a series of notes 弹奏;奏出
     Synonyms and related words
    Playing, performing and arranging music: accompany, arrange, articulation...
  8. 8
    [T] to rub a match with a short quick movement against a hard surface, producing a flame 划亮(火柴)

    He struck a match, shading it with his hand. 他划亮一根火柴,用手挡着。

     Synonyms and related words
    To burn, or to start a fire: burn, light, blaze...
    1. a.
      [I] if a match strikes, it produces a flame as a result of being rubbed with a short quick movement against a hard surface

      The matches won't strike if they're damp. 火柴受潮就划不着了。

       Synonyms and related words
      To burn, or to start a fire: burn, light, blaze...
  9. 9
    [I/T] if a clock strikes or strikes a particular time, it makes a sound like a bell a particular number of times to show what time it is (时钟)敲响,报时

    The town hall clock struck midnight. 市政厅的钟敲响了午夜的钟声。

    strike the hour (=make a sound at one o'clock, two o'clock etc) 按整点报时 :

    One of the clocks struck the hour. 其中一个钟按整点报时。

     Synonyms and related words
  10. 10
    [T] to remove words from a document, for example by drawing a line through them (从文件中)删去,划掉,勾销
    strike something from something :

    Their names should be struck from the list of candidates. 应该从候选人名单中删去他们的名字。

    strike something from the record :

    The court reporter will strike that remark from the record. 法庭书记员将把那句话从记录中删去。

     Synonyms and related words
    Editing, adapting and proofreading: abridge, adapt, append...
  11. 11
    [T] if light strikes something, it shines on it (光线)照射在…上

    Her hair looks red when light strikes it. 当光线照射在她头发上时,她的头发看上去是红的。

     Synonyms and related words
    What light can do: reflect, flood, fade...
  12. 12
    [T] to make something such as a deal or an agreement by which both sides get an advantage or a benefit 达成(双方获利的交易或协议)
    strike a deal/bargain :

    These questions must be answered before a deal can be struck. 这些问题必须在达成协议之前给予答复。

     Synonyms and related words
  13. 13
    [T] to find something such as gold or oil by digging or drilling (经挖掘或钻探)发现(黄金、石油等)
     Synonyms and related words
    Mining and quarrying: coal, coalface, coalfield...
  14. 14
    [T] [usually passive] to make a coin or medal by cutting it out of a piece of metal 用冲压法制造,铸造(钱币或奖章)

    The first English gold coin was struck in 1255. 第一枚英国金币是在1255年铸造的。

     Synonyms and related words
    Making coins: coin, mill, mint...
  15. 15
    [T] to lower and remove a structure such as a tent or sail 拆除(帐篷、帆等)
    strike camp (=remove all the tents in it) 拔营 :

    The order was given to strike camp at dawn. 命令下达了,要在黎明时拔营出发。

    strike a set (=remove the background and furniture used in a play, film, or television programme) 拆除(戏剧、电影或电视节目的)布景(或道具) :

    They were waiting for the director's order to strike the set. 他们在等候导演的指示去拆除布景。

     Synonyms and related words
See also
noun [C] /straɪk/
  1. 1
    a period of time during which people refuse to work, as a protest about pay or conditions of work 罢工
    strike by :

    A strike by transport workers was launched on August 12th. 8月12日运输工人发起了一场罢工。

    strike over :

    a 15-day strike over pay and poor safety conditions 由于工资待遇和糟糕的安全条件而引起的为期15天的罢工

    be (out) on strike :

    Workers have been out on strike since Friday. 工人自上周五以来一直在罢工。

    call a strike (=ask people to start it) 号召举行罢工 :

    The two main unions had called the strike. 两大工会已号召举行罢工。

    a miners'/teachers' strike :

    schools closed by a teachers' strike 由于教师罢课而关闭的学校

    a train/tube/dock strike :

    A dock strike has crippled the port. 码头工人罢工使港口陷于瘫痪。

    strike in protest at :

    The strikes are in protest at the planned introduction of performance-related pay. 这些罢工是为了抗议与绩效挂钩的薪资待遇的计划引入。

     Synonyms and related words
    See also hunger strike
  2. 2
    a military attack, especially one in which planes drop bombs on an area 军事打击(尤指空袭)
    strike against :

    the danger of an imminent military strike against the United States 针对美国的迫近的军事打击危险

    strike on :

    Cluster bombs were used in the strike on the airfield. 在对该机场的空袭中使用了集束炸弹。

    launch a strike (on/against someone/something) :

    Bush warned that America would launch strikes against them if the war spread. 布什警告说倘若战争范围扩大,美国将对他们发动军事打击。

     Synonyms and related words
    See also first strike
  3. 3
    British a hit or kick of a ball, especially one with which you score a goal or a point (尤指进球或得分的)一击,一踢,一投

    Stevens got the first goal with a brilliant strike in the fourth minute. 史蒂文斯在第4分钟以一记漂亮的射门攻入第一个球。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Actions in playing games or sports: backhand, backhander, ball...
    1. a.
      a situation in bowling in which you succeed in knocking down all the pins (=bottle shaped objects) with one ball (保龄球中的)一击全中
       Synonyms and related words
      Bowling games: boules, bowl, bowler...
    2. b.
      a failure to hit the ball in baseball (棒球中的)击空,好球
       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    a discovery of something such as gold or oil by digging or drilling (对黄金或石油等的)发现
     Synonyms and related words
    Mining and quarrying: coal, coalface, coalfield...


1industrial protest罷工ADJECTIVE | ... OF STRIKES | VERB + STRIKE | STRIKE + VERB | STRIKE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong長期罷工short短期罷工one-day, two-day, etc.一天、兩天等的罷工24-hour, 48-hour, etc. * 24 小時、48 小時等的罷工indefinite (especially BrE) 無限期罷工crippling, damaging, major損害嚴重的/破壞性的/後果嚴重的罷工bitter艱苦的罷工official (especially BrE) 正式罷工illegal, unofficial (especially BrE) 不合法的/未經批准的罷工token (BrE) 象徵性罷工lightning, wildcat閃電式/自發性罷工a series of wildcat strikes in parts of the coal industry煤炭業局部的一連串自發性罷工all-out, general, mass, national, nationwide全體大罷工;總罷工;大罷工;全國性罷工A general strike brought the country to a standstill.大罷工使國家陷入癱瘓。hunger絕食抗議sit-down靜坐示威political政治抗議sympathy聲援性罷工The shipyard voted to launch a sympathy strike in support of the machinists.造船廠投票決定舉行罷工,以聲援機械師。pay, rent要求加薪的罷工;集體抗租dock, miners', postal, train, transit, tube (BrE) , etc.碼頭工人、礦工、郵政工人、鐵路工人、運輸工人、地鐵工人等的罷工The New York transit strike is in its second day.紐約公交工人的罷工進入了第二天。... OF STRIKESseries, wave一系列罷工;一陣罷工浪潮VERB + STRIKEbe on正在罷工come out on, go on, go out on, join, take part in (especially BrE) 罷工;進行罷工;參加罷工call, organize, stage號召/組織/舉行罷工The union leaders called a strike.工會領導人號召舉行罷工。call sb out on號召某人罷工He called all the workers out on strike.他呼籲所有的工人都參加罷工。ballot for, vote for (both especially BrE) 投票贊成罷工Both unions have pledged to ballot for strike action unless hours are cut.兩個工會都表示,除非減少工作時間,否則就要投票表決是否罷工。avert, prevent避免/防止罷工threaten威脅要罷工More train strikes are threatened.鐵路工人威脅要舉行更多罷工。begin, start開始罷工call off, end取消/結束罷工break, crush終止/鎮壓罷工The army was used to help break the strike.當局動用了軍隊來終止罷工。settle解決罷工問題ban禁止罷工The new government banned strikes.新政府禁止罷工。STRIKE + VERBoccur, take place罷工發生start罷工開始end罷工結束last罷工持續spread罷工擴散The strike soon spread to other cities.罷工很快蔓延到其他城市。paralyse/paralyze sth罷工導致⋯癱瘓The strike paralysed / paralyzed the port.罷工使港口陷入癱瘓。STRIKE + NOUNaction罷工行動Prison officers are threatening to take strike action.獄警威脅要採取罷工行動。threat罷工威脅ballot (especially BrE) 罷工投票leader罷工領袖breaker (usually strike-breaker) 罷工破壞者committee, movement罷工委員會/運動PREPOSITIONduring a/the strike在罷工期間There was a continual police presence during the strike.罷工期間警察一直在場。strike against反對⋯的罷工a strike against poor conditions反對惡劣條件的罷工strike by⋯舉行的罷工a strike by air traffic controllers航空調度員的罷工strike for爭取⋯的罷工a strike for a ten-hour day要求每天工作不超過 10 小時的罷工strike in protest at (BrE) 抗議⋯的罷工a strike in protest at the government's economic policies抗議政府經濟政策的罷工strike in support of支持⋯的罷工Miners staged a one-day strike in support of the steel workers.礦工罷工一天以聲援鋼鐵工人。strike over關於⋯的罷工a strike over pay有關工資問題的罷工PHRASESa ballot for a strike, a ballot for strike action贊成罷工的投票the threat of strikes罷工的威脅


2sudden military attack突然的軍事打擊ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRIKE | STRIKE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEair, missile, nuclear空襲;導彈襲擊;核襲擊military, terrorist軍事/恐怖襲擊lightning, quick閃電式襲擊;突襲pre-emptive先發制人的打擊retaliatory報復性襲擊precision, surgical精確打擊;外科手術式打擊massive大規模襲擊VERB + STRIKEcarry out, launch, make實施/發動/進行襲擊STRIKE + NOUNforce突擊部隊aircraft攻擊機PREPOSITIONin a/the strike在襲擊中The house was damaged in an air strike.房子在一次空襲中被炸毀。strike against, strike on針對⋯的襲擊The aircraft carried out a pre-emptive strike against bases in the north.飛機對北方基地實施了先發制人的襲擊。


1hit/attack sb/sth擊打;襲擊ADVERB | VERB + STRIKE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBfirmly, hard用力打He struck her hard across the face.他重重地打了她一耳光。deep縱深打擊The army struck deep into northern territory.軍隊深入北部地區實施打擊。directly直接打擊without warning沒有預警的情況下突然發生Earthquakes can strike without warning.地震可能沒有任何預兆就發生。repeatedly反複打擊home (often figurative) 擊中要害;一針見血The remark struck home.這一評論一針見血。VERB + STRIKEbe about to, be going to, be ready to, prepare to即將打擊;準備打擊A hurricane is about to strike Jamaica.颶風即將襲擊牙買加。PREPOSITIONagainst打在⋯上The oar struck against something hard.槳重重地砸在了一件硬東西上。at朝⋯打He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.他用棍子不停地打我。on打在⋯上The ball struck her on the head.球打在了她頭上。PHRASESbe struck by lightning, get struck by lightning被閃電擊中be struck down by sth, be struck down with sth因⋯病倒He was struck down with food poisoning.他因食物中毒卧牀不起。


2come into your mind suddenly/give an impression突然進入腦海;使人想起ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBimmediately使立即意識到suddenly使突然想到It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.我突然想出了改善這種局面的辦法。just使剛剛想到An awful thought has just struck me.一個可怕的念頭剛剛在我腦海中閃過。particularly, really使留下特別的印象/實在的印象I was particularly struck by the sound of the birds.鳥的叫聲尤其讓我印象深刻。One thing that really struck me was how calm he appeared.他看起來如此平靜,着實給我留下了深刻印象。forcibly使留下深刻印象Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence.那種靜默給瓊留下了深刻的印象。PREPOSITIONas使留下⋯的印象He always struck me as being rather stupid.他總是讓我感覺傻乎乎的。It struck me as strange that there was no one there.那裏空無一人,我感到有些奇怪。


3go on strike罷工VERB + STRIKE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + STRIKEthreaten to威脅要罷工vote to (especially BrE) 表決進行罷工be set to (especially BrE) 確定要罷工Over 100 000 civil servants are set to strike on Tuesday.10 萬多名公務員確定要在星期二舉行罷工。PREPOSITIONagainst, for罷工反對⋯/支持⋯The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%.工會已經投票決定罷工要求加薪 6%。in protest at, over罷工抗議;就⋯舉行罷工Drivers are threatening to strike over pay.司機們威脅要就工資問題舉行罷工。PHRASESthe right to strike罷工的權利
strike verb
attack1 (The killer may strike again.) attack2 (strike enemy positions) hit1 (struck by a car) hit2 (strike sb in the face) hit3 (tragedy strikes) occur to sb (be struck by the thought that…) ring (The clock struck three.) seem (sth strikes you as odd)
strike noun

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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