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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
pick up
phrasal verb
present tense
I/you/we/theypick up
he/she/itpicks up
present participlepicking up
past tensepicked up
past participlepicked up
  1. 1
    [T] to lift someone or something up from a surface 拿起;舉起

    He picked the phone up and dialled. 他拿起電話撥了號碼。

    She rushed to pick up the baby as soon as it started to cry. 嬰兒剛一哭,她就奔過去把它抱了起來。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] to lift things up and put them in the place where they are kept in order to make a place tidy 妥善安放;收拾

      I've already asked them to pick their toys up. 我早就叫他們把玩具收拾好了。

      I am constantly picking up the things the children leave lying around. 我一直在收拾孩子們扔得到處都是的東西。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [I/T] American to make a place clean and tidy 整理,收拾(某個地方)
       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      [T] to lift something up and take it away 拿起並帶走

      Pick up a leaflet from your doctor's. 順便從你的醫生那裏拿一份傳單。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [T] to go and meet someone or something that you have arranged to take somewhere in a vehicle 用車接(某人),用車取(某物)

    Will you pick me up after the party? 聚會後你開車來接我好嗎?

    I'll pick up my luggage in the morning. 早晨我會開車來拿行李。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to take someone who is waiting by the road into your vehicle and take them somewhere 搭載(某人)

      We picked up a hitchhiker on the way. 我們在路上捎了一位搭便車旅行的人。

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      informal to arrest someone and take them away in a car 逮捕並用車帶走(某人)

      He was picked up in the early hours of Thursday morning. 他是星期四一大早被捕並用車帶走的。

       Synonyms and related words
      Arresting, interviewing and charging suspects: apprehend, apprehension, arrest...
  3. 3
    [T] to learn a new skill or start a habit without intending to (無意間)學會(新技能),開始養成(習慣)

    She picked up a few German phrases while staying in Berlin. 在柏林期間,她學會了幾句德語。

     Synonyms and related words
    To learn new skills or information: learn, train, master...
  4. 4
    [T] informal to get an illness 患(病);染(病)

    Most tourists are worried that they'll pick up a nasty stomach bug. 很多遊客都擔心他們會出現腸胃不適的毛病。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] informal to buy something 買;購買

    a market where you can pick up some amazing bargains 一個可以買到非常廉價的便宜貨的市場

     Synonyms and related words
    To buy something: buy, get, purchase...
  6. 6
    [T] to notice a smell or sound, or to notice that someone or something is present 聞到(氣味);聽到(聲音);注意到(某人或某物)

    The dogs must have picked up his scent. 狗一定是嗅出了他的氣息。

     Synonyms and related words
    To notice or recognize something or someone: notice, recognize, observe...
  7. 7
    [I/T] to start something again, from the point where you stopped 重新開始

    We'll pick up this conversation when I come back. 我回來時我們再繼續這次談話。

    pick up where you left off :

    He seems to think that we can get back together and just pick up where we left off. 他似乎認爲我們可以一起回到原處並從那裏重新開始。

     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [I] to improve 改善;提高

    They won't let him out of hospital until his health has picked up quite a lot. 除非他的健康狀況有相當大的好轉,否則他們不會讓他出院的。

     Synonyms and related words
    To become better: improve, recover, look up...
    1. a.
      if something such as the wind picks up, it becomes stronger (風等)變強,變猛烈
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      pick up speed if something picks up speed, it starts to move faster 加速
       Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [T] informal to receive an electronic signal on a radio or similar piece of equipment 接收(電子信號)

    I don't think this thing can pick up foreign stations. 我認爲這東西收聽不了外國電台。

     Synonyms and related words
    Radio, radar and sonar signals: atmospherics, directional, footprint...
  10. 10
    [T] informal to start talking to someone because you want to have sex with them 勾引;調情

    She went home with some man she picked up in a bar. 她和在酒吧裏勾搭上的某個男人回家了。

     Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    [T] informal to earn money 賺(錢)

    the huge salaries that footballers pick up these days 當今足球運動員們賺取的巨額薪金

     Synonyms and related words
  12. 12
    [T] informal to win something such as a prize 獲得(獎品等)

    The film is tipped to pick up at least three Oscars. 有消息說該電影至少會獲得3項奧斯卡獎。

     Synonyms and related words
  13. 13
    pick up the bill/tab informal to pay for something 付賬;買單

    Her father picks up the tab for her expensive lifestyle. 她父親爲她奢華的生活方式付賬。

     Synonyms and related words
    To spend or to pay money: disburse, spend, pay...
  14. 14
    pick up the pieces to try to return to a normal life after a difficult experience 收拾殘局;恢複正常

    He walked out on his family, leaving his wife to pick up the pieces.

     Synonyms and related words
  15. 15
    pick up the threads (of something) to return to a situation that existed before something went wrong 恢複(…的)常態

    After the death of a partner, it can be difficult to pick up the threads of your life.

     Synonyms and related words
  16. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    pick yourself up to recover from a fall or problem

    Nobody knows if Jim will ever pick himself up after his wife left him.

    Submitted by Vinni on 11/11/2016
See also main entry: pick
pick up phrasal verb
pick sb/sth up (pick up the phone) buy (pick up a few bargains) get1 (pick up a cold/£30 in tips) get3 (pick sb up from school) improve2 (The economy is picking up.) learn (pick up a language) stand1 (pick yourself up)

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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