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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
noun /ˈkɒpi/
  1. 1
    [C] a document, computer file etc that is exactly like the original one 抄件;副本;复制品
    copy of :

    Please enclose a copy of your birth certificate. 请附上你的出生证明的复印件。

    Keep back-up copies of all your Word files. 把你所有的Word 文档都备份一下。

    make a copy (of something) :

    I made copies of the report for the meeting. 我把报告复印了数份,供开会时使用。

     Synonyms and related words
    Originals and copies of things: original, copy, transcript...
    1. a.
      something exactly like something else 完全相同的事物

      The disease occurs if someone inherits two copies of an abnormal gene. 如果一个人遗传了两个完全相同的异常基因,就会出现这种疾病。

       Synonyms and related words
      Originals and copies of things: original, copy, transcript...
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      something that is deliberately made to look the same as something else 仿制品;摹本

      It's not a genuine Tudor table, but it's a good copy. 这不是真正的都铎时期的桌子,但却是很逼真的仿制品。

       Synonyms and related words
      Originals and copies of things: original, copy, transcript...
       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [C] a single newspaper, book, CD, piece of software etc that is one of many that are all exactly the same (书的)(一)本;(报纸、CD、软件等的)(一)份

    Her first album sold 100,000 copies. 她的第一张专辑卖出了10万张。

    copy of :

    Have you got a copy of yesterday's newspaper? 你有昨天的报纸吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Originals and copies of things: original, copy, transcript...
  3. 3
    [U] writing that is ready to be published in a newspaper or magazine (准备发表的)原稿,手稿,书面材料

    Copy for our April issue must be submitted by 20th March. 我们4月份那期的稿件必须在3月20日之前交上来。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      news, opinions, or information published in a newspaper or magazine (报纸、杂志上发表的)题材,新闻,观点,信息
      good/great/interesting etc copy :

      His controversial remarks always make good copy. 他那引起争议的言论总是成为新闻报道的好题材。

       Synonyms and related words
See also
verb /ˈkɒpi/
present tense
present participlecopying
past tensecopied
past participlecopied
  1. 1
    [T] to make a copy that is the same as the original thing 复制

    They were charged with illegally copying videotapes. 他们被控非法复制录像带。

    Changes can occur when DNA is copied from one cell to another. 当DNA从一个细胞被复制到另一个细胞时,可能会发生变化。

     Synonyms and related words
    To make a copy of something: copy, reproduce, duplicate...
    1. a.
      [I/T] to make a copy of a piece of information by writing it somewhere 抄写

      Just copy what's in the book. 把书上的照抄下来就行。

      copy from :

      The students spent the whole lesson copying from the blackboard. 学生们整节课都在抄黑板上的内容。

      copy something into something :

      He copied the number into his notebook. 他把数字抄到笔记本上。

       Synonyms and related words
      To make a copy of something: copy, reproduce, duplicate...
    2. b.
      [T] to make a photocopy 复印

      I copied the letter and kept the original. 我把信复印了一份,留下了原件。

       Synonyms and related words
      To make a copy of something: copy, reproduce, duplicate...
    3. c.
      [T] to make a copy of a piece of computer data, such as a piece of writing or a program 复制,备份(文本、程序等计算机数据)

      Use the mouse to highlight the text you want to copy. 用鼠标选中想要复制的文本。

      copy something over/across/to/onto :

      To install, first copy the setup file onto your hard drive. 安装时先把安装文件复制到硬盘上。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [T] to do something in the same way as someone else 模仿;仿效

    The instructor does exercises that you can copy while you watch. 教练做操时你可以边看边模仿。

    Children learn by copying their parents. 孩子通过模仿父母来学习。

     Synonyms and related words
    To copy someone or something: imitate, copy, mimic...
  3. 3
    [T] to take someone else's ideas or methods and use them 仿效;照搬

    Their style of music was copied by a lot of other bands. 他们的音乐风格被很多其他乐队效仿。

     Synonyms and related words
    To copy someone or something: imitate, copy, mimic...
  4. 4
    [T] to deliberately make something that looks exactly like something else 临摹;仿造

    She had painstakingly copied an 18th-century painting. 她已精心临摹了一幅18世纪的油画。

     Synonyms and related words
    To make a copy of something: copy, reproduce, duplicate...
  5. 5
    [I/T] to look at someone else's work and write the same as they have, for example in order to cheat in an examination 抄袭;剽窃
     Synonyms and related words
    To do something dishonest: cheat, defraud, falsify...


1document/work of art文件;藝術品ADJECTIVE | VERB + COPY | COPY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEaccurate, faithful, good精確的/忠實的/逼真的複製品cheap, crude, poor廉價的/粗糙的/低劣的複製品It was not the original painting, but a crude copy.這不是原畫,而是一幅粗糙的複製品。carbon, exact, facsimile, identical, perfect, true複寫本;精確的副本;一模一樣的複製品;完美拷貝;真實副本The twins were carbon copies of each other.這對雙胞胎簡直是一個模子刻出來的。It must be certified as a true copy of the original document.必須鑒定這是原始文件的真實副本。draft, working草稿;工作副本clean, fair清樣;謄清稿master, original, top母本;原本Take a photocopy of the master copy.把母本複印一份。additional, duplicate, extra, further, second, spare副本;備用本multiple多份副本The copier had been set for multiple copies.複印機已設置為多份複印。modern現代仿製品certified經公證的複印件photographic, photostat, Xerox (especially NAmE) 影印本;複印本;靜電複印本backup備份Remember to make backup copies of all your disks.記住給所有盤上的文件都做個備份。read-only只讀副本hard, paper, printed硬拷貝;紙質副本;打印本You will need to supply a hard-copy version of all files.所有的文件都需要提供一份硬拷貝。digital, electronic數字/電子拷貝VERB + COPYcreate, make, print, run off, take製作副本;打印;複印I ran off a couple of copies of the letter.我把這封信複印了幾份。attach, enclose附上/內附副本I attach a copy of the report.我附上報告的一份副本。Please find enclosed a copy of the draft document.內附草稿文件一份,請查收。email, forward, send用電子郵件發送/轉發/發送副本circulate, distribute, supply傳閱/分發/提供複印本Copies of the article were circulated to members of the committee.委員會成員已傳閱了該文章的複印件。get, obtain, receive得到複印本keep保留副本Remember to keep copies of all your correspondence.記住保留你所有信函的副本。COPY + NOUNmachine (NAmE) 複印機room (NAmE) 複印室center, shop (both NAmE) 複印中心;複印店paper複印紙PREPOSITIONcopy of⋯的複印件I don't keep copies of my own letters.我沒有保留我自己書信的複印件。


2book, newspaper, etc.書;報ADJECTIVE | VERB + COPY | COPY + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEadditional, extra, further, second, spare額外的一冊;備用本only, single唯一的一本;單獨的一冊back, old過期刊物;舊版本I have a few back copies of the newspaper.我有幾份過期的報紙。advance預贈本Advance copies of the book were sent out to reviewers.該書的預贈本已經送到書評家們手中。evaluation, review評估版;(送交編輯審查的)原稿complimentary, free贈送本Free copies of the leaflet are available.小冊子可免費索取。bootleg, illegal, pirate, pirated, unauthorized非法版本;盜版;未授權版本pirated copies of the latest movie releases最新發行影片的盜版拷貝manuscript, printed, proof手稿;打印稿;校樣稿hardback, paperback精裝本;平裝本digital, electronic數字/電子版本CD, DVD光盤/數字影碟版本bound, leather-bound, presentation裝訂本;皮面精裝本;贈閱本The candidate must submit two bound copies of his or her thesis.投考者必須提交論文的兩份裝訂本。battered, dog-eared, old, tattered, well-thumbed, worn用破了的/捲了角的/老舊的/翻舊了的/磨損的/破損的書冊my battered copy of Shakespeare's plays我翻破了的莎士比亞戲劇集second-hand, used二手書;舊書perfect, pristine一字不差的複本;原始本own, personal個人收藏本Charles I's personal copy of the psalter查理一世本人使用的詩篇集autographed, signed有親筆簽名的書;簽了名的書VERB + COPYprint, produce印刷/出版書刊circulate, distribute, sell發行/經銷/銷售書刊buy, order, request購買/訂購/索取書刊download下載書刊have, own有書刊;擁有書刊borrow借書刊autograph, sign在書上簽名Author Bob Woodhouse will be signing copies of his new book.作者鮑勃・伍德豪斯將進行新書簽售。COPY + VERBcirculate書刊流通Even with the new legislation pirate copies will circulate.即使有新的法律,盜版書刊仍然會流通。be available書刊可買到PREPOSITIONcopy of一本⋯my own copy of 'Beowulf'我自己的那本《貝奧武夫》


3written material書寫的材料ADJECTIVE | VERB + COPY | COPY + NOUN ADJECTIVEgood, great好的稿件;絕妙的題材ad (informal) , advertising, marketing, promotional廣告文案;營銷文案;促銷文案
editorial社論稿knocking (BrE, informal) 詆譭性文字報道Knocking copy (= writing that just says how bad sb / sth is) is simply lazy journalism.詆譭性報道不過是一種偷懶的新聞寫作方式。VERB + COPYedit, prepare, produce, write編輯稿件;加工稿件;撰稿those who prepare the reporters' copy for the paper對記者即將見報的稿件進行加工處理的人make成為(新聞報道的)素材This will make great copy for the advertisement.這將會成為廣告的絕妙素材。COPY + NOUNeditor, writer (usually copywriter) 文字編輯;廣告文字撰稿人deadline截稿日期The copy deadline for the next issue is May 1.下一期的截稿日期是 5 月 1 日。desk (= part of a newsroom where articles are given a final edit) (NAmE) 編輯部


1make a copy製作副本ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBillegally非法複製illegally copied software非法拷貝的軟件PREPOSITIONfrom, onto從⋯複製;複製到⋯上Data can be copied from the computer onto disk.數據可以從計算機製制到磁盤上。PHRASEScopy and paste複製和粘貼Use the clipboard to copy and paste information from websites.利用剪貼板從網站上複製、粘貼信息。be widely copied被廣泛複製The product has been widely copied by other manufacturers.該產品被其他製造商廣泛複製。


2write sth down exactly抄寫ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBcarefully, laboriously, meticulously仔細抄寫;辛苦地謄寫exactly, faithfully, word for word準確地/忠實地/一字一字地抄寫down, out抄下;全文照抄I copied down several phone numbers from the list.我從名單上抄下幾個電話號碼。They laboriously copied out manuscripts.他們費勁地抄出數份手稿。PREPOSITIONfrom, into, onto從⋯抄出;抄到⋯裏;抄到⋯上She copied all the addresses from the website into her address book.她把網站上的所有地址抄到自己的地址簿裏。He copied all the details from the brochure onto a piece of paper.他把小冊子裏的詳細信息都抄到了一張紙上。


3do the same as sb else模仿ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBblindly, slavishly盲目模仿She slavishly copies the older girl's style.她盲目模仿那個比她年紀大些的女孩的風格。PREPOSITIONfrom仿照⋯He copied that mannerism from his brother.他從他哥哥那裏學來了這個習慣。off抄襲⋯She was caught copying off another student.她被抓到抄襲另外一個學生的答案。
copy verb
copy (copy data/a document) follow4 (copy what sb does) write1 (copy down a phone number)
copy noun
copy1 (a copy of a report) copy2 (a copy of a painting)


a copy of a report 报告的复印件a copy of a painting 画作的摹本copy ♦︎ transcript ♦︎ printout ♦︎ photocopy ♦︎ hard copyThese are all words for a written or printed copy of text or images. 这些词均表示手写本或印刷品的副本、誊本、复印件。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to make a copy / transcript / photocopyto send a copy / printout / transcript / photocopy / hard copyto attach / enclose a copy / printout / photocopy / hard copyto keep a copy / printout / transcript / photocopy copy [countable] a printed or photographic copy of a document (文件的)复印件,副本I will send you a copy of the report.我会把这个报告的复印件寄给你。Could I have ten copies of this page, please?请把这一页给我复印十份好吗? transcript ˈtrænskrɪpt [countable] a written or printed copy of words that have been spoken (誊录讲话的)抄本,打印本They are going to publish a transcript of the interview.他们要发表采访内容的文字稿。 see also transcribe write 1 printout ˈprɪntaʊt [countable, uncountable] a page or set of pages containing information in printed form from a computer (计算机)打印件,列印本a printout of text downloaded from the Internet从互联网上下载文本的打印件There were a few pages of computer printout on her desk.在她桌上有几页计算机打印资料。 photocopy [countable] a photographic copy of a document 影印本;复印件Make as many photocopies as you need.你需要多少份就复印多少份吧。NOTE 辨析 Copy or photocopy?A copy can be any kind of printed reproduction of a document; a photocopy is one made on a photocopier (= a photographic copying machine). However, a photocopy is often referred to simply as a copy, especially when it is already clear what kind of copy you are talking about. * copy可以指以任何印刷形式制作的副本,photocopy指复印机制作的影印本。不过常常也用copy指代photocopy ,尤其是已清楚所指的是何种副本时。 ˌhard ˈcopy [uncountable] (computing 计算机) information from a computer that has been printed on paper (计算机内资料的)硬拷贝,打印件Most of our material is online, but this course is still only available in hard copy.我们的资料大多数都有网上版,但这个课程仍只有纸质版。NOTE 辨析 Hard copy or printout? Hard copy is used to talk about printed material in contrast to electronic material. People talk about having hard copy as well as, or instead of, electronic files. A printout is the printed piece of paper itself. * hard copy指与电子档相对应的打印材料。人们会说某文件有hard copy和电子档,或只有hard copy,没有电子档。printout指打印出来的纸张实物。copy2


a copy of a report 报告的复印件a copy of a painting 画作的摹本copy ♦︎ model ♦︎ replica ♦︎ reproduction ♦︎ facsimile ♦︎ duplicate ♦︎ reconstruction ♦︎ mock-upThese are all words for a thing that is made to look like sth else. 这些词均表示物品的复制品、仿制品、模型。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in replica / facsimile / duplicatea / an good / accurate copy / model / reproduction / facsimile / reconstructionan exact copy / replica / reproduction / facsimile / duplicate / reconstructiona faithful copy / model / reproductiona crude copy / modela full-scale / life-size model / replica / reconstructiona working model / replica / reconstructionto make a copy / a model / a replica / a reproduction / a facsimile / a duplicate / a reconstructionto keep a copy / duplicate copy [countable] a thing that is made to look like sth else, especially a work of art, a document or a disk (尤指艺术品、文件或磁盘的)复制品,副本,复印件The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy.窃贼用摹本换走了原画。It must be certified as a true copy of the original document.必须证明它是文件正本的真实副本。You should make a copy of the disk as a back-up.你应该将磁盘做个备份。 model [countable] a copy of sth, usually smaller than the original object (通常比实物小的)模型They have a working model (= one in which the parts move) of a water mill.他们有一个能转动的水磨坊模型。I used to build model aeroplanes.我过去经常制作飞机模型。The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex (= in which all the parts are the correct size in relation to each other.) 建筑师为提建的购物中心做了一个比例模型。 replica ˈreplɪkə [countable] a very good or exact copy of sth, especially an object (尤指物品的仿真度高的)复制品,仿制品There is even a scaled-down replica of the Eiffel Tower there.那儿甚至有一个缩小比例的埃菲尔铁塔模型。The weapon used in the raid was a replica.抢劫案中使用的武器是一件仿制品。replica guns仿真枪 reproduction [countable] a copy of sth, especially a work of art or piece of furniture (尤指艺术品或家具的)复制品,仿制品They have a catalogue with colour reproductions of the paintings for sale.他们有一个待售画作的彩色图样目录。reproduction furniture (= furniture made as a copy of an earlier style) 仿制的旧式家具Reproductions are usually copies that are legal and official, rather than ones that are made in order to deceive people. * reproduction通常指合法的、官方许可的仿制品,而非那些意在骗人的仿制品。 see also fake noun facsimile fækˈsɪməli [countable] an exact copy of sth, especially a book or document (尤指书或文件的)摹本,传真本,复制本A facsimile of the document is available in the British Library.大英图书馆里有这份文件的复制本。a facsimile edition摹本版Facsimile is used especially to talk about a printed photographic copy of a very old book or document. * facsimile尤指非常古老的书籍或文件的影印本。 duplicate ˈdjuːplɪkət; NAmE ˈduːplɪkət [countable] one of two or more things that are the same in every detail 完全一样的东西;复制品;副本Is this a duplicate or the original?这是副本还是正本?The contract is prepared in duplicate (= two copies are made), so that both parties can keep a copy.合同一式两份,双方各执一份。Duplicate is usually used to talk about a document, a disk, a CD or a key. * duplicate通常指文件、磁盘、光盘或钥匙的复制品。 reconstruction ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃn [countable] a copy of sth that no longer exists (已不复存在的物品的)重建物The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work.门廊是19世纪时模仿诺曼式建筑修建的。 see also reconstruct rebuild ˈmock-up [countable] a model or a copy of sth, often the same size as it, that is used for testing, or for showing people what the real thing will look like 实体模型;原比例模型;样张He was looking at a mock-up of the following day's front page.他在看第二天头版的小样。Mock-up is often used by designers or about their work. * mock-up常为设计师所用,或指其作品的样品。 copy


copy ♦︎ reproduce ♦︎ photocopy ♦︎ duplicateThese words all mean to make sth that is exactly like sth else. 这些词均表示复制、仿造、临摹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to copy / reproduce sth from sthto copy / reproduce / photocopy / duplicate a letter / documentto copy / photocopy / duplicate a formto copy / reproduce a paintingto copy / duplicate a disk / CDto copy / reproduce / duplicate sth exactlyto copy / reproduce sth accurately / faithfullyto merely / simply copy / reproduce sth copy [transitive] to make sth that is exactly like sth else; to make a photocopy of sth 复制;仿造;临摹;复印They copied the designs from those on Greek vases.他们临摹那些希腊花瓶上的图案。Data can be copied from the computer onto a memory stick.数据可以从计算机拷贝到记忆棒中。Finally, the notes can be copied and distributed to the audience.最后,笔记可以复印分发给听众。 reproduce [transitive] (rather formal) to make a copy of a picture or piece of text or information 复制(图片、文本或信息)All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery.所有插图均承蒙水星画廊许可复制。The results are reproduced in Table 2.结果复制在表2中。Reproduce is used especially to talk about copying the text and pictures in books, or a painting, photograph or some other piece of art. * reproduce尤指复制书中的文本和图片,或画作、照片或其他艺术品。 photocopy [transitive, intransitive] to make a photographic copy of a document using a special machine (= a photocopier) 影印;复制;复印The photocopied letter had been sent to all the houses in the street.复印的信函已经发给那条街上的所有住户。I seem to have spent most of the day photocopying.我似乎一整天都在复印。People often simply say copy when it is clear that they are talking about photocopying. 当对谈的人均知道所说的复印为photocopy时,可简略地说成copyCan you get these copied / photocopied for me by 5 o'clock?你能在5点之前把这些给我复印好吗? duplicate ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt; NAmE ˈduːplɪkeɪt [transitive, often passive] to make an exact copy of sth 复制;复印;复写Please keep the duplicated form and send us the original.请保留表格的副本,把正本寄给我们。Duplicate is mainly used to talk about making one or more photocopies of a document, letter or form, but it can also be used to talk about making a copy of a computer disk or CD. * duplicate主要指将文件、信函或表格复印一份或多份,但亦可指给计算机磁盘或光盘做备份。 duplicate ˈdjuːplɪkət; NAmE ˈduːplɪkət


a duplicate invoice发票副本

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