a strong, determined woman 意志坚定的女强人
I was determined to make it as a jazz musician. 我决心要成为爵士音乐家。
Baxter is determined that this year things will be different. 巴克斯特下决心要使今年的情况变个样。
determined opposition/resistance 坚决反对/抵抗
a determined effort to fight to the bitter end 战斗到底的决心
an ambitious young lawyer 雄心勃勃的年轻律师
Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister. 她的父母对她和她妹妹有着很高的期望。
Although she told him she knew nothing, he was very persistent. 虽然她已经告诉他她一无所知,他还是不肯罢休。
His persistent refusal to pay eventually led to a prison sentence. 他坚持不肯付钱,最终招来了牢狱之灾。
Today's executives are hungry, competitive, and aggressive. 现在的主管们雄心勃勃,竞争意识强并有进取精神。
We are fortunate to have such a highly skilled and dedicated workforce. 我们很幸运,有这么一支非常熟练并有献身精神的员工队伍。
He was very hard-working and dedicated to his research. 他非常努力,一心一意搞自己的研究工作。
A heroic display by the goalkeeper saved the home side from disaster. 守门员的神勇表现将主队从灾难中拯救出来。
20 minutes of vigorous exercise 20分钟的剧烈锻炼
a vigorous debate 激烈的争论
They demanded more vigorous action to tackle the disease. 他们要求采取更有力的行动来对付这种疾病。
an earnest young man 认真的年轻人
earnest discussions 郑重的讨论
an aspiring actor 胸怀大志的演员
He just wants to win at any price.
She seemed bent on destroying their relationship. 她似乎一心要破坏他们的关系。
She has a reputation for being a fiercely competitive player. 作为运动员,她以“竞争意识极强”而著称。
Their success was due to the dogged determination of their coach. 他们的成功要归功于他们教练的顽强决心。
Her staff regard her as firm but fair. 她手下的员工认为她要求很严格,不过很公平。
What the party needs now is firm leadership. 该党现在需要的是坚强的领导。
You sometimes have to be firm with young children. 对小孩子有时必须严厉。
The government must take firm action to stop the fighting. 政府必须采取严厉行动制止这场争斗。
He clung on to the edge of the cliff for dear life. 他死命抓住悬崖的边缘。
With this goal-oriented mindset, a sales person is trained to reject any and all distractions from the sales objective.
Are you self-motivated, goal-oriented and handy with a camera and a computer?
a grim determination to do God's will 对上帝意志的坚定服从
a gritty determination to succeed 取得成功的坚定决心
a hard-nosed businesswoman 执着的女实业家
He seems hell-bent on confrontation. 他似乎决意对抗。
Katherine had an indomitable spirit. 凯瑟琳具有不屈不挠的精神。
They have to convince voters that their candidate is in it for the long haul.
She was absolutely insistent on getting her money by tomorrow. 她十分坚决地要求在明天以前拿到她的钱。
John was insistent that we shouldn't tell anyone else about our plans. 约翰坚持要求我们不能把计划告诉别人。
She seemed intent on making me miserable. 她似乎下决心要让我痛苦。
She possesses an iron will and a sense of purpose. 她有极其坚定的意志和目的意识。
highly motivated teachers 热情高涨的教师们
a quiet and persevering young woman 娴静而坚忍的年轻女性
students working in a purposeful manner 有目的地工作的学生
Arnold was relentless in his pursuit of a good news story. 萨姆决心要找到一则好的新闻素材。
a resolute opponent 一个坚定的对手
a robust approach 一种强硬的方式
His work is characterized by precision and a sedulous attention to detail.
My father is a serious runner. 我父亲是个跑步迷。
So you're definitely set on a career in medicine? 那么你决意要投身医学事业了?
single-minded dedication/devotion/commitment 一心一意的奉献
single-minded pursuit of success 对成功的执著追求
He had a look of steely determination in his eyes. 他的眼中流露出一种钢铁般的决心。
The steely tone in his voice told her that he was furious. 他冰冷的语气告诉她他非常生气。
The president was prepared to resort to stern measures to get his way. 总统准备采取强硬措施达到目的。
Martin made a stout defence of his team. 马丁坚决维护他的队伍。
strenuous opposition/objections 坚决的反对
strenuous diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict 力图解决冲突的不懈的外交努力
You've got to be strong and not let their remarks bother you. 你得意志坚定,不要让他们的话干扰你。
a tough businesswoman 强硬的女商人
This team can play tough when it has to. 这个队在关键时刻会打得很顽强。
Throughout his ordeal his will remained unbroken. 历经磨难,他的意志仍然很坚强。
The government is noted for its uncompromising drugs policy. 这个政府以其打击毒品的坚定政策而闻名。
They seem undaunted by the huge amount of work involved. 他们似乎没有被繁重的工作所吓倒。
Undeterred by criticism, he continued in his campaign. 他不因批评而气馁,继续他的竞选活动。
Lisa looked back at him unflinchingly. 莉萨毫不畏惧地回头看着他。
They have been unrelenting in their support for the local community. 他们始终不懈地支持当地社区。
unswerving loyalty/devotion 始终不渝的忠诚/奉献
unwavering support 坚定的支持
a vaulting ambition 雄心壮志
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net