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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /seɪ/
present tense
present participlesaying
past tensesaid
past participlesaid
  1. 1
    [I/T] to express something using words 说;讲

    ‘Pleased to meet you,' he said with a smile. “很高兴见到你,”他微笑着说道。

    ‘When's he coming back?' ‘He didn't say.' “他什么时候回来?”“他没说。”

    say (that) :

    She said that she liked dancing. 她说她喜欢跳舞。

    say how/what/who etc :

    Did he say who called? 他说谁打的电话吗?

    say something to someone :

    Tell me what he said to you. 告诉我他对你说的话。

    say hello/goodbye etc (to someone) :

    Say hello to Jenny for me! 替我问候珍妮!

    say sorry (to someone for something) :

    I've already said sorry for hurting his feelings. 我已经因伤害他的感情而向他道歉了。

    say yes/no (to someone/something) (=give/refuse permission) 同意/拒绝(某人/某事) :

    The committee said yes, so we can go ahead. 委员会说行,所以我们可以继续进行。

    a horrible/stupid/strange etc thing to say :

    What an odd thing to say, Carrie thought. 说这样的话真奇怪,卡丽思忖道。

    say something on/about :

    I want to say something on this subject. 我想就这个话题说几句。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [T] to think something, or to have a particular opinion 认为;对…有某种想法

    I think we should stop now. What do you say? 我认为我们现在应该停下来,你说呢?

    say (that) :

    He always said you'd be rich and famous one day. 他总是说你有一天会名利双收。

    I say we go (=I think we should go) by car: it's quicker than the train. 我想我们应该开车去,这样比火车快。

    would say so/not (=think it is likely/unlikely) 认为可能/不可能 :

    ‘Will she meet the deadline?' ‘I would say so.' “她会赶在最后期限之前吗?”“我想会的。”

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      if people say something or if something is said, it is the opinion of a lot of people (许多人)认为
      they/people say (that) :

      They say laughter is the best medicine. 他们说笑是最好的药。

      as they say :

      Time, as they say, is a great healer. 时间,正如他们所说,是一剂灵丹妙药。

      be said to do something :

      She is said to have great talent as an artist. 据说她有当艺术家的不凡天赋。

      The castle is said to be haunted. 据说这城堡闹鬼。

      it is said (that) :

      It is said that he was introduced to the king by a wealthy cousin. 据说他由一个富有的表兄引荐给了国王。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] [usually progressive] to mean something by a statement 宣称;说明
    say (that) :

    We are not saying that taxpayers should pay more. 我们并不是在宣称纳税人应该多付钱。

    Is she saying she hasn't got any homework? 她在说她没有任何家庭作业吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    To have a meaning: mean, intend, say...
    1. a.
      to have a particular meaning for someone (对某人)意味着
      say something to someone :

      This music says nothing to me. 这音乐对我来说没有任何意义。

       Synonyms and related words
      To have a meaning: mean, intend, say...
  4. 4
    [T] to give information or orders in writing, numbers, pictures etc 指明;表明;说明

    My watch says quarter to twelve. 我的表指着12点差一刻。

    say (that) :

    Her letter says she's arriving at midday. 她信上说她中午到。

    The rules say that we need a two-thirds majority to win. 章程规定我们需要三分之二的多数才算获胜。

    say how/when/what etc :

    Does it say on the box how much it costs? 盒子上写着多少钱吗?

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to show indirectly what someone or something is like 表达;传达
    say something about someone/something :

    Your home says a lot about you. 你的家表现出你的许多特点。

    This incident says something about the way the company is run. 这一事件表明了该公司的经营方式。

     Synonyms and related words
    To describe or define something: describe, define, illustrate...
  6. 6
    [T] [usually in imperative] to imagine what will happen in a particular situation 假设;设想

    Say you get £2,000 for the car – you'll still need another thousand. 假设你把汽车卖了2,000英镑,你还是缺1,000英镑。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [T] to use something as a possible example 比方说;比如

    Why don't we have a break until, let's say, 10.45? 我们为什么不休息一下,比方说到10点45分?

     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [T] informal to tell someone to do something 吩咐,叫(某人做某事)
    say to do something :

    Mum said to do the dishes. 妈吩咐去炒菜。

     Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [T] to repeat the words of something such as a prayer or speech that you have learned previously 念(祷文或演讲稿等)

    They lit candles and said prayers for the dead. 他们点上蜡烛,为死者念祷词。

     Synonyms and related words
  10. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    say it, don't spray it used to tell someone not to spit while they are speaking Submitted by Caleb Judy from United States on 04/01/2018
  11. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    he said, she said used to describe a situation where there is disagreement about what happened, especially between a man and a woman, but no other witnesses to confirm or refute it

    The myth is that allegations of sexual assault are simply a matter of 'he said, she said'.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 04/10/2018
See also
noun [singular/uncountable] /seɪ/
  1. the right to give your opinion and be involved in a discussion about something 发言权
    have a say in something :

    The council made the decision. We had no say in the matter. 理事会作出决定,我们对这事没有发言权。

    have a say on/over something :

    Residents are being given a chance to have a say on the future of their town. 居民们正得到一个机会就他们镇的未来发表看法。

     Synonyms and related words
    Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...
interjection mainly American informal /seɪ/
  1. 1
    used for expressing surprise (用于表示惊奇)哎呀

    Say, that's a great idea! 哎呀,那是个非常好的主意!

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    used for getting someone's attention before you ask a question or make a suggestion or remark (用于在提问、提出建议或发表见解前引起某人的注意)哎

    Say, are you OK? 哎,你还好吧?

     Synonyms and related words


ADVERB | VERB + SAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBaloud, out loud出聲地說loudly大聲地說gently, quietly, softly輕聲地說;悄悄地說;溫柔地說gruffly, huskily聲音粗啞地說;嗓音嘶啞地說at once立即說at last, at length, finally終於說simply簡單地說'I am home,' he said simply.“我回來了。”他簡單地說。hastily, hurriedly, quickly倉促地說;匆忙地說;迅速地說slowly不慌不忙地說abruptly, suddenly突兀地說;突然說briskly, curtly, shortly, tersely三言兩語地說;簡練地說angrily, bitterly, crossly, fiercely, sharply生氣地說;憤憤不平地說;氣呼呼地說;憤怒地說;尖銳地說'I don't know,' she said crossly.“我不知道。”她氣呼呼地說。bluntly, flatly, matter-of-factly, plainly直截了當地說;斷然地說;平靜淡然地說;據實說firmly, weakly堅定地說;懦弱地說harshly, sternly苛刻地說;嚴厲地說kindly, sweetly友好地說;動聽地說brightly, cheerfully, cheerily, happily快活地說;愉快地說;興高采烈地說;高興地說enthusiastically熱情地說with a grin, with a smile咧嘴笑着說;微笑着說'You'll see!' Lianne said with a smile.“你等着瞧吧!”利安笑着說道。with a smirk, with a wink傻笑着說;眨着眼說with a chuckle, with a laugh輕聲笑着說;大笑着說with a frown, with a shrug, with a sigh皺着眉說;聳着肩說;歎着氣說'Well, at least we tried!' he said with a shrug.“算了,至少我們盡力了!”他聳了聳肩說道。miserably, sadly淒慘地說;傷心地說gravely, grimly, seriously, solemnly板着臉說;嚴厲地說;嚴肅地說;鄭重地說airily, casually, lightly, nonchalantly, smoothly輕描淡寫地說;隨口說;滿不在乎地說;無動於衷地說;油嘴滑舌地說'There's nothing wrong with him,' she said airily.“他沒事。”她輕描淡寫地說。stiffly生硬地說proudly驕傲地說smugly沾沾自喜地說thoughtfully若有所思地說conversationally閒聊似地說calmly, evenly, mildly平靜地說;語氣平和地說;溫和地說impatiently, patiently不耐煩地說;耐心地說defensively, indignantly懷有戒心地說;憤慨地說politely禮貌地說soothingly寬慰地說apologetically, sheepishly歉意地說;難為情地說awkwardly, hesitantly, lamely, nervously局促不安地說;猶猶豫豫地說;信心不足地說;緊張地說jokingly, teasingly開玩笑地說;揶揄地說drily, mockingly, sarcastically不動聲色地調侃;嘲弄地說;冷嘲熱諷地說coldly, coolly, icily冷冷地說;冷漠地說breathlessly上氣不接下氣地說absently茫然地說honestly, sincerely, truthfully誠實地說;真誠地說;坦誠地說Can you honestly say you're sorry?你能誠心誠意地說對不起嗎?VERB + SAYbe about to, be going to正要說;打算說I've forgotten what I was going to say.我忘了自己剛才想要說什麼了。hasten to急忙說long to, want to渴望說;想說I want to say how much we have all enjoyed this evening.我想說今晚我們都玩得非常開心。hate to不願說I hate to say it, but I think Stephen may be right.我本不願說,但我覺得斯蒂芬可能是對的。dare (to)膽敢說I dared not say a word about it to anyone.我不敢對任何人說起此事。I dare say that she'll come to the wedding.我敢說她會來參加婚禮。suffice it to, suffice to只需說⋯就夠了Suffice it to say, I refused to get involved.只說一句,我拒絕牽扯進去。be fair to說句公道話It is fair to say a considerable amount of effort went into the project.說句公道話,這一項目的參與者花費了很多心血。have nothing to, have something to無話/有話要說Be quiet, I have something to say.安靜,我有話要說。hear sb聽到某人說I heard him say they were leaving tomorrow.我聽到他說他們明天走。PREPOSITIONabout說關於⋯Do you have anything to say about this?對此事你有什麼要說的嗎?to對⋯說That's not what he said to me.他對我不是那麼說的。PHRASESbe quoted as saying sth援引(某人的)話說⋯A government spokesman was quoted as saying that they would take steps to restore order.據政府發言人說,他們將採取措施恢復秩序。a thing to say這樣說是⋯的That was a very cruel thing to say.說這話太刻毒了。I have to say, I must say我不得不說;我必須說I have to say I didn't expect it to be so good.我得承認,我沒料到會這麼好。it has to be said必須承認She wasn't at her best, it has to be said.必須承認,她沒有表現出最佳水平。needless to say不用說Needless to say, it all went smoothly in the end.不用說,最終一切都很順利。
say noun
say verb
say1 (‘Hello!’ she said.) say2 (I can't say I blame her.) say3 (We'll finish in, let's say, three months.) predict (Who can say where it will end?) quote (say a quiet prayer) I dare say suppose


'Hello!' she said. “喂!”她说。I can't say I blame her. 我不能说是她不对。We'll finish in, let's say, three months. 比方说,三个月我们就能完成。say ♦︎ speak ♦︎ talkThese words all mean to use your voice to express sth, especially in words. 这些词均表示说、讲。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to say sth / speak / talk to sbto say sth / speak / talk about sthThey were speaking / talking (in) French. say (said, said) [transitive] to tell sb sth, using words 说;讲;告诉She said nothing to me about it.她没有跟我说过这件事。That's a terrible thing to say.这话可说不得。I didn't believe a word she said.她说的话我一句都不信。He said (that) his name was Sam.他说他的名字叫萨姆。She finds it hard to say what she feels.她觉得自己内心的感受难以言说。'Why can't I go out now?' 'Because I say so.'“为什么我现在不能出去?”“因为我说了不能。”He said to meet him here.他说来这儿跟他见面。In stories, the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun. 在故事或小说中,当said、says或say出现在直接引语的后面时,主语(代词除外)常位于said等之后'Hello!' she said.“喂!”她说。'That was marvellous,' said Daniel.“好极了。”丹尼尔说。 speak (spoke, spoken) [intransitive] to use your voice to say sth 说话;讲话He can't speak because of a throat infection.他嗓子发炎,不能说话。Please speak more slowly.请说慢一点。Without speaking, she stood up and went out.她没有说话,站起身来走了出去。What language are they speaking in?他们说的是哪种语言?He speaks with a strange accent.他说话口音很特别。 Speak also means 'to be able to use a particular language'. In this meaning it is not used in the progressive tenses. * speak还可表示“会说某种语言”,表达此义时不用于进行时 [transitive] She speaks several languages / a little Urdu / an unusual dialect.她会说几种语言/一点乌尔都语/一种罕见的方言。Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗? see also speak talk , speaker speaker 1 talk [intransitive, transitive] to say words in a language (用某种语言)讲,说,说话Alex can't talk yet-he's only just one year old.亚历克斯还不会说话-他才一岁大。Are they talking Swedish or Danish?他们说的是瑞典语还是丹麦语? see also talk talk , talker speaker 1 NOTE 辨析 Speak or talk? Talk is much more frequent than speak in spoken English. If sb can't speak they are physically unable to speak because of illness, disability or emotion. If you are talking about a baby who has not learned to talk yet, use talk. 在口语中talk比speak常用得多。can't speak指由于生病、残疾或情感等原因失去了说话的能力。表示婴儿尚未学会说话要用talk。say2


'Hello!' she said. “喂!”她说。I can't say I blame her. 我不能说是她不对。We'll finish in, let's say, three months. 比方说,三个月我们就能完成。 See also the entries for declare and show 3 另见declare条和show条第3义say ♦︎ talk ♦︎ express ♦︎ put ♦︎ voice ♦︎ air ♦︎ phraseThese words all mean to let people know how you feel or what you think by speaking. 这些词均表示用言语表达、表述。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to express / voice / air your thoughts / opinions / views / concernsto express / put / phrase sth clearlyto talk / express yourself / air sth openlyto talk / express yourself freely say (said, said) [transitive, intransitive] to give an opinion on sth 表达,表述(见解)Say what you like (= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer.随你怎么说,反正她是个优秀歌手。I'll say this for them, they're a very efficient company.我要为他们说句公道话,他们公司的效率的确很高。Anna thinks I'm lazy-what do you say (= what is your opinion)?安娜认为我懒惰-你说呢?It's hard to say what caused the accident.很难说造成事故的原因是什么。I can't say I blame her for resigning (= I think she was right).她辞职了,我不能说她不对。I wouldn't say they were rich (= in my opinion they are not rich).我认为他们并不富裕。'When will it be finished?' 'I couldn't say (= I don't know).'“什么时候能够完成?”“说不好。” talk [intransitive, transitive] to say things, especially in order to express feelings or ideas; to say things that are/are not sensible 说话;谈论;说,讲(有理、无理的话)Stop talking and listen!别说话了,注意听!He talked excitedly of his plans.他兴奋地谈起自己的计划。She talks a lot of sense.她讲得很在理。You're talking nonsense!你胡说八道! See also the entry for talk 另见talk条 express [transitive] (rather formal) to show or make known a feeling, opinion or idea by words, looks or actions 表示,表达,表露(感情、意见或想法)Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.教师对偏重考试的问题表示担忧。Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.也许我没把自己的意思表达清楚。She expresses herself most fully in her paintings.她在画作中把自己的感情表现得淋漓尽致。 Express is often followed by a noun describing a feeling or emotion. * express后面常接表示感觉或感情的名词to express (your, my, etc.) dissatisfaction / fear / horror / gratitude / desire表达(你的、我的等)不满/担忧/惊恐/感激/欲望 Say and talk cannot be used in this way. Use express yourself to talk about saying what you think or feel so that people understand, or with by, through or in to talk about showing your feelings in a particular way, such as through art or poetry. * say和talk不能这样用。express yourself指表达自己的思想感情以使别人明白,或与by、through或in连用,指以某种形式(如通过艺术或诗歌等)来表现自己的感情。 see also expression expression 1 put [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to express or state sth in a particular way (以某种方式)说,表达She put it very tactfully.她的话说得很巧妙。Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.简单地说吧,我们要么接受他们的条件,要么破产。I was, to put it mildly, annoyed (= I was extremely angry).委婉点地说,我很不高兴。He was too trusting-or, to put it another way, he had no head for business.他太轻信人了-或者换个说法,他没有商业头脑。She had never tried to put this feeling into words.她从未试图把这种感情说出来。 voice [transitive] (rather formal) to tell people your feelings or opinions about sth 表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见)A number of parents have voiced concern about their children's safety.一些家长对子女的安全表示担心。 air [transitive] (rather formal) to express your opinions publicly 公开发表(意见)The weekly meeting enables employees to air their grievances.每周的例会使雇员有机会诉说委屈。NOTE 辨析 Voice or air?You can voice an opinion to one person, but if you air an opinion, you are usually sharing it with many people, at a meeting for example. * voice可指向一个人表达意见,而air通常指向众人公开发表意见,如在会议上。 phrase [transitive] to say or write sth, arranging the words in a particular way (以某种方式)表达,措辞,推敲I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently.我赞同他说的话,但我会以不同的方式来表述。say3


'Hello!' she said. “喂!”她说。I can't say I blame her. 我不能说是她不对。We'll finish in, let's say, three months. 比方说,三个月我们就能完成。say ♦︎ suppose ♦︎ speculate ♦︎ presume ♦︎ postulate ♦︎ presupposeThese words all mean to suggest or give sth as a possibility, or act as if sth were true even though you have no definite proof. 这些词均表示假定、假设。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to say / suppose / speculate / presume / postulate / presuppose that...to suppose / presume / postulate / presuppose the existence of sthlet's (just) / let us say / suppose (that...) say (said, said) [transitive, no passive] (especially spoken) used to give or suggest sth as an example or possibility 比方说;假设You could learn the basics in, let's say, three months.比方说,三个月你就可以掌握基本知识。Take any writer, say (= for example) Dickens...随便举一个作家为例,比如说狄更斯⋯Say you lose your job. What then?假设你丢了工作,那会怎样? suppose [transitive] to pretend that sth is true; to imagine what would happen if sth were true 假定;假设;设想Suppose all the flights are booked on that day. Which other day could we go?假定那天的航班都订满了,我们还可以哪天走呢?Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.比方说,假设你成家了,还有两个孩子。Suppose him dead-what then?假如他死了,那怎么办? speculate ˈspekjuleɪt [transitive] to form an opinion about sth without knowing all the details or facts 推测;猜测;推断Everyone speculated wildly about the reasons for her resignation.大家都胡乱推测她辞职的原因。It's useless to speculate why he did it.对于他为什么这样做,妄加猜测一点用也没有。 see also speculation speculation , speculative supposed presume prɪˈzjuːm; NAmE prɪˈzuːm [transitive] (rather formal) to accept that sth is true until it is shown not to be true, for example in court; to accept sth as true or real and take action on that basis (在法庭上等)推定,假定;假设(作为行事的基础)Twelve passengers are missing, presumed dead.有十二名旅客失踪,已推定罹难。In English law, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty.英国法律规定,一个人在被证明有罪之前推定为无辜。 see also presumption speculation , presume suppose postulate ˈpɒstjuleɪt; NAmE ˈpɑːstʃəleɪt [transitive] (formal) to suggest or accept that sth is true so that it can be used as the basis of a theory or argument 假定,假设(以作为理论或论证的基础)Some linguists have postulated a change in English pronunciation from around 1600.一些语言学家假定大约从1600年开始英语发音出现了变化。 presuppose ˌpriːsəˈpəʊz; NAmE ˌpriːsəˈpoʊz [transitive] (formal) (of a person) to accept sth as true or real and base your actions on that before it has been proved; (of an argument or reason) to depend on sth else being true in order to exist or be valid (人)姑且认为,假设;(论点或理由)以⋯为前提,依⋯而定Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge on the part of the students.教师有时会假定学生有相当高的知识水平。This argument presupposes that all children start off life with equal advantages.这个论点的前提是,所有儿童生来都具有同等的优势。 see also presupposition speculation

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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