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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 277 COCA: 276
noun /laɪn/
  1. 1
    [C] a long thin mark on the surface of something (用作标记的)细线

    Draw a straight line. 画一条直线。

    Each horizontal line on the graph represents fifteen minutes. 图表上的每一条水平线代表15分钟。

     Synonyms and related words
    Long and thin objects: line, strip, stick...
    1. a.
      a long thin mark on the ground used in sports for marking an area in which a match is played, or for showing where a race starts or finishes (运动场地的)界线,场界;(跑道的)起跑线,终点线

      It was hard to tell whether the ball had crossed the line. 很难说球出界了没有。

      the starting line 起跑线

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      a long thin mark on a road used for organizing traffic and for showing drivers where they can park (道路上标志的)车道线,车位线

      His only previous conviction is for parking on a double yellow line. 他唯一的前科便是把车停在了双黄线上。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      a thin mark on someone's skin that appears especially as they get older 皱纹

      There were small lines at the corners of her mouth and around her eyes. 她的嘴角和眼睛周围有细小的皱纹。

       Synonyms and related words
      The skin and its parts: beauty spot, birthmark, cuticle...
  2. 2
    [C] a border between two regions 边界线

    the line between Northern Ireland and the Republic 北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国的边界线

     Synonyms and related words
    Borders between countries and regions: border, line, frontier...
    1. a.
      an imaginary limit or border between two situations or conditions (两种状况或情形的)分界,界限

      The country is still divided along ethnic lines. 这个国家依然陷于种族分裂中。

      line between :

      The programme blurs the line between news and entertainment. 这个节目模糊了新闻和娱乐之间的界限。

      a fine/thin line :

      There is a fine line between resolving the crisis peacefully and giving in to terrorism. 和平解决危机和向恐怖主义屈服之间只有一线之隔。

       Synonyms and related words
      Limits, controls and ranges: red line, limit, constraint...
  3. 3
    [C] a telephone connection 电话线(路)

    My daughter now wants her own phone line in her bedroom. 现在我女儿想在她的卧室里装一部属于她自己的电话。

    It's a very bad line – put the phone down and I'll call you back. 电话线路很糟糕,放下电话,我给你打过去。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      a telephone service 电话服务

      The advice line is open from 6pm to 10pm on weekdays. 工作日咨询热线的开通时间为每天下午6点到晚上10点。

      a chat line 聊天热线

  4. 4
    [C] a part of a railway system 铁路线

    the London to Brighton line 从伦敦到布赖顿的铁路线

    There are plans to reopen the railway line. 有计划准备重新开通这条铁路线。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the long metal bars on which trains travel 铁轨

      Train services have been cancelled due to repair work on the line. 由于维修铁轨,列车服务被取消了。

       Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [C] [usually singular] a way of thinking, talking, or finding out about something (思维、谈话或查明某事物的)方式,方法
    line of thought :

    He impatiently dismissed this line of thought. 他迫不及待地摒弃了这种思维方式。

    line of argument :

    You also need to develop a persuasive line of argument. 你也需要展开有说服力的论证。

    line of enquiry :

    What are the main lines of enquiry you intend to pursue? 你打算采取的主要调查方式是什么?

     Synonyms and related words
    Ways of thinking: approach, view, mind...
    1. a.
      an attitude or belief, especially one that is expressed publicly (尤指公开表达的)态度,信念
      take a tough/firm/hard line :

      Environmental groups took a very tough line with the industry. 环保团体对于该产业采取了非常强硬的态度。

      line on :

      Forsyth appears to have hardened his line on Europe. 福赛思对欧洲的态度似乎强硬了起来。

       Synonyms and related words
      Thoughts, ideas and beliefs: thought, idea, belief...
  6. 6
    [C] a series of words written or printed in a row 字行

    a line of text 一行文字

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [plural] theatre the words that an actor says in a performance 台词

      He forgot his lines. 他忘了台词。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [C] a clever or funny remark 妙语;笑话
       Synonyms and related words
      Comments and remarks: acknowledgment, afterthought, allusion...
    3. c.
      [singular] a remark, excuse, or explanation that is not sincere or true 谎话;借口

      Don't give me that old line. 别给我找那种老一套的借口。

       Synonyms and related words
      Lies: lie, invention, falsehood...
  7. 7
    [C] a row of people or things (人或事物的)行,排,列

    A line of police stood outside the post office as employees were evacuated. 邮局工作人员撤走时一排警察就站在外面。

    On the far bank were thick reeds and a line of palm trees. 远处的堤岸上是茂盛的芦苇和一排棕榈树。

    in a line :

    She told the children to walk in a line and not push. 她告诉孩子们要列队走路,不要推挤。

     Synonyms and related words
    Lines of people or their vehicles: caravan, chain, column...
    1. a.
      a row of soldiers, ships, or weapons facing an enemy 前线;防线

      The plane was brought down behind enemy lines. 飞机被击落在敌方境内。

       Synonyms and related words
      Groups of soldiers: advance guard, battalion, brigade...
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      mainly American a queue of people waiting for something (等候的)长队,队列
      stand in line :

      We stood in line for about an hour to get the tickets. 为买这些票,我们排了大约一个小时的队。

       Synonyms and related words
      Lines of people or their vehicles: caravan, chain, column...
  8. 8
    [C] the way that communication, authority, or responsibility is shared between people in an organization (机构内人员之间交流、分享权力和责任的)渠道

    We want to open up lines of communication and provide more information. 我们想开辟一些沟通渠道并提供更多的信息。

    The organization's problems were caused by a lack of clear reporting lines. 该机构的种种问题是因缺少清晰的统属关系造成的。

     Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [C] a company that provides a transport service 运输公司;航运公司

    The shipping line is losing money, and the government wants to sell it. 那家轮船公司处于亏损状态,因此政府想把它出售。

     Synonyms and related words
    Specific types of business: authenticator, automaker, bookseller...
  10. 10
    [C] business several products forming a set, for example because they are all of the same type or are all produced by the same company (货物的)种,类

    The company is broadening its product lines to attract more buyers. 该公司增加了其产品的种类以吸引更多购买者。

    a new line of perfume 新品种的香水

     Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    [C] a piece of string, rope, or wire used for a particular purpose 线;绳;金属丝

    a washing line 晾衣绳

    Heavy snow brought down power lines. 大雪把电线压倒了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Things used for tying and fastening: rope, chain, string...
  12. 12
    [C] the direction or path along which someone or something moves or looks (移动或注视的)方向,路线

    He was so drunk he couldn't walk in a straight line. 他醉得太厉害了,以至于走路歪歪扭扭的。

    Deep snow is blocking the mountain roads that serve as supply lines for the rebels. 厚厚的大雪堵住了作为反叛者补给线的山路。

    line of fire (=the direction in which weapons are fired) 射击方向 :

    Though there is fighting nearby, the camp is not in the line of fire. 虽然附近有战斗,但露营地不在交火的那个方向上。

    line of vision (=the direction in which someone is looking) 视线的方向 :

    I was standing right in his line of vision. 我恰好站在他的视线内。

     Synonyms and related words
    Direction and ways of getting to a place: direction, detour, path...
  13. 13
    [C] an edge that shows the shape of something 轮廓线

    Buyers are attracted by the sleek lines of the car. 顾客们被这部车流畅的线条所吸引。

     Synonyms and related words
    Lines and flat surfaces: arc, axis, chord...
  14. 14
    [C] music a series of connected musical notes that form a tune (形成曲调的)一组音符

    a bass line 一组低音音符

     Synonyms and related words
    Parts of pieces of music: accompaniment, arpeggio, breakbeat...
  15. 15
    [C] a series of connected events (相关的事件)一系列

    This is just the latest in a long line of such scandals. 这只不过是一长串这类丑闻中最新的一桩罢了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Series of events or occurrences: pattern, process, train...
    1. a.
      a series of connected generations in the same family 家系;家族;世系

      Mr Nelson comes from a long line of carpenters. 纳尔逊先生来自于一个木匠世家。

       Synonyms and related words
      Ancestors: ancestor, ancestry, antecedents...
  16. 16
    [singular] a type of work or area of interest 行业;行当;兴趣
    line of business/work :

    What line of business are you in exactly? 你究竟是从事什么行业的呢?

    in someone's line :

    Light novels are more in my line. 我对消遣性的小说更感兴趣。

     Synonyms and related words
  17. 17
    [C] informal a quantity of an illegal drug that is arranged into a line before being taken (排成一列准备服用的)一剂量毒品

    a line of cocaine 一列可卡因粉末

     Synonyms and related words
    Relating to using illegal drugs: abuse, addiction, addictive...
     Synonyms and related words
  18. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    not someone's line not someone's area of expertise and something they are not even interested in doing

    I cannot repair the car and anyway it is not my line.

    Submitted by lackóka from Hungary on 31/03/2017
  19. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    put yourself on the line to do something that has a risk or responsibility for you

    When you are a famous singer and put yourself on the line, you must accept criticism.

    Submitted by Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 19/06/2018
verb [T] /laɪn/
present tense
present participlelining
past tenselined
past participlelined
  1. 1
    to cover the inside of something, especially a piece of clothing or a container, with a layer of something else 给(尤指衣服或容器)安衬里
    line something with something :

    Line the dish with aluminium foil. 在盘子里垫上铝箔纸。

    He wore a black coat lined with dark grey silk. 他穿了一件有深灰色绸子衬里的黑色外衣。

     Synonyms and related words
    To sew, or to sew something: sew, mend, stitch...
    1. a.
      to form a layer on the inside surface of something 用作…的衬里
       Synonyms and related words
      To cover something: cover, wrap, coat...
  2. 2
    to form rows along the sides of something 沿(某物边)排列成行

    Crowds lined the streets to watch the parade. 人群排列在街道两边观看游行。

    The riverside will be transformed into a promenade lined with cafés and restaurants. 河岸将被改造成两旁是咖啡馆和餐馆的步行街。

     Synonyms and related words

phrasal verbs

IELTS BNC: 277 COCA: 276


1long thin mark on the surface of sth線條ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | LINE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong長線short短線thick粗線fine, thin細線faint模糊的線a faint white line模糊的白線direct, straight直線curved, jagged, wavy, zigzag曲線;鋸齒狀線;波浪線;曲折線diagonal, horizontal, parallel, perpendicular, vertical對角線;水平線;平行線;垂線;垂直線continuous, solid, unbroken實線broken, dashed, dotted虛線Sign on the dotted line.在虛線處簽字。finish, finishing, starting (all sport體育) 終點線;起點線free-throw, goal (both sport體育) 罰球線;球門線The ball bounced off the crossbar and fell behind the goal line.球從球門橫梁上彈出,落在球門線後。contour(地圖上的)等高線boundary, state (NAmE) 邊界線;州界線the boundary line between two countries兩國之間的邊界線His family lived across the state line in West Virginia.他的家人住在州界線那邊的西弗吉尼亞州境內。centre/center中心線She crossed the centre / center line and hit an oncoming truck.她越過中心線,撞上了一輛迎面而來的卡車。VERB + LINEdraw, mark畫線;標出線LINE + VERBrun線延伸divide sth, separate sth線劃分⋯;線分開⋯connect sth線連接⋯The pencil line connects one box to another.鉛筆線把一個方框與另一個方框連起來。correspond to sth, denote sth, depict sth, indicate sth, mark sth, represent sth, show sth線對應⋯;線指示⋯;線描繪⋯;線指明⋯;線標出⋯;線代表⋯;線表示⋯Horizontal lines indicate the time spent executing the program.水平線表示執行程序所花時間。PREPOSITIONin a line成一條線Walk in a straight line.走直線。PHRASESa line of latitude, a line of longitude緯線;經線


2row of people, things, words on a page, etc.ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElong, short長隊列;短隊列new新排的隊列continuous連續的隊列VERB + LINEform排成行PREPOSITIONin a/the line成隊列The soldiers stood in a line.士兵站成一排。on a/the line以一行Start each paragraph on a new line.每一段另起一行。


3 (NAmE) people, etc. waiting to do sth排隊 see also queue ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElong, short長長的/很短的等候隊伍checkout, lunch等候付款的/等候午餐的隊伍supermarket checkout lines超市付款處等候的隊列The lunch line was long as usual.午餐那裏照常排着長隊。VERB + LINEform排隊PREPOSITIONin line在隊列裏You'll have to wait in line like everybody else.你必須和所有其他人一樣排隊等候。


4telephone, electricity, gas, etc.電話;電;燃氣ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | LINE + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdirect, trunk直達線路;幹線power, transmission, utility (NAmE) 電力線;傳輸線;公共事業管線sewer (NAmE) 污水管線fuel, gas (both NAmE) 燃料/輸氣管線There were two fuel lines coming into the engine.有兩條燃料線路接入發動機。phone, telephone電話線路DSL數字用戶線路fax傳真線路outside, party, private外線;合用線;專用線What do I dial for an outside line?應該怎麼撥外線?VERB + LINEhold不掛電話Hold the line (= Don't put the receiver down), please.請別掛電話。LINE + VERBbe busy, be engaged (BrE) 線路忙;電話佔線be dead, go dead線路不通/掛斷PREPOSITIONdown the line在電話的另一端He kept shouting down the line at me.他一直在電話的另一端衝我大喊大叫。on the line在打電話It's your mother on the line (= on the telephone).是你母親打的電話。on line (usually online) (= connected to a computer system) 在線


5transport/transportation交通線路ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVErail, railway, train鐵路線subway, underground (especially BrE) 地鐵線路main鐵路主幹線branch, commuter, trunk鐵路支線;通勤鐵路線;主幹線路The branch line is threatened with closure.這條鐵路支線面臨關停。VERB + LINEtake乘某條線路Take the green line and change at the first stop.乘綠色線路,在第一站換車。PREPOSITIONon a/the line在某線上We live on the Northern Line. (BrE) 我們住在北線上。PHRASESthe end of the line線路的終點


6(usually lines) words spoken by an actor in a play台詞VERB + LINESlearn, practise/practice學習/練習台詞recite, say背台詞;說台詞forget忘記台詞flub, fluff, mess up (especially NAmE) 說錯台詞;弄錯台詞miss漏掉台詞


7on the skin皺紋ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | LINE + VERB ADJECTIVEworry愁紋deep深深的皺紋Deep lines ran from her nose to her mouth.從她的鼻子到嘴巴都是深深的皺紋。faint淡淡的皺紋I saw the faint lines of concern etched into his brow.我看見他的額頭上已經出現了淡淡的愁紋。VERB + LINEhave有皺紋He has lines on his forehead.他額頭上有皺紋。LINE + VERBrun皺紋延伸appear皺紋出現Deep worry lines had appeared on her forehead.深深的愁紋已經爬上了她的額頭。


8way of doing or thinking about sth行動或思想路線ADJECTIVE | VERB + LINE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbroad總方針The broad lines of company policy are already laid down.公司政策的總方針已經制訂。firm, hard, strong, tough堅定不移的方針;強硬的路線official, party, political官方路線;黨的方針;政治路線VERB + LINEadopt, follow, pursue, take採取方針;遵循路線fall into符合路線The actions of investors do not always fall into line with financial theory.投資者的行動並不總是符合金融理論。bring sb/sth into使⋯保持一致The other members of the board must be brought into line.必須使董事會的其他成員保持一致。PREPOSITIONin line with (= in agreement with) , out of line with (= not in agreement with) 與⋯一致;與⋯不一致out of line with party policies與黨的政策不一致line on關於⋯的方針the official line on food safety政府關於食品安全的方針PHRASESa line of argument, a line of reasoning辯論/推理方法There's a problem with this line of reasoning.這一推理方法有個問題。a line of attack進攻路線Our approach involves two main lines of attack.我們採取的方法包括兩條主要進攻路線。a line of enquiry/inquiry, a line of investigation, a line of questioning調查方法;提問的方法a line of thought思路This line of thought perturbs me.這種思路令我深感不安。a line of evidence (especially NAmE) 證據線索multiple lines of evidence all leading to the same conclusion引向同一結論的多條證據線索


9place where an army is fighting戰線ADJECTIVE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbattle, defensive, firing, front, offensive (NAmE) 戰線;防線;射擊線;前線;攻擊線The middle managers were in the firing line of job cuts. (figurative) 中層經理處在崗位裁減的最前線。PHRASESbehind enemy lines在敵軍後方in the front line, on the front line在前線line of defence/defense防禦線We know that intelligence is our first line of defence / defense against terrorism.我們知道情報是我們的第一道反恐防線。
IELTS BNC: 277 COCA: 276
line noun
attitude (take a hard line on drugs) border (state/county lines) fold (fine lines around his eyes) limit2 (the fine line between helping and interfering) pipe (a fuel/power line) row (stand/wait in line) scale (the line of command) scene (the opening lines of the poem) script (actors learn their lines) series (She came from a long line of doctors.) shape (the line of her jaw) way3 (Go in a straight line.) out of line unacceptable adj.
line verb

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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