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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
noun /əˈpiːl/
  1. 1
    [C] an urgent request for people to give you something that you need such as help, money, or information 呼吁;恳请
    appeal for :

    The police have renewed their appeal for help from the public. 警方重新呼吁公众提供帮助。

    launch an appeal :

    They have launched an appeal to send food to the flood victims. 他们发出为水灾灾民送食品的呼吁。

     Synonyms and related words
    Requests and demands: demand, request, appeal...
    1. a.
      a request for people to do something or to behave in a particular way 要求;请求
      appeal for :

      There have been several appeals for an end to the fighting. 有些人呼吁停止战斗。

      make an appeal :

      Seddon made an emotional appeal for his daughter to contact him. 塞登恳切地请求女儿与他联系。

       Synonyms and related words
      Requests and demands: demand, request, appeal...
  2. 2
    [U] a quality that something has that makes people like it or want it 吸引力;感染力

    Football has popular appeal (=many people enjoy it). 足球有广泛的吸引力。

    How do you explain the appeal of horror films? 你怎么解释恐怖电影的吸引力?

    broaden/widen your appeal (=try to become popular with more people) 扩大吸引力 :

    The organization is clearly trying to broaden its appeal. 这个组织很明显在努力扩大自己的吸引力。

     Synonyms and related words
    The quality of being attractive: appeal, character, charm...
    See also sex appeal
  3. 3
    [C/U] a formal request for a court of law or similar authority to change its decision 上诉;申诉

    Jones has been released on bail pending an appeal (=until there is an appeal). 琼斯被保释到上诉时。

    an appeal judge/tribunal/hearing 上诉法官/法庭/听证

    appeal against :

    An appeal against his sentence is being considered. 他对判决不服的上诉正在被受理。

    lodge/file an appeal :

    After the hearing, the defendants announced that they would be lodging an appeal to the Supreme Court. 庭审后,被告宣布将向最高法院提出上诉。

    allow/dismiss an appeal :

    After hearing the accused's appeal against conviction, six of the judges dismissed it. 在听取了被告对定罪的上诉后,六名法官驳回了上诉。

     Synonyms and related words
    Court cases and legal processes: action, admit, advocacy...
verb /əˈpiːl/
present tense
present participleappealing
past tenseappealed
past participleappealed
  1. 1
    [I] to make an urgent request for people to give you something that you need such as help, money, or information 呼吁;恳请;求助
    appeal (to someone) for something :

    They're appealing to local businesses for sponsorship money. 他们正请求当地公司提供赞助资金。

    Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. 警方呼吁事故的目击者提供帮助。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to ask people to do something or to behave in a particular way, especially in a difficult situation (尤指在困境中)呼吁,恳求
      appeal for calm/unity/restraint :

      As the crisis grew worse, local community leaders appealed for unity. 当危机越来越严重时,当地社团领袖呼吁大家团结一致。

      appeal to someone to do something :

      She appealed to her former husband to return their baby son. 她恳请前夫把他们的婴儿还回来。

       Synonyms and related words
      To encourage someone to do or to not do something: encourage, persuade, convince...
  2. 2
    [I] if something appeals to you, you like it or want it 吸引;感染
    appeal to :

    The show's direct approach will appeal to children. 这场演出直截了当的方式将会吸引孩子们。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [I/T] to formally ask a court of law or similar authority to change its decision 上诉;申诉
    appeal against :

    Green's family say they will appeal against the verdict. 格林的家人说他们将对裁决提出上诉。

    leave to appeal (=the right to appeal) 上诉权 :

    The Board refused to grant them leave to appeal. 委员会拒绝授予他们上诉权。

    appeal a decision/verdict :

    The parties can appeal the decision within 14 days. 当事人可以在14天内对判决提起上诉。

     Synonyms and related words
    Appearing in court: affirm, allow, all rise...
  4. 4
    [I] to try to get someone to do or accept something by making them think it is a sensible or fair thing to do 诉诸;唤起…
    appeal to :

    Max appealed to her good sense to make her change her mind. 马克斯为了让她改变主意试图唤起她的理智。

     Synonyms and related words
    To encourage someone to do or to not do something: encourage, persuade, convince...


1attraction/interest吸引力;興趣ADJECTIVE | VERB + APPEAL | APPEAL + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEconsiderable, great, growing, obvious, powerful, special, strong相當大的吸引力;極大的魅力;日益增強的感染力;明顯的吸引力;強大的吸引力;特別的魅力immediate, instant (especially BrE) 一見傾心;瞬間產生的吸引力the book's immediate appeal to young children該書讓小孩子一眼就看上的吸引力enduring, lasting, timeless持久的/長久的/永久的吸引力Her charming children's stories have timeless appeal.她寫的兒童故事的魅力經久不衰。limited, little有限的吸引力;沒多大吸引力broad, crossover, mainstream, mass, popular, populist, universal, wide, widespread廣泛的/對不同品位的人的/對主流的/對大眾的/對民眾的/對平民的/對所有人的/大範圍的/普遍的吸引力a publication designed for mass appeal為吸引大眾而設計的出版物aesthetic, commercial, electoral, emotional, intellectual, visual美感;商業上的吸引力;競選人的感染力;情感上的感染力;知性魅力;視覺上的感染力Unfortunately the movie lacks commercial appeal.很可惜,這部電影沒有賣點。sex性魅力VERB + APPEALhave, hold有感染力;具有吸引力His views hold no appeal for me.他的觀點我不感興趣。retain保持吸引力lose失去吸引力broaden, extend, widen將感染力的範圍擴大;增加吸引力;拓寬感染力範圍We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.我們正努力讓更多的人喜歡古典音樂。boost, enhance, increase增加魅力;增強感染力;增加吸引力APPEAL + VERBlie in sth魅力在於⋯His considerable appeal lies in his quiet, gentle manner.他巨大的魅力源自於他的溫文爾雅。PREPOSITIONappeal for對⋯的吸引力College lost its appeal for her in the second year.到了第二年,大學對她來說就沒有吸引力了。


2serious request for sth you need/want very much懇求;請求ADJECTIVE | VERB + APPEAL | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdesperate, emergency, emotional, urgent絕望中的請求;緊急籲請;動情的呼籲;緊急呼籲direct, personal直接的/個人的請求fresh (BrE) 新請求a fresh appeal for witnesses to come forward再一次懇求目擊者站出來VERB + APPEALissue, make發出呼籲;作出請求They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.他們直接懇求政府給予資助。PREPOSITIONappeal for⋯的呼籲an appeal for help懇求幫助appeal to⋯的籲請an appeal to reason訴諸理性


3formal request to sb in authority向掌權者正式申訴ADJECTIVE | VERB + APPEAL | APPEAL + VERB | APPEAL + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEformal (especially BrE) 正式上訴court, legal向法庭提出的上訴;依法提出的上訴She won the right to make another court appeal.她贏得了再一次向法庭提出上訴的權利。further進一步上訴There is a possibility of a further appeal to a higher court.可繼續向更高一級法院提出上訴。VERB + APPEALbring, file, lodge, make提出申訴;提起上訴He's bringing an appeal against the size of the fine.他因不滿罰金的數額正在提出上訴。drop放棄上訴They have agreed to drop the appeal.他們已同意放棄上訴。exhaust走完上訴程序All appeals have been exhausted and his execution is imminent.所有的上訴已審理完畢,很快會對他執行死刑。win贏得上訴lose輸掉上訴consider考慮上訴His lawyer is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court.他的律師正在考慮上訴到最高法院。allow (formal) , hear准許上訴;審理申訴
The judge has agreed to allow his appeal.法官已經准許他上訴。The court will hear the appeal on June 10.法庭將於 6 月 10 日審理申訴。uphold (especially BrE) 支持申訴His appeal was upheld and he was released immediately.他的申訴得到支持,他馬上獲釋了。deny, dismiss, reject, throw out, turn down (especially BrE) 駁回上訴;拒絕受理上訴;否決上訴APPEAL + VERBfail上訴失敗succeed上訴成功APPEAL + NOUNappeal court, appeals court (NAmE) 上訴法庭tribunal (BrE) 特別上訴法庭hearing上訴聽證會appeal judge, appeals judge (NAmE) 上訴法官appeals procedure, appeals process上訴程序;上訴步驟system (especially BrE) 上訴制度PREPOSITIONon appeal經上訴On appeal it was held that the judge was correct.上訴維持了法官的原判。The case was upheld on appeal.這一案件的上訴獲得受理。under appeal正在上訴中a case currently under appeal目前正在上訴的一個案子appeal against針對⋯提出的上訴an appeal against his conviction of fraud不服對他犯詐騙罪判決的上訴appeal for要求⋯的申訴an appeal for leniency要求寬大處理的申訴appeal to向⋯提出的上訴an appeal to the High Court向高等法院提出的上訴PHRASEScourt of appeal, court of appeals (NAmE) 上訴法院grounds of appeal (BrE) 上訴的理由a right of appeal上訴權You have the right of appeal to the Constitutional Court.你有權向憲法法院提出上訴。pending appeal等待上訴The players have been suspended pending appeal.這些選手已被暫停比賽,等待上訴。


4event for raising money募捐活動ADJECTIVE | VERB + APPEAL | APPEAL + VERB | APPEAL + NOUN ADJECTIVEcharity, fund-raising慈善募捐活動;籌款活動VERB + APPEALhold, launch舉行/發起募捐活動An appeal is to be launched on behalf of the refugees.將為難民發起一次募捐活動。back, support支持募捐活動APPEAL + VERBraise sth (especially BrE) 募捐活動籌集⋯The appeal raised over three million pounds.募捐活動籌集到三百多萬英鎊。APPEAL + NOUNfund (BrE) 募集的資金


1make serious request for sth呼籲;懇求ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBdirectly直接呼籲He went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.他越過工會領導,直接向全體員工發出呼籲。PREPOSITIONfor, to懇求得到⋯;向⋯呼籲Police appealed to the public for information about the crime.警方呼籲公眾提供與該罪行有關的消息。


2to sb in authority向當權者ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBsuccessfully, unsuccessfully上訴成功/失敗directly直接上訴PREPOSITIONagainst針對⋯提出上訴She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.她不服被判謀殺罪提出上訴,但失敗了。to向⋯上訴He has decided to appeal to the European Court.他已決定向歐洲法庭提出上訴。PHRASESgive sb leave to appeal, grant sb leave to appeal (both BrE) 准予/准許某人上訴


3be attractive/interesting to sb有吸引力;有感染力ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBreally, strongly非常有吸引力;有極強的感染力The idea of retiring early really appeals to me.提前退休這個想法,我很感興趣。directly直接吸引primarily主要吸引Computer games used to appeal primarily to boys.以前主要是男孩子喜歡電腦遊戲。PREPOSITIONto吸引⋯These characters will appeal directly to children's imaginations.這些人物將直接引發兒童的想像力。
appeal verb
ask2 (appeal for help) interest (appeal to all ages)
appeal noun
case (a legal appeal) interest1 (have universal appeal) request (an appeal for information)

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