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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 152 COCA: 141
adjective /haɪ/
  1. 1
    large in size from the top to the ground 高的

    very high mountains 非常高的山

    the highest (=tallest) building 最高的建筑物

    The fence is too high to climb over. 围栏太高,爬不过去。

     Synonyms and related words
    Large in size: large, big, high...
    1. a.
      in a position a long way above the ground 在高处的;远离地面的

      beautiful sunny weather with just a few high clouds 高空中飘着几朵白云,晴朗宜人的天气

      The boiling point of water is lower at high altitudes. 水的沸点在纬度高的地方比较低。

      the highest shelf 最高的架子

       Synonyms and related words
      At a high position or level: high, above, top...
    2. b.
      if a river is high, the water is above its usual level, for example because of heavy rain (河流)水位高的

      The river is so high that only small boats can pass under the bridge. 河水水位很高,只有小船才能在桥下通过。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      used in measurements of how big or how far above the ground an object is. This is called height 有…高的

      Some of the waves are fifteen feet high. 有些浪有15英尺高。

      How high is that ceiling? 那个天花板有多高?

       Synonyms and related words
      Words used to describe height: elevated, high, high...
  2. 2
    large in amount 数量大的;高的

    high prices/temperatures/wages 高价/高温/高薪

    This is an area of high unemployment. 这是个高失业率地区。

    Interest rates are very high. 利率很高。

    Casualties were highest near the centre of the earthquake. 震中附近的伤亡最为严重。

    Music was being played at high volume. 音乐以大音量播放着。

    high risk of something :

    The risk of the disease spreading is high. 这种疾病传染的风险很高。

    the high twenties/nineties etc :

    temperatures in the high twenties (=between 27 and 30 degrees) 二十八九度的温度

    a high level/incidence of something :

    The pipes contain a high level of lead. 这些管子的含铅量很高。

    high number/volume/proportion of something :

    A high proportion of the population are immigrants. 人口中移民的比例很高。

     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
    1. a.
      used for describing a country's money when it is more valuable than the money of other countries (货币)坚挺的

      A high yen makes Japanese exports more expensive. 日元坚挺使日本的出口货物更加昂贵。

      The Euro edged higher against the dollar. 欧元对美元的比价渐渐上涨了。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      containing a lot of something 含有大量…的
      high in :

      Ice cream is very high in calories. 冰激淋的卡路里含量很高。

       Synonyms and related words
      Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
  3. 3
    very good, or excellent 极佳的;出色的
    high standard :

    They expect high standards of care. 他们期待高水平的护理。

    high quality :

    They're known for the high quality of their products. 他们以其产品的高质量而著称。

    high opinion/regard/esteem :

    She has a very high opinion of herself. 她对自己的评价很高。

    I have the highest regard for him. 我最敬重他。

     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe standards: standard, average, high...
    1. a.
      if you have high hopes or expectations, you hope or expect that something very good will happen (期望)高的

      They have high hopes for this week's game. 他们对本周的比赛抱有很高的期望。

      I think their expectations were too high. 我觉得他们的期望太高了。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    important compared to other people or things, especially in a particular system or organization (尤指在特定系统或组织中)重要的,高级的

    What is the highest rank in the army? 陆军的最高军衔是什么?

    high position/status/rank :

    Teachers no longer enjoy the high social status they once had. 教师已不像过去那样享有很高的社会地位了。

    high priority :

    Both parties are giving high priority to education in their campaigns. 在总统竞选中两党都把教育置于优先考虑。

     Synonyms and related words
    Important: important, major, key...
  5. 5
    informal affected by a drug that makes the user feel happy, excited, or relaxed (服用毒品后)飘飘欲仙的,极度兴奋的
    high on :

    He was high on cocaine. 他吸食可卡因后飘飘欲仙。

     Synonyms and related words
    Under the influence of drugs: hooked, stoned, addicted...
    1. a.
      very happy or excited 非常快乐(或兴奋)的
      high on :

      The players were high on the emotion of it all. 所有的队员都情绪高涨。

      in high spirits :

      The children have been in high spirits all day. 孩子们一整天都兴高采烈的。

       Synonyms and related words
      Feeling happy: happy, glad, alive...
  6. 6
    a high sound is near the upper end of a range of sounds. For example, the song of a bird is a high sound, but a cow or a large drum makes a low sound (声音)高的

    a high note/key 高音符/键

    Women's voices are usually higher than men's. 女人的嗓音通常比男人的高。

     Synonyms and related words
    See also high-pitched
  7. 7
    high winds are very strong (风)大的,强的,猛烈的
     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [only before noun] used in some expressions for referring to the greatest, strongest, or most extreme example or part of something 顶点的;最强的;极度的
    high summer :

    Major football tournaments should not really be played in high summer. 重要的足球赛确实不该在盛夏举行。

    high fashion :

    In the 1980s this was high fashion. 这在20世纪80年代是最时髦的。

    high drama (=exciting events) 激动人心的事件 :

    It was a day of high drama. 这是一个充满了激动人心的事件的日子。

    high politics/finance :

    This is high politics played for high stakes. 这是高风险的高层次政治。

    a new TV drama series set in the world of high finance 一部以高层金融界为背景的新电视连续剧

     Synonyms and related words
    Ways of emphasizing completeness or extremeness: complete, completely, entire...
  9. 9
    a high latitude is an area of the Earth that is a long way north or south of the equator (纬度)高的
     Synonyms and related words
  10. 10
    old-fashioned cheese or meat that is high has developed a very strong flavour and smell (奶酪或肉)变质的,不新鲜的
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      used humorously about anything that has an unpleasant smell (用于表示幽默)很臭的

      These socks are a bit high. 这些袜子有点儿臭。

       Synonyms and related words
      Smelling unpleasant: acrid, fetid, frowsty...
  11. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    high and mighty talking or behaving as if you think you are better or more important than other people

    You think you're so high and mighty, but you will come tumbling down some day.

    Submitted by Caleb Judy from United States on 29/11/2015
  12. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    high on the hog showing disapproval lavishly and extravagantly

    They demand sacrifices from others while living high on the hog themselves.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 31/05/2018
See also
adverb /haɪ/
  1. 1
    a long distance above the ground or above a particular position 在高处;高高地

    a first-class hotel built high on the hillside 一家高高地建在山坡上的高级宾馆

    The eagle soared high into the air. 鹰在高空翱翔。

    high above :

    the sound of war planes flying high above the city 飞翔在城市上空的战斗机的轰鸣

     Synonyms and related words
    At a high position or level: high, above, top...
    1. a.
      reaching up a long way 高高地(举起)

      She stretched her arms up high. 她高高地举起双臂。

      piled/stacked high :

      Books were piled high all around. 到处都码着高高的书堆。

       Synonyms and related words
      Words used to describe height: elevated, high, high...
  2. 2
    to or at an important position 向(或在)高的地位

    She rose high in the company. 她在公司里的职位很高。

    A colonel ranks higher than a major. 上校的军衔比少校的高。

     Synonyms and related words
    Important: important, major, key...
  3. 3
    near the upper end of a range of sounds 靠近高音区

    I can't sing that high. 我唱不了那么高的音。

     Synonyms and related words
noun /haɪ/
  1. 1
    [C] a period or situation in which something reaches its highest level 高峰;高潮;最高水平
    reach a high :

    Temperatures today are expected to reach a high of 30 degrees. 今天的气温预计会达到30度的高峰。

    a new/all-time/record high :

    Attendances at football matches are at an all-time high. 观看足球比赛的人数达到了历史最高纪录。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [U] a high temperature in an oven or heating system (烤箱或供暖系统的)高温,高火

    Put the mixture in the microwave and cook on high for 30 seconds. 将混合料放进微波炉,用大火加热30秒。

  3. 3
    [C] a feeling of great happiness or excitement 幸福感;兴奋感

    They've experienced both the highs and the lows of married life. 他们经历了婚姻生活的种种幸福和痛苦。

    on a high :

    The kids are on a high for days when the exams are over. 考试结束后孩子们兴奋了好几天。

     Synonyms and related words
    Happiness and Joy: happiness, pleasure, joy...
    1. a.
      a feeling produced by drugs or alcohol (由毒品或酒精带来的)快感

      The painkillers gave me an amazing high. 止痛药让我感到舒服极了。

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
      Relating to using illegal drugs: abuse, addiction, addictive...
  4. 4


    used in the names of high schools 中学(用于学校名称中)

    He went to North Berwick High. 他上了北贝里克中学。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    a natural high a state of feeling happy or full of energy through natural sources and not artificial stimulants

    According to research, laughing releases endorphins into the body which bring on a natural high.

    Submitted by Ismail from Russian Federation on 05/08/2017


BNC: 152 COCA: 141


1high level or point高水平ADJECTIVE | VERB + HIGH ADJECTIVEall-time, historic, new, record空前的高點;歷史最高點;新高;創紀錄的高度The number of prisoners has reached a historic high.囚犯的數量達到了歷史新高。previous先前的高度five-year, ten-year, etc. * 5 年、10 年等以來的最高水平career職業生涯巔峰He hit a career high with his performance as Al.扮演阿爾一角後他的職業生涯達到了高峰。VERB + HIGHhit, reach創下最高紀錄;達到高點Share prices reached an all-time high yesterday.股票價格昨天達到前所未有的最高點。


2feeling of great pleasure or happiness興奮ADJECTIVE | VERB + HIGH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEreal, tremendous十分興奮emotional情緒高漲natural自然的興奮He was still on a natural high after cheating death.死裏逃生後,他依舊表現出自然的亢奮。adrenalin, caffeine由腎上腺素分泌的/由咖啡因引起的興奮VERB + HIGHexperience, get體驗/得到快感the high she got from her job她從工作中得到的快感give sb使某人亢奮The drug gives you a tremendous high.這種毒品使你亢奮異常。PREPOSITIONon a high處於興奮狀態;在高潮中She's been on a real high since she got her exam results.拿到考試成績以後她就一直飄飄然開心至極。We want to finish on a high.我們想要在高潮中落幕。PHRASESthe highs and lows起伏the emotional highs and lows of an actor's life演員一生中感情上的起伏跌宕
BNC: 152 COCA: 141
high adj.
high1 (a high price/speed) high2 (a high mountain) high3 (a high voice/sound) top (high office)
high noun
excitement (be on a high) peak (Profits are at a high.)


a high price/speed/demand 高价;高速;高需求a high mountain 高山a high voice/sound 尖嗓音;响亮的声音tophigh office See also the entries for excessive and expensive 另见excessive条和expensive条high ♦︎ inflated ♦︎ steep ♦︎ prohibitive ♦︎ unreasonable ♦︎ exorbitant ♦︎ astronomical ♦︎ extortionateThese words all describe a level, especially the price or cost of sth, that is more than normal or too much. 这些词均表示高的,尤指价位高。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达高的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配high / inflated / steep / prohibitive / unreasonable / exorbitant / astronomical / extortionate priceshigh / steep / prohibitive / exorbitant / astronomical / extortionate costshigh / exorbitant / astronomical / extortionate rateshigh / exorbitant / extortionate charges / taxes / fees / rentsa high / an unreasonable / an astronomical levela high / an inflated / an astronomical figure high greater than normal in level or degree 高的;超出常规的They charge very high prices for a pretty average service.他们的服务很一般,收费却非常高。a high level of pollution严重的污染a high standard of craftsmanship高水平的手工艺A high degree of accuracy is needed.准确度要很高。Demand is high at this time of the year.每年这个时候需求很大。The cost in terms of human life was high.付出了高昂的生命代价。We had high hopes for the business (= we believed it would be successful).我们对这个企业抱有很大的期望。OPP low poor 2 inflated (of an amount or level) higher than is reasonable or acceptable (数量或水平)过高的,高得不合理的company directors with inflated salaries薪金奇高的公司董事Consumers are paying inflated prices for food.消费者要支付很高的食品费用。 steep (informal) (of a price or demand) too much (价格或需求)过高的,过分的,不合理的£2 for a cup of coffee seems a little steep to me.一杯咖啡要2英镑我觉得有点太贵了。 prohibitive prəˈhɪbətɪv, NAmE also proʊˈhɪbətɪv(of a price or cost) so high that it prevents people from buying sth or doing sth (价格或费用)高昂得令人难以承受的,贵得买不起的a prohibitive tax on imported cars进口汽车的高昂税费The price of property in the city is prohibitive.这座城市的房地产价格高得令人却步。 prohibitively


Car insurance can be prohibitively expensive for young drivers.汽车保险费有可能高得让年轻的开车人承受不起。
unreasonable (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) (of a price or level) too high in a way that is unfair or not realistic (价格或水平)过高的,不合理的The fees they charge are not unreasonable.他们的收费还算合理。OPP reasonable cheap unreasonably


The bank was found to be charging unreasonably high prices for its services.人们认为这家银行收取过高的服务费。
exorbitant ɪgˈzɔːbɪtənt; NAmE ɪgˈzɔːrbɪtənt (rather formal, disapproving) (of prices) much higher than is reasonable (价格)过高的,高得离谱的The lawyer charged us an exorbitant fee for two days' work.律师向我们收取的两天工作费用高得离谱。 astronomical ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪkl (informal) (of a price or amount) extremely high or large (价格或数量)奇高的,极其巨大的the astronomical costs of land for building建筑用地的巨大成本The figures are astronomical.这些都是天文数字。 astronomically


Interest rates are astronomically high.利率高得吓死人。
extortionate ɪkˈstɔːʃənət; NAmE ɪkˈstɔːrʃənət (rather informal, disapproving) (of prices) much higher than is reasonable (价格)过于昂贵的,过高的They are offering loans at extortionate rates of interest.他们在放高利贷。NOTE 辨析 Exorbitant or extortionate? Exorbitant is more frequent and more formal than extortionate but there is no real difference in meaning. * exorbitant比extortionate更常见、更正式,但两个词在含义上没有实质差别。


a high price/speed/demand 高价;高速;高需求a high mountain 高山a high voice/sound 尖嗓音;响亮的声音tophigh officehigh ♦︎ tall ♦︎ towering ♦︎ high-rise ♦︎ loftyThese words all describe sth which measures a long distance from the bottom to the top, or is at a level which is far away from the ground or sea. 这些词均表示离地面高的、海拔高的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a high / tall / towering / lofty mountain / cliffa high / tall / high-rise / lofty tower / buildinghigh / tall / towering wallshigh / tall trees / grassa high / tall / lofty peaka high / lofty ceilingtowering / lofty heights high measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top; at a level which is a long way above the ground or sea 高的;离地面(或海拔)高的What's the highest mountain in the US?美国哪座山最高?Her shoes were black, with high heels.她穿的是黑色高跟鞋。He has a round face with a high forehead.他圆脸高额。They were flying at high altitude.他们正在高空飞行。I can't reach the top shelf-it's too high.我够不到顶层的搁板-太高了。 High is also used to talk or ask about the distance that sth measures from the bottom to the top. * high也用于指物体的高度How high is Everest?珠穆朗玛峰有多高?It's only a low wall-about a metre high.那堵墙很矮,约1米高。The grass was waist-high.那些草齐腰高。 OPP low In this meaning low has no synonyms of its own. 表示“低、矮”之义时,low没有同义词a low wall / building / table矮墙;矮建筑物;矮桌a low range of hills低矮的山丘flying at low altitude低空飞行The sun was low in the sky.太阳低挂在天空。 see also height length tall having a greater than average height; measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top 高的;高大的;高耸的What's the tallest building in the world?世界上最高的建筑物是哪座?Pollutants are dispersed through tall chimneys.污染物经由高耸的烟囱排出。a tall glass of iced tea一大杯冰茶NOTE 辨析 High or tall?In many cases, where the meaning is 'measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top', either word can be used. However, they are most common in these collocations. 许多情况下,表示物体自身的高度时,两词可以通用,但最常见的搭配是a high mountain / cliff / peak / wall高山;高耸的悬崖/山峰;高墙(a) tall building / tower / tree / grass高楼;高塔;高大的树;高草 Tall is not used to talk about sth which is at a level a long way above the ground, it only refers to the distance between the top and the bottom of sth. * tall不指距地面高,仅指物体本身高The room has tall windows (= the windows stretch from the bottom of the wall to the top).这个房间有落地窗。The room has high windows (= they are at the top of the wall, near the ceiling).这个房间的窗子离地面很高。 towering [only before noun] extremely tall or high and therefore impressive 高大的;高耸的;屹立的The coastline consists of wild, towering cliffs.海岸线上有高耸的峭壁。The building erupted in a towering inferno (= a very tall fire).这座大楼喷出冲天大火。 ˈhigh-rise [only before noun](of a building) very tall and having lots of floors (建筑物)高层的These high-rise apartment blocks were built in the 1960s.这些高层公寓楼建于20世纪60年代。 lofty [usually before noun] (formal or literary) very high and impressive 巍峨的;高耸的From the lofty heights of his apartment you could see right across New York.从他的高层公寓看出去,纽约尽收眼底。high3


a high price/speed/demand 高价;高速;高需求a high mountain 高山a high voice/sound 尖嗓音;响亮的声音tophigh officehigh ♦︎ shrill ♦︎ high-pitched ♦︎ sharp ♦︎ treble ♦︎ piercingThese words all describe voices or sounds that are at or near the top of a musical scale, and not deep or low. 这些词均表示高音的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a high / shrill / high-pitched / sharp / treble / piercing voicea high / shrill / high-pitched / sharp / piercing sounda high / shrill / sharp notea shrill / high-pitched / sharp / piercing scream / whistlea shrill / high-pitched / piercing shrieka shrill / high-pitched laughin shrill / sharp / piercing tones high (of a voice or sound) at or near the top of a musical scale 高音的She has a high voice.她嗓音很尖。That note is definitely too high for me.那个音对我来说实在是太高了。 OPP low , deep deep 2 shrill (disapproving) (of a voice or sound) very high and loud, in an unpleasant way 尖声的;刺耳的;尖厉的The PE teacher's shrill voice rang out across the school fields.体育老师刺耳的嗓音传遍整个学校操场。A shrill scream rent the air.一声尖叫划破天空。 shrilly


She laughed shrilly.她尖声大笑。
ˌhigh-ˈpitched (sometimes disapproving) (of sounds) high, sometimes in an unpleasant way (声音)高的,尖厉的She had a high-pitched giggle which irritated me intensely.她刺耳的傻笑声让我特别恼火。 OPP low-pitched The opposite of high-pitched is low-pitched, but this is not very frequent and it is more usual just to use low: there is no unpleasantness associated with low sounds as there is with some high-pitched ones. * high-pitched的反义词是low-pitched,但该词并不常用,通常只用low,因为高音常令人感到不愉快,低音则不会。NOTE 辨析 High or high-pitched?This meaning of high combines with a few very frequent nouns for sounds. * high表达此义时,与一些表示声音的常用词搭配a high voice / note / key高声;高音;高音调 High-pitched is used for most other sounds. 其他表示声音的词多数可与high-pitched搭配a high-pitched noise / scream / whistle / tone尖厉的噪音/叫声/哨声/声调Both words can be used with sound. 两个词都可与sound搭配a high / high-pitched sound尖厉的声音 High-pitched can sometimes suggest a rather unpleasant sound. * high-pitched有时含声音不悦耳之意。 sharp [usually before noun](of a voice or sound) loud, sudden and often high in tone (嗓音或声音)突然而响亮的She read out the list in sharp, clipped tones.她清脆快速地宣读了名单。There was a sharp knock on the door.突然响起了敲门声。 OPP soft quiet 2 sharply


He rapped sharply on the window.他猛敲窗户。
In musical terminology a note that is sharp is above the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds). The opposite is flat. This meaning of sharp can also be used as an adverb. 在音乐术语中,sharp表示偏高音的,反义词是flat。sharp表达此义时还可用作副词That note was slightly sharp.那个音有些偏高。You played that note sharp.那个音你弹高了。
treble ˈtrebl [only before noun] (music 音乐) (of a voice or musical note) high in tone (嗓音或音符)高的He sang in a high, clear treble voice.他的歌声高亢清亮。 OPP bass deep 2 NOTE 辨析 High or treble? Treble is a more technical word than high, used in singing. * treble比high更为专业,用于声乐。 piercing ˈpɪəsɪŋ; NAmE ˈpɪrsɪŋ [usually before noun] (disapproving) (of a voice or sound) very high, loud and unpleasant (嗓音或声音)刺耳的,尖厉的She gave a piercing scream.她尖叫了一声。She has such a piercing voice.她的声音是那么刺耳。NOTE 辨析 Shrill or piercing?A piercing sound or voice is loud and even higher and more unpleasant than a shrill sound or voice. * piercing比shrill声音更尖、更刺耳。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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