[C/U] the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third etc 次序;顺序 order of : You can change the order of the list by using the ‘sort' command. 你可以使用“排序”指令来改变列表的顺序。
in order (=in the correct order) 按次序;按顺序 : Please try to keep the pictures in order. 请保持图片的正确顺序。
out of order (=in the wrong order) 次序颠倒;不按顺序次序颠倒;不按顺序 : Some of the names on the list are out of order. 名单上有些名字的顺序颠倒了。
in alphabetical/chronological/numerical order (=in order according to spelling, time, or number) 按字母/时间/数字顺序 : The computer puts the list in alphabetical order by last name. 电脑按照姓氏的字母顺序排出名单。
in order of priority/importance/frequency etc : We will deal with these problems in order of priority. 我们将按照其轻重缓急来处理这些问题。
in reverse order (=in the opposite order to what is normal) 按相反的顺序 : Prizes will be given out in reverse order, starting with the team that finished third. 颁奖将会倒序进行,从获第三名的队开始。
Synonyms and related words