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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
noun /əˈprəʊtʃ/
  1. 1
    [C] a particular way of thinking about or dealing with something 方式;方法;態度

    We need a fresh approach to sports in education. 我們需要用一種新的態度來看待體育教育。

    approach to :

    He has a relaxed approach to life. 他以一種輕鬆的態度面對生活。

    adopt/take/use an approach :

    As a writer she takes a completely new approach to the classic horror story. 作爲一個作家,她采取了一種全新的手法講述經典恐怖故事。

     Synonyms and related words
    Ways of thinking: approach, view, mind...
  2. 2
    [singular] the fact of coming closer in time or in distance 接近;靠近

    We watched the carriage's slow and steady approach. 我們注視着馬車緩慢平穩地靠近。

    approach of :

    With the approach of war, many children were evacuated. 随着戰爭的臨近,許多孩子被疏散了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Direction and ways of getting to a place: direction, detour, path...
     Synonyms and related words
    Soon and as soon as possible: soon, shortly, just...
  3. 3
    [C] a path or road that leads to a place 路徑;途徑
    approach to :

    Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace. 士兵們守衛着通向宮殿的所有道路。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land (飛機準備着陸的)進場跑道
      approach to/into :

      The plane crashed during its final approach into the airport. 飛機在最後進場着陸時墜毀。

       Synonyms and related words
      Relating to operating aircraft: aerobatics, aerospace, airborne...
  4. 4
    [C] the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer 要求;接洽
    make an approach to someone :

    The company has made some approaches to the government. 公司已經跟政府接洽了幾次。

     Synonyms and related words
    Requests and demands: demand, request, appeal...
verb /əˈprəʊtʃ/
present tense
present participleapproaching
past tenseapproached
past participleapproached
  1. 1
    [I/T] to move closer to someone or something 接近;靠近

    She heard footsteps approaching from behind. 她聽見有人從後面走近的腳步聲。

    A strange boat was approaching the shore. 一艘陌生的船正靠近岸邊。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon (事件)即將發生;(時間上)臨近

      The day of the election approached. 選舉的日子臨近了。

      Winter is fast approaching. 冬天很快就要來了。

       Synonyms and related words
      Soon and as soon as possible: soon, shortly, just...
  2. 2
    [T] to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer 找(某人)商談;同(某人)聯系;與(某人)接洽

    Have you thought about approaching Sally? She might be able to help. 你想過跟薩莉聯系嗎?她或許能幫上忙。

    approach someone about something :

    I have already approached my boss about a pay rise. 我已經找老板談過加薪的事。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition (在水平、數量或條件上)接近於

    England never approached the state of political collapse which France then faced. 英國從來沒有達到法國當時面臨的那種政治崩潰的狀態。

    There is no one who even approaches his talents. 沒人比得上他的才華。

    They played in temperatures approaching 40 degrees. 他們在接近40度的高溫下進行比賽。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way 處理;對付

    Governments tend to approach the issue from different angles. 政府傾向於采取多種方法來處理這個問題。

     Synonyms and related words


1way of dealing with sb/sth待人處事方法ADJECTIVE | VERB + APPROACH | APPROACH + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEconventional, orthodox, traditional常規的/正統的/傳統的方法alternate, alternative, different, fresh, new, novel其他方法;不同方法;新式方法We need to try alternative approaches to the problem.解決這個問題我們需要嘗試其他方法。cautious, conservative謹慎的/保守的方法proactive積極的方法The company is taking a proactive approach to easing the energy crisis.公司正採取積極主動的方法緩解能源危機。creative, innovative富有創新精神的/革新的方法flexible靈活的方法eclectic折衷的方法balanced, common-sense, no-nonsense, positive, practical, pragmatic, problem-solving, rational, sensible, straightforward, useful折衷的/通情達理的/實事求是的/積極的/實際可行的/重實效的/解決問題的/合理的/明智的/簡單的/有用的方法a pragmatic approach to the role of religion in politics解決宗教在政治中的作用的務實方法direct, hands-on直接的/親身體驗的方法hands-off, indirect不幹預的方法;間接的方法wait-and-see靜觀其變的方法step-by-step循序漸進的方法one-size-fits-all一刀切的方法He criticized the one-size-fits-all approach to learning.他批評一刀切的學習方法。piecemeal缺乏系統性的方法formal, informal正規的/不正規的方法aggressive積極進取的方法low-key低調的方法right, wrong正確的/錯誤的方法basic, general基本/一般方法analytical, disciplined, scientific, structured, systematic, theoretical分析/規範的/科學/有條理的/系統的/理論研究方法methodological系統性方法holistic, integrated整體的/綜合的方法The therapy takes a holistic approach to health and well-being.這種治療對身心健康採取整體療法。interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary跨學科的/多學科的方法two-pronged雙管齊下的方法bottom-up, top-down自下而上的/自上而下的方法simplistic過於簡單化的方法comprehensive綜合的方法VERB + APPROACHhave採用⋯的方法Some teachers have a more traditional approach to teaching.有些老師採用較為傳統的教學方法。adopt, apply, develop, employ, follow, implement, pursue, take, try, use, utilize採用/應用/形成/運用/沿用/實施/沿襲/採取/試用/使用/利用某方法We need to adopt a more pragmatic approach.我們需要採用一種更為實際的方法。pioneer倡導⋯方法The US army pioneered this approach.美國陸軍最先使用了這一方法。advocate, favour/favor, prefer提倡/偏愛/較喜歡某方法Next time I'd advocate the direct approach.下次我會提倡用直接的方法。change, modify, rethink改變/改善/反思方法He challenges teachers to rethink their approach.他要求老師們反思他們的方法。abandon放棄方法evaluate評價方法describe, outline描述/概述方法test檢驗方法I spent some time testing this approach.我花了些時間檢驗這種方法。extend推廣方法This approach can be extended to other fields.這個方法可推廣至其他領域。Extending this approach to the rest of the planet became the focus for our international negotiations.將這一方法推廣至全球其他地區成為我們進行國際談判的核心。APPROACH + VERBallow sth, enable sth方法允許⋯;方法使⋯成為可能This approach allows students to learn at their own pace.這個方法可使學生按照自己的進度學習。offer sth, yield sth方法提供⋯;方法產生⋯This approach offers many advantages.這種方法有許多優點。Taking a fresh approach often yields interesting results.採取新方法經常會產生有趣的結果。fail, work方法失敗/奏效This approach works for me.這個方法在我身上成功了。PREPOSITIONapproach to做⋯的方法I liked her approach to the problem.我喜歡她處理那個問題的方法。


2act of coming nearer靠近;接近ADJECTIVE | VERB + APPROACH | APPROACH + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEshallow, steep平緩/陡直逼近VERB + APPROACHmake靠近The aircraft had to make a steep approach to the landing strip.飛機不得不陡直降落到簡易機場。signal預示到來The swishing of the grass signalled the approach of a person.草葉發出的沙沙聲表明有人走過來了。APPROACH + NOUNspeed靠近的速度route走近的路線PREPOSITIONat the approach of⋯走近的時候The children fell silent at the approach of their teacher.老師一來,孩子們變得鴉雀無聲。with the approach of隨着⋯的來臨The weather turned warmer with the approach of spring.隨着春天的來臨,天氣變得更暖和了。approach to靠近⋯The plane crashed during its approach to the runway.飛機在接近跑道時墜毀。


3discussion with sb in order to ask them for sth接洽VERB + APPROACH | PREPOSITION VERB + APPROACHmake進行交涉have, receive (especially BrE) 有接觸;有過接洽PREPOSITIONapproach from來自⋯的接洽We've received an approach from the director of a rival company.一家競爭公司的董事曾經接觸我們。approach to同⋯的接洽We'll have to make an approach to the chief executive.我們將不得不和總裁接洽。


1come nearer走近ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBslowly慢慢走近carefully, cautiously, warily, with caution小心翼翼地/謹慎地/警惕地/慎重地靠近PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯靠近The army approached from the south.軍隊從南面靠近。


2come nearer in time(時間上)接近ADVERBfast, quickly, rapidly, swiftly很快/迅速/快速/飛速到來The time is fast approaching when we will have to replace these old machines.我們將不得不更換這些舊機器的時刻很快就會到來。


3speak to sb, usually to ask for sth接洽ADVERB | VERB + APPROACH | PREPOSITION ADVERBdirectly直接交涉It's best to approach her directly.最好直接和她談。VERB + APPROACHbe easy to容易接近be difficult to難以接近She found her father difficult to approach.她覺得父親很難接近。PREPOSITIONabout就⋯接洽Have you approached John about doing a concert?開音樂會的事你和約翰談過了嗎?for為求⋯而接洽I approached the bank for a loan.我找銀行想貸一筆款。


4come close in amount/quality/style(在數量、質量、風格上)接近ADVERBclosely非常接近Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray.在這一點上,華茲華斯的詩歌韻律在風格上和格雷的非常接近。not remotely絲毫不接近There is no other player even remotely approaching her.其他選手遠遠趕不上她。
approach noun
arrival1 (the approach of winter) offer1 (make an approach to a local company for sponsorship) way1 (a different approach to the problem)
approach verb
approach (profits approaching $30 million) come1 (a train approaches) come2 (winter approaches) tackle (approach a problem)


approach ♦︎ touch ♦︎ approximate ♦︎ border on sth ♦︎ verge on sth ♦︎ be getting on for sthThese words all mean to come close to, or just reach, sth in amount, level or quality. 這些詞均表示接近或剛好達到一定的數量、水平或質量。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to border on / verge on paranoia / hysteria / fanaticism / contempt / arroganceto border on / verge on the insane / obsessiveto approach / be getting on for midnight / three o'clock / tea time / lunchtime, etc. approach [transitive] (rather formal) to come close to sth in amount, level or quality (在數量、水平或質量上)接近They have just announced profits approaching $30 million.他們剛剛宣布了有近3 000萬元的利潤。Few writers approach his richness of language.他語言之豐富很少有作家能望其項背。 touch [transitive] to just reach a particular level 剛剛達到(某一水平)The speedometer was touching 90.速度表跳到了90。 approximate əˈprɒksɪmeɪt; NAmE əˈprɑːksɪmeɪt [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to come close to sth in nature, amount, level or quality (在性質、數量、水平或質量上)接近,近似The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible.這些動物是在盡量近似自然的條件下飼養的。His story approximates to the facts that we already know.他的陳述和我們已掌握的事實接近。 ˈborder on sth

phrasal verb

to come very close to being sth, especially an extreme or unpleasant quality or emotion 近乎,瀕於(尤指極端或不愉快的特征或情緒)His devotion bordered on the obsessive.他專注到近乎癡迷的程度。She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria.她感覺到一種近乎歇斯底裏的焦慮。
ˈverge on sth

phrasal verb

to border on sth 近乎;瀕於Some of his suggestions verged on the outrageous.他的一些建議都快到了荒唐的地步。She felt a dislike for him verging on contempt.她覺得自己對他的厭惡幾乎到了鄙視的程度。NOTE 辨析 Border on sth or verge on sth?There is no real difference in meaning between these two words. Border on sth is about twice as frequent as verge on sth, which is slightly more literary. 這兩種表達方式在含義上沒有實質差别,border on sth的使用頻率約是verge on sth的兩倍,而後者文學性稍強。
be getting on for sth


(especially BrE, rather informal) to be nearly a particular time, age or number, especially a late time or old age 接近(某一時間、年齡或數目,尤指晚些時候或晚年)It must be getting on for midnight.一定快到午夜了。He's getting on for eighty.他差不多八十歲了。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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