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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /ɡet/
present tense
present participlegetting
past tensegot
past participlegot
  1. 1
    [T] [never passive] to obtain, receive, or be given something 得到;收到

    Ross's father got a new job. 罗斯的父亲有了新工作。

    Did you get tickets for the game? 你有比赛的入场券吗?

    I got a fine for reckless driving. 我因不慎驾驶被罚款。

    You get ten points for each correct answer. 每答对一题得10分。

    get something from someone :

    She got a ring from her grandmother. 她从祖母那里得到了一枚戒指。

    get someone something/get something for someone :

    The social worker got the family a new flat and clothes for the children. 这名社会工作者为这个家庭提供了新的公寓以及孩子们的衣服。

    get an answer/reply etc :

    She called out to him but got no reply. 她喊他,可是没有回应。

    get the chance/opportunity :

    Young players will get the chance to meet one of their heroes. 年轻的运动员将有机会见到他们的偶像。

    get permission/approval etc :

    We got permission from the council to start building. 地方议会已允许我们破土动工。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to buy something

      Where did you get that wonderful carpet? 你从哪里买的那么漂亮的地毯?

      They had to stop and get some petrol. 他们只好停下来加些油。

      get someone something/get something for someone :

      For his birthday this year, I got my dad a sweater. 今年爸爸的生日,我为他买了件羊毛衫。

      get something for £5/£100 etc :

      You can get a jacket from a charity shop for just a few pounds. 你只需花上几英镑就可以从慈善商店买件夹克。

       Synonyms and related words
      To buy something: buy, get, purchase...
    2. b.
      to go and bring something back from somewhere else 取出

      She went and got a photograph out of the desk. 她从桌子里取出了照片。

      get someone something/get something for someone :

      Will you get me a glass of water? 你能给我拿杯水吗?

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      to earn or receive an amount of money 赚(钱)

      I think nurses should get more. 我想护士应该得到更多的报酬。

      Helen only gets £3 an hour. 海伦每小时只赚3英镑。

      get £20/£100 etc for something :

      I bet you could get at least £50 for the painting. 这幅画你肯定至少能卖50英镑。

       Synonyms and related words
    4. d.
      to obtain information 获得(信息)

      Where did you get this story? 你从哪里知道的这个故事?

      I need to get some details from you about the accident. 我需要向你了解这次事故的一些细节。

       Synonyms and related words
    5. e.
      to start to have an idea or feeling 形成(想法、感觉)

      Sometimes he gets these weird ideas. 有时他会冒出这些奇怪的想法。

      I got a strange feeling in my stomach as we walked towards the house. 当我们向那座房子走去时,我的胃部感觉异常。

      get the idea/impression/feeling (that) :

      I got the impression they were finding the work difficult. 我感觉他们发现这项工作很难。

       Synonyms and related words
    6. f.
      to start to have an illness or medical condition 得(病);患(病)

      I hope I don't get the flu this winter. 我希望今年冬天自己不要得流感。

      She eats standing up and then gets indigestion. 她站着吃饭,结果患了消化不良。

       Synonyms and related words
    7. g.
      to obtain a benefit or have a positive feeling when you do something 获得(利益);得到(快乐)

      He gets a lot of pleasure from spending time with his grandchildren. 与孙子孙女共度时光他得到了很多乐趣。

      What do you get out of all this exercise? 通过这些练习你有何收获?

       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
    8. h.
      to obtain a particular result 得到(某种结果)

      Add more water to get a thinner batter. 再多加点水,让面糊更稀些。

      What do you get if you mix red and yellow? 红色和黄色混起来会是什么颜色?

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [linking verb] to start to be in a particular state or have a particular quality 变成;成为

    It's getting late – I have to go. 太晚了,我该走了。

    If that spot gets any bigger you should go to the doctor. 如果那个红斑变大,你就应该去看医生。

    get wet/cold/tired/ill etc :

    It was raining and we all got wet. 下雨了,我们都被淋湿了。

    get angry/upset etc :

    If you got angry with me for this, I wouldn't blame you. 如果你因为这个生我的气,我不会怪你。

    get difficult/interesting etc :

    Things are starting to get a bit difficult at home. 家里的情况开始变得有点艰难。

    get to sleep :

    Do you ever have problems getting to sleep? 你曾经失眠过吗?

    get hot/cold/humid etc :

    It's been getting more and more humid all afternoon. 整个下午天气变得越来越潮湿。

     Synonyms and related words
    Linking verbs: appear, be, become...
    1. a.
      [linking verb] to become: used with past participles to form passives 变成(与过去分词连用构成被动语态)

      The team is determined not to get beaten again. 球队下决心不再输。

      I'm sick of getting shouted at for things that aren't my fault. 我已厌倦没有犯错误而被别人呵斥。

      Somehow the paper got ripped. 不知怎么地,这张纸被撕坏了。

      You should wash that cut – it might get infected. 你应当清洗一下那处伤口,它可能会感染的。

       Synonyms and related words
      Linking verbs: appear, be, become...
    2. b.
      [T] to cause someone or something to be in a particular state 使处于(某种状态)

      I'll get the children dressed. 我会让孩子们穿上衣服。

      Let's get you completely ready to go before we call a cab. 叫出租车前我们会让你做好充分的准备。

      It took them three hours to get the fire under control. 他们花了3个小时才控制住了火势。

      get someone/something dirty/wet etc :

      He got his suit all dirty. 他的衣服全脏了。

       Synonyms and related words
      To have an effect: shape, impact, affect...
    3. c.
      [linking verb] to put on or take off clothing 穿(或脱)衣服
      get into/out of/on/off :

      It's almost three o'clock and you still have to get into your uniform. 就快3点了,可你还得穿制服。

      She looks forward to getting out of her business suit and into comfortable clothes at the end of the day. 每天快下班时她都盼望能脱下职业装,换上舒适的衣服。

       Synonyms and related words
      Linking verbs: appear, be, become...
       Synonyms and related words
      To remove clothes and not wear clothes: bare, change, disrobe...
       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] [never passive] to do something, or to have it done for you 做;使得
    get something done :

    You need to get your hair cut. 你需要理发了。

    I should be able to get the first chapter finished by tonight. 今晚我应该能完成第1章。

    They tried to get Marly sent to prison. 他们试图将马利送进监狱。

    get something doing something :

    Hal managed to get my email working again. 哈尔想办法让我的电子邮件系统恢复了正常。

    She worked all afternoon on the car but never got it running. 她一下午都在修车,但还是没把它弄好。

     Synonyms and related words
    To do something: do, perform, conduct...
    1. a.
      to make someone do something, or to persuade them to do it 让(某人)做;劝(某人)做
      get someone to do something :

      I'll get Andrew to give you a call. 我会让安德鲁给你打电话。

      She couldn't get them to understand what she was saying. 她没办法让大家理解她的话。

      If we could only get him to try harder. 如果我们能让他更努力些该有多好啊。

       Synonyms and related words
      To encourage someone to do or to not do something: encourage, persuade, convince...
  4. 4
    [I] to move to or from a position or place 移动;移到
    get down :

    Abby had climbed a tree and couldn't get down. 阿比爬上树但是下不来了。

    get in/into :

    Dad stopped the car and told me to get in. 爸爸停下车叫我进去。

    She forgot her keys and got into the house through the window. 她忘了带钥匙,只好爬窗进了房间。

    get off :

    The hill was so steep we had to get off and push our bikes. 山坡太陡了,我们只好下来推自行车前进。

    get on/onto :

    Watch your step when getting on the bus. 上车时要看清台阶。

    get out :

    A car stopped and two men got out. 车停了,两个年轻人走下来。

    get up :

    Half the audience got up and walked out. 一半的观众起身离开了。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] [never passive] to make someone or something move to or from a position or place 使移动
      get someone/something down :

      Firefighters got him down using a ladder. 消防队员用梯子把他救下来。

      get someone/something in/into :

      Let's get you into the house where it's warm. 你进房间去吧,那里很暖和。

      get someone/something off :

      It's impossible to get him off the sofa and make him do anything. 让他离开沙发做点事情,简直是不可能。

      get someone/something on/onto :

      They managed to get him on the bed. 他们想办法让他上了床。

      get someone/something out :

      Get that dog out of my kitchen. 让那只狗从我的厨房里出来。

      get someone/something up :

      I don't know how we'll get this box up the stairs. 我们不知道怎样才能把箱子弄上楼梯。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [I] to arrive at a place 到达(某地)
      get from/to :

      How long does it take to get from London to Leeds? 从伦敦到利兹要多久?

      get home :

      What time did you get home last night? 昨晚你几点回家的?

      get to work/school etc :

      I usually get to work at about 8.30. 我通常8点30分左右上班。

      get here/there :

      When will we get there? 我们什么时候到那里?

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      [I] to come to be in a position or place 在(某地);处于(某个位置)

      How did this button get in my bag? 这枚扣子怎么会在我的包里?

       Synonyms and related words
    4. d.
      [T] [never passive] to send something to a person or place 发送;送达

      They can get a package across the Atlantic within 24 hours. 他们在24小时内就能将包裹送至大西洋彼岸。

      get something to someone/something :

      We'll get the timetable to you as soon as we have it. 我们一拿到时间表就会给你。

       Synonyms and related words
      To send something somewhere: send, post, ship...
    5. e.
      [T] [never passive] to travel a particular distance 移动,走(某段距离)

      How far do you hope to get before lunch? 你希望在午饭前走多远?

      He got halfway along the road, then remembered he had left his wallet behind. 他走到半路才想起钱包忘带了。

       Synonyms and related words
      To travel in a vehicle: go, ride, commute...
  5. 5
    [I] to progress to a particular point when you are doing something 进展

    How far did you get with your homework? 你的作业做多少了?

    get to :

    I got to page 100 of this book before I understood what was going on. 这本书我读了100页还不明白讲的是什么。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] informal to start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere 开始做;开始有进展
      get going/moving :

      They need to get going with this building work if they are going to finish before the winter. 他们如果想在冬天前完工,就应该开工了。

      It's time you got cracking on that assignment. 到了你处理这项任务的时候了。

      get to work :

      Enough talking, let's get to work. 说得够多了,我们开始动手做吧。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [T] [never passive] to make or help someone or something start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere 使开始;使进展
      get someone/something going/moving etc :

      A new manager was brought in to get things moving. 一位新经理被请来启动工作。

      We'd better get the kids going or they'll be late. 你最好让孩子们现在就走,否则他们会迟到的。

      not get someone anywhere (=will not help someone to succeed) 对某人无益 :

      That aggressive attitude won't get you anywhere with her. 你用那种咄咄逼人的态度来对待她,对你没有任何好处。

       Synonyms and related words
      To have an effect: shape, impact, affect...
  6. 6
    [T] [never passive] to fit or put something in a place 把(某物)装进(或放在)
    get something into/in/onto something :

    You can get a lot of things into this bag. 这个袋子能装很多东西。

    She couldn't quite get all the text onto the page. 她的整篇文章一页纸放不下。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [T] [never passive] informal to understand someone or something 理解

    Everyone laughed, but Harold didn't seem to get the joke. 每个人都笑了,但是哈罗德好像没听懂那个笑话。

    get it :

    I don't get it – what's happening? 我没有搞懂,到底发生了什么事?

    Oh, I get it now. 噢,我现在弄清楚了。

    get that :

    Look, I get that you're really busy, but surely you can answer an email.

    get why/what etc :

    I don't really get why she couldn't do it herself. 我没有真正明白她为什么不能亲自做这件事。

     Synonyms and related words
    To understand something: understand, know, work out...
  8. 8
    [I/T] [never passive] to have the opportunity or be able to do something 有机会做(某事);有能力做(某事)
    get to do something :

    Did you get to visit the Louvre when you were in Paris? 你在巴黎时有机会参观卢浮宫吗?

    Her brothers went out a lot, but Lisa never got to go. 她的兄弟经常出去,但是莉萨却从来不能出去。

     Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [T] [never passive] informal to kill someone 杀死

    It was cancer that got him in the end. 他最终死于癌症。

     Synonyms and related words
    To kill a person or animal: kill, murder, strangle...
    1. a.
      to attack someone 攻击

      He's threatened to get me if he ever catches me alone. 他威胁说只要他发现只有我一个人就会揍我。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      to catch or punish someone 抓获;惩罚

      The police need to get the person who did this. 警察需要抓住这件事的元凶。

      out to get someone (=determined to harm or punish someone) 决心伤害(或惩罚)某人 :

      The way he acts, it's like he's out to get me. 看他那个样子,就像要惩罚我一样。

       Synonyms and related words
      To punish someone: punish, discipline, penalize...
  10. 10
    [T] [never passive] spoken to answer the door or telephone 应(门);接(电话)

    It's OK, I'll get it. 好,我来接。

     Synonyms and related words
    Using a telephone: answer, busy, call...
  11. 11
    [T] [never passive] to use a particular vehicle to travel somewhere 搭乘;乘坐

    It's easiest if you get a taxi from the station. 最简单的办法是你从火车站搭出租车。

    He usually tries to get the 9.03 train. 他通常乘坐 9∶03 的火车。

     Synonyms and related words
    To travel in a vehicle: go, ride, commute...
  12. 12
    [T] [never passive] to be able to receive particular broadcasts on your television or radio 接收(电视广播信号)

    Do you get cable here? 这里装了有线电视吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Radio, radar and sonar signals: atmospherics, directional, footprint...
    1. a.
      to regularly receive a newspaper or magazine 定期收到(报纸,杂志)

      We get The Observer on Sundays. 我们每周日收到《观察家报》。

       Synonyms and related words
  13. 13
    [T] [never passive] to reach someone by telephone (通过电话)联系到(某人)

    Is there a number where I can get you this evening? 能否留一个今晚能联系到你的电话号码?

    Could you get me the New York office right away, please. 请马上给我接通纽约办事处。

     Synonyms and related words
    Using a telephone: answer, busy, call...
  14. 14
    [T] [never passive] to prepare a meal 准备(餐食)

    It's time to start getting dinner. 该准备晚饭了。

    get someone breakfast/lunch/dinner :

    Sit down and I'll get you lunch. 请坐,我来给你准备午餐。

     Synonyms and related words
  15. 15
    [T] [never passive] spoken to annoy someone 使恼火
    it gets me :

    It really gets me how everyone laughs at all her stupid jokes. 每个人都在为她那些愚蠢的笑话而笑,这让我很恼火。

    what gets me :

    What gets me is the way he's so smug all the time. 让我恼火的是他总是这么洋洋自得。

     Synonyms and related words
    To make someone angry or annoyed: annoy, provoke, anger...
  16. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    get going to start to go

    To avoid being late, we'd better get going.

    Submitted by Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 26/05/2018
See also
get verb
get1 (get tickets/some sleep) get2 (get a letter/shock) get3 (Go and get help.) get4 (We got there at 9.) get5 (get the bus) become (get angry/cold/fat) buy (You can get the basic model for $100.) cook (get sb sth to eat) go1 (get home/across the river) make2 (How much did you get for your car?) persuade (get people to come) suffer from sth (get a cold) understand1 (get a joke) be getting on for sth approach get out of here go away


get tickets/a job/some sleep 弄到票;找到工作;睡会儿觉get a letter/shock 收到信;大吃一惊Go and get help. 去找人帮忙。We got there at 9. 我们9点钟到了那里。get the bus 搭公车 See also the entry for gain 1 另见gain条第1义get ♦︎ obtain ♦︎ acquire ♦︎ take ♦︎ pick sth up ♦︎ take sth out ♦︎ get hold of sthThese words all mean to do sth in order to make sure you have sth. 这些词均表示得到、获得、获取。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / obtain / acquire / take / pick up sth from sb / sthto get / obtain / acquire / pick up / get hold of a ticketto get / obtain / take out a loan / mortgage / patentto get / obtain / take out insurance / coverto get / obtain / take water / oil / minerals (from sth)to get / obtain / acquire / take / get hold of informationto get / obtain / take a / an extract / example / sampleto get / obtain / acquire a licence / permitto get / obtain permission / approval / adviceto get / acquire a reputation / taste for sth get (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [transitive, no passive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather informal, especially spoken) to do sth in order to make sure you have sth 获得;得到Did you manage to get tickets for the concert?你弄到音乐会的票了吗?Try to get some sleep.尽量睡会儿吧。He has just got a new job.他刚找到一份新工作。Did you get a present for your mother?你给你母亲买礼物了吗?Did you get your mother a present?你给你母亲买礼物了吗? see also get buy obtain [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to get sth, especially by making an effort (尤指经努力)获得,赢得I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我最终设法弄到了这份报告的副本。Further details can be obtained by writing to the above address.详情可致信上述地址获取。 see also extract pump acquire əˈkwaɪə(r) [transitive] (rather formal) to get sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour; to get sth by being given it (通过努力、能力或行为)获得;得到She has acquired a good knowledge of English.她英语已经学得很好。He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.他得到了不老实的名声。I have recently acquired a taste for olives.我最近喜欢吃橄榄了。How did the gallery come to acquire so many Picassos?那家画廊怎么会得到那么多毕加索的作品? Acquire is often used to talk about the way sb starts to look or behave, or when sb starts to like sth. * acquire常用于指某人外表、行为或喜好发生新变化to acquire a reputation / bad name / criminal record / tan / look / appearance获得声望/坏名声/犯罪记录;晒成棕褐色;呈现⋯的样子/外观to acquire a love of / taste for sth开始喜欢/爱好It can also be used when sb learns a new skill. * acquire还可指学习新的技能。 see also acquire buy , acquire learn take (took, taken) [transitive] to get sth from a particular source 从⋯中取出;取材于The scientists are taking water samples from the river.科学家正从河中采集水样。Part of her article is taken straight (= copied) out of my book.她的文章有一部分是直接从我的书中抄来的。The machine takes its name from its inventor.该机器是以发明者的名字命名的。In this meaning take is often used to talk about people such as scientists or engineers getting samples, specimens, water, cells, minerals, etc. from a particular source. It is also used to talk about getting information, a story, an extract or an example from a larger written text. 表达此义时,take常与sample、specimen、water、cell、mineral等词搭配,指科学家或工程师等从某来源地采集样本。它还可与information、story、extract或example搭配,指从大段书面文字中获取信息、题材,进行摘录或引证。 ˌpick sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to get sth 得到;收到I picked up a few leaflets when I was out today.我今天出门收到了几张传单。I picked up £30 in tips today.我今天收到30英镑的小费。I seem to have picked up a terrible cold from somewhere.我似乎从什么地方染上了重感冒。 Pick sth up is often used to talk about getting sth when you are out somewhere. It is also used to talk about getting money that you have earned or won, and about getting an illness or injury. * pick sth up常指出门在外时得到某物,还可指挣钱或赢钱,以及得病、受伤。 See also the entry for suffer from sth for other ways of talking about getting illnesses. 另见suffer from sth条,看表示染病的其他表达方式。
ˌtake sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(took, taken)to obtain an official document or service 获得,领到(正式文件或服务)We had to take out a loan to pay for the car.我们得申请贷款来付汽车款。How much does it cost to take out an ad in a newspaper?在报纸上登广告需要花多少钱?People typically take out insurance, a pension, a subscription, a loan, a mortgage or an advertisement. * take out一般与insurance、pension、subscription、loan、mortgage或advertisement搭配。
get ˈhold of sth


(getting, got, got)to find sth that you want or need 弄到想要(或所需)的东西It's almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final.几乎不可能弄到决赛的门票。How did the press get hold of the story?新闻界是怎么得到这个消息的?


get tickets/a job/some sleep 弄到票;找到工作;睡会儿觉get a letter/shock 收到信;大吃一惊Go and get help. 去找人帮忙。We got there at 9. 我们9点钟到了那里。get the bus 搭公车get ♦︎ receive ♦︎ accept ♦︎ derive sth from sth ♦︎ reap ♦︎ collectThese words all mean to obtain sth by being given or sent it. 这些词均表示收到、接到。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / receive / accept / derive / reap / collect sth from sb / sthto get / receive / accept / collect a / an medal / award / prizeto get / receive / accept / collect (your) winnings / compensationto get / receive / accept treatment / payment / helpto get / receive / accept a / an call / message / complaint / invitation / request / answerto get / receive / derive / reap (a / the) benefitto get / receive / reap the dividends / profits / rewardsto get / receive a / an reply / letter / impression / shock / prison sentenceto get / derive amusement / enjoyment / pleasure / satisfaction / comfort from sth get [transitive] (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [no passive] (rather informal, especially spoken) to obtain sth by being given or sent it 收到;得到;接到I got a letter from Dave this morning.今天早上我收到戴夫的一封来信。He gets (= earns) about $40 000 a year.他一年挣4万元左右。This room gets very little sunshine.这个房间几乎照不进阳光。I get the impression that he is bored with his job.我的印象是他厌倦自己的工作。I got a shock when I saw the bill.我看到账单时大吃一惊。She got great satisfaction from seeing his embarrassment.看到他困窘的样子,她感到非常满足。 receive [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to obtain sth by being given or sent it 收到;得到;接到I've just received this letter from an old friend.我刚从一个老朋友那里收到这封信。Please let me know as soon as you receive payment.请一收到付款就告诉我。He received an award for bravery from the police service.他因勇敢行为受到警方的嘉奖。NOTE 辨析 Get or receive?The main difference between these words is register. Receive is rather formal, used especially in written English; get is the more usual word in spoken English. You can get or receive a sudden feeling such as a shock or an impression; but feelings that you experience over a period of time such as enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction you usually get, not receive. 这两个词的主要区别在于语体风格不同。receive相当正式,尤用于书面语;get更常用于口语。get和receive都可与shock或impression等表示突然的感觉的词搭配;但如果是enjoyment、pleasure和satisfaction等表示持续一段时间的感觉,则通常用get,不用receive。 accept [transitive] (rather formal) to receive sth as suitable or good enough (认为合适或足够好而)接受My article has been accepted for publication.我的文章已获采用准备发表。This machine only accepts coins.这台机器只接受硬币。Will you accept a cheque?你收支票吗? deˈrive sth from sth

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(formal) to get a good feeling or result from doing sth 从⋯中得到,获得(好的感觉或结果)He derived great pleasure from painting.他从绘画中得到极大的乐趣。People typically derive amusement, benefit, comfort, enjoyment, fulfilment, inspiration, pleasure or satisfaction from sth. * derive一般与amusement、benefit、comfort、enjoyment、fulfilment、inspiration、pleasure或satisfaction搭配。
reap [transitive] (especially written) to obtain sth, especially sth good, as a direct result of sth that you have done 取得(成果);收获They are now reaping the fruits of all their hard work.现在,他们正在收获全部辛劳的成果。People typically reap dividends, fruits, profits or rewards from their work. When people obtain sth bad as a result of sth bad they have done, you can say that they reap the consequences of their actions. * reap一般与表示工作成果或回报的词搭配,如dividend、fruit、profit或reward。表示做了坏事得到报应可以用reap the consequences。 collect [transitive] to win or receive a prize, or money in compensation for an injury or damage that you have suffered 收到,赢得,获得(奖项或补偿金)We were invited to London to collect our prize.我们受邀到伦敦领奖。She collected £25 000 in compensation.她得到了25 000英镑的赔偿金。get3


get tickets/a job/some sleep 弄到票;找到工作;睡会儿觉get a letter/shock 收到信;大吃一惊Go and get help. 去找人帮忙。We got there at 9. 我们9点钟到了那里。get the bus 搭公车 See also the entry for take 1 另见take条第1义get ♦︎ pick sb/sth up ♦︎ fetch ♦︎ collectThese words all mean to go to a place where sb/sth is and bring them/it back. 这些词均表示到某地去接人或取东西。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / pick up / fetch / collect sb / sth from sth / somewhereto get / pick up / fetch / collect sth for sbto get / fetch sb sthto go / come to get / pick up / fetch / collect sb / sthto go / come and get / fetch sthto get / fetch help / a doctor get (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [transitive] (rather informal, especially spoken) to go to a place where sb/sth is and bring them/it back 去取来;去带回Could you go upstairs and get my wallet for me, please?能请你上楼帮我把钱包拿来吗?Somebody get a doctor!谁去叫个医生过来!I have to go and get my mother from the airport.我得去机场接我妈妈。Get a drink for John.给约翰拿杯饮料来。Get John a drink.给约翰拿杯饮料来。 ˌpick sb/sth ˈup

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(rather informal, especially spoken) to go to a place where sb is waiting or sth is ready or has been left for you, and bring them/it back or take them/it somewhere 接(人);取走(某物)Call me from the station and I'll come and pick you up.到车站给我打电话,我来接你。We can pick our bags up on the way back.我们可以回来时再取包。You might be on foot or in a car when you pick sth up but you always pick sb up in a car. * pick sth up可指步行或开车去取东西,但是pick sb up总是指开车去接人。
fetch [transitive] (BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to go to a place where sb/sth is and bring them/it back (去)拿来;(去)请来He ran to fetch help.他跑去请人帮忙。They have to walk over a mile to fetch water.他们得走1英里多路去取水。She's gone to fetch the kids from school.她去学校接孩子了。NOTE 辨析 Get or fetch? Get has a wider range of meaning than fetch: you usually fetch people or things that are in a place and just need to be collected; you can get things that need to be prepared or obtained. * get的意思比fetch更广。fetch一般指只需去某处接人或取东西,get可指得到需要准备或设法弄到的东西Fetch John a drink. Fetch is not usually used in American English. * fetch通常不用于美式英语。 collect [transitive] (rather formal) to pick sb/sth up 接(人);取走(某物)They usually collect the rubbish / garbage on a Thursday.他们一般星期四收垃圾。Your package is ready to be collected.你的包裹可以领取了。 (BrE) What time do you have to collect the children from school?你什么时间要到学校接孩子?When you are talking about people, collect is used in British English; in American English it is more usual to say pick sb up. When you are talking about rubbish/garbage collect is the usual word for the regular collection of waste from your house by dustmen/garbage men; pick up can also be used for this in American English, but to pick up rubbish/garbage more often means to bend down and pick up a piece of rubbish/garbage from the ground. 表示接人时,英式英语用collect,美式英语多用pick sb up。表示清洁工人定时上门收垃圾时,一般用collect。在美式英语中表达此义亦可用pick up,但是pick up rubbish/garbage更常指弯腰从地上捡起垃圾。 collection


[uncountable] rubbish / garbage collection垃圾收运


get tickets/a job/some sleep 弄到票;找到工作;睡会儿觉get a letter/shock 收到信;大吃一惊Go and get help. 去找人帮忙。We got there at 9. 我们9点钟到了那里。get the bus 搭公车 See also the entries for arrive and attend 另见arrive条和attend条get ♦︎ reach ♦︎ make ♦︎ make it ♦︎ hit ♦︎ catch upThese words all mean to arrive at a particular place after travelling there. 这些词均表示到达某处。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / make it to a placeto get / reach / make it here / home / thereto get to / reach / make it to your destinationto get to / reach / make / make it to the summitto get to / reach / make it to / hit the border get (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (especially spoken) to arrive at a particular place after travelling 抵达;到达We're aiming to get to the party at about nine.我们想要在9点左右去到聚会地点。I got back an hour ago.我一个钟头前回来的。They got in very late last night.他们昨夜回来得很晚。We only got as far as the next town.我们最远只去到了下一个城镇。 see also get go 1 reach [transitive] (especially written) to arrive at the place you have been travelling to; to come to sb's attention 到达;抵达;引起⋯注意It took them three hours to reach the opposite shore.他们花了三个小时到达了对岸。The beach can only be reached by boat.只能乘船才能到那片海滩。I hope this letter reaches you.我希望你能收到这封信。The rumours eventually reached the President.传闻最终引起了总统的注意。NOTE 辨析 Get or reach?The main difference between these words is register. Reach is used especially in written English; get is the usual word in spoken English. Get takes no object, but always takes an adverb or adverbial phrase, often one that is not specific, when the listener is expected to understand the place that is meant by there, in or back. Reach always takes an object and is usually more specific about the place that is arrived at. 这两个词的主要区别在于语体风格不同。reach尤用于书面语,get常用于口语。get不带宾语,但总是带副词或副词短语,常不指明具体地点,而用there、in或back表明听者应知道所说的地方是哪里。reach总带宾语,一般较具体地指明到达何处。 make (made, made) [transitive, no passive] (rather informal) to succeed in arriving at a particular event, place or position 出席(某项活动);到达(某处);达到(某职位)I'm sorry I didn't make the party last night.抱歉昨晚没能参加聚会。He'll never make (= get a place in) the team.他永远成不了这支队伍的一员。The story made (= appeared on) the front pages of the national newspapers.这件事登上了全国性报纸的头版。 ˈmake it


(rather informal) to succeed in arriving at an event or place, or arriving there in time, especially when this is difficult 赶得及出席(某项活动);(尤指艰难地按时)到达(某处)I don't think I'll be able to make it to the meeting.我想我没办法出席会议了。Even if we take a taxi I don't think we'll make it in time.即使打车,我想我们也赶不上了。The flight leaves in twenty minutes-we'll never make it.再过二十分钟飞机就起飞了,我们无论如何也赶不上了。
hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive] (informal) to arrive at a place or road 到达(某地或某条路)Traffic was heavy when they hit the main road.他们去到主干道时交通很拥堵。The president hits town (= is visiting the town) tomorrow.总统明天会到镇上来。 ˌcatch ˈup (BrE also ˌcatch sb ˈup) (caught, caught)to join sb who is ahead of you by going faster 赶上,追上(某人)We stopped for a few minutes to let the others catch up.我们停下几分钟,让其他人赶上来。On lap 45 Hunt's car was catching up fast.在第45圈时亨特的车迅速赶了上来。You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you.你先走,我会赶上你。 (BrE) She hurried to catch him up.她急匆匆追上他。


get tickets/a job/some sleep 弄到票;找到工作;睡会儿觉get a letter/shock 收到信;大吃一惊Go and get help. 去找人帮忙。We got there at 9. 我们9点钟到了那里。get the bus 搭公车get ♦︎ take ♦︎ catch ♦︎ go by sthThese words all mean to travel using a particular form of transport. 这些词均表示搭乘、乘坐某种交通工具。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / take / catch / go by sth from / to sthto get the / take the / catch the / go by bus / train / plane / boatto get / catch a flightto get a / take a / go by taxi get (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [transitive, no passive] to travel somewhere using a particular form of public transport; to be in time for a bus, train, etc. that you intend to travel on 搭乘,乘坐(公共交通工具);赶搭上(公共汽车、火车等)Where do I get the bus for the airport?我到哪里坐去机场的巴士?I'll try and get a flight home tomorrow.我会尽量搭乘明天的航班回家。I ran all the way to the station and just managed to get my train.我一路跑到车站,好不容易才赶上了火车。 take (took, taken) [transitive, no passive] (rather formal, especially written) to travel somewhere using a particular form of public transport 搭乘,乘坐(公共交通工具)They took the night train to Vienna.他们乘坐夜班火车去维也纳。 Take is more formal than get in this meaning, used especially in written English. It cannot be used, like get, to mean 'to be in time for a bus, train, etc. that you intend to travel on'. 表达此义时take比get正式,尤用于书面语。它不能像get那样表示“赶搭上公共汽车、火车等”之义I only just managed to take my train. catch (caught, caught) [transitive, no passive] to be in time for a train, bus, plane, etc. and travel on it 赶搭上(火车、公共汽车、飞机等)They caught the 12.15 from Kings Cross.他们赶上了12:15从国王十字车站发出的火车。I must go-I have a train to catch.我得走了,我要赶火车。OPP miss miss 1 ˈgo by sth

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(goes, went, gone)to travel somewhere using a particular form of transport 搭乘,乘坐(某种交通工具)If it's not raining, I'll go by bike.如果不下雨,我就骑自行车去。It'll probably be cheaper to go by air.坐飞机去很可能会便宜些。You can go by any form of transport; the other words in this group are only used about public transport. You can also go by air/rail/road/sea. * go by后可跟任何形式的交通工具,本组其他词只能后跟公共交通工具。还可以说go by air/rail/road/sea(坐飞机/坐火车前往;走公路;走海路)。

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