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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 32752 COCA: 33157
verb [T] /ˈdeprəkeɪt/
present tense
present participledeprecating
past tensedeprecated
past participledeprecated
  1. 1
    formal to criticize something strongly 强烈批评

    The alternate spelling is sometimes used in Spain but is strongly deprecated in the rest of the Spanish-speaking world.

     Synonyms and related words
    To criticize strongly: attack, damn, savage...
  2. 2
    computing to state that although a piece of software can still be used it is better to avoid it, because something better has been produced

    Use of OS_File 1 is deprecated, OS-File 25 should be used instead.

    This syntax is deprecated and should not be used any more.

     Synonyms and related words
  3. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    (used about a software feature) to treat as usable but obsolete and best avoided, usually because it has been replaced by something better

    There is already significant movement in the direction of “encrypting the Internet” with Mozilla putting forward a plan for deprecating insecure HTTP.

    Submitted by John Banister from United States on 27/04/2015
TOEFL BNC: 32752 COCA: 33157
TOEFL BNC: 32752 COCA: 33157

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