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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


1act of selling sth; occasion when things are sold售賣ADJECTIVE | VERB + SALE | SALE + VERB | SALE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEquick快速銷售The price is low to ensure a quick sale.價格很低,目的是保證能夠快速售出。illegal非法出售the illegal sale of alcohol非法售酒art藝術品售賣bond, share, stock債券/股份/股票的出售auction, bake, bring-and-buy, car boot, estate, garage, jumble, rummage, tabletop, tag, yard (NAmE) 拍賣;家製糕餅義賣;捐贈物品義賣;擺放在車尾箱裏的舊貨售賣;自家院子舊物售賣;私人車庫裏的舊貨售賣;舊雜物義賣;擺在枱面上的商品展銷;宅前標價出售VERB + SALEhold舉行銷售(活動)ban, block, halt, prevent, prohibit, restrict, stop禁止銷售;阻止銷售;停止銷售;限制銷售approve批准銷售close, complete, make完成交易;做成買賣If we don't close this sale, we're out of business.如果做不成這筆買賣我們就破產了。lose失去交易announce宣佈出售SALE + VERBmake sth, realize sth銷售獲得⋯/實現⋯The bake sale made $358 for cancer research.自製糕餅義賣為癌症研究籌集了 358 美元。go ahead, go through, proceed銷售進行fall through銷售交易落空The sale of the house fell through when the buyer pulled out.房屋交易因買方退出而中止。SALE + NOUNprice銷售價格PREPOSITIONfor sale待售I see their house is for sale.我看到他們要賣房子。on sale出售The new stamps are now on sale at post offices.新郵票現在各郵局有售。PHRASESconditions of sale銷售條件The conditions of sale were posted up around the auction room.銷售條件張貼在拍賣大廳裏。a contract of sale銷售合同point of sale銷售點promotional posters shown at the point of sale在銷售點張貼的宣傳海報the proceeds from a sale, the profits from a sale銷售收益/利潤All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to charity.銷售此書的所得收益將全部捐給慈善機構。(on) sale or return (BrE) 餘貨包退The novels are delivered to outlets on a sale or return basis.這些小說發給各經銷門店,餘貨包退。up for sale待售The land has come up for sale again.那塊地又上市出售了。


2sales activity of selling things; amount sold銷售活動;銷量ADJECTIVE | ... OF SALES | VERB + SALES | SALES + VERB | SALES + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood, healthy, high, huge, massive, record, strong銷路好;不錯的銷量;高銷量;創紀錄的銷量;暢銷increased增長的銷量disappointing, poor令人失望的銷量;低銷量annual, quarterly年度/季度銷量first-quarter, second-quarter, etc.第一季度、第二季度等銷量high-street, over-the-counter, retail商業大街的商品銷量;櫃枱銷量;零售量High-street sales have fallen for the fifth consecutive month.商業大街的商品銷量已連續 5 個月下滑。direct, telephone直銷量;電話銷售量Direct sales, by mail order, were up by 15%.郵購的直銷量增長了 15%。Internet, online因特網/在線銷量domestic國內銷量local當地銷量export, foreign, international, overseas出口/國外/國際/海外銷量global, overall, total, world, worldwide全球銷量;總銷量gross, net銷售總額/淨額unit, volume單位/批量銷量CD, DVD, PC, ticket, etc.唱盤銷量、數字影碟銷量、個人電腦銷量、售票量等home, house, land, property, real estate (NAmE) 住房銷售量;土地銷售量;房地產銷售量auto, car, vehicle汽車銷量arms武器銷量... OF SALESlevel, value, volume銷量水平;銷售額;銷售數量The high volume of sales makes the low pricing policy profitable.巨大的銷量使低定價策略也能獲利。VERB + SALESachieve, have取得銷量;有銷量generate, rack up (especially NAmE) 產生/累積銷量The advertising campaign generated massive sales.廣告宣傳創造了巨大的銷量。boost, drive, drive up, expand, increase, push, push up, spur促銷;擴大銷售;增加銷售;推動銷售;刺激銷售Low interest rates pushed sales to a record in 2006.2006 年,低利率推動銷量達到創紀錄的水平。hurt使銷售受損Lower consumer confidence could hurt PC sales.消費者信心不足會影響個人電腦的銷量。double, triple, etc.銷量翻番、增至三倍等expect, project預期/預估銷量report報告銷量The company reported strong sales for May.這家公司報告中稱 5 月份銷售勢頭強勁。SALES + VERBaccount for sth銷量佔⋯North American sales account for 40% of the worldwide market.北美的銷量佔全球市場的四成。amount to sth, reach sth, total sth銷量總計⋯/達到⋯/合計⋯sales amounting to over £4 million總計超過 400 萬英鎊的銷量Sales failed to reach 10 000 units.銷量未能達到 1 萬件。exceed sth銷量超過⋯be up, climb, go up, grow, improve, increase, jump, rise, rocket, skyrocket, soar, surge銷量上升;銷量上行;銷量增加;銷量猛增Sales of ice cream are up because of the hot weather.因於天氣炎熱,冰激凌的銷量有所增長。be down, decline, drop, fall, fall off, go down, slump銷量減少;銷量下滑;銷量下降;銷量暴跌SALES + NOUNforce, people, personnel, staff, team銷售人員;銷售團隊agent, department, office銷售代理;銷售部門;銷售處director, manager, rep (informal) , representative銷售主任;銷售經理;銷售代表
assistant, clerk (NAmE) 銷售助理;售貨員campaign, drive, effort, promotion銷售活動;促銷活動;銷售推廣活動strategy, tactics, technique銷售策略/戰略/技巧patter, pitch, talk推銷行話/宣傳/套話an aggressive sales pitch from the company rep公司銷售代表一番咄咄逼人的推銷宣傳estimates, projections銷售預估/預測data, figures, levels, performance, revenue, targets, volume銷售數據/數字/水平/業績/收入/目標/數量growth銷量增長slump銷量暴跌The factory was forced to shed jobs following a dramatic sales slump.隨着產品銷量急劇下降,這家工廠被迫削減工作崗位。conference訂貨會presentation銷售演示report銷售報告tax (especially NAmE) 銷售稅;營業稅It sells for $50 plus sales tax and shipping.售價 50 美元,外加營業稅和運費。receipt, slip (both NAmE) 銷售收據;銷售單PREPOSITIONsales of⋯的銷量Sales of VCRs have plummeted.盒式錄像機銷量驟然下跌。in sales在銷售部門I work in sales (= in the sales department).我在銷售部門工作。PHRASESa decline in sales, a drop in sales, a fall in sales, a slowdown in sales, a slump in sales銷量的下滑/下跌/下降/減少/暴跌an increase in sales, a jump in sales, a rise in sales, a surge in sales, an upturn in sales銷量的增長/激增/上升/陡增/好轉growth in sales銷量增長sales and marketing市場營銷 note at per cent (for more verbs)  topic at business


3period of reduced prices降價期ADJECTIVE | VERB + SALE | SALE + VERB | SALE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEafter-Christmas, annual, January, summer, winter聖誕節後/年度/一月份/夏季/冬季大減價clothing, furniture, etc.服裝、傢具等大減價clearance, closing-down, fire, going-out-of-business (NAmE) 清倉處理;停業甩賣;火災受損物品賤賣VERB + SALEhold進行特價促銷SALE + VERBbegin, end大減價開始/結束SALE + NOUNrack (NAmE) 特價商品貨架prices特價PREPOSITIONin a/the sale在減價期間I got these shoes in the Bloomingdale's sale.這雙鞋是我在布魯明戴爾百貨店大減價時買的。at the sales, in the sales (both BrE) 在減價期間I bought it at the winter sales.那是我在冬季大減價時買的。on sale (NAmE) 減價出售All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.所有錄像設備今明兩天降價出售。

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