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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 146 COCA: 123
noun /wɜː(r)ld/
  1. 1

    the world

    the planet that we live on 地球

    We observe changes in the world's climate. 我们观察全球气候的变化。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [C] any other planet 星球;天体

      creatures from alien worlds 外星生物

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [singular] society in general, in all countries (总称)世界,社会

    We want to guarantee our children a safer world. 我们想确保自己的孩子生活在一个更安全的社会里。

    all over the world/throughout the world :

    The same problems are faced by children throughout the world. 全世界的孩子都面临同样的问题。

    the whole world :

    The terrorists pose a threat to the whole world. 恐怖分子对全世界构成威胁。

     Synonyms and related words
    Culture, society and civilization: advanced, civilisation, civilise...
    1. a.
      [only before noun] involving or affecting all countries 所有国家的;世界(性)的

      She's won medals at three previous world championships. 她在前3届世界锦标赛上都获得了奖牌。

      the world economy 世界经济

      a world war 世界大战

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      used about ordinary society and its moral values, rather than religious or spiritual matters 人世间;世俗

      It was a choice between the world and God. 这是在尘世与上帝之间的选择。

       Synonyms and related words
      Not religious and not holy: secular, irreverent, agnostic...
    3. c.
      if someone moves up or down in the world, they move to a higher or lower social class 社会地位
      go up in the world :

      She's gone up in the world, by marrying into money. 她跟有钱人结婚从而飞黄腾达了。

      go/come down in the world :

      If you're used to driving the newer models, you may feel that you've come down in the world. 如果你习惯于开更新型的车,你会感觉你的社会地位已经降低了。

       Synonyms and related words
      Changing social or professional status: acquire, ascent, bankrupt...
  3. 3
    [singular] a particular group of countries (用于指某一类国家)

    It is the oldest institution in the English-speaking world. 这是英语国家的最古老的习俗。

    This disease is increasing dramatically in the western world (=the countries of western Europe and North America). 这种疾病正在西方国家急速蔓延。

     Synonyms and related words
    Regions of the world: Africa, America, the Americas...
    1. a.
      [singular] used about a particular society at a particular time in history (用于指历史上的一个时期)

      This library was one of the wonders of the Ancient World. 这座图书馆是远古时代的奇迹之一。

       Synonyms and related words
      Periods of history: age, era, history...
    2. b.
      [usually singular] used about the particular type of place or situation in which someone lives or works 领域;界

      the entertainment world 娱乐界

      the world of work 职业界

      Children feel powerful in the world of imagination that they create. 孩子们在他们所想象的世界中感觉自己很强大。

       Synonyms and related words
      Ways of life: life, lifestyle, existence...
  4. 4
    [singular] mainly literary the state of being alive 活的状态
    bring a child into the world :

    I wouldn't want to bring a child into this cruel world. 我不想把孩子生到这个残酷的世界上。

    come into the world (=be born) 出生 :

    Thousands of babies come into the world every day. 每天有成千上万的婴儿出生。

    leave/depart this world (=die) literary 辞世 :

    There's something I want to do before I depart this world. 我离开这个世界之前还想做一件事。

     Synonyms and related words
IELTS BNC: 146 COCA: 123


1the earth/its people全世界ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORLD | WORLD + VERB | WORLD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEknown已知世界a medieval map of the known world關於已知世界的中世紀地圖entire, whole全世界VERB + WORLDcreate, make創造世界They believe that God created the world.他們相信是上帝創造了世界。destroy毀滅世界One of these days, humans will destroy the world.人類總有一天會毀掉這個世界。save拯救世界conquer, dominate, rule, take over征服/主宰/統治/佔領世界Fast food outlets seem to be taking over the world.快餐店似乎正佔領全球。populate居住在全世界explore, tour, travel探索世界;周遊世界see見世面;周遊世界As a young man, he wanted to see the world before he settled down.年輕時候的他想先去見見世面,然後再安定下來。lead走在世界前面Sweden leads the world in safety legislation.瑞典在安全立法方面世界領先。WORLD + VERBend世界終結Many people imagine the world ending with an explosion.許多人都猜想世界會在一場大爆炸中終結。WORLD + NOUNatlas, map世界地圖冊/地圖population世界人口leader, power, superpower世界領導者;世界強國;世界超級大國a meeting of the major world powers幾個主要世界強國間的會談economy世界經濟order世界秩序the new world order marked by American dominance美國佔主導地位的世界新秩序recession, slump世界性衰退;全球蕭條market世界市場trade世界貿易price全球價格World oil prices continue to rise.全球石油價格持續上漲。domination世界統治地位A handful of Internet companies are battling for world domination.少數幾個互聯網公司正在爭奪世界統治地位。empire世界帝國He is at the head of a world media empire.他是一個世界性媒體帝國的領導者。affairs, events, politics國際事務;世界性事件;世界政治attention, opinion全世界的注意;國際輿論The bombing alienated world opinion.那次轟炸遭到國際輿論的指責。war世界大戰champ (informal) , champion, record-holder世界冠軍;世界紀錄保持者
He was easily beaten by the reigning world champion.他被衞冕世界冠軍輕鬆地打敗了。championship, cup, title世界錦標賽;世界杯;世界冠軍class世界級The team is world class.該隊是世界一流的。record世界紀錄She shattered the world record for the marathon.她打破了馬拉松世界紀錄。rankings世界排名He has never before featured in the top ten world rankings.以前他從未進入過世界排名的前 10 位。renown世界聞名scientists of world renown世界聞名的科學家religion世界性宗教the major world religions主要的世界性宗教cinema, music (= from or influenced by cultures outside Europe and North America) 世界電影;世界音樂premiere全球首映The movie had its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival.該電影在多倫多電影節上全球首映。tour世界巡迴The band are about to embark on a six-month world tour.樂隊即將開始為期 6 個月的世界巡迴表演。PREPOSITIONacross the world全世界Astronomers across the world will be watching the night sky.全世界的天文學家都將觀測夜空。around the world, round the world (especially BrE) 世界各地The ceremony was watched live by millions around the world.世界各地數百萬人觀看了慶典的直播。in the world在世界上He felt he was the luckiest man in the whole world.他感覺他是全世界最幸運的人。throughout the world全世界People throughout the world will be watching the big game on television.全世界的人都將在電視機前觀看這場重大比賽。PHRASESall around the world, all over the world, all round the world (especially BrE) 世界各地;全球The ceremony was watched live by millions all around the world.世界各地數百萬人觀看了慶典的直播。the end of the world (figurative) 世界末日It won't be the end of the world if you don't get the job.如果你得不到這份工作也不會是世界末日。on a world scale在世界範圍內Communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution.俄國革命之後,共產黨在世界範圍內成立起來。on the world stage在世界舞台上The country became an important player on the world stage.這個國家成為世界舞台上的重要一員。a part of the world世界的一部份It's an interesting part of the world.這是世界一個有趣的地區。rid the world of sth消除世界上的⋯He is on a quest to rid the world of evil.他正在探索如何消除世界上的罪惡。the world over世界各地Scientists the world over have been waiting for this breakthrough.全世界的科學家一直在等待着這個突破。


2part of the earth部份的世界ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEArab, English-speaking, Islamic, Muslim, Western, etc.阿拉伯世界、講英語的地區、伊斯蘭世界、穆斯林世界、西方世界(等)Heads of state from all over the Arab world gathered for the conference.阿拉伯世界的國家元首聚集在一起參加會議。civilized文明世界free自由世界developed, First, industrialized, rich發達國家;第一世界國家;工業化國家和地區;富裕的國家和地區First-World consumers will have to eat less meat.第一世界國家的消費者得少吃些肉類。developing, Third, underdeveloped發展中國家和地區;第三世界國家;不發達國家和地區New, Old新大陸;舊世界Machismo is a New World phenomenon with roots in Old World cultures.大男子主義是植根於舊世界文化中的新大陸現象。PREPOSITIONin the...world在⋯世界裏In the Western world, there is a different attitude to marriage.西方世界對待婚姻的態度有所不同。


3life/society生活;社會ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORLD | WORLD + VERB | WORLD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEchanging, chaotic, ever-changing, fast-changing, fast-paced變化的/混亂的/不斷變化的/快速變化的/快節奏的世界cruel, cut-throat, dog-eat-dog, hard, tough殘酷的世界;激烈競爭的世界;無情競爭的世界;艱難世事alien, crazy, mad, strange, topsy-turvy陌生的/瘋狂的/混亂的/奇怪的/亂七八糟的世界ancient, medieval, Roman, etc.古代、中世紀、古羅馬等社會contemporary, modern, postmodern, today's當今社會;現代世界;後現代社會;今日世界globalized全球化社會In today's globalized world, telecommunications have broken down boundaries.在今日這個全球化的社會裏,電信已經打破了地域局限。post-apocalyptic, post-war世界末日後的/戰後的世界The movie is set in a bizarre post-apocalyptic world.這個電影的背景是世界末日後詭異的世界。brave new美好的新世界the architects' vision of a brave new world of pristine concrete建築師想像中的由嶄新混凝土建築構成的美好新世界vanishing正在消失的世界These tribesmen are proud survivors of a vanishing world.這些部落成員是一個正在消失的世界中難得的幸存者。peaceful和平的世界ideal, perfect理想的/完美的世界imperfect不完美的世界This is an imperfect world, and we have to compromise.這是個不完美的世界,我們不得不妥協。external, outer, outside, real外在世界;外部世界;外界;現實世界Throughout his time in prison he had no contact with the outside world.在監獄期間,他與外界失去了聯繫。In the real world things don't always happen like they do in books.在現實世界中,事情的發生並不總是像書中描寫的那樣。day-to-day, everyday, mundane, workaday日常生活;世俗社會;平凡世界She has to deal with the day-to-day world of bills, schools, and problems.她不得不應對日常生活中的賬單、學校以及各種問題。dream, fantasy, fictional, imaginary, inner, make-believe, private夢幻/幻想的/虛構的/想像的/內心/假想的/個人世界She enjoys creating imaginary worlds for children.她喜歡為孩子們創造想像中的世界。She lives in her own inner world.她生活在自己的內心世界中。sb's own某人自己的天地She lives in her own little world.她生活在自己的小天地裏。alternative, parallel另類/平行世界material, physical物質世界simulated, virtual模擬/虛擬世界digital數字世界spiritual精神世界spirit陰間Mediums claim to receive messages from the spirit world.通靈的人聲稱收到來自陰間的信息。secular世俗世界social社交界animal, insect, natural, plant動物世界;昆蟲世界;自然界;植物世界I like living in the country because I'm interested in the natural world.我喜歡住在鄉下,因為我對自然界感興趣。academic, art, business, corporate, fashion, industrial, literary, medical, publishing, sports學術界;藝術界;商界;企業界;時裝界;工業界;文學界;醫學界;出版界;體育界different各界We come from different worlds.我們來自不同的領域。whole, whole wide, wider整個世界;外界更大範圍She told him he was her only friend in the whole wide world.她告訴他,他是這個世界上她唯一的朋友。The wider world learned of his illness months after he told his family.他把病情告訴家人數月之後外界才知道。small小世界I'm sure we'll meet again. It's a very small world in this profession.我確信我們還會見面的,這一行的圈子很小。VERB + WORLDchange, remake, reshape, revolutionize, shape, transform改變世界;再造世界;重塑世界;徹底變革世界;塑造世界Young people always think they are going to change the world.年輕人總是想着要改變世界。Technology has remade the world.科技重塑了世界。have, inhabit, live in有活動領域;居住於世界;生活在世界上Children often have their own private world.孩子們往往有他們自己的天地。look at, perceive, see, view看待/感知/領悟/觀察世界different ways of looking at the world對世界的不同看法create創造世界Computer games create whole virtual worlds.電腦遊戲創造出完整的虛擬世界。imagine想像世界Can you imagine a world without possessions?你能想像一個沒有私人財產的世界嗎?come into, enter, escape into來到世界;進入⋯界;躲進世界We come into the world with nothing.我們兩手空空來到這個世界。He entered the world of politics in 1997.他於 1997 年進入政界。Show business gave him the chance to escape into another world.演藝事業給了他躲進另外一個世界的機會。bring sb into生育She had brought six children into the world.她生了 6 個孩子。divide劃分世界She tends to divide the world into 'winners' and 'losers'.她往往將世界上的人劃分為“成功者”和“失敗者”。escape from, shut yourself away from, shut out逃避現實;隱居;使不受世界影響He closed his eyes and tried to shut out the world.他閉上眼睛努力不受外界的影響。face面對世事For the first time since the death of her parents, she felt able to face the world.自從雙親去世後,這是她第一次感到能面對世事。take on接受世事的挑戰He felt ready to take on the world when he finished college.大學畢業的時候,他感覺已經準備好了接受世事的挑戰。tell告訴世人He wanted to tell the world how happy he was.他想告訴全世界他是多麼高興。prove to, show向世人證明/表明She was determined to show the world that she was no loser.她決心向世人表明她絕不是失敗者。rock, shake, shock, stun震驚世界The news of the assassination shook the world.暗殺的消息震驚了世界。WORLD + VERBchange世界改變collapse, crumble, fall apart世界崩潰His world fell apart when his wife died.他的世界隨着妻子的去世崩潰了。revolve around sb/sth世界圍着⋯轉She thinks the world revolves around her and her schedule.她以為全世界就以她和她的時間表為中心。owe sb sth社會欠某人⋯He seems to think that the world owes him a living.他似乎認為社會應給他一條謀生之路。WORLD + NOUNknowledge世界知識view世界觀Teachers influence the world view of their young students.教師會影響年輕學生的世界觀。PREPOSITIONin the... world在⋯界He's well known in the fashion world.他在時裝界很出名。world about, world around周圍的世界At this age, babies are starting to take an interest in the world around them.在這個年齡,嬰兒開始對周圍的世界產生興趣。world of⋯的領域In the world of finance there is little room for sentiment.金融界不是講感情的地方。world outside⋯外面的世界Aren't you interested in the world outside your window?你對窗外的世界難道不感興趣嗎?PHRASESsb's experience of the world, sb's knowledge of the world, sb's perception of the world某人的人生經驗/世界知識/對世界的感知the eyes of the world世人的眼睛The eyes of the world are on the president.全世界的目光都在盯着總統。in an ideal world, in a perfect world在理想的/在完美的世界裏In an ideal world, I'd like to work just three days a week.在理想的世界裏,我想每週只工作 3 天。in a world of your own在自己的世界裏I tapped on the window to get her attention but she was in a world of her own.我敲窗戶以引起她的注意,但是她卻沉浸在自己的世界裏。the rest of the world外面的世界He just wanted to shut himself away from the rest of the world.他只是想把自己與外界隔絕。take the world by storm轟動世界a young writer who is taking the world by storm轟動世界的青年作家watch the world go by看人生百態He likes to sit outside his front door and watch the world go by.他喜歡坐在前門外,注視周圍發生的一切。a whole other world (informal) 一個完全不同的世界There is a whole other world outside school.校外完全是一個不同的世界。the ways of the world人情世故He's too young to understand the ways of the world.他太年輕,尚不懂人情世故。worlds apart天壤之別Although they are twins, they are worlds apart in their attitude to life.儘管他們是雙胞胎,他們的人生觀卻完全不同。
IELTS BNC: 146 COCA: 123
world noun
world (sail around the world) culture (the ancient world) the real world fact
the world


the world ♦︎ earth ♦︎ the globe ♦︎ the planetThese words all mean the planet that we live on. 这些词均表示地球。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配around / across / all over the world / earth / globe / planeton (the) earth / the globe / the planetto save / destroy the world / earth / planetthe world / earth turns / revolvesthe face / surface of the earth / globe / planetthe (four) corners of the world / earth / globe the world [singular] the planet that we live on; all the people or countries that exist 地球;世界He's always wanted to sail around the world.他一直想环球航行。Which is the largest city in the world?世界上最大的城市是哪个?French is spoken in many parts of the world.世界上许多地方说法语。He's the world's highest paid entertainer.他是世界上薪酬最高的艺人。She spent much of her life campaigning for world peace.她几乎把一生都投入到了世界和平运动之中。 earth ( the earth, Earth, the Earth) [uncountable, singular] the planet that we live on 地球The fossil record shows the history of life on earth.化石记录着地球上的生命史。The earth revolves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。In the story the aliens have a plan to destroy planet earth.故事中外星人计划摧毁地球。NOTE 辨析 The world or the earth?In some cases you can use either word. 在有些情况下这两个词可以通用I must be the happiest person in the world / on earth!我肯定是这世上最幸福的人了!However, there is usually a difference of emphasis: use the world when you are only concerned with things that exist in the world, and not with anything that exists outside it. Earth is more often used when our planet is being considered in relation to other planets, its place in space, or heaven. Compare world peace (= peace between all the countries in the world) and peace on earth (= peace as a gift to people on earth from God in heaven). 但是,两个词通常强调不同的内容。使用the world时表示仅与地球上的事物相关,与地球以外的事情没有关系。earth常指相对于其他行星或太空的地球,或相对于上天的大地。试比较world peace(世界和平)和peace on earth(上帝赐予大地的安宁)。 the globe [singular] the world, especially when emphasizing how big it is 地球,世界(尤用以强调其大)The resort attracts tourists from every corner of the globe.这个胜地吸引了来自世界各地的游人。 the planet [singular] the world, especially when talking about the environment 地球(尤用于谈论环境问题)South East Asia has emerged as a key arena in the battle to save the planet.东南亚已经成为保护地球环境的主战场。

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