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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 877 COCA: 726
adjective /ded/
  1. 1
    no longer alive 死的;去世的

    The police don't know whether she's alive or dead. 警方不知道她是生是死。

    He is grieving for his dead father. 他在哀悼死去的父亲。

    I raked up the dead leaves. 我把枯叶耙在一起。

    a dead body :

    Rescue workers are still pulling dead bodies out of the rubble. 救援人员还在从瓦砾里往外拖尸体。

    leave someone dead :

    The shootings left 14 people dead. 枪击造成14人死亡。

    leave someone for dead (=leave them to die) 任某人死去不管 :

    He was beaten and left for dead by a gang of teenagers. 他遭到一帮青少年殴打后被扔下等死。

    be feared/presumed dead :

    Three people are still missing, presumed dead. 仍有3人失踪,推定已经死亡。

    clinically dead (=according to medical standards) 临床死亡的 :

    Doctors pronounced him clinically dead two days later. 医生两天后宣布他临床死亡。

    more dead than alive (=very ill, weak, or badly injured) 病得快死的;非常虚弱的;伤势严重的 :

    They staggered down the mountain, more dead than alive. 他们摇摇晃晃地走下山,已经快不行了。

    dead and gone :

    All of that generation are now dead and gone. 那一代人现在都不在人世了。

    long dead (=dead for a long time) 早已死亡的 :

    By the time I had my children, Grandma was long dead. 等到我有孩子时,奶奶早过世了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Dead: dead, deceased, inanimate...
    1. a.

      the dead

      people who are dead 死者
      the dead and injured :

      Fifteen of her relatives were among the dead and injured. 伤亡人员中有15个是她的亲戚。

      the dead and dying :

      The bridge was soon blocked with the dead and dying. 大桥很快就被死者和垂死者堵住了。

      bury the/your dead :

      The people of the town now want to be left alone to bury their dead. 镇上的人现在要求不要干预他们埋葬死者。

       Synonyms and related words
      A dead body or dead person or people: body, corpse, remains...
  2. 2
    a piece of equipment that is dead is no longer working or able to receive an electrical signal (设备)失灵的,无法接收电信号的

    The battery was completely dead. 电池完全用完了。

    go dead :

    The phone suddenly went dead. 电话突然断了。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    a place, time, or situation that is dead is not very interesting because very little happens in it (地方、时间或情况)无生气的,死气沉沉的

    The street seems dead without all the bustle of the children. 街上没有孩子们的喧闹就显得死气沉沉的。

    Winter is traditionally a dead time of year in the fashion business. 冬天传统上是时装业一年中的淡季。

    be far from dead :

    Eleven minutes of this game remaining, and it's far from dead! 比赛还剩11分钟,精彩的还在后头呢!

     Synonyms and related words
    Not interesting or exciting: boring, dull, tedious...
  4. 4
    no longer considered useful, relevant, or likely to be successful 不再有用的;不再相关的;不再可能成功的

    The idea of self-government for the area is now effectively dead. 该地区自治的主张现在实际上是行不通的。

    Feminism is not dead. 女权主义尚未过时。

    be dead and buried (=have failed completely) 彻底失败 :

    A government spokesman acknowledged that the peace process is dead and buried. 一位政府发言人承认和平进程彻底失败了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Not effective or useful and not working correctly: useless, ineffective, inefficient...
     Synonyms and related words
    Not relevant or appropriate: irrelevant, inappropriate, unimportant...
  5. 5



    half dead

    [never before noun] informal very tired, weak, or ill 精疲力竭的;非常虚弱的;病重的

    You kids seem half dead! 你们这几个孩子看来是累坏了!

    dead on your feet (=very tired but still standing) 累得站着不能动 :

    By the time we had finished we were all dead on our feet. 到完工时我们都累得站着不能动了。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Tired: tired, exhausted, sleepy...
  6. 6
    if a part of your body is dead, you cannot feel it or move it normally (身体部位)无感觉的,麻木的
    go dead :

    My legs had gone completely dead. 我的双腿已经完全麻木了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Without pain or feeling: painless, numb, insensitive...
  7. 7
    if someone's eyes are dead, or if their voice is dead, they feel or show no emotion (眼睛或声音)无感情的,冷冰冰的

    She turned to him with her strange dead eyes. 她转过身用奇怪而冷冰冰的眼神看着他。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [usually before noun] a dead language such as Latin is no longer used by people in their ordinary lives (语言)不再使用的,废弃了的
     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe language: agglutinative, classical, cognate...
  9. 9
    [only before noun] complete 完全的;彻底的
    dead silence :

    She finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the room. 她讲完话后房间里一片死寂。

    dead centre 正中心 :

    The bullet hit the target dead centre (=exactly in the centre). 子弹正中靶心。

    a dead stop :

    The truck suddenly came to a dead stop. 卡车蓦地刹死了。

    in a dead faint (=completely unconscious) 完全失去知觉 :

    She fell forward and hit the floor in a dead faint. 她向前倒下,栽在地板上,全然不省人事。

     Synonyms and related words
    Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
  10. 10
    a place that is dead has no living plants or animals in it 不毛的;贫瘠的;无生物的
     Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    a ball is dead in some games if it is outside the area on which the game is played, so that the game stops for a short time (比赛中的球)界外的,死的
     Synonyms and related words
  12. 12
    British informal a dead glass or bottle is one that you have finished drinking from (杯子或瓶子)喝光了的
     Synonyms and related words
    Empty of people or things: empty, blank, bare...
    1. a.
      a dead match has already been used and is now useless (火柴)用过了的,熄灭了的
       Synonyms and related words
      Not effective or useful and not working correctly: useless, ineffective, inefficient...
  13. 13
    [never before noun] informal in serious trouble 遇上大麻烦的

    If Louise catches you going through her purse, you're dead! 要是路易丝撞见你在翻她的钱包,你就死定了!

     Synonyms and related words
    In a difficult situation: pressed, oppressed, deadlocked...
  14. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    dead and buried finished or ended completely 完全结束或完成

    That idea about extending the house is dead and buried.

    Submitted by Emran khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 30/12/2018
  15. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    play dead to pretend that you are dead

    I played dead during the assault.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 26/10/2017
  16. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    dead from the neck up very foolish or stupid 笨到极点的;非常笨的

    Sometimes my friend is dead from the neck up.

    Submitted by Caleb Judy from United States on 25/03/2016
See also
adverb informal /ded/
  1. 1
    completely 完全地;十足地

    You're dead right! 你完全正确!

    stop dead (in your tracks) (=completely and suddenly) 蓦地停住 :

    Rachel stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me with Andy. 雷切尔看见我和安迪在一起时蓦地停住了。

    be dead (set) against (doing) something (=oppose it completely) 完全反对(做)某事 :

    My parents are dead against the idea of me going to South America. 我的父母完全反对我去南美的想法。

    be dead set on (doing) something (=be determined to do something despite opposition) 决意做某事 :

    The director is dead set on this location. 导演决意选定这个地方。

    dead on time (=at exactly the time arranged or expected) 非常准时 :

    The package arrived dead on time. 包裹到得很准时。

    dead on target :

    Most of his shots were dead on target. 他开的枪大部分都正中目标。

     Synonyms and related words
    Completely and thoroughly: completely, thoroughly, fully...
  2. 2
    very 很;非常

    That lesson was dead boring! 那堂课无聊死了!

    dead easy :

    Replacing the battery in the iPhone is dead easy. 更换iPhone的电池非常简单。

    dead tired :

    I'm dead tired, but I can't miss this meeting. 我累死了,但我不能错过这次会议。

     Synonyms and related words
    Very and very much: very, particularly, deeply...
  3. 3
    directly 直接地
    dead ahead :

    I can see the station dead ahead. 我能看见正前方的车站。

     Synonyms and related words
    Exact and accurate: exact, accurate, perfect...
noun /ded/


TOEFL BNC: 877 COCA: 726


VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, lie死了His wife lay dead beside him.他的妻子死了,躺在他的身邊。look看上去死了play裝死The animal will sometimes escape danger by playing dead.這種動物有時靠裝死躲過危險。drop, fall, fall down倒地身亡He just dropped dead one day at work.一天他就在工作的時候突然倒地身亡。shoot sb, strike sb槍殺某人;(閃電)擊死某人Gunmen shot dead two unarmed police officers.持槍歹徒槍殺了兩名未攜帶武器的警官。She had been struck dead by lightning.她是給閃電劈死的。find sb發現某人死去The woman was found dead with a rope around her neck.有人發現那個女人死了,脖子上纏着一根繩子。declare sb, pronounce sb宣佈某人死亡She was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.到達醫院時,她便被宣佈死亡。ADVERBquite (especially BrE) 徹底死亡I'm afraid he's quite dead.恐怕他已經徹底斷氣兒了。almost, nearly幾乎死去already已經死亡By the time the police arrived, he was already dead.警察趕到時,他已經死了。PHRASESdead and buried (figurative) 壽終正寢In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician.10 年以後他的政治生涯就會壽終正寢。dead and gone死去That won't happen until long after I'm dead and gone.那種事不會發生,除非我死後很久。dead or alive是死還是活A reward was offered for his capture dead or alive.只要抓到他,不論死活,都有賞。more dead than alive接近死亡;奄奄一息Poor child, she looks more dead than alive.可憐的孩子,她看上去跟死人沒什麼兩樣。
TOEFL BNC: 877 COCA: 726


dead ♦︎ late ♦︎ deceased ♦︎ lifeless ♦︎ at peaceThese words all describe people, animals or plants that are no longer alive. 这些词均表示已死的、死去的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to lie dead / lifeless / at peacea dead / late / deceased wife / husband / mother / father / brother / sister / relativea / sb's dead / lifeless bodyalmost / nearly / apparently / seemingly dead / lifeless dead no longer alive 死的;失去生命的;枯萎的a dead person / animal / tree死人;死去的动物;枯树dead leaves / wood / skin枯叶;枯木;死皮My mother's dead; she died in 1997.我母亲不在了,她是1997年去世的。He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home.他在家门外被持枪歹徒开枪打死。 (informal) He dropped dead (= died suddenly) last week.他上星期突然去世了。OPP alive , living , live alive see also die die the dead


[plural] The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6 000.仅那一次袭击就死伤达6 000人。


[countable, uncountable] a sudden / violent / peaceful death猝死;横死;安详的死the anniversary of his wife's death他妻子的忌日Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire).两个孩子在大火中烧死了。Police are still trying to establish the cause of death.警方仍在试图确定死因。OPP life life 1
late [only before noun] (rather formal) (of a person) no longer alive 已故的;去世的She spoke of her late husband with passion.她说到已故的丈夫时语气里充满了爱意。The event was organized in memory of the late Christopher Reeve.那次活动是为了纪念已故的克里斯托弗•里夫而举行的。Late in this meaning is usually used in the phrases sb's late husband/wife/father/mother, etc. or the late John Smith/Mary Brown, etc. to talk about sb who has died quite recently. 表达此义时,late通常用在sb's late husband/wife/father/mother或the late John Smith/Mary Brown等短语里,指最近刚去世的人。 deceased dɪˈsiːst (law 法律 or formal) dead 已死的;亡故的She took over her deceased parents' business.她接管了已故双亲的事业。 the deceased


[countable] The funeral was attended by only the male relations of the deceased.参加葬礼的只有死者的男性亲属。The deceased is used especially about sb who has died recently. * the deceased尤指最近刚去世的人。
lifeless (formal) dead or appearing to be dead 死的;死了似的He knelt beside her lifeless body.他跪在她的尸体旁。 Lifeless is usually used to talk about bodies or parts of the body. * lifeless通常形容身体或身体的某个部分his / her lifeless body / form / eyes / hand他/她的尸体/毫无生气的形体/呆滞的眼神/没有知觉的手 at ˈpeace


dead, and therefore having no more worries 长眠;安息Her illness would develop, and soon she would be at peace.她的病情会加重,不久就要安息了。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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