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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 647 COCA: 649
verb /kləʊz/
present tense
present participleclosing
past tenseclosed
past participleclosed
  1. 1
    [I/T] if you close something, or if it closes, it moves to cover an open area 关;闭

    Close the door quietly behind you. 进来后轻轻关上门。

    Did the fridge door close completely? 冰箱门是否完全关好了?

    I was just closing my eyes to go to sleep when the phone rang. 我刚闭上眼睛要睡觉时,电话铃响了。

    Her mouth closed after a moment and she said nothing. 过了一会儿,她闭上嘴,没再说什么。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] to move together the parts of something that was spread to its full size 合上

      Nick closed his book and put it down. 尼克把书合上后放下。

      Closing the umbrella, she ran for the car. 她一边收起雨伞一边朝车跑去。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I/T] to stop doing business at regular times or temporarily (定点或临时)关门,关闭

    We close the office at noon on Fridays. 我们每星期五中午关闭办事处。

    Snow forced both airports to close. 下雪迫使两个机场都关闭了。

    close for :

    We will close for stocktaking next week. 我们打算下周关店进行盘点。

    close on :

    The Blue Café closes on Mondays. 蓝色咖啡馆每星期一歇业休息。

    1. a.



      close down

      [I/T] to stop doing business or operating permanently (永久)关闭,关停

      The government plans to close 10 coal mines. 政府打算关掉10家煤矿。

      Small shops are closing because of competition from the large chains. 由于来自大型连锁店的竞争,小商店纷纷关门大吉。

  3. 3
    [T] to stop people or vehicles from entering or leaving a place, using a road etc 封锁;封闭

    They have closed their border with Albania. 他们已经封锁了和阿尔巴尼亚相临的边境地区。

    close something to something :

    There is a proposal to close the park to traffic. 有人提议禁止车辆进入公园。

    close something for something :

    The bridge will have to be closed for repairs. 这座桥将要封锁维修。

  4. 4



    close out

    [I/T] if something such as a discussion, activity, or event closes, or if you close it, it ends 结束;终止

    Can we close this matter and move on? 我们能不能结束讨论这件事,接下去谈别的?

    Her latest Broadway show closed after only three performances. 她最新的百老汇演出只演出了3场就宣告结束。

    close with :

    The letter closes with an appeal for money. 信的末尾是要钱。

    close something by doing something :

    He closed the meeting by thanking everyone for coming. 他以对大家到场的感谢结束了会议。

    close a case (=end an investigation) 终止案件调查 :

    The police are closing the case because of a lack of evidence. 由于缺乏证据,警方打算终止这个案子的调查。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] if something such as an offer closes, it stops being available (报价等)停止,中止
       Synonyms and related words
  5. 5



    close down

    [I/T] if a computer program closes, or if you close it, it stops operating and disappears from your computer screen 关闭(计算机程序)
     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6



    close up

    [I/T] to reduce the distance or difference between people or things 靠拢;紧跟
    close on :

    Williams was leading but the other runners were closing on him fast. 威廉斯领先,但其他赛跑者也跟得很紧。

    close the gap between :

    Closing the gap between rich and poor would help to improve the health of the nation. 缩小贫富差距有利于国家的健康发展。

     Synonyms and related words
  7. 7
    [T] to stop having an account with a bank, shop etc 撤销(银行账户)

    We closed our bank account and opened a new one online. 我们撤销了银行账户,并在网上新开了一个。

     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8



    close out

    [T] business to successfully complete the arrangements for a business deal 完成,做成(交易等)

    He had to lower the price to close the sale. 他最后不得不降价成交。

     Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [I/T] to put or have your fingers, hands, or arms around someone or something 抱住;抓住;握住
    close around/over :

    Her hand closed tightly over his. 她紧紧握住他的手。

     Synonyms and related words
  10. 10
    [I] business to have a particular value when people stop buying and selling on a stock exchange at the end of a day (股票交易所)收盘
     Synonyms and related words
  11. 11



    close up

    [I/T] if you close a wound (=injury or cut in your skin), or if it closes, the edges join and the skin becomes healthy again (使)(伤口)愈合
     Synonyms and related words
    To perform a medical test, treatment or operation: abort, anaesthetise, anaesthetize...
  12. 12
    [T] to make a connection in an electric circuit 使(电路)闭合;接通(电路)
     Synonyms and related words
adjective /kləʊs/
  1. 1
    only a short distance away, or separated by only a short distance (距离上)近的,接近的

    We can walk to the swimming pool – it's quite close. 我们可以走着去游泳池,离这儿很近。

    close to :

    The hotel is close to the centre of town. 宾馆就在城中心附近。

    close together :

    He had a cruel face with eyes that were too close together. 他长相很凶,两只眼睛挨得太近。

    close proximity :

    The area is in close proximity to a huge shopping centre. 这个地方离一个大型购物中心很近。

    at close quarters/range 在近处;近距离地 :

    He had observed President Roosevelt at close quarters and absorbed many of his techniques. 他曾近距离地观察过罗斯福总统,并吸收借鉴了他的许多技巧。

    close work (=done only a short distance from your eyes) 细活儿 :

    I only need my glasses for close work such as sewing. 我只有在做针线活儿等细活儿的时候才需要戴眼镜。

     Synonyms and related words
    Next to, near to and not far away: local, close, nearly...
  2. 2
    only a short time away, or separated by only a short time (时间上)接近的,靠近的
    close to :

    You can't go to the party; it's too close to your exams. 你不能去参加聚会,它离你考试的时间太近了。

    close together :

    The two bank holidays are quite close together in May. 5月份的两个银行假日离得很近。

     Synonyms and related words
    Soon and as soon as possible: soon, shortly, just...
  3. 3
    likely to happen soon or to do something soon 很快(将发生或做)的

    Everyone believes that a peace deal is close. 人人都认为很快就会签署和平协议。

    close to tears/collapse/death :

    By the end of the race he was close to collapse. 到赛跑结束时,他几乎都要瘫倒了。

    close to doing something :

    We're closer to signing a contract after today's meeting. 今天的会议之后,我们很快就要签订合同。

     Synonyms and related words
    Certain or likely to happen: certain, likely, probable...
  4. 4
    careful and involving attention to every detail 严密的;仔细的

    I'll take a closer look at your homework tomorrow. 我明天会更加仔细地检查你的家庭作业。

    close scrutiny/examination/inspection :

    Fowler's research has come under close scrutiny. 福勒的研究进行得很细致周密。

    keep a close eye/watch on :

    The local police kept a close eye on his activities. 当地警方对他的一举一动进行了严密监视。

     Synonyms and related words
    Careful and cautious: careful, cautious, thorough...
  5. 5
    similar to someone or something else but not exactly the same 接近(但不同)的;相似的

    That's not exactly the colour I want, but it's close. 那不完全是我想要的颜色,但很接近。

    close to :

    The sensation is close to the feeling of floating. 这种感觉和漂浮的感觉很接近。

    bear a close resemblance to someone/something :

    She bears a close resemblance to her mother. 她长得酷似她母亲。

    the closest (thing) to something :

    That's the closest thing to an apology you're going to get from Drew. 那是你能从德鲁那儿得到的最接近道歉的东西。

     Synonyms and related words
    Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
  6. 6
    connected by shared interests and shared feelings such as love and respect 亲近的;亲密的

    My brother and I are very close. 我和哥哥关系十分亲密。

    Jamal and I have been close friends since we were six. 我和贾梅尔从6岁起就是密友。

    close to :

    She's close to both her parents. 她和父母的关系都很亲密。

    1. a.
      used about relationships (关系)密切的

      close family ties 亲密的家庭关系

      a close personal relationship 亲密的私人关系

  7. 7
    related to you directly, for example by being your parent, child, brother, or sister 近亲的;关系很近的

    He has no close relatives. 他没有近亲。

     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    directly involved with someone and communicating with them a lot, especially as part of your job (尤指工作上)亲密的,关系密切的

    a close business associate 关系密切的生意伙伴

    close to :

    Sources close to the Prime Minister say he is ready to make a deal. 与首相关系密切的消息灵通人士说他已准备好达成一项协议。

     Synonyms and related words
    Words used to describe communication: closely, verbal, communicative...
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      used about activities or relationships (活动或关系)密切的

      We've always worked in close cooperation with the local authority. 我们一向与地方当局保持着密切的合作关系。

      in close contact/touch (with someone) :

      We don't share an office any more, but we still keep in close contact. 我们不再共用一间办公室,但仍然保持着密切的联系。

  9. 9
    spoken nearly correct 差不多正确的

    ‘I'd say you were about 35.' ‘You're close! I'm 37.' “我猜你35岁左右。”“差不多!我37岁了。”

     Synonyms and related words
    Inexact and inaccurate: incorrect, inexact, wrong...
  10. 10
    if something is close to a particular amount, number, level etc, it is almost that amount, number, level etc (数量、数字、水平等)接近的
    close to :

    Unemployment on the island is close to 12 per cent. 那个岛上的失业率将近12%。

     Synonyms and related words
    Almost and almost not: almost, nearly, hardly...
  11. 11
    won or settled by only a few points, votes etc 旗鼓相当的;势均力敌的

    The game was close, but Real Madrid eventually won. 比赛进行得难解难分,但最终皇家马德里队获胜。

    The next election will be a close contest. 下一次选举将是一次势均力敌的较量。

    a close second/third/fourth etc :

    Irvine won the race, with Schumacher a close second. 埃尔文赢得了比赛,紧随其后获得第2名的是舒马赫。

     Synonyms and related words
  12. 12
    spoken used for saying that you have just succeeded in avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation 侥幸的;险些…的

    That was close! We would've been in trouble if you hadn't swerved. 好险!如果你没有急转弯,我们可就麻烦了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Safe and harmless: safe, harmless, secure...
  13. 13
    warm and uncomfortable because there does not seem to be enough fresh air 不通风的;闷热的
     Synonyms and related words
    Making you feel uncomfortable: uncomfortable, tight, unsettling...
  14. 14
    a close haircut or shave is very short and almost to the level of the skin (头发或胡子)紧贴皮肤的,齐根的
     Synonyms and related words
    Hairstyle and types of hairstyle: Afro, bangs, beehive...
  15. 15
    [only before noun] protected, watched, or guarded in a very careful and strict way 严加保护的;严加守卫的;严密监视的

    a close secret 严守的秘密

    The boys are being kept under close supervision for the rest of the term. 本学期剩下的时间里男孩子们都会受到严格监督。

     Synonyms and related words
    Safe and harmless: safe, harmless, secure...
  16. 16
    not willing to spend your money or give any to anyone 吝啬的;小气的
     Synonyms and related words
    Careful with money: thrifty, economical, frugal...
  17. 17
    not willing to share information about yourself or your emotions 守口如瓶的;掩饰感情的
     Synonyms and related words
    Showing no emotions and unaffected by emotions: blank, restrained, impassive...
  18. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    close on very nearly; almost

    He's close on 40.

    Submitted by Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 11/02/2019

derived word


noun [U]

Given the closeness of the school, you should be able to walk there. 既然离学校那么近,你应该可以走路去。

Joe was jealous of the closeness between his mother and his younger brother. 乔嫉妒他母亲和弟弟之间的亲密关系。

 Synonyms and related words
Relationships and membership of social groups: relationship, connection, association...
 Synonyms and related words
Closeness and distance: distance, interval, proximity...
See also
adverb /kləʊs/
  1. 1
    only a short distance away (距离上)接近地

    She moved closer, trying to hear what Jack was saying. 她挪近了一些,试图听清杰克说些什么。

    close to :

    He clutched his bag close to his chest. 他把包紧紧抱在胸前。

    Mark was standing dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. 马克站在离悬崖边缘很近的地方,这样很危险。

    close together :

    They lay close together on the beach. 他们紧挨着躺在海滩上。

    close behind :

    Mary went first, with Jill close behind. 玛丽先走,吉尔紧随其后。

    draw/hold someone close (=pull/hold them against your body) :

    He drew me close and hugged me tightly. 他一把把我拉过去紧紧抱住。

    close by/close at hand :

    We didn't need to worry because help was close at hand. 我们不用担心,因为身边就有人帮忙。

     Synonyms and related words
    Next to, near to and not far away: local, close, nearly...
  2. 2
    only a short time away (时间上)接近地

    As the summer grew closer, we started to think about leaving. 随着夏天的临近,我们开始考虑要离开了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Soon and as soon as possible: soon, shortly, just...
See also
noun [singular] /kləʊz/
  1. the end of something such as a period of time, event, or activity 末尾;结尾
    close of :

    towards the close of the 18th century 临近18世纪末

    at the close of business/trading :

    Shares were unchanged at 48p at the close of business today. 今天到收盘时,股价仍然保持在48便士不变。

    draw/come to a close :

    The event occurred at the time when the Stone Age was drawing to a close. 事件发生在石器时代即将结束的时候。

    bring/draw/call something to a close :

    I will do anything to help bring this matter to a close. 我将尽力帮忙解决这件事。

    It's time to call this meeting to a close. 到了结束会议的时候了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] British /kləʊs/
  1. 1
    a street consisting of private houses at the end of which the road stops 死路;死胡同
     Synonyms and related words
    Streets where people live: Ave, Avenue, backstreet...
    1. a.


      used in street names 巷(用于街道名称)

      Appian Close 阿皮安巷

       Synonyms and related words
      Streets where people live: Ave, Avenue, backstreet...
  2. 2
    the area around a cathedral including the buildings belonging to it (大教堂的)围地,院子
     Synonyms and related words
    Areas around buildings: alley, alleyway, arcade...
TOEFL BNC: 647 COCA: 649


VERB + CLOSE | PREPOSITION VERB + CLOSEbring sth to使⋯結束The chairperson brought the meeting to a close.主席結束了會議。come to, draw to結束The decade drew to a close with the threat of war hanging over Europe.這個 10 年結束之際,歐洲戰雲密佈。PREPOSITIONat the close of, by the close of, towards/toward the close of在⋯結束時;到⋯結束時;接近⋯結束時At the close of trading, he had lost thousands of pounds on the stock market.收盤時,他已經在股票市場上損失了數千英鎊。


1door, book, eyes, etc.門;書;眼睛ADVERBfirmly, tightly牢固地關閉;緊緊地合上He closed the door firmly.他緊緊地關上了門。gently, quietly, silently, softly輕輕地/悄悄地/靜靜地/輕柔地關上She gently closed the door behind her.她輕輕關上了身後的門。


2shop/store, business, road, etc.店鋪;公司;道路ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBpermanently, temporarily永久/暫時關閉officially正式關閉Tomorrow college officially closes for the vacation.明天學院就正式放假了。down, off, up倒閉;封鎖;(尤指臨時)停業That factory's been closed down now.那家工廠現在已經倒閉了。PREPOSITIONto不向⋯開放The museum has been temporarily closed to the public.博物館暫停向公眾開放。




1near接近VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe接近come, draw, get, move臨近;越來越近;漸近She grew increasingly nervous as the audition drew closer.隨着試演日期臨近,她越發感到緊張。keep, stay保持近距離Keep close to me.靠緊我。hold sb, hug sb, pull sb抓緊/抱緊/拉近某人ADVERBextremely, remarkably, very極其近;特別近;非常近fairly, quite, reasonably, relatively相當近;十分近;還算近;相對較近awfully, dangerously, frighteningly, perilously, precariously, uncomfortably太近;近得有危險;近得讓人感到害怕;近得讓人不舒服The car came perilously close to running her down.汽車向她逼近,險些將她撞倒。tantalizingly近得誘人Victory was tantalizingly close.勝利近在咫尺,令人憧憬。geographically地理位置上接近together靠得近Their birthdays are very close together.他們的生日挨得很近。PREPOSITIONto靠近⋯Get close to the microphone.靠近麥克風。




2friendly and loving親密VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, feel, seem親密;感覺親密;看起來親密The two sisters seemed very close.兩姐妹看起來很親密。become, grow變得親密After the death of their parents the two children grew very close.父母死後,兩個孩子變得很親密。bring sb拉近與某人的關係These horrific events brought the family closer.這些可怕的事件使一家人更加親密無間。remain仍然親密ADVERBvery非常親密quite相當親密PREPOSITIONto和⋯親密He was very close to his older brother.他跟哥哥很親。
TOEFL BNC: 647 COCA: 649
close noun
close adj.
close (a close finish) detailed (take a close look) like prep. adj. (a close resemblance)
close verb
close1 (close a door/your eyes/a book) close2 (a factory closes/close a factory) end (a meeting closes/close a meeting)
close kləʊs; NAmE kloʊs


close ♦︎ even ♦︎ near ♦︎ narrow ♦︎ level ♦︎ marginal ♦︎ hard-fought ♦︎ neck and neckThese words all describe a race or contest in which two people or teams are equal, or a situation in which sth nearly happens or does not happen. 这些词均表示比赛或竞赛实力接近的、势均力敌的,或情况几乎出现或没有出现。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达势均力敌的程度
narrowneck and neck
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配level / neck and neck with sba close / an even / a hard-fought contesta close / hard-fought battle / finisha narrow / hard-fought win / victorya narrow / marginal leada close / narrow votedesperately close / hard-fought close (of a race or contest) won by only a small amount or distance; used to describe sth that nearly happens, usually a dangerous or unpleasant situation (速度比赛或竞赛)实力相近的,以微弱优势取胜的;(通常指危险或不好的事情几乎发生)差一点儿,险些It's a desperately close race-I can't quite see who is ahead.这真是一场势均力敌的比赛-我都分不太清楚谁在前面。The California election looks too close to call (= it is impossible to predict the result) as voters go to the polls.加州的选举在选民投票时很难预测结果。The invasion never happened but it was a close run thing (= it almost did).侵略始终没有发生,但是差一点就发生了。Phew! That was close-the motorbike nearly hit us.啊!好险!那辆摩托车差点儿就撞上我们了。 even (of an amount) equal or the same for each person, team, place, etc.; (of two people or teams) equally balanced or of an equal standard (数量)相等的,均等的;(两人或两队)均衡的,水平相当的The scores were even at 2-2.分数是2比2平。The political goal was a more even distribution of wealth.政治目标是更平均地分配财富。The two players were pretty even.这两个选手不相上下。This seems to be a more even contest.这看来是一场更势均力敌的竞赛。OPP uneven An uneven contest is one in which one group, team or player is much better than the other. * uneven形容比赛时指实力悬殊。 near [only before noun] (no comparative or superlative 无比较级和最高级) being almost sth or almost happening 接近的;差不多的The election proved to be a near disaster for the party.这次选举对该党来说几乎是一场灾难。We won in the end but it was a near thing.我们最后获胜了,但是赢得很惊险。The climbers had already had one near miss (= almost had an accident) on the summit.这群登山者已经有过一次在山顶上差点出事的经历。 narrow [usually before noun] only just achieved or avoided 勉强的;刚刚好的He blamed the goalkeeper for the narrow defeat against Ireland.被爱尔兰队险胜,他责怪起守门员来。She lost the race by the narrowest of margins.她以极小的差距在赛跑中落败了。She was elected by a narrow majority.她以微弱多数当选。He had a narrow escape (= nearly had a bad accident) when his car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,他险些出事。 level [not before noun] (especially BrE) (in sport) having the same score as sb (体育运动)得分相同A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.他第二轮发挥良好,使他与锦标赛领先的选手得分持平。The clubs are level on points.各俱乐部得分相同。The score was level at 5 points each.比分是5比5平。France took an early lead but Wales soon drew level (= scored the same number of points).法国队开始领先,但很快威尔士队扳平了比分。 marginal ˈmɑːdʒɪnl; NAmE ˈmɑːrdʒɪnl [usually before noun] (especially BrE) (in politics) won or lost by a very small number of votes in the last election and therefore very important or interesting politically (议席或选区)边缘的,游离的(以微弱票数决定成败)Their campaign targeted marginal constituencies.他们的竞选活动针对边缘选区。They risk losing key marginal seats at the next election.他们有失去下次选举关键边缘席位的风险。OPP safe In British politics a safe seat is a constituency where a particular party has a lot of support and is unlikely to be defeated in an election. 在英国政治中,safe seat指某政党稳操胜券的选区。 ˌhard-ˈfought (of a contest or competition) that involves both sides fighting very hard to win (比赛)竞争激烈的It was a lively and hard-fought match.这是一场气氛热烈、竞争激烈的比赛。It was a hard-fought game.这是一场激烈的比赛。 ˌneck and ˈneck


level with sb in a race or competition (速度比赛或竞赛中)势均力敌,不分上下,平手The cyclists were neck and neck as they approached the final lap.自行车运动员在接近最后一圈时战况激烈。He was running neck and neck with his Democrat rival.他和他的民主党竞争对手势均力敌。
close1 kləʊz; NAmE kloʊz


close a door/your eyes/a book 关门;闭眼;合上书a factory closes/close a factory 工厂倒闭;关闭工厂close ♦︎ shut ♦︎ lock ♦︎ slam ♦︎ draw ♦︎ boltThese words all mean to put sth such as a door into a position so that it covers an opening, or to move the parts of sth together so that it is no longer open. 这些词均表示关上、合上、合拢。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to close / shut / lock / slam / bolt a door / gateto close / shut / lock a window / drawer / case / suitcaseto close / shut / slam a shutterto close / shut / bolt a hatchto close / shut a / an / your box / lid / eyes / mouth / flap / valve / book / umbrellato close / draw the curtains / blindsa door / gate closes / shuts / slamssb's eyes close / shutto hear sth close / shut / slamto close / shut / lock / slam / bolt sth behind youto close / shut / lock / bolt sth firmlyto close / shut sth tightlyto half / partly close / shut / draw sth close kləʊz; NAmE kloʊz [transitive, intransitive] to put sth such as a door, window or lid into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position; to move the parts of sth together so that it is no longer open 关;关闭;合上;合拢She closed the gate behind her.她关上了身后的大门。She closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately.她闭上眼睛,立刻就睡着了。The doors open and close automatically.这些门自动开关。OPP open The opposite is open. * close的反义词是openShe opened her bag and took out her passport.她打开包拿出了她的护照。The door opened and Alan walked in.门打开了,艾伦走了进来。 shut (shutting, shut, shut) [transitive, intransitive] to make sth close; to become closed 关闭;关上;合上I can't shut my suitcase-it's too full.我的手提箱合不上-装得太满了。I shut my eyes against the bright light.我闭上眼睛,以防强光照射。He shut his book and looked up.他合上书,抬起头来。The window won't shut.窗户关不上。OPP open NOTE 辨析 Close or shut?You can use close and shut with the same range of nouns, but shut is used more often for containers such as boxes and suitcases. Shut is often used to talk about sudden actions, and can suggest more noise. Close often suggests doing things more slowly or gently. * close和shut可接的名词范围相同,但shut更多用于容器,如 box和suitcase。shut的动作一般较突然,声音可能更大;相比之下,close的动作较为缓慢和轻柔Close your eyes and go to sleep.闭上眼睛睡觉。She quietly closed the window and crept out of the room.她轻轻关上窗户,悄悄走出了房间。 lock [transitive, intransitive] to close sth firmly so that it will not open, using a lock; to be able to be closed firmly in this way; to put sth in a safe place and lock it (用锁)锁上;被锁住;把⋯锁起来The gates are locked at 6 o'clock.6点钟锁大门。This suitcase doesn't lock.这手提箱锁不上。She locked her passport and money in the safe.她把自己的护照和钱锁在了保险柜里。A lock is a device that keeps a door, window, lid, etc. shut, usually needing a key to open it. * lock可作名词,指锁。 OPP unlock To unlock sth is to undo the lock of a door, window, etc. using a key. * unlock指用钥匙开锁。 slam (-mm-) [intransitive, transitive] to shut, or to make sth shut, with a lot of force, making a loud noise (使⋯)砰地关上I heard the door slam behind him.我听见他砰地把身后的门关上了。He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he left.他怒气冲冲地从房子里出来,把门砰地关上了。 see also slam crash slam


[countable, usually singular] The front door closed with a slam.前门猛地关上了。She gave the door a good hard slam.她使劲砰的一声关上了门。
draw (drew, drawn) [transitive] to close or open curtains or blinds 拉(窗帘或卷帘)Draw the curtains-it's dark outside.拉上窗帘吧,外面天黑了。She drew back the curtains and let the sunlight in.她拉开窗帘让阳光照进来。 bolt [transitive, intransitive] to lock a door or window by sliding a bolt across; to be able to be locked in this way 用插销闩上;能被闩上Don't forget to bolt the door.别忘了闩门。The gate bolts on the inside.这扇门从里面上闩。A bolt is a long, narrow piece of metal that you slide across the inside of a door or window in order to lock it. * bolt可作名词,指门窗的闩或插销。close2 kləʊz; NAmE kloʊz


close a door/your eyes/a book 关门;闭眼;合上书a factory closes/close a factory 工厂倒闭;关闭工厂close ♦︎ cease trading ♦︎ fail ♦︎ close (sth) down ♦︎ collapse ♦︎ go bust ♦︎ crash ♦︎ go bankrupt ♦︎ fold ♦︎ flopThese are all words that can be used when a business stops operating, often because it does not have enough money to pay the bills and cannot borrow any more. 这些词均表示停业、倒闭、破产。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a firm / company closes / ceases trading / fails / closes down / collapses / goes bust / crashes / goes bankrupt / foldsa business closes / ceases trading / fails / closes down / collapses / goes bust / crashes / foldsan industry closes down / collapsesa person goes bust / goes bankrupta / an factory / newspaper / operation / shop closes / closes downshares / prices / markets collapse / crasha show / play closes / folds / flopsto suddenly close / close down / collapse / fold close [intransitive, transitive](of a business, service or show) to stop operating; to cause a business, service or show to stop operating (企业、服务或演出)停止运作;停业;关闭The hospital closed at the end of last year.这家医院去年年底关闭了。The play closed after just three nights.这部剧仅上演了三个晚上就停演了。The club was closed by the police.那家俱乐部被警方查封了。They are closing their Liverpool factory.他们将关闭利物浦的工厂。OPP open When a business, service or show opens it starts business or starts playing to the public for the first time. * open指企业开业、服务行业开始营业或演出首次登场The show opened to great reviews.首演好评如潮。The company opened its doors for business a month ago.那家公司一个月前开业。 closure ˈkləʊʒə(r); NAmE ˈkloʊʒər


[countable, uncountable] factory closures工厂倒闭The hospital has been threatened with closure.这家医院已经面临关闭的威胁。
ˌcease ˈtrading


(formal, business 商业) (of a business) to stop operating (企业)停业A leading travel firm has ceased trading with the loss of a number of jobs.一家大旅行社已经停业,好些人丢了工作。
fail [intransitive](of a business) to be unable to continue operating (企业)倒闭,破产More banks failed as people rushed to withdraw their money.由于人们争相挤兑,更多银行倒闭了。 failure


[countable, uncountable] There has been an alarming increase in business failures.企业倒闭数字的上升令人担忧。
ˌclose ˈdown ˌclose sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

(of a business or service) to stop operating; to cause a business or service to stop operating (使)停业;关闭;倒闭Companies were closing down or reducing their workforce.公司纷纷倒闭或裁员。Banks are closing down their smaller branches.各银行将关闭较小的分行。OPP open (sth) up When a business or service opens up it starts operating; to open sth up is to start a new business or service. * open up指企业或服务行业开始运作,open sth up指开展新的业务或服务There's a new Thai restaurant opening up in town.城里新开了一家泰国菜餐厅。 NOTE 辨析 Close or close down?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Both can be used to talk about either a business or service; close but not close down can also be used to talk about a play or show. 两者意思上没有太大差别,均可用于企业或服务行业。close可用于戏剧或演出,但 close down不可以The play closed down after just three nights.
collapse [intransitive](of a business, prices, a market or an economy) to lose all or most of its value (企业)倒闭;(价格)暴跌;(市场)萧条;(经济)崩溃Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.成交量不佳的消息使股价暴跌。The region's economy has virtually collapsed.该地区的经济实际上已经崩溃。 collapse


[countable, usually singular] the collapse of share prices / the dollar / the market股价/美元的暴跌;市场大萧条
go ˈbust


(goes, went, gone) (informal) (of a business or the person running it) to be unable to continue operating because there is no money (企业或其经营者)破产We lost our deposit when the travel company went bust.旅行社破产,我们的订金都赔了进去。
crash [intransitive] (rather informal) (of a business, market or prices) to lose all or most of its value suddenly (企业、市场或价格突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;暴跌Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday.股价昨天暴跌到了历史最低点。 crash


[countable] the 1929 stock market crash1929年的股市暴跌
NOTE 辨析 Collapse or crash?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. An economy can collapse but not crash. Crash is slightly more informal and suggests an even more sudden event. 这两个词意思没有太大差别。economy可以和collapse搭配,但不可以和crash搭配。crash稍显不正式,更强调突发性。
go ˈbankrupt


(goes, went, gone)(of a person or company) to stop running a business because you do not have enough money to pay what you owe; (of a person) to ask a judge in court to officially say that you cannot pay your debts and are not allowed to borrow money (人或公司)破产;(人)申请破产Unfortunately the firm went bankrupt before the work was completed.不幸的是,这家公司在工程完成之前破产了。I have thousands of pounds of debt which I can't afford to pay back and am thinking of going bankrupt.我有数千英镑的债务还不上,正在考虑申请破产。
fold [intransitive] (rather informal) (of a business, organization or show) to close because it is no longer successful (企业或组织)倒闭;(演出)结束,停演His business folded and his wife left him.他生意失败,妻子也离开了他。The musical folded after 16 performances.那部音乐剧演了16场后停演了。Her fan club has folded.她的追星族俱乐部关闭了。 flop (-pp-) [intransitive] (rather informal) (of a film, show, product or project) to be a failure, especially because it is not popular (电影、演出、产品或项目)失败,不成功(尤指因不受大众欢迎)The play flopped on Broadway.这出戏在百老汇砸了锅。Many of his ambitious schemes have flopped in the past.过去他的许多雄心大计都失败了。 see also flop disaster noun

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