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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 52 COCA: 50
adjective, adverb, preposition /ʌp/
Up can be used in the following ways: up 有以下用法
as an adverb: 用作副词: Their voices could be heard up in our room. 他们的声音在楼上我们的房间里都可以听到。 Mary looked up at him. 玛丽抬头看着他。 I stood up. 我站了起来。
as a preposition: 用作介词: He climbed up the steps. 他爬上台阶。 I set off up the road. 我动身上路了。
as an adjective: 用作形容词: the up escalator 上楼的自动扶梯
after the verb ‘to be': 用在动词to be 之后: He was up early the next morning. 他第二天早上很早就起床了。 Food prices are up. 食品价格在上涨。 I knew something was up. 我知道出事了。
  1. 1
    in or towards a higher position
    1. a.
      from a lower place to a higher place 从下往上地;向上地

      Could you help me carry this old trunk up to the attic? 请你帮我把这个旧皮箱搬到顶楼上去好吗?

      I got off my bike and walked up the hill. 我下了自行车,步行走上了小山丘。

      He held the cup up to his lips and slowly sipped the tea. 他把杯子端到唇边,慢慢地品茶。

      Pick your clothes up off the floor and put them away. 把你的衣服从地上捡起来放好。

      He raised the child up above his head, which she seemed to enjoy. 他把孩子举过头顶,她似乎很喜欢他这样。

      Put your hand up if you know the answer. 如果知道答案就举手。

       Synonyms and related words
      Describing movement up or down: upward, downward, ascending...
    2. b.
      in a high place, or in a higher place than you, for example near the top of a hill or in the top part of a house 在高处,在较高处(如山顶或房顶)

      She's up in the bathroom. 她在楼上的浴室里。

      He was up the ladder, cleaning the windows. 他站在梯子上擦窗户。

      Further up the hill was a small farm. 再往山上去就是一个小农场。

      The hotel is 1,500 feet up in the Black Mountains. 旅馆在布莱克山区1,500英尺高的地方。

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
    3. c.
      looking, turning, or pointing away from the ground or towards a higher position 朝上;向高处

      We rolled on our backs and looked up at the sky. 我们翻过身来仰望着天空。

      I turned my face up towards the sun. 我仰头面向太阳。

      Lynn glanced up from the book she was reading. 林恩把视线从正在看的书上移开,抬头瞥了一眼。

      A path leads up from the beach to the top of the cliff. 一条小路从海滩通向悬崖之巅。

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
  2. 2
    upright, or moving towards an upright position 处于(或趋向)直立姿势;起来

    He stood up and pulled a chair out for me to sit on. 他站起身来,拉出一把椅子给我坐。

    I found Hattie sitting up in bed. 我发现哈蒂坐在床上。

    The dog stopped with its ears up and nose twitching. 狗停了下来,竖起耳朵,抽动着鼻子。

     Synonyms and related words
    Describing movement up or down: upward, downward, ascending...
  3. 3
    in or towards the north of a region or country 在北方;向北方

    I go up to Scotland about once a month. 我大约一个月北上苏格兰一次。

    She's up north with her family on a holiday. 她和家人去北部度假。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    moving near to someone or something and then stopping 向…走去;走到…跟前

    One of the salespeople came up and asked if she could help. 其中一位店员走过来,问有什么需要她帮忙的。

    up to :

    Two women ran up to us, shouting in Spanish. 两个女子用西班牙语叫喊着向我们跑来。

    Just go up to him and say hello. 走过去跟他打声招呼吧。

     Synonyms and related words
    Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
  5. 5
    along a river, road etc
    1. a.
      moving along a road, street, path etc, or at a point along it in a direction away from you 沿着…而去

      Further up the road was a little country pub. 沿着这条路再往前走,就有一家小小的乡村酒馆。

      He lives up the street from me. 他就住在我家这条街再往前。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      moving along a river in the opposite direction that the water is flowing, or at a point along it in this direction 逆水而行;向上游

      We went on a long trip up the Amazon. 我们朝着亚马孙河上游继续漫长的旅程。

      Up the river, in the distance, was the rescue boat. 救援船在远处的上游河段。

       Synonyms and related words
      Upstream and downstream: downriver, downstream, downstream...
  6. 6
    increased in amount/level
    1. a.
      at or towards an increased number, level, or amount (数目、水平或数量)上升,增加

      Total new car sales were up £3 million over last year. 新汽车销售总额比去年增加了300万英镑。

      go up :

      Fuel prices went up by 3 per cent. 燃料价格上涨了3%。

      be up on something :

      Profits for August were slightly up on July's figure. 8月份的利润比7月份略有上升。

    2. b.
      becoming louder, stronger, or more active 变响;变强;变得更活跃

      Billy, will you turn the volume on the TV up – I can't hear anything. 比利,你能把电视的声音开大点吗?我什么也听不见。

      Competition between the production groups is hotting up rapidly. 生产小组之间的竞争很快日趋激烈。

  7. 7
    awake and out of bed 起床;未睡

    We were up bright and early the next morning. 第二天一大早我们就起床了。

    Get up! It's almost 10.00. 起床了!快10点了。

    I was up till midnight preparing the presentation. 为准备演示,我直到半夜才睡。

     Synonyms and related words
    Being awake and not sleeping: awake, conscious, waking...
  8. 8
    used for saying that a period of time has ended (时间)到

    Come along now, please! Time's up! 请快点!时间到了!

     Synonyms and related words
    Finished and completed: finished, completed, exhausted...
  9. 9
    divided or broken into small pieces or equal parts 成几部分;成几等份

    The prize money will be divided up among the team members. 奖金将由队员们平分。

    Divorce settlements often involve property that can't be split up easily. 离婚问题的解决常常涉及不易分割的财产。

  10. 10
    completely done or used so that there is nothing left 完全地;彻底地

    Eat up all your dinner. 把饭吃完。

    I think it was selfish of me, using up all her free time like that. 我觉得我很自私,那样占用了她全部的空闲时间。

    The stream dries up in summer. 这条小溪夏天就会干涸。

     Synonyms and related words
    Finished and completed: finished, completed, exhausted...
  11. 11
    fastened or closed completely (系)紧;(关)牢

    She kept Albert's letters in a bundle tied up with ribbon. 她把艾伯特的信用丝带扎成一捆。

    Did you lock the house up before you left? 你离开前锁好门了吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Closed: closed, secure, sealed...
  12. 12
    collected, added, or brought together in one place 聚拢地;一起

    She was busy gathering up her papers. 她正忙着把试卷收拢起来。

    Our profits are quite large when you add them all up. 我们的利润加起来相当大。

  13. 13
    informal above a particular amount, or older than a particular age (某一数量或年龄)以上

    Women of sixty and up get a free bus pass for off-peak journeys. 60岁以上妇女可得到非高峰时间的免费公交乘车证。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
  14. 14
    a computer system that is up is working properly (计算机系统)正常工作的

    By ten o'clock we had the computers up again. 到10点钟,我们又使计算机恢复正常工作了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Relating to computer software, systems and equipment: adaptive, antivirus, asynchronous...
  15. 15
    British a road that is up is being repaired and cannot be used (道路)正在整修的

    We had to take a different route because Bristol Road was up. 因为布里斯托尔路正在施工中,我们不得不走另一条路。

  16. 16
    in a place that is near where you are 在(某人)附近

    He'll be up at the school talking to parents. 他会到学校和家长们谈话。

     Synonyms and related words
    Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
See also
noun /ʌp/
  1. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    be on the up to increase 增长

    Train fares are due to increase by up to 11% and food prices are also on the up.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 31/12/2015


verb [T] informal /ʌp/
present tense
present participleupping
past tenseupped
past participleupped
  1. to increase an amount, or to raise something to a higher level 增加;提高

    They've upped taxi fares because of the rise in fuel prices. 由于燃料价格上涨,他们提高了出租车费。

    up the ante (=raise the level of what is expected, offered, or risked in a situation) 提高期望值;加大投入;加码 :

    Protesters have upped the ante by demanding that Wright resign. 抗议者进一步要求赖特辞职。

     Synonyms and related words
  1. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    what's up? informal used as a greeting either in the meaning of ‘Hi', ‘Hey' and ‘Hello' or ‘How're you?', ‘How's it [your life] going?' and ‘How are you getting on' [British]. The usual answers are ‘Not much' or ‘Nothing'. Submitted by Ismail from Russian Federation on 07/04/2018
BNC: 52 COCA: 50
BNC: 52 COCA: 50
up adv.
wrong adj.2

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