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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
New - thesaurus
adjective /ˈleɪtɪst/
most recent, or newest 最近的;最新的

The latest figures show steady growth. 最新数据显示了稳定的增长。

his latest novel 他的最新小说

the latest version of their graphics package 他们的一套最新的制图程序

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈnɒv(ə)l/
new, or unusual 新奇的;新颖的;不同寻常的

a novel solution to a problem 解决问题的新颖方案

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in an interesting way: unusual, special, unique...
adjective /ɪkˌsperɪˈment(ə)l/
using new ideas or methods that are not yet proved to be successful every time 试用的;试验性的;实验的

The operation is still considered risky and experimental. 这种手术仍然被认为具有风险性和试验性。

experimental teaching materials 实验教材

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...

The treatment has been used experimentally, but it is too early to tell whether it works. 这种治疗方法曾试用过,但要断言是否有效还为时过早。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
adjective /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl/
new, interesting, and different from anything else 全新的;独特的;新颖的

an original and thought-provoking drama 发人深思的原创性戏剧

a highly original design 极有创意的设计

I have to buy a wedding present and I want to find something really original. 我得买一份结婚礼品,希望能找到一样真正独特的东西。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
Interesting: interesting, original, exciting...
adjective /ˌpaɪəˈnɪərɪŋ/
done for the first time using new methods 开创性的;创新的;首创的

pioneering work/research/experiments 开创性工作/研究/实验

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
using new methods to do something 创新的;先导的

a pioneering scientist/surgeon 勇于创新的科学家/外科医生

 Synonyms and related words
Inventing and inventions or discoveries: breakthrough, coin, contrive...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
very modern, or recent 最现代的;最新的
 Synonyms and related words
Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /freʃ/
recently done, made, or experienced 新做的;刚经历的

fresh footprints in the snow 雪地上的新脚印

The details are still fresh in my mind. 这些细节我记忆犹新。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
[usually before noun] clearly new and different 新颖的;独特的

We need a completely fresh approach to the problem. 我们需要一种全新的方法来解决这个问题。

The programme takes a fresh look at this difficult issue. 该节目采用一种全新的角度来审视这个难题。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in an interesting way: unusual, special, unique...
if someone is fresh from a particular place or situation, they have recently come from there (人)新来的,刚到的
fresh from/out of :

He was just a kid, fresh out of law school. 他只是个刚从法学院毕业的毛头小伙子。

He came to Wimbledon fresh from his victory in the American Open. 他刚在美国公开赛上获得胜利,接着又来到温布尔登公开赛。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ /ˈɪnəvətɪv/
new, original, and advanced 创新的;革新的

an innovative approach 创新方法

designs full of innovative ideas 充满创意的设计

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...


 Synonyms and related words
Inventing and inventions or discoveries: breakthrough, coin, contrive...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
bang up to date
phrase British
as recent as possible 尽可能新的;最新的

Her knowledge of the computer industry is bang up to date. 她关于计算机产业的知识是最新的。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
More Synonyms
extremely new 崭新的;全新的

a brand-new car 全新的汽车

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈdeərɪŋ/
new and different in a way that might offend or upset some people 大胆创新的

a daring and highly original film 一部大胆且高度原创的影片

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
prefix /freʃ/
new, or recent: used with past participles 表示“新…,刚…”(与过去分词连用)

the smell of fresh-baked bread 新烤面包的香味

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
adjective /ˈɡraʊn(d)ˌbreɪkɪŋ/
using new methods, or achieving new results 创新的;开辟新天地的

a groundbreaking study of plant diversity 关于植物多样性的开创性研究

 Synonyms and related words
Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈleɪtə(r)/
more recent, or more modern 较新式的;较现代的

We are only able to repair later models. 我们只会修理较新式的车型。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
the latest
noun /ˈleɪtɪst/
the most recent or newest example or form of something 最新发展;最新款式;最新情况

Have you heard the latest? He's getting a divorce. 你听说最新情况了吗?他正在闹离婚。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
the latest in something
the most recent example of something 最新发展;最新款式;最新情况

the latest in a rash of bomb threats 有关一连串突如其来的炸弹恐吓事件的最新消息

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈmɒdə(r)n/
using the most recent methods, ideas, designs, or equipment 现代化的;新式的

These techniques are not used in modern medicine. 这些技术在现代医学中已不再使用。

We should replace the equipment with something more modern. 我们应该用更新式的东西取代这些设备。

modern technology :

Modern technology has had a huge impact on all of us. 现代技术对我们所有人已产生了巨大的影响。

 Synonyms and related words
Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective very formal /ˈnæs(ə)nt/
beginning or formed recently 新兴的;新生的;新近形成的

nascent skills 新兴技术

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈnjuːˌbɔː(r)n/
something that is newborn has only existed for a short time 新出现的;新兴的
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
recently gained 新获得的

a new-found confidence

She turned to her new-found friend. 她向新交的朋友求助。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
newly/freshly minted
made or created only recently

newly minted slang expressions from the playground

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
of recent origin
phrase formal
something of recent origin has not existed or been in use for long 存在不久的;被使用不久的

The term ‘black hole' is of fairly recent origin. “黑洞”这个术语是新近才开始使用的。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
noun [U] /əˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti/
the quality of being new, interesting, and different from anything that anyone has created before 独创性;新颖;别致

musical compositions of great originality 富有独创性的音乐作品

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈpaɪlət/
done in one place or with only a few people in order to find out if something will be successful or popular 试验性的;小规模的;试点的

a pilot study/project 试验性研究/项目

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˌrevəˈluːʃ(ə)n(ə)ri/
new and completely changing the way that something is done, thought about, or made 革命性的;彻底创新的;突破性的

a revolutionary idea/concept 革命性的思想/观念

a treatment for cancer that researchers say is potentially revolutionary 研究人员称有可能实现革命性突破的一种癌症治疗方法

a revolutionary change in attitudes 态度上的突破性变化

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
  • very new 非常新
     Synonyms and related words
    New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈtreɪlˌbleɪzɪŋ/
new, exciting, and interesting 新奇刺激的
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
Interesting: interesting, original, exciting...
 Synonyms and related words
Making you feel excited: exciting, alive, fast...
adjective informal /ˈtrɪksi/
new and designed in a clever way 新颖巧妙的
 Synonyms and related words
Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ʌnˈpresɪˌdentɪd/
never having happened or existed before 前所未有的;史无前例的

The government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence. 政府迈出史无前例的一步,公开了机密信件。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
adjective /ʌnˈtraɪd/
never done or used before and therefore not certain to succeed 从未做过的;从未用过的
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /jʌŋ/
something that is young has existed for only a short time 存在不久的;新成立的

It's still quite a young organization. 它还只是一个刚成立不久的组织。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /njuː/
recently created, built, invented, or planned 新造的;新建的;新发明的;新计划的

They are going to build a new office block here. 他们打算在这儿建一幢新的办公楼。

We went to the new Tom Cruise film last week. 我们上周去看了汤姆·克鲁斯的最新影片。

a revolutionary new wheelchair that operates by voice commands 革命性的新型声控轮椅

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
recently made and never used by anyone before 新研制的;未用过的

Is this camera new? 这照相机是新的吗?

brand/spanking new (=used for emphasizing that something is completely new) 全新的;崭新的 :

How can she afford to buy a brand new Ferrari? 她怎能买得起一辆全新的法拉利呢?

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
recently bought or supplied to someone 新买的;新配备的

Have you seen my new car? I bought it yesterday. 你看到我新买的车了吗?我昨天买的。

She's hoping to move into her new flat next week. 她希望下星期能搬进她的新公寓。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
recently obtained 新近得到的

Matthew's got a new girlfriend. 马修交了个新女朋友。

She takes up the new post on January 26. 她将于1月26日就任新职位。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
replacing something that you no longer have or something that is no longer useful 更新的;换新的

I could do with some new shoes. 我得换双新鞋了。

I need to get a new passport – my old one's expired. 我得去换本新护照,旧的那本过期了。

a new approach to the problem 解决该问题的一种新方法

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
replacing a previous type of thing 新型的;更新换代的
new breed :

She is one of a new breed of politicians. 她是新派的政治家之一。

new generation :

the exciting new generation of hand-held computers 令人激动的新一代掌上电脑

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
recently arrived in a place or situation that you have not been in before 新来的;新到的

New entrants do written tests in their first week. 新学员会在第一周进行笔试。

Many firms help new employees with finding accommodation. 很多公司会帮助新雇员寻找住处。

new to :

We are new to the London area. 我们对伦敦地区还不熟悉。

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...
adjective /ˈnuˌfaʊnd/
recently gained 新获得的

She wants to continue living normally despite her newfound wealth.

a newfound confidence/enthusiasm/optimism

 Synonyms and related words
New: new, latest, novel...

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