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🔍 麥美倫詞典 🎯
🔍 韋氏詞典

(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 4340 COCA: 29201


( inquire, especially in NAmE) ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBfurther進一步詢問pleasantly, politely友善地/禮貌地詢問Adam enquired politely whether they had enjoyed the show.亞當禮貌地問他們是否喜歡這場演出。anxiously關切地詢問eagerly, hopefully急切地/滿懷希冀地詢問curiously好奇地問casually, innocently隨意地問;天真地問evenly平靜地問gently, mildly溫柔地問;溫和地問quietly, softly悄悄地問;柔和地問coldly, coolly冷淡地問'You wish to speak with me?' he enquired coldly.“你想跟我說話嗎?”他冷冷地問道。sarcastically, sweetly (ironic) 嘲諷地問;故作和藹地問'Do you mean blackmail?' she enquired sweetly.“你想敲詐嗎?”她笑裏藏刀地問道。PREPOSITIONabout詢問關於⋯To enquire about tickets, call the number below.有關票務事宜,請撥打下面這個號碼垂詢。after (especially BrE) 打聽;問候Rose was enquiring after you (= asking how you were).羅斯向你問好。She enquired after my mother's health.她問候我母親的健康情況。as to詢問⋯He didn't enquire as to my identity.他沒有詢問我的身分。into (especially BrE) 調查A commission has been set up to enquire into alleged malpractice.調查被指控的瀆職行為的委員會已經成立。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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