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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 417 COCA: 407
noun /sens/
  1. 1
    [singular] a strong feeling or belief about someone or something (关于某人或某物的)感觉
    sense of :

    Winning an award would give me a great sense of achievement. 得奖会给我很大的成就感。

    They say they are dealing with the problem, but there seems to be no sense of urgency. 他们说他们正在处理这个问题,但给人的感觉似乎是他们并不着急。

    a sense of optimism/confidence/well-being :

    A little bit of praise and appreciation can give people a real sense of well-being. 一点点表扬和欣赏能让人感到心情愉快。

    a sense of foreboding/unease/panic :

    Beth read Jake's letter with a mounting sense of panic. 贝思读着杰克的信,恐惧感越来越强烈。

    a sense of identity/belonging/community :

    It's a small village with a strong sense of local identity. 这是个具有很强地方特色的小村子。

     Synonyms and related words
    Thoughts, ideas and beliefs: thought, idea, belief...
  2. 2
    [C] one of the natural abilities that most people have to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things, known as the five senses 感觉官能(指视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉五官)
    sense of smell/taste/touch etc :

    Dogs have a sense of smell that is five times more sensitive than that of humans. 狗的嗅觉比人类灵敏五倍。

     Synonyms and related words
    The senses and using the senses: acute, assail, assault...
    1. a.
      [singular] a natural ability or quality that some people have 能力;特质

      You need a good sense of balance to skate well. 你需要很好的平衡感才能滑好冰。

      sense of humour (=the ability to laugh at things or say funny things) 幽默感 :

      She's got a great sense of humour. 她有很强的幽默感。

      sense of direction (=an ability to know where you are going, even when you are in a place that you do not know) 方向感 :

      I'm sure he'll be able to find the house – he has a pretty good sense of direction. 我相信他能找到这个房子,他的方向感很强。

      business sense :

      Our father was a good designer, but he had no business sense. 我们的父亲是位优秀的设计师,但他没有商业头脑。

       Synonyms and related words
      Skill, talent and ability: experience, ability, skill...
    2. b.
      [U] the ability to behave in an intelligent way and make good decisions 见识;智慧

      He should have had the sense to park the car in the shade. 他本应该知道要把车停在阴凉处。

      talk sense (=speak in an intelligent way) 说话有道理 :

      At least they've got someone who can talk sense on the subject. 至少他们有一个在这方面懂行的人。

       Synonyms and related words
      Intelligence, intuition and ability to understand: intelligence, intuition, intellect...
  3. 3
    [U] a good reason, or a useful purpose 道理;意义;合理性

    There's no sense in going ahead until the costs have been agreed. 在就费用问题达成协议之前继续下去毫无意义。

     Synonyms and related words
    Reasons and excuses: reason, excuse, point...
    1. a.


      [plural] a reasonable way of talking and behaving 理智;理性
      bring someone to their senses (=make someone become reasonable) 使某人理智 :

      What's it going to take to bring him to his senses? 要如何才能让他醒悟呢?

      come to your senses (=become reasonable) 使某人理智 :

      Portman urged the government to come to its senses and stop nuclear testing. 波尔特曼敦促政府能够明智地停止核试验。

       Synonyms and related words
      Sensible and reasonable: practical, sensible, rational...
  4. 4
    [C] the meaning of a word or phrase 词义;含义;意义;义项

    The word ‘bank' has a number of senses. 这个词有好几个义项。

    We are talking about vocational training in the broadest sense. 我们在讨论最广泛意义上的职业培训。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for meaning: meaning, significance, usage...
    1. a.
      [singular] a way of thinking about or understanding something, although there may be other ways (考虑或理解某事的一种)意见,意义
      in a sense :

      My family's from this area, so in a sense it's like coming home. 我家来自这个地区,所以在一定意义上就像是回家。

      in one sense :

      In one sense, Robertson is a typical politician. 从某种意义上说,罗伯逊是个典型的政客。

       Synonyms and related words
      Ways of thinking: approach, view, mind...
  5. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    in the sense that used to state a possible meaning or interpretation while acknowledging that others are possible

    The book was written for insiders in the sense that it is addressed to serious students of the subject.

    Submitted by Zami Karzai from India on 15/09/2018
verb [T] /sens/
present tense
present participlesensing
past tensesensed
past participlesensed
  1. 1
    to know about something through a natural ability or feeling, without being told 感觉到;察觉到;意识到

    Cats seem to instinctively sense his fear. 猫似乎本能地察觉到他的恐惧。

    sense (that) :

    I think she must have sensed there was something wrong. 我想她肯定已经意识到出了问题。

    I guess he sensed that I was a little nervous. 我猜他感觉到我有些紧张。

     Synonyms and related words
    The senses and using the senses: acute, assail, assault...
     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    if a machine senses a change, it notices that it is happening (机器)检测出

    The machine senses when the engine gets too hot, and shuts itself off. 引擎过热时机器会检测出来并自动关机。

     Synonyms and related words
IELTS BNC: 417 COCA: 407


1sight, hearing, etc.視覺、聽覺等ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENSE | SENSE + VERB | SENSE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEacute, developed, good, keen敏銳的/發達的/良好的/靈敏的感覺Raccoons have a highly developed sense of touch.浣熊的觸覺極為發達。poor遲鈍的感覺sixth第六感覺;直覺He has a sixth sense when it comes to fashion.在時尚方面他很有靈感。VERB + SENSEhave有感覺He has an acute sense of smell.他嗅覺靈敏。lose失去感覺She lost her sense of hearing early in life.她早年就喪失了聽覺。heighten, sharpen增強/強化官能dull使感覺遲鈍The drink must have dulled your senses.那飲料一定讓你的感覺麻木了。appeal to影響感覺Art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.藝術應打動感官而非激發理性。SENSE + VERBtell sb感覺告訴某人When she came to, her senses told her she was lying on a beach.她蘇醒過來的時候,感覺告訴她自己正躺在一片沙灘上。reel, swim感覺眩暈;頭昏眼花Her senses reeled as she fought for consciousness.她掙扎着想保持清醒,可是感覺一陣眩暈。SENSE + NOUNorgan感覺器官PREPOSITIONthrough the senses通過感官Although he can't see, he learns a lot through his other senses.他雖然看不見,但通過其他感官知道很多東西。PHRASESthe five senses五種官能the sense of hearing, the sense of sight, the sense of smell, the sense of taste, the sense of touch聽覺;視覺;嗅覺;味覺;觸覺an assault on the senses對感官的衝擊the evidence of your senses感覺的印證


2feeling/awareness of sth感受;意識ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENSE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeep, great, keen, overwhelming, palpable, pervasive, powerful, profound, strong, tremendous深深的感受;敏銳的感覺;強烈的意識;明顯的感受;無法擺脫的感受He felt a deep sense of relief after the phone call.打完那個電話他如釋重負。a palpable sense of danger對危險的明顯感知They feel a pervasive sense of loss and longing.他們有一種無法擺脫的失落感,心中充滿了渴望。We felt a profound sense of alienation from Western culture.我們深深感到與西方文化格格不入。genuine, real, true真切的/真實的/切實的感受basic, underlying基本的/根本的意識clear清楚的意識He lacked a clear sense of direction.他方向感不好。growing, heightened日益增強的/強化的意識new-found, renewed新建立的/恢復的意識Many felt a renewed sense of purpose in the nation's war effort.許多人在這場民族戰爭中找到了新的人生目標。general, overall一般的/總體的感受Aromatherapy is said to help foster a general sense of well-being.據說芳香療法有助於讓人產生幸福感。shared共同的意識We have a shared sense of community.我們都有社區意識。inner內在感受slight, vague輕微的/朦朧的感覺a vague sense of unease一種朦朧的不安nagging難以擺脫的感覺Patti had a nagging sense of foreboding.帕蒂有一種難以擺脫的不祥預感。VERB + SENSEexperience, feel, have, possess感知;領會;具有意識I experienced a new sense of freedom.我體驗到了一種新的自由的感覺。gain, get獲得/得到感覺I got the sense that she wasn't very pleased to see us.我感覺她見到我們不是很高興。Readers gain a real sense of what life was like in the camp.讀者真切地感受到該營地的生活是什麼樣子的。display, show顯露/表露感受convey表達感受The music conveyed a sense of loss.這首曲子傳達出一種失落感。bring, give sb, provide帶來感受;給某人感受The conviction may bring a sense of closure.這個判決也許讓人覺得事情畫上了一個句號。create, develop, foster營造/形成/培養感受Clubs try to create a sense of community.俱樂部力求營造一種群體意識。keep, maintain, retain保持/維持/保留感覺lose失去感覺lack缺乏感覺heighten, sharpen增強/強化意識PREPOSITIONsense of對⋯的感知He seems to have lost his sense of reality.他似乎已經喪失了對現實世界的感知力。PHRASESa false sense of security虛假的安全感The public has been lulled into a false sense of security.公眾受到誘導而產生了虛假的安全感。


3understanding/ability to judge領悟;判斷力ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENSE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgood, great, wonderful良好的判斷力;極好的判斷力She had a great sense of style.她很有時尚品位。bad, poor很壞的/很差的悟性innate, intuitive, natural天生的/憑直覺的/天然的判斷力a natural sense of justice天生的正義感moral道德感business, dress, fashion商業頭腦;服裝鑒賞力;時尚品位He has no dress sense.他對服裝沒什麼鑒賞力。I have absolutely no fashion sense.我絕對不懂時尚。VERB + SENSEhave有天賦PREPOSITIONsense of⋯感a good sense of direction方向感強a poor sense of rhythm節奏感差a great sense of timing時機觀念強


4sensible or practical reason/judgement合理的理由/判斷ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENSE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete, perfect完全符合理性It all makes perfect sense (= is easy to understand).這一切都很容易理解。good很合理common, horse (especially NAmE) 常識Common sense tells me I should get more sleep.常識告訴我應該增加睡眠。business, economic, financial商業/經濟/金融常識Family-friendly policies make good business sense.推行關愛家庭的人性化用人制度非常符合商業常識。intuitive, logical直覺;邏輯判斷力These results seem to make intuitive sense.這些結果似乎與直覺相符。VERB + SENSEhave有判斷力He at least had the sense to call the police.他至少還知道報警。display, show顯露出/表現出判斷力lack缺乏判斷力Meg is incredibly intelligent but she lacks common sense.梅格聰明過人,但缺乏常識。make有道理This paragraph doesn't make sense.這個段落講不通。see看明事理I tried to make him see sense, but he just wouldn't listen.我努力想讓他明白道理,可他根本不聽。talk講道理If you can't talk sense, I'm leaving!你要是不講理,我就走了!PREPOSITIONsense in⋯方面的道理There's a lot of sense in what he's saying.他說的話很有道理。PHRASEShave more money than sense (especially BrE) 錢很多但亂花make little sense沒有道理It makes little sense to discuss this now.現在談這個不明智。(not) an ounce of sense(沒有)絲毫判斷力If you had an ounce of sense, you'd never have agreed to help him.你哪怕有一點點判斷力,也不會答應幫他的忙。knock some sense into sb, talk sense into sb (especially NAmE) 勸說某人理智起來I'm going to try and knock some sense into him.我會盡力讓他理智些。We'll try and talk a little sense into her.我們會盡力勸她理智些。there's no sense in sth⋯毫無道理There's no sense in going home before the concert.去聽音樂會之前還回趟家,這麼做大可不必。


5your senses normal state of mind正常的精神狀態VERB + SENSEScome to, regain恢復理智;恢復清醒的頭腦take leave of失常Have you taken leave of your senses?你瘋了嗎?bring sb to使某人恢復理智


6meaning含義ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENSE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbroad, loose, wide廣義;非嚴格的意義The novel is about education in its widest sense.這部小說寫的是最寬泛意義上的教育。certain某種意義In a certain sense, justice was done.從某種意義上講,正義得到了伸張。limited, narrow, strict狹義;嚴格意義full全部含義This is a tragedy in the fullest sense of the word.從任何意義上講,這都是個悲劇。accepted, classic, conventional, traditional公認的含義;經典的含義;傳統意義I am not writing poetry in the traditional sense.我寫的不是傳統詩歌。These teachings do not constitute a religion in the conventional sense.這些學說不構成傳統意義上的宗教。general, ordinary, usual一般的/普通的/通常的含義I don't have any friends in the usual sense of the word.我沒有任何通常意義上的朋友。Literacy, in a general sense, cannot be said to cause social development.一般來說,讀寫能力不能說是推動社會發展的因素。meaningful真正意義He and I were no longer friends in any meaningful sense.從真正意義上來說,他和我不再是朋友了。negative, positive消極/積極意義practical實際意義figurative, metaphorical修辭義;比喻義literal字面意義legal, technical法律含義;專業意義spiritual精神含義pejorative貶義VERB + SENSEhave有含義That word has three senses.那個詞有三個意思。PREPOSITIONin a sense在某種意義上In a sense, she's right.從某種意義上說,她是對的。PHRASESin every sense of the word, in a very real sense從任何意義來說;在真正意義上In a very real sense, post-war repression was the continuation of the war.從真正意義上來說,戰後的經濟衰退就是戰爭的繼續。in the true sense of the word就單詞的真實意義而言


ADVERBimmediately即刻感到I immediately sensed something was wrong.我即刻覺察出有些不對勁兒。clearly, strongly清楚地/強烈地感到He clearly sensed that some points could be scored.他清楚地意識到有些分數是可以拿到的。I sensed very strongly that she was angry with me.我強烈地意識到她在生我的氣。dimly, vaguely隱約地/模糊地感到almost幾乎感到Sandra could almost sense the tension in the air.桑德拉幾乎能感覺到空氣中瀰漫着的緊張氣氛。just剛好意識到Maybe she could just sense what I needed.也許她恰恰能意識到我需要什麼。apparently明顯感到She apparently sensed defeat was inevitable.她明顯感到失敗不可避免。intuitively本能地感覺到
IELTS BNC: 417 COCA: 407
sense verb
sense noun
sense (a sense of loss/duty/guilt) meaning (the different senses of a word) understanding (a sense of humour/direction/proportion) wisdom (have the sense to ask for help)


sense ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ impression ♦︎ idea ♦︎ sensationThese are all words for sth that you feel or think through the mind or the senses. 这些词均表示感觉、感触、印象。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a strong sense / feeling / impression / idea / sensationan overwhelming sense / feeling / impression / sensationa good / definite / distinct / vague sense / feeling / impression / ideaa strange sense / feeling / impression / idea / sensationa / an wonderful / warm / uncomfortable sense / feeling / sensationto have a sense / a feeling / an impression / an idea / a sensationto have the sense / feeling / impression / sensation that...to get / give sb / leave sb with / convey a sense / a feeling / an impression / an idea sense [countable] (often followed by of 常后接of) something that you feel, especially in your mind, about sth important (对重要事情的)感觉,意识He felt an overwhelming sense of loss.他感到非常失落。Doesn't she have any sense of guilt about what she did?她对自己所做的事就不感到丝毫的内疚吗?Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security.头盔能给骑车人一种虚假的安全感。I had the sense that he was worried about something.我感觉他有心事。 see also sense feel verb feeling [countable] something that you feel through the mind or the senses (内心或感官的)感觉,感触There was a feeling of sadness in the room.这个房间里有一种悲伤的感觉。You need to stop having these guilty feelings.你需要消除这些内疚感。I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.我觉得胃部胀痛。 (spoken) 'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling.'(= I know how you feel.) “他这样待我,我实在气愤。”“我理解你的感受。”Your feelings [plural] are also your emotions. 复数形式的feelings也可表示个人的情感。 see also feeling emotion , feel feel , feel seem impression [countable] a feeling or opinion that you get about sb/sth, or that sb/sth gives you 印象;感想My first impression of him was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。I get the impression there are still a lot of problems.我的感觉是问题还挺多的。She gives the impression of being very busy.她给人的印象是特别忙。Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong impression (= that you are not friendly).要尽量微笑,不要让人误以为你很冷漠。Impression is used especially to talk about what you think when you first meet sb or experience sth. * impression尤指对某人的第一印象,或第一次体验某事的感觉。 idea [singular, uncountable] a picture or impression in your mind of what sb/sth is like 印象;概念The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel.这本小册子会让你对这家旅馆有很好的了解。If this is your idea of a joke, then I don't find it very funny.如果你觉得这是开玩笑,那我觉得这一点也不好笑。I had some idea of what the job would be like.我对这份工作有了一些了解。 sensation senˈseɪʃn [countable] (rather formal) a feeling that you get when sth affects your body 感觉;知觉You may get a tingling sensation in your fingers.你的手指可能会有刺痛的感觉。I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦里似的。NOTE 辨析 Feeling or sensationA feeling may be physical or mental; a sensation is a physical feeling. Sensation is used especially to talk about a feeling that you do not immediately recognize or understand. * feeling可表示身体或精神上的感觉,sensation表示身体上的感觉。sensation尤指不能立即识别或理解的感觉a sensation of falling / floating / movement / nausea / sinking坠落/漂浮/移动/恶心/下沉的感觉

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