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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /treɪl/
present tense
present participletrailing
past tensetrailed
past participletrailed
  1. 1
    [I] to move slowly and in a tired or unhappy way, often so that you are a short distance behind other people 没精打采地走;拖沓地走
    trail after/behind/around :

    My husband usually trails behind me when I'm shopping. 我购物时,丈夫总是没精打采地跟在后面。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I/T] mainly journalism to be losing in a competition or election (在竞赛或选举中)落后,输

    A recent poll shows the Democrats trailing the Republicans. 最近的一项民意测验表明民主党落后于共和党。

    trail by :

    At the end of the round, Garcia trailed by two strokes. 那轮比赛结束时,加西亚落后两杆。

  3. 3
    [I/T] to pull something behind you, or to be pulled behind someone or something 拖;拉;曳;被拖在后面

    Trailing his coat in the dirt, he turned towards home. 他把外套拖在地上,调头往家走去。

    I don't want the dress to trail along the ground.

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to leave marks on a surface or a substance in the air as you go through a place 留下(痕迹)

    The dogs came in, trailing mud everywhere. 那几条狗跑了进来,弄得到处都是泥。

    a jeep trailing clouds of dust 扬起漫天尘土的吉普车

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I] if a line of marks or long thin objects trail across a place, they are left there by someone or something 被搁置
      trail across/over/along :

      Old cables and wires trailed across the garden. 花园里搁置着一些旧电缆和电线。

       Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to follow someone secretly in order to learn something about them 跟踪;追踪

    Detectives trailed Evans for weeks. 侦探们跟踪埃文斯有几个星期了。

     Synonyms and related words
    To follow someone: follow, shadow, track...
  6. 6
    [I/T] if something trails somewhere, it hangs down from something 垂下

    geraniums trailing from terracotta pots 从赤陶罐上垂下的天竺葵

     Synonyms and related words

phrasal verbs

noun [C] /treɪl/
  1. 1
    a path through the countryside, especially one designed for walking for pleasure (尤指作为休闲散步用的)乡间小径,乡间小路

    The trail led down to the lake. 这条小径通向湖畔。

    follow a trail :

    We followed a winding trail into the mountains. 我们沿着弯弯曲曲的小道进山。

     Synonyms and related words
    Paths used only for walking or riding: path, pathway, footpath...
  2. 2
    a series of marks or objects left by someone or something that shows they have been there 痕迹;踪迹;足迹
    trail of :

    a trail of blood 血迹

    leave a trail :

    He left a trail of muddy footprints. 他留下了一连串泥脚印。

    follow a trail :

    We followed the trail of ribbons he had tied to the trees. 我们循着他绑在树上的缎带走。

     Synonyms and related words
    Proof and evidence: evidence, sign, suggestion...
    1. a.
      a smell or series of marks left by an animal (动物留下的)臭迹,痕迹
      follow a trail :

      Dogs can follow a bear's trail for several miles. 狗可以根据熊留下的臭迹追出好几英里。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    damage or harm caused by something bad 破坏;损害
    trail of :

    Hurricane Andrew left a trail of destruction along the coast. “安德鲁”飓风在沿海一带留下了满目疮痍。

     Synonyms and related words
    Destruction and damage: damage, destruction, harm...
    1. a.
      a series of bad or harmful events 一系列(坏事或有害事件)

      a trail of murders/robberies 系列谋杀案/抢劫案

       Synonyms and related words
      Series of events or occurrences: pattern, process, train...
  4. 4
    a series of pieces of connected evidence that prove that someone did something wrong or illegal 一连串的线索

    The trail of missing funds led investigators directly to Wang. 基金遗失的一连串线索使得调查人员直接将矛头指向王。

     Synonyms and related words
    Proof and evidence: evidence, sign, suggestion...
    See also paper trail
  5. 5
    mainly journalism a series of activities that you do in order to achieve something 系列活动
    the campaign/championship/winning/comeback trail :

    The usual pack of reporters were following Bush on the campaign trail. 和往常一样,一大堆记者在跟踪报道布什的一系列竞选活动。

    hit the trail (=begin to try to achieve something) 开始尝试 :

    Sefton hits the cup trail tomorrow, following today's win. 在今天获胜后,塞夫顿将于明日向奖杯发起冲击。

     Synonyms and related words
    A series of actions or activities: series, process, campaign...
See also


1line/smell that sb/sth leaves behind留下的路線或氣味ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRAIL | TRAIL + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEscent臭跡Ants follow a scent trail laid down previously.螞蟻循着上次留下的臭跡爬。blood, smoke, vapour/vapor血跡;煙跡;(飛機在高空飛行時產生的)凝結尾跡faint, thin微弱的痕跡long一長條痕跡muddy泥痕wet濕痕false偽造的痕跡VERB + TRAILlay, leave, make, produce形成/留下/製造/產生痕跡The couple laid a false trail to escape the press photographers.為了逃避攝影記者,那對情侶假造了踪跡。The tourists left a trail of empty cans behind them.遊客留下了一路的空罐子。find, pick up發現踪跡The dog had picked up the trail of a rabbit.狗嗅到了野兔留下的氣味。notice, see注意到/看到踪跡follow跟隨踪跡lose失去踪跡The fox had crossed a stream, and the hounds lost the trail.狐狸穿過了小溪,獵狗失去了它的臭跡。cover掩蓋踪跡TRAIL + VERBgo cold踪跡變得模糊They had to find the kidnappers before the trail went cold.他們必須在線索變得模糊之前找到綁架者。PREPOSITIONon sb's trail跟踪追趕某人Detectives had found several new clues and were back on the murderer's trail.偵探們發現了一些新的線索,又開始追踪兇手。PHRASESa trail of blood, a trail of devastation血跡;破壞的痕跡The hurricane passed, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.颶風過後,滿目瘡痍。a trail of smoke煙跡


2path/route小路;路線ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRAIL | TRAIL + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEforest, mountain, nature, wooded, woodland森林小道;山區小路;通向自然景觀的小路;林蔭道;林間小徑10-km, 5-mile, etc. * 10 公里長、5 英里長等的小道bike, biking, cycle, hiking, jogging, mountain-bike, ski, snowmobile, walking自行車小徑;徒步旅行小道;慢跑小徑;山地自行車小徑;滑雪道;雪地車道;步行道cross-country越野小道tourist旅遊路線This restaurant is off the tourist trail.這家餐館不在遊客路線上。narrow, rough, steep, winding狹窄的/崎嶇的/陡峭的/蜿蜒的小道dusty, rocky灰塵瀰漫的/佈滿岩石的小道dirt土路lighted, marked, paved有燈光照明的/做了標記的/鋪就的小路groomed (NAmE) 整潔的小徑scenic風景秀麗的小路main主要路徑campaign, comeback, presidential, winning (BrE, all figurative) 競選/東山再起/總統/獲勝之路After a disastrous few seasons, the team are on the comeback trail.經歷了幾個災難性的賽季之後,隊員的狀態正在恢復。VERB + TRAILfollow, hit, take沿着⋯之路;開始⋯I like to hit the trail early and be finished by eight.我喜歡早點兒開始,8 點之前就結束。hike, ride, walk (all NAmE) 遠足的/騎車的/步行的小徑do (informal) 走小路We did the Inca trail.我們走了印加古道。TRAIL + VERBgo, lead, run, wend its way, wind小道去往;小道通向The trail wends its way through dark forests.這條小徑穿過黑暗的森林。begin, start小徑開始cross sth, follow sth, pass sth小路穿過⋯/沿着⋯/通過⋯PREPOSITIONalong a/the trail沿着小道


1move/walk slowly慢慢地移動;慢慢地走ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBslowly慢吞吞地拖着步子走wearily疲憊地拖着步子走closely (behind)緊跟在身後慢走PREPOSITIONafter拖着步子走在⋯之後I trailed wearily after the others.我疲憊地拖着步子走在其他人後面。around, round (especially BrE) 在⋯各處慢走They spent their lives trailing around the country.他們一輩子都在這個國家四處漂泊。(along) behind跟在⋯後面


2have a lower score than the other player/team比分落後ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBbadly得分遠遠落後The team is now trailing badly in the league.現在這個隊在聯賽中遠遠落後於其他隊。Tyler is trailing badly in the polls.泰勒在民意測驗中遠遠落後。slightly得分稍微落後PREPOSITIONby落後⋯分They were trailing by 12 points until the last few minutes of the game.直到比賽的最後幾分鐘,他們還落後 12 分。
trail noun
trail (a trail of blood) path (a nature trail)
trail verb
follow1 (police trail sb) lose (be trailing by five points) pull1 (trail your hand in the water) trudge (trail around after sb)


trail ♦︎ footprint ♦︎ track ♦︎ scentThese are all words for the marks or smell left by a person, animal or vehicle. 这些词均表示人、动物或车辆留下的痕迹、踪迹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配fresh footprints / tracks / scentto leave a trail / footprints / tracks / your scentto make a trail / footprints / tracksto follow a trail / tracks / the scentto be on the trail / track / scent of sb / sthto pick up / lose sb / sth's trail / scent trail [countable] a long line or series of marks that is left by sth as it moves and that shows where it has been; a sign or smell that is left behind and can be followed, especially in hunting (长串的)痕迹,踪迹;(尤指打猎时跟踪的)足迹,臭迹a trail of blood / footprints血迹;足迹The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.飓风过后满目疮痍。The police are still on the trail of the escaped prisoner.警方仍在追踪逃犯。Fortunately the trail was still warm (= clear and easy to follow).庆幸的是痕迹仍然清晰可循。They had to find the kidnappers before the trail went cold.他们必须在踪迹磨灭之前找到绑匪。 see also trail follow verb 1 footprint ˈfʊtprɪnt [countable, usually plural] a mark left on a surface by a person's foot or shoe or by an animal's foot (人或动物的)脚印,足迹footprints in the sand沙地足迹muddy footprints on the kitchen floor厨房地板上的泥脚印He could identify any animal from its footprints.无论什么动物他都可以凭脚印辨认出来。 track [countable, usually plural] marks left by a moving person, animal or vehicle (人或动物的)足迹,踪迹;车辙We followed the bear's tracks in the snow.我们跟着熊在雪地上留下的足迹走。There were two sets of fresh tyre tracks outside.外面有两组新的车辙。 see also track path noun , track follow verb 1 NOTE 辨析 Trail or track?A trail can consist of marks on the ground, a smell, objects that have been left behind by sb/sth or a series of clues. A track is always marks on the ground. Trail places the emphasis on where the marks are leading and that there is sb/sth to be found or caught at the end of the trail. Track places more emphasis on the marks themselves. * trail可包括地上的痕迹、气味、现场所留下的东西或一系列线索。track总是指地上的痕迹。trail强调踪迹指引的方向,循踪追查到底可以找到或抓到某人或某物。track更强调痕迹本身。 scent sent [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the smell that a person or animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow (人的)气味,气息;(动物的)臭迹,遗臭The dogs must have lost her scent.狗准是闻不到她的气味了。The hounds were now on the scent of the fox.猎犬正在追踪那只狐狸。

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