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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /ʃɪft/
present tense
present participleshifting
past tenseshifted
past participleshifted
  1. 1
    [I/T] if an idea, attitude, or plan shifts, or if someone shifts it, it changes 转变;改变

    Public opinion had shifted sharply to the left following the war. 公众舆论在战争结束后突然转向了左倾。

    shift your ground :

    Most newspapers have shifted their ground considerably on this issue. 大多数报纸在这件事情上的立场已经有了很大的改变。

    shift attention/focus/emphasis :

    The government has shifted its attention away from the fight against crime. 政府将其注意力从打击犯罪上转移到了别处。

    Britain's focus is shifting back towards its old partners in Europe. 英国的重点正重新转向它在欧洲的老搭档。

     Synonyms and related words
    To change something: change, make into, convert...
     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to change from one gear to another when you are driving a car 换挡

      She shifted smoothly into third gear as we went into the bend. 我们进入弯道时,她平稳地把车换到了3挡。

    2. b.
      to make someone or something else responsible for something, especially when this is unfair 推卸;推诿
      shift blame/responsibility :

      They want to shift the blame for rising unemployment onto the recession. 他们想把失业增加的责任推卸到经济萧条上。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I/T] to move your body or a part of your body slightly, for example because you are bored 挪动(身体)

    The children are shifting uncomfortably in their seats. 孩子们在座位上不自在地挪来挪去。

    shift your weight :

    Martha shifted her weight from foot to foot. 玛莎的身体重心在两只脚之间换来换去。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] British informal to move an object from one place to another 移动;搬动

      We'll need to shift this table over to the wall. 我们需要把这张桌子挪到靠墙的地方。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [I/T] if things such as land or buildings shift, or if something shifts them, they move slightly (陆地或建筑物等)稍稍移位

      The wall is shifting a couple of inches every year. 这面墙正在以每年几英寸的速度发生移位。

       Synonyms and related words
      What land does: rise, shift, erode...
    3. c.
      [I/T] to move your eyes in order to look at something else (使)(视线)转移
      shift your eyes/gaze :

      She stared at him, then shifted her gaze to the suitcase on the bed. 她凝视着他,然后又把视线转向床上的手提箱。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] British informal to get rid of something 摆脱;消除

    None of the medicines I've taken have shifted this cold. 我吃的那些药没有一种治好过我的感冒。

    There's still a stain on the carpet that I can't shift. 地毯上还有一处污迹我没法弄干净。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      informal to sell something 出售

      The supermarkets shift more wine in a weekend than we do all year. 超市一个周末售出的酒比我们全年的销量还要多。

       Synonyms and related words
      To sell something: disintermediate, mis-sell, upsell...
  4. 4
    [I] computing to press the shift key on a computer keyboard 按(计算机键盘上的)Shift键;按大小写转换键
     Synonyms and related words
  5. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    shift for yourself to manage as best you can without help

    They can think on their feet and shift for themselves.

    Submitted by Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 26/07/2017


noun [C] /ʃɪft/
  1. 1
    a period of work time in a factory, hospital, or other place where some people work during the day and some work at night 轮班工作时间

    a 12-hour shift 12小时轮班

    day/night/evening etc shift :

    Rudolfo works the day shift. 鲁道夫上白班。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the people who work during a particular shift 轮班工作的人
       Synonyms and related words
       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    a change in something, for example in someone's ideas or opinions 改变;变化

    the government's latest major policy shift 政府最近的重大政策转变

    shift in :

    Companies were reacting too slowly to shifts in consumer demand. 公司对消费者需求的变化反应太迟缓。

    shift towards :

    There has been a recent shift towards involving more laypeople in decision making. 近来出现的变化趋势是,更多的非专业人士也开始参与决策。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    computing a shift key on a computer keyboard (计算机键盘上的)Shift键,大小写转换键
     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    a woman's dress that hangs down straight 直筒连衣裙
     Synonyms and related words
    Skirts and dresses: ballgown, caftan, chemise...


1change改變ADJECTIVE | VERB + SHIFT | SHIFT + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdistinct, dramatic, fundamental, huge, important, major, marked, massive, profound, pronounced, radical, seismic, significant, substantial明顯的變化;急劇的變化;根本的改變;巨大的變化;重大的變化;顯著的變化;影響深遠的改變;徹底的變革There has been a major shift in the public's taste.公眾的欣賞品味產生了巨大的變化。a significant shift in policy政策的重大改變discernible, perceptible可辨的/可察覺的變化slight, subtle細微的/微妙的變化gradual逐漸的變化abrupt, rapid, sudden意外的/迅速的/突然的改變decisive, irreversible, long-term決定性的/不可逆轉的/長期的變化climate, cultural, demographic, ideological, policy, population, power氣候變化;文化變遷;人口變化;意識形態轉變;政策變化;權力轉移paradigm (= an important change in the way sth is thought about) 思維範式轉變Einstein's theories caused a paradigm shift in scientific thought.愛因斯坦的理論引發了科學思維範式的轉變。VERB + SHIFTbe, mark, represent意味着/標誌着/代表變化These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy.這些提議表明了政策的重大變化。indicate, reflect, signal表明/反應/標誌變化The moment signals a significant shift in attitudes to the war.這一時刻標誌着對戰爭的態度有了重大轉變。show顯示變化detect, notice, observe, see, witness察覺/注意/觀察/看到/目睹變化I detected a subtle shift towards / toward our point of view.我察覺到了一絲傾向贊同我方所持觀點的細微變化。bring about, cause, drive, lead to, produce, result in帶來變化;引起變化;推動轉變;產生變化;導致轉變experience, undergo經歷/經受改變The industry has undergone a fundamental shift in recent years.這個行業近年來經歷了根本性的變化。The toy industry is undergoing a seismic shift as more products are manufactured overseas.因越來越多的產品在海外生產,玩具行業正經歷一場巨大的變革。explain解釋變化one factor which may explain the president's policy shift也許可以解釋總統政策變化的一個因素SHIFT + VERBoccur, take place變化發生These climate shifts occurred over less than a decade.這些氣候變化是在不到 10 年的時間內出現的。PREPOSITIONshift between⋯之間的變化the many shifts between verse and prose that occur in Shakespeare莎士比亞作品中在詩體和散文體之間的諸多轉換shift (away) from背離⋯的變化the shift away from direct taxation從直接稅的轉變shift in在⋯方面的變化a shift in public opinion民意的改變a shift in attitude / opinion / perspective態度的/觀點的/角度的改變a shift in emphasis / mood / tone着重點的/心情的/語氣的變化a shift in direction / focus / policy / strategy方向的/焦點的/政策的/策略的改變shift to向⋯的變化a sudden shift to the right in politics政治上的突然右傾shift towards/toward朝⋯的變化a shift towards / toward part-time farming向兼營農業的轉變


2division of the working day工作日的時段ADJECTIVE | VERB + SHIFT | SHIFT + VERB | SHIFT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdouble, long, split (especially BrE) 兩班制;長班;輪班I agreed to work double shifts for a few weeks.我同意上幾週雙班。day, early白班;早班late, swing (NAmE) 晚班;(三班制中的)中班graveyard, night, overnight夜班eight-hour, ten-hour, etc. * 8 小時、10 小時等輪班制afternoon, evening, morning, weekend下午班;晚班;上午班;週末班VERB + SHIFTdo, work輪班I'm doing the early shift this week.這週我上早班。He works the night shift.他上夜班。I didn't realize that I'd have to work shifts.我沒想到我還得輪班。be on, come on, go on當班be off, come off, finish, go off下班change交班;換班It was 8 a.m. and the nurses were changing shifts.早上 8 點,護士們正在交班。My husband changed his shifts from afternoons to nights.我丈夫已換了當班時間,從下午班變成了夜班。SHIFT + VERBbegin, start (especially NAmE) 輪班開始end輪班結束change換班SHIFT + NOUNwork輪班作業manager, supervisor, worker當班經理/主管/工人pattern, system (both BrE) 輪班模式;倒班制They'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past month.上個月他們讓他換了兩次班。change換班The shift change took place at 10 p.m.換班時間是晚上 10 點。PREPOSITIONin shifts輪班The clinic is staffed by ten doctors who work in shifts.診所共 10 位醫生輪班應診。on a/the shift值班a decision for the chief nurse on each shift各班次值班護士長需作的決定


1move移動ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBslightly稍稍移動Julie shifted her position slightly and smiled.朱莉稍微換了一下姿勢,笑了。impatiently, nervously, restlessly, uncomfortably, uneasily不耐煩地/緊張地/焦躁不安地/不自在地/不安地移動She shifted uncomfortably in her chair.她在椅子上不自在地動來動去。away移開PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯轉移She shifted her gaze away from the group of tourists.她把目光從這群遊客身上移開。onto移到⋯上He shifted his weight onto his left foot.他把身體的重量移到左腳上。to移向⋯Her eyes shifted to his face.她的目光移到了他的臉上。PHRASESshift from foot to foot兩隻腳來回換shift in your chair, shift in your seat在椅子上/在座位上動來動去


2change變化ADVERB | VERB + SHIFT | PREPOSITION ADVERBdramatically, markedly, radically顯著/明顯/根本改變The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years.最近幾年重點已經明顯改變了。slightly稍微改變effectively有效更換simply簡單變更We cannot simply shift the responsibility onto someone else.我們不能簡單地把責任推給別人。gradually, slowly逐漸/慢慢改變quickly, rapidly迅速/快速改變suddenly突然轉變constantly, continually不斷地/不停地變更constantly shifting alliances不斷變更的同盟away從⋯移走Government grants are being shifted away from the capital to the regions.政府撥款正逐步從首都轉向地方。VERB + SHIFTattempt to, try to試圖改變They tried to shift the blame onto the government.他們試圖把責任推給政府。tend to傾向於更改begin to開始更改PREPOSITION(away) from從⋯轉移I felt the advantage had suddenly shifted away from us.我感到我們突然失去了優勢。back, back and forth改回;變來變去Like many plays, this one shifts back and forth in time and place.和許多劇一樣,這個劇也是在時空上來回變換。into (NAmE) 轉變到⋯to shift into second gear換到二擋out of轉移出⋯In recent years, manufacturing has shifted out of the US.近年來,製造業已經轉移到美國境外。onto, to轉到⋯上;轉向⋯His sympathies rapidly shifted to the side of the workers.他的同情心很快轉到了工人一邊。towards/toward朝⋯轉移These changes will shift the balance more towards / toward science subjects.這些變化將進一步使天平向理科傾斜。
shift noun
change1 (a shift in public opinion) team1 (the night/day shift)
shift verb
change1 (shift the focus of a debate) change2 (your sympathies shift) move (shift your weight/gaze)

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