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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Full of people or things
adjective /fʊl/
containing the largest amount that will fit in a particular place 满的;装满的;充满的;挤满的

The petrol tank is almost full. 油箱差不多是满的。

a full car park 挤得满满的停车场

full of :

bins full of rubbish 装满垃圾的垃圾箱

full to overflowing/bursting (=completely full) 充满/爆满 :

Our small house was already full to overflowing. 我们的小房子已经挤得满满当当了。

full to capacity (=with every seat taken) 满座 :

The stadium is expected to be full to capacity for the game. 这场比赛体育场预计会满座。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
having or containing a lot of something 充满的;布满的
full of :

Her life always seemed full of excitement. 她的生活似乎总是充满刺激。

Your trousers are full of holes! 你的裤子上到处是洞!

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈkraʊdɪd/
containing a lot of people, especially too many 拥挤的;人数过多的

a crowded street/train/restaurant 拥挤的街道/火车/饭馆

Was the pool crowded? 游泳池里人多吗?

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
containing a lot of things, especially too many 内容过多的;满满的

a crowded schedule 排得满满的时间表

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /pækt/
extremely crowded 非常拥挤的

The cinema was packed on Friday. 星期五那天电影院非常拥挤。

a packed flight 满载乘客的航班

packed with :

a beach packed with holiday-makers 游人如织的海滩

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
informal containing a lot of something 充满…的;富含…的
packed with :

This new series is packed with drama and excitement. 这部新连续剧充满了戏剧性和刺激性。

a wholesome drink packed with vitamins and minerals 富含维生素和矿物质的健康饮品

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈbɪzi/
full of people 满是人的

a busy waiting room 挤满了人的等候室

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /dens/
containing a lot of things or people close together 稠密的;密集的

a dense network of towns and cities 密集的城镇网络

a dense black cloud of flying insects 密密麻麻乌云般的一大群飞虫

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...



densely populated regions 人口稠密的地区

 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe unintelligent people: silly, idiotic, unintelligent...
 Synonyms and related words
Weight and describing weight: counterpoise, counterpoise, counterweight...
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /kræmpt/
small and crowded 拥挤的

It was cramped in the little cabin. 那个小船舱里很拥挤。

horribly cramped prison conditions 拥挤得可怕的监狱环境

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈbʌldʒɪŋ/
completely full 满满的

The fridge was bulging with food. 冰箱里装满了食物。

a bulging suitcase/briefcase 塞得满满的手提箱/公文包

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /kənˈdʒestɪd/
with so many vehicles or people that it is difficult to move around (因车辆、人群多而)拥挤的

Many of Europe's major airports are heavily congested. 欧洲的许多大机场都拥挤不堪。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
blocked with blood or another liquid 充血的;塞住的

His nose was congested and his throat hurt. 他鼻子不通,喉咙痛。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈtiːmɪŋ/
containing or consisting of an extremely large number of people, animals, or objects that are all moving around 充满的;挤满的
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /dʒæmd/
very crowded with people or things 拥挤的;塞满的

We sat for an hour in jammed traffic. 我们被交通堵塞困了一个小时。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
More Synonyms
adjective /əˈwɒʃ/
containing a lot or too much of something 充满的;充斥的
awash with :

The town is awash with tourists this time of year. 每年这时候镇上都挤满了游客。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˌbrɪmˈfʊl/
very full of something 充满的;洋溢的
brimful of :

She was brimful of energy and ready to start the day. 她精力充沛,准备好开始新的一天。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective [never before noun] /ˈbɜː(r)stɪŋ/
if a place is bursting, it is very full 挤满的

The bars were already bursting at 7 o'clock. 酒吧7点钟时已经挤得满满的了。

bursting at the seams (=so full that there is no room for any more people or things) 非常挤的 :

The camps are bursting at the seams with refugees. 营地挤满了难民。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective [not usually before noun] informal
very full, so that there is not much room for anything or anyone else 塞满的;挤满的
chock-a-block with :

It's an area that's chock-a-block with tourists. 这个地区到处挤满游客。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective [never before noun] informal
very full, especially with things that are pleasant or enjoyable 充满的,塞满的(尤指令人愉快的东西)
chock-full of :

a book that's chock-full of delicious recipes 写满了美味食谱的书

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
noun [U] /kənˈdʒestʃ(ə)n/
a situation in which a place is crowded with people or vehicles, so that it is difficult to move around 拥挤;堵车
traffic congestion :

The project aims to reduce traffic congestion.

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /kræmd/
completely filled with people or things 挤满的;塞满的
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
filled/full to the brim
completely full 满的
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
full to the gunwales
completely full 满满的
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective British /hiːpt/
a heaped spoon is completely full (勺)盛得满满的

Add a heaped tablespoon of sugar. 加满满一大汤匙的白糖。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
filled or covered with a lot of something in a high pile 堆满的;堆得高高的

heaped bowls of fruit 一盘盘堆得高高的水果

a plate heaped with spaghetti 一盘堆得满满的意大利细条面

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective American /ˈhiːpɪŋ/
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things:full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈhiːvɪŋ/
informal very busy and full of people 热闹的;熙熙攘攘的

The fish market was absolutely heaving. 鱼市场热闹非凡。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈhevi/
informal using or containing a lot of something 用量(或含量)很大的
heavy on :

The main course was a bit heavy on the garlic. 主菜里蒜用得有点儿多。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
mainly literary containing a lot of something 含有大量…的
heavy with :

Her voice was heavy with sarcasm. 她的声音里充满了讽刺。

The air was heavy with all the scents of summer. 空气中充满了夏天的各种气息。

The trees were heavy with blossom. 树上开满了花。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /haɪ/
containing a lot of something 含有大量…的
high in :

Ice cream is very high in calories. 冰激淋的卡路里含量很高。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ɪnˈfleɪtɪd/
filled with air or gas 充气的

an inflated mattress 充气床垫

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
completely full 满满的;挤得水泄不通的
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective informal /ˈlaʊzi/
American to be full of something, or to have too much of something, especially something unpleasant (尤指令人不快的事物)充满的,满是
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
nuts to butts
phrase mainly American very informal
crowded very closely together

The venue was packed nuts to butts with an excitable young crowd.

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things:full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈkraʊdɪd/
containing too many people or things 过度拥挤的;塞得过满的

an overcrowded city/prison/classroom

Conditions in the camp are very overcrowded.

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
packed out
adjective British spoken
full of people 挤满人的;水泄不通的
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
packed/squashed etc in like sardines
crowded so tightly together in a space that there is no room to move 挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼一样

Economy class passengers were packed in like sardines. 经济舱的乘客挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼一样。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /njuːˈmætɪk/
filled with compressed air or gas 充满压缩气体的

pneumatic tyres 充气轮胎

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /rɪˈpliːt/
literary full of something 充满的
replete with :

For him, the city was replete with memories. 对他而言,这个城市充满了回忆。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /rɪtʃ/
containing a large quantity of something 丰富的;富含…的

rich iron deposits 丰富的铁矿

rich in :

an area rich in natural resources 自然资源丰富的地区

a diet rich in protein 富含蛋白质的饮食

a speech rich in irony 充满讥讽的演讲

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈrɪd(ə)ld/
containing a lot of things that are bad or not wanted 充斥着…的
riddled with :

The organization was riddled with spies. 间谍充斥着这个机构。

The team produced another disappointing performance riddled with errors. 这个队漏洞百出的表现又一次令人失望。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈsætʃəˌreɪtɪd/
completely filled with things or people 充满的;充斥的
saturated with :

The camps are completely saturated with refugees. 营地里挤满了难民。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
noun [U] /ˌsætʃəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/
a situation in which something is so full of a particular type of thing that nothing more can be added 饱和状态

indications that the market has reached saturation 市场已达到饱和状态的迹象

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
saturation point
noun [C]
the point at which a place or thing is so full of things or people that no more can be added 饱和点;极限

The number of visitors to the site could soon reach saturation point. 这一旅游区的游客数量很快就会达到饱和。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
noun /skwɒʃ/
[singular] British a situation in which there are too many people in a small space 拥挤
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
noun /skwiːz/
[singular] a situation in which a lot of people or things are squeezed into a space 挤;拥挤

It was a squeeze to get everyone into the car. 让所有的人都上车会很拥挤。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /stʌft/
a space, container, or shelf that is stuffed is full of things (空间、容器或架子)装满的,塞满的,填满的

The wardrobe is absolutely stuffed – you won't fit that box in. 衣柜完全塞满了,那个箱子你放不进去。

 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe containers: airtight, full, graduated...
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /θɪk/
if a place is thick with something, it is full of it 充满的;弥漫的
thick with :

The air was thick with smoke. 空气里弥漫着浓浓的烟雾。

The airport was thick with police officers. 机场里布满了警察。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adverb /ˈθɪkli/
with many parts or things growing close together 密集地;浓密地

a thickly forested mountain 林木茂盛的山脉

Her hair grows thickly. 她的头发长得很浓密。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
to the gills
as full as possible 塞得满满的

The room was packed to the gills. 房间里塞得满满的。

 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...

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